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mosquito surge today


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"Today I suddenly noticed I had a surge of mosquitoes in my room, they seem to have appeared behind curtains or below carpets... did anyone else notice this sudden surge of mosquitoes in Pattaya ?"

I'm surprised the Ba****ds wanted to stay with you!!!!

Joking aside, yes, I've noticed a few days ago that there's has been an influx of mosquitos lately.

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The past 6 months I have been attacked by the things. Never used to happen, they are worse now than I can ever remember them being over many years.

Was bitten on a knuckle a few weeks ago and it still itches!

Edited by Torrens54
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Yes; most definitely: I can confirm that there IS a substantial & noticeable increase of mosquitoes, since about a week or 2. We live just behind the Railway-Road, in behind Greenway Golf (across the Sukhumvit from Underwater World) and have been here about 5 years.

This cannot have anything to do with "the ending of the wet-season", because it hasn't rained for many weeks already.

It appears to have started right after the recent 'cold-snap' ended - very strange.

I have a sneaky suspicion "the man in Dubai" is behind this 'aerial-attack' . . . . . . 555 ! ! !

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Generally, if there is a mozzie within 100 kilometers, it manages to find me. I think they consider me as a buffet dinner and fully expect that one day they will show up with needles and an IV line to draw off the blood by the pint.

Haven't been inundated by them as others have but we are pretty high up in a condo.

Best thing that I have found and tested in many countries are the plug-in type with the small bottle of repellant which screws into the bottom of the device. Available everywhere here.

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Yes, yesterday, wed, was awful even with doors and windows closed and air on.

The worst are these little ones that are very fast and very hard to catch.

Have you noticed how they take off? Unreal stealth-like.

Someone on TV suggested they did not exist a few years ago and may be due to human genetic manipulation of the creatures.

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Whew. Kinda glad and sad to read these reports. We've gotten invaded by the buggers over the past 4 weeks or so. I've only been here 4 years, but it's the worst I've seen.

We spray every week in our house. Under the beds, behind the curtains, under the couches, etc. Close the house off, leave for several hours, come back and air the place out. It's amazing how many dead mozzies we find all over the place.

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