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Tourism Industry of Thailand optimistic in 2014 revenue


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Tourism Industry of Thailand optimistic in 2014 revenueฺBANGKOK, 13 February 2014 (NNT) --

The Tourism Industry remains optimistic about tourism revenue in 2014 despite political confrontations.

According to President of the Tourism Industry of Thailand, Piyaman Techapaiboon, the organization has not lowered its forecast that local hospitality businesses will generate up to 2 trillion baht for the nation this year though the political rift continues.

Breaking the figure down in details, Piyaman said 700 billion bahts would be from local tourists, while another 1.3 trillion bahts would be from foreign visitors.

In the worst case scenario, the number of foreign tourists would drop by 6%, to 28.1 million; however, should the dispute continue through the first half of this year, Thailand will lose 82 billion baht worh of foreign currency.

40 countries have currently warned their citizens about Thailand's political situation, five among which suggested that their people completely avoid visiting Thailand.

Piyaman said her organization had joined hands with Kasikorn Bank, Thai Chamber of Commerce, and Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP0, devising a program to help promoting SMEs in the tourism sector.

-- NNT 2014-02-13 footer_n.gif

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Funny. This is so typical of Thai politic speak. Say it and it will happen.

Not so fast this time. If these protests keep up and the violence mounts you can kiss tourism goodbye for the near future.

Thailand is getting a black eye around the world.

It took a while to recover from the Red Shirt protests and this is getting even more international coverage than the last time.

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"Winner for the World Tourism Optimist prize 2014 - Thailand. Sadly they can't be here to accept their prize as they couldn't find an operating airline or enough spare change to get a ticket."

First it was 26 million projected visitors for this year and now it's suddenly 28.1 million a whopping increase from last year's 21-22 million BUT with a drop of around 6% expected due to the "political situation". The amount of bull the TAT and the tourist industry in general spits out here is becoming tiresome.

Can the TAT explain where these extra 4-6 million tourists are coming from this year? Unless they are all coming to watch the protests despite warnings from their governments not to come, I can't see that many extra tourists visiting here year-on-year. I thought hotel occupancies in Bangkok were down massively and whilst other regions are doing fine, are they really overflowing with more tourists than last year? There are other countries to visit in this world, apart from Thailand.

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It does not matter how many tourists arrive and how much they spend ..

because you can be sure TAT will always announce they have exceeded their targets

And you can always rest assured that they will fudge the figures to make it look like this year's figures are MUCH higher than last year's figures. I have looked at Thai tourism statistics since roughly 1987. According to the TAT, in every single year since then, there has been an increase in numbers despite global or regional economic problems (1997 and 2008 for example), the SARS crisis in the early 2000's and most importantly in Thailand's case, the political situation particularly since the coup in 2006...including the 2008 airport protests, the 2010 red shirts crisis and the current crisis. There is something not right about this and looking at figures for other countries, including those that have been largely free of similar turmoil, year-on-year figures are not nearly as exaggerated as Thailand's are. Vietnamese tourism figures can be believed...Thai ones are statistical garbage.

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the deaf leading the blind ?

is there something to do with those TAT managers & their bonus upon numbers?

do land border crossings max 7 days like they only give you at immigration for 1900 baht, i am sure the numbers of tourists will increase even more

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Funny. This is so typical of Thai politic speak. Say it and it will happen.

Not so fast this time. If these protests keep up and the violence mounts you can kiss tourism goodbye for the near future.

Thailand is getting a black eye around the world.

It took a while to recover from the Red Shirt protests and this is getting even more international coverage than the last time.

International coverage you say........I don't think many people even know what street Thailand's on.

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"Winner for the World Tourism Optimist prize 2014 - Thailand. Sadly they can't be here to accept their prize as they couldn't find an operating airline or enough spare change to get a ticket."

First it was 26 million projected visitors for this year and now it's suddenly 28.1 million a whopping increase from last year's 21-22 million BUT with a drop of around 6% expected due to the "political situation". The amount of bull the TAT and the tourist industry in general spits out here is becoming tiresome.

Can the TAT explain where these extra 4-6 million tourists are coming from this year? Unless they are all coming to watch the protests despite warnings from their governments not to come, I can't see that many extra tourists visiting here year-on-year. I thought hotel occupancies in Bangkok were down massively and whilst other regions are doing fine, are they really overflowing with more tourists than last year? There are other countries to visit in this world, apart from Thailand.

where are those numbers coming from? may they are planning to shorten the period to do the visa run..
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Time to mark-up room-rates once again ? wink.png

Thailand's tried-and-tested response to hard-times, bad news or falling-arrivals ! rolleyes.gif

Oh and, as rubl says, extra funds for the TAT to 'work' with, to ensure that the forecasts continue to look ever-upwards. laugh.png

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The TAT makes me sick to the point of despair. Their house is on fire and all these ignorant idiots can think about is plans for a double garage. This country is fast becoming one of the most pathetic landmasses on this planet due to such ignorance and blatant greed and stupidity.

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It does not matter how many tourists arrive and how much they spend ..

because you can be sure TAT will always announce they have exceeded their targets

And you can always rest assured that they will fudge the figures to make it look like this year's figures are MUCH higher than last year's figures. I have looked at Thai tourism statistics since roughly 1987. According to the TAT, in every single year since then, there has been an increase in numbers despite global or regional economic problems (1997 and 2008 for example), the SARS crisis in the early 2000's and most importantly in Thailand's case, the political situation particularly since the coup in 2006...including the 2008 airport protests, the 2010 red shirts crisis and the current crisis. There is something not right about this and looking at figures for other countries, including those that have been largely free of similar turmoil, year-on-year figures are not nearly as exaggerated as Thailand's are. Vietnamese tourism figures can be believed...Thai ones are statistical garbage.

Figures i've seen from about 1998 say Thailand's tourism numbers have skyrocketed. Probably at a faster rate than the overall global rate of tourism. But Thailand's numbers did not increase every year, although the worst year to year difference going forward was practicly nil. http://www.thaiwebsites.com/tourism.asp

Vietnam tourism has also been booming. While they haven't had the political issues of Siam, VN has much worse anti tourist problems such as:

1. Much more difficult or dangerous walking the streets or to cross the road. If you've ever seen some of the youtube videos about this, you might be aware of the situation.

2. Ripping off tourists has been described as VNs "national sport".

3. VN just doesn't have the rep as a tourist destination that LOS does. VN only opened up to the rest of the world less than 2 decades ago.

4. VN doesn't have the infrastructure or the shopping like the Kingdom.

5. VN has other issues that may deter tourists, like communism, visa requirements & expenses, air pollution, agent orange, land mines.

6. VN doesn't have, and probably never will have, the sex tourism industry that LOS has. Not only is prostitution illegal, it is also against the law for a VN citizen to share accomodations (e.g. hotel room) with a foreigner in VN.

7. For those into nightlife & partying, VN's shuts down at around 9 p.m. to midnight. The pickings after then are slim to none.

These are some things that would explain why Thailand has been cited as having a rate of 50% compared to VNs single digit figure for return visitors.

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In the US the song for lost causes,whistling Dixie.


Is promoting worh as in the article symptomatic ?

They cannot afford a proofreader who knows how to use a fee freespellchecker !

Many here including myself make typos,but then we are not being paid at the hub of Manglo-Tie ups

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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"Winner for the World Tourism Optimist prize 2014 - Thailand. Sadly they can't be here to accept their prize as they couldn't find an operating airline or enough spare change to get a ticket."

Bugger! I thought TIT meant "this is Thailand". Now I learn it stands for "Toursist Industry of Thailand". How many of these Quangos are there in the tourism industry in this country? And, are they all singing from the same hymn sheet?

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'... the organization has not lowered its forecast that local hospitality businesses will generate up to 2 trillion baht for the nation this year ...' Is that the 2 trillion Baht, I wonder, that the PTP is hopeful will come their way?

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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