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Whats with Thais Feeding and Caring For Vicious Packs of Stray Dogs ?

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

I have one neighbor and jungle on the other three sides of my home. I take the dog out at 6 every morning and 5 every evening to walk in the jungle and poop. I don't pack it up. I don't think it is necessary in the jungle to pack up poop. Birds poop in the jungle (really big birds in my jungle) and cats and other jungle animals poop in the jungle every day.

The OP is about soi/stray dogs that are found in areas of human habitatian. It and my post have nothing to do with owned dogs, birds and jungle areas. Therefore your post is irrelevant. And personally yes I think you should pick up your dogs poop even if it is in the jungle. Your dog is NOT a jungle dog.

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

If the dog has nothing to eat, it will starve. Do you go back and pick up dead dogs caused by your refusal to feed them? If not, you are as disgusting as the dead dog that stinks and spreads disease.

Again, let's just kill them all. Put together a shooting gallery with a rotating belt. Get a couple pellet guns, and nail all the dogs' feet to the belt, turn it on and start selling tickets.

Problem solved!!!!!!

Where I live, Pattaya, the city comes to pick up any dead dog/cat killed by starvation or road death. It does not however have the funds/inclination to pick up all the excessive dog poop caused by people feeding stray/soi dogs. That responsibility goes to the person who fed the dog. IMO if you feed a dog you own it. If you own it then you own the poop as well. If you don't clean up the poop you are an irresponsible person who cares little or none for your human neighbors.

I do not advocate killing dogs especially by the barbaric means you describe. But responsibility is the issue here, how can I be made responsible for something that I have nothing to do with. It's like blaming me, a farang, for the rice pledging tragedy. or the one tablet one child fiasco. I have nothing to do with them and therefore can't be held responsible for them.

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Animism! Plain and simple. That, and who-do voo-doo mentality makes for what they do and why.

In this case (the case of the OP) it's not about the dogs, it's about the humans who are around the dogs. Dogs will pretty much behave the same way all around the world, and the limitations on their behavior will only reach as far as the tolerance (or lack thereof) of the humans around them.

Take New York, Bangkok and Hanoi, for example.

Generally speaking, of course!

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

I have one neighbor and jungle on the other three sides of my home. I take the dog out at 6 every morning and 5 every evening to walk in the jungle and poop. I don't pack it up. I don't think it is necessary in the jungle to pack up poop. Birds poop in the jungle (really big birds in my jungle) and cats and other jungle animals poop in the jungle every day.

The OP is about soi/stray dogs that are found in areas of human habitatian. It and my post have nothing to do with owned dogs, birds and jungle areas. Therefore your post is irrelevant. And personally yes I think you should pick up your dogs poop even if it is in the jungle. Your dog is NOT a jungle dog.

Your post was the next post after my post about soi dogs. I thought you meant it for me. So I responded because I am polite. I believe the jungle is composting my pets poop as it is gone in a couple of weeks. Or someone steals it.

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what about people buying huskies? there is one crazy mofo with 6 of them in house with a small garden and almost never walks them

That is really stupid and one has to feel sorry for those furry creatures (huskies). There is a movement in Thailand to promote the and patent the breed, "Thai dogs." They are perfectly adapted to Thai weather and have been here longer than people. And they are very nice dogs. Loving, caring and brave. They like human contact and are constantly nuzzling and rubbing up against people as a matter of affection. They have great mouth control and can carry eggs or spectacles without breaking them and they use their nose as we would use our hand. So they can open and close doors easily.

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Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

Really, funny how they manage to get their hands on so many dead cows, chickens and pigs then.

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what about people buying huskies? there is one crazy mofo with 6 of them in house with a small garden and almost never walks them

Where I used to live in Bangkok, there was a small terraced (row) house with a small paved yard maybe 8 foot by 8 foot. I lived in that street for 10 years. On day one, I saw 3 huskies in that yard. They never moved from that yard for 10 years. For the final 3 years I was there, there were only 2. Presumably one died of complete boredom. Mind-blowing. Someone must have been feeding them and hosing away the shit once a day. I think I saw him occasionally. A sort of chubby Chinese looking bloke in his late twenties. This is a case where selfishness, laziness and lack of planning overlap creating a cruel situation for the animals.

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

I have one neighbor and jungle on the other three sides of my home. I take the dog out at 6 every morning and 5 every evening to walk in the jungle and poop. I don't pack it up. I don't think it is necessary in the jungle to pack up poop. Birds poop in the jungle (really big birds in my jungle) and cats and other jungle animals poop in the jungle every day.

The OP is about soi/stray dogs that are found in areas of human habitatian. It and my post have nothing to do with owned dogs, birds and jungle areas. Therefore your post is irrelevant. And personally yes I think you should pick up your dogs poop even if it is in the jungle. Your dog is NOT a jungle dog.

Your post was the next post after my post about soi dogs. I thought you meant it for me. So I responded because I am polite. I believe the jungle is composting my pets poop as it is gone in a couple of weeks. Or someone steals it.

If I'd meant the post specifically for U I'd have quoted it but I get your drift. The jungle maybe composting your pet's poop that but unfortunately that doesn't happen on concrete roads inner city which is where the real problem with stray dogs exists.And if you walk your dog twice a day and it takes 14 days to decompose there is always at least 28 piles of poop in the jungle that IMO doesn't belong there. I too like walking in the jungle but not if its full of dog poop.

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they misguidedly think they are making merit for themselves, not much to do with the dogs at all

I think you are correct.

Although if you feed a hungry dog because you want to help it, then that is merit.

Is it demerit when that dog you fed jumps up and bites someone or when someone slips on the dog's poop and breaks a hip?

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they misguidedly think they are making merit for themselves, not much to do with the dogs at all

I think you are correct.

Although if you feed a hungry dog because you want to help it, then that is merit.

Is it demerit when that dog you fed jumps up and bites someone or when someone slips on the dog's poop and breaks a hip?

If someone does not watch where they going, do you blame the elephant? or yourself?

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they misguidedly think they are making merit for themselves, not much to do with the dogs at all

I think you are correct.

Although if you feed a hungry dog because you want to help it, then that is merit.

Is it demerit when that dog you fed jumps up and bites someone or when someone slips on the dog's poop and breaks a hip?

I'd love to see that as the plot line for one of those "Have you had an accident?" Television ads.

"I stood in some dog poo and broke my hip, because I wasn't watching where I was going"

"The judge told me to go away"

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Trujillo, on 12 Feb 2014 - 22:20, said:
Rorri, on 12 Feb 2014 - 20:47, said:
sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:sam sen, on 11 Feb 2014 - 08:21, said:

... and while i'm at it... what about the idiots that feed chicken to dogs. dont they realise that chicken bones are brittle and can potentially choke a dog?

...and i've seen people feed dogs meat on sharp wooden sticks which can cause horrific injuries to a dog's mouth...

i despair sometimes.

Well mr idiot, in the wild, dogs do eat birds of all kinds, what people like you don't understand, too lazy to google anything, is that it's COOKED bones that are a hazard, as they might splinter. Oh, and it's not only chicken bones.

No, you are wrong. See my earlier post. Stray dogs eat cooked anything, bones and all. No dog or any dog owned or observed by anyone in my life of 55 years has ever actually heard of or seen a dog in distress over a bone. Domesticated dogs or street dogs, they are all the same. The bone thing is urban myth. Do your real, hands on research and you will be set free by the truth.

Trujillo, do a little research, we know stray dogs will eat anything, but you missed what was asked about chicken bones, go ask a vet, they will tell you what I have stated. It is NOT a myth, it doesn't mean all dogs will suffer if eating chicken, cooked or uncooked, but if you love your dog, DO NOT feed it cooked chicken bones.

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I lived in CM for a year and in Pattaya for four years. Never been bothered by a soi

dog...."vicious"....never met one. They sleep until noon and just hang out looking for

some food and water. I feed them, and receive some good merit for doing so. If

everyone would do their part and help feed the soi dogs there would be a lot less

people complaining.....

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peterquixote, on 13 Feb 2014 - 01:22, said:

There is mention in this discussion about chicken bones.

In all my years as a Veterinarian I never saw a small sharp bone problem.

As stated elsewhere it is an urban myth.

We do get large bone problems. That is a dog swallowing a large bone of something.

These can get stuck in various places along the intestinal tract.

A vet, yeah, tell us another story, the Vets a Murdock University, in Western Australia, a world renowned veterinarian university, might like to chat with you.

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thailiketoo, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:07, said:
Gillyflower, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:05, said:

Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

You are wrong. Buddhists kill animals in Thailand.

Thais are not true Buddhists.... like many things here, they are fakes.

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sms747, on 13 Feb 2014 - 11:28, said:
Gillyflower, on 13 Feb 2014 - 09:05, said:

Actually I am told that Buddhists do not kill animals. A friend of mine had a rather nasty looking snake in her kitchen. The landlord whose place of work was some 50 kms from there; collected the snake and dropped it out somewhere along the road. I'm not quite sure how they deal with chicken ig etc question.

Really, funny how they manage to get their hands on so many dead cows, chickens and pigs then.

Ah, I might have an answer, Thais will tell you it is not right to kill an animal, however, it is ok to eat an animal if someone else has killed it, twisted logical, maybe, but then it is Thailand.

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May I say it is always the foreigners that do the complainig. This is a buhiddist country and the thai people are ok with it. I believe people should have their pets spayed or netured and slowly it is happening. To those foreigners who shout kill the strays they are no good, go home and live in your own country. I have been there many time and have walked past strays in front of houses late at night never had a problem. And for those who say we should feed the kids to each his own. The animals have no voice. Parents responsibility for kids. I know there will be haters but I could care less, it seems the guests in thailand should learn to accept the thai way or go home.


Also a foreinger

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Animism! Plain and simple. That, and who-do voo-doo mentality makes for what they do and why.

In this case (the case of the OP) it's not about the dogs, it's about the humans who are around the dogs. Dogs will pretty much behave the same way all around the world, and the limitations on their behavior will only reach as far as the tolerance (or lack thereof) of the humans around them.

Take New York, Bangkok and Hanoi, for example.

Generally speaking, of course!

Question answered

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If you feed a dog it will require to take a poop. Do you go back and clean up the poop caused by your feeding? If not then you are as disgusting as the poop the dog left for people to tread in, get disease from etc.

Taking care of the dogs is one thing but having respect for your human neighbors is far more important.

If the dog has nothing to eat, it will starve. Do you go back and pick up dead dogs caused by your refusal to feed them? If not, you are as disgusting as the dead dog that stinks and spreads disease.

Again, let's just kill them all. Put together a shooting gallery with a rotating belt. Get a couple pellet guns, and nail all the dogs' feet to the belt, turn it on and start selling tickets.

Problem solved!!!!!!

Problem solution

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May I say it is always the foreigners that do the complainig. This is a buhiddist country and the thai people are ok with it. I believe people should have their pets spayed or netured and slowly it is happening. To those foreigners who shout kill the strays they are no good, go home and live in your own country. I have been there many time and have walked past strays in front of houses late at night never had a problem. And for those who say we should feed the kids to each his own. The animals have no voice. Parents responsibility for kids. I know there will be haters but I could care less, it seems the guests in thailand should learn to accept the thai way or go home.


Also a foreinger

Here we go again - Ad nauseam : If you dont like it go. Foreigners do the complaining because someone has to do it.

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May I say it is always the foreigners that do the complainig. This is a buhiddist country and the thai people are ok with it. I believe people should have their pets spayed or netured and slowly it is happening. To those foreigners who shout kill the strays they are no good, go home and live in your own country. I have been there many time and have walked past strays in front of houses late at night never had a problem. And for those who say we should feed the kids to each his own. The animals have no voice. Parents responsibility for kids. I know there will be haters but I could care less, it seems the guests in thailand should learn to accept the thai way or go home.


Also a foreinger

Here we go again - Ad nauseam : If you dont like it go. Foreigners do the complaining because someone has to do it.

I believe nobody invited you as a foreigner to move over here and nobody is forcing you to stay.

You do not like it, find a place that suits your needs

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^^ Ad nauseam2 Let me give you all a clue. Complaining / constructive criticism, and "liking it here "

are not mutually exclusive

Complaining is what people do on Thai Visa. Anything constructive is followed by action. Adopt a soi dog, open a shelter, give some cash to the vet to neuter dogs. I took 21 soi dogs off the street and gave them a home in the jungle. What is the Thai Visa response? Did you clean up the poop in the jungle?

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^^ Ad nauseam2 Let me give you all a clue. Complaining / constructive criticism, and "liking it here "

are not mutually exclusive

Complaining is what people do on Thai Visa. Anything constructive is followed by action. Adopt a soi dog, open a shelter, give some cash to the vet to neuter dogs. I took 21 soi dogs off the street and gave them a home in the jungle. What is the Thai Visa response? Did you clean up the poop in the jungle?

If anyone has problems with these stray dogs in Pattaya go to the Public Health annex ( pink buildings ) on Soi Bukow. The front entrance is only open Mondays. However the side ramp to downstairs is open 5 days.

There is a small vet/dog office on lower level. The lady in charge, Bon, is very helpful and will send a serious

3 man team out to respond to complaints. Tips are always welcome for their good service.

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^^ Ad nauseam2 Let me give you all a clue. Complaining / constructive criticism, and "liking it here "

are not mutually exclusive

Complaining is what people do on Thai Visa. Anything constructive is followed by action. Adopt a soi dog, open a shelter, give some cash to the vet to neuter dogs. I took 21 soi dogs off the street and gave them a home in the jungle. What is the Thai Visa response? Did you clean up the poop in the jungle?

If anyone has problems with these stray dogs in Pattaya go to the Public Health annex ( pink buildings ) on Soi Bukow. The front entrance is only open Mondays. However the side ramp to downstairs is open 5 days.

There is a small vet/dog office on lower level. The lady in charge, Bon, is very helpful and will send a serious

3 man team out to respond to complaints. Tips are always welcome for their good service.

Yes but do they kill them?

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Get back to you on that. It was just Wednesday that I accompanied the (4) man team to location. One of the guys had a bucket full of tranquilizer spears ! The main man on the team told me that he was going back the next day to take the dogs away. Maybe they have a place to take them in the country. I dont know and I dont care.

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