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Another naive tourist?

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Hi all, I have been perusing these TV forums for several weeks now and have found a lot of excellent information in helping me plan my trip for the end of the year to the LOS finally woo <deleted> hoo!

So after reading a few topics in this section relating to all the 'tourist deaths' on ko phangan I am now questioning if it is wise of me to bring my son with me (hell be turning 18 while on the island I no lucky little bastard) specially seeing as there will be a lot of people on the island for Xmas & New Years etc...

So am I being naive by planing a stop over for a week? As I'm sure there will be a beach party or two he will want to attend while there but now I don't no?


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If he steers clear of drugs, and iffy characters who may give him laced drinks and lead him into bother.

Some 18 year olds are breathtakingly street smart while other's are incredibly dumb, thinking they're invincible and 'it will never happen to them''

Which of the above does your son fit into?

Safety is all about common sense in the end of the day...yours and your son's.....

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does he take drugs?

No he is very anti drugs not even a smoke, but he likes his alcohol!

we are both pretty logical with common sense & as far as intelligence I grew up on the street...so should like to think both of us are quite smart in that sense, as i am very honest with him i have taught him to b sensible(I think & hope)...as well as a bit of edumacation ;) lol

I only wondered as several of TV regulars(?) had written it off as a dangerous holiday destination?


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99.99% of tourists go home in one piece, just a little lighter in the wallet.

That crap about "BUILDS CHARACTER & MAKES YOU STRONGER FOR THE NEXT ROUND" is just that. Otherwise, all those house plants I killed would be tough mo-fo's today. Think about it. If you want a good, strong house plant, do you abuse it? And do boxers really look sharper after about the 12th round of being wailed on?

That only really works on an evolutionary timescale- and isn't really great for today's living who are exposed to the upsets that are supposed to "make us stronger".

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Yep, definitely agree with Noi 657... ^and Impulse, responses, if you go looking for all the bad things, you'll find them anywhere in the world, probably your home town too.... w00t.giftongue.png

Plenty of places everywhere you travel, you can avoid trouble... some nice places to see and enjoy thumbsup.gif .... don't let the negative comments put you off!!! Most get blown out of proportion facepalm.gif

Don't drive drunk etc etc .... and don't drive late at night! Lots of bars will be close to your resort in most areas, within walking distance.

Edited by samuijimmy
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If i look at myself it probably would not have been a good idea to travel to Thailand at the age of 18.

Worked 23 years as a cooks apperentice/cook/souschef/Chef manager.

Lived the life in the fastlane from age 15 - mid 30's

Thailand would not have been a good place for me at the age of 18 but maybe your son is smarter than i was at the same age wink.png

But on the other hand, i would have loved to experience the joy of Thailand/Koh Samui so many years ago, so bring him when there still is some wonderful nature left that is not totally spoiled.

Even if some may say Samui is allready spoiled when it comes to that.

Edited by Virt
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The biggest risk at FMPs for the young and inexperienced are the "locals" (male or female) who pretend to befriend them, get shit in their blood stream then sell the victim out to the coppers who then get a nice 50K 'fine''/bribe out of the terrified victim when he tests 'positive to a piss/blood test.

That scam is an industry at Fool Moon Parties...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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99.99% of tourists go home in one piece, just a little lighter in the wallet.

That crap about "BUILDS CHARACTER & MAKES YOU STRONGER FOR THE NEXT ROUND" is just that. Otherwise, all those house plants I killed would be tough mo-fo's today. Think about it. If you want a good, strong house plant, do you abuse it? And do boxers really look sharper after about the 12th round of being wailed on?

That only really works on an evolutionary timescale- and isn't really great for today's living who are exposed to the upsets that are supposed to "make us stronger".

I'm not sure what this has to do with my OP but if your implying its a load of crap well mate its your opinion which has no merit in the context your referring too?

Those upsets & obstacles that we encounter threw out our lives are what makes us who we are as that person building our 'character' as it has, is & will be as we grow...how we deal with them or handle ourselves is what will make us 'stronger' in character hopefully teaching a lesson one can learn from & improve!!!

I really don't no where plants & boxes have anything to do with it, I think you high jacked the wrong threat I think you want the gardening section dude???


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Yep, definitely agree with Noi 657... ^and Impulse, responses, if you go looking for all the bad things, you'll find them anywhere in the world, probably your home town too.... w00t.giftongue.png

Plenty of places everywhere you travel, you can avoid trouble... some nice places to see and enjoy thumbsup.gif .... don't let the negative comments put you off!!! Most get blown out of proportion facepalm.gif

Don't drive drunk etc etc .... and don't drive late at night! Lots of bars will be close to your resort in most areas, within walking distance.

I am in Australia on the Gold Coast and quite frankly it's probably more dangerous going out here then the Los at the moment with a bikies war & drugged/drunken goons killing random people on the streets with one punch its pretty scarry going out here...so I'm sure it's pretty universal!

Thanx for all ur replies has reassured me what I thought in the first place. Keep your nose outta shit, don't put down ya drink & smile as the locals do & walk away from trouble.....


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And as for the boxers getting waled on round after round do you not think is making them stronger in mind body & souls weather getting flogged or winning is not learning a thing or two about his own abilities as well as his opponent???

hence making him stronger for the next round/opponent. I no I did when I was kick boxing lol


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I do believe the drinking age in Thailand is 19 or 20.

I thought it was 16 for some reason.


I'm with fellow member impulse on this. It sound like a deep philosophical insight but it isn't. It's a supposed binary answer to a non binary question just the same as the more often heard 'Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. What if it results in coma, paralysis, blindness or mental issues?

With a bit of parental guidance your Son should be fine. Couple of thousand Baht in his pocket at all times along with a pack of condoms. Only drink beer that has been opened in front of him and never takes his eyes of it. Be polite to people and never raise the voice. As member Noi said "If your looking for trouble the chances are you will find it"

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It's not a 'deep philosophical insight' bla bla bla it's my signature so to speak on my out look...a positive way of saying or trying to get threw the hard times if ones chooses to! like takes one to no one. Refering about coma's or gettin paralised or dying is taking it to the extreme, & not really related to my actual Q/inquiry!

Geeeez some of you lot are extremely up tight!


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Geeeez some of you lot are extremely up tight!

You should try posting in the 'general' or 'news' section!

I've met a number of 18 year olds on holiday with their parents here over the years. They never see them after a day except in passing, never make breakfast, always home too late and seem to have a new friend every day for a sleepover.

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I do believe the drinking age in Thailand is 19 or 20.

It was incressed from 18 to 20 in 2008.

That being said I don't think there's a whole lot of ID checking in the 7/11's, or the bars and clubs on Samui.The obvious exception being when they have a visit from the BIB, then it could be a real problem for any underage tourist who is caught drinking.

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Some youngsters let their guard down on Koh Pha-Nganm, believe the 'anything goes' vibe is for reals and drop the common sense. Try to buy drugs openly or smoke openly and don't even think about set ups and being grassed up. Forget those buckets can hit you after a few and getting absolutely mullered

Generally speaking, if he has common sense and isn't an aggressive knob he'll be absolutely fine and fit in and have a great time

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