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Civil court lifts DSI's bank account freeze Dr Seri Wongmontha


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Tarit seems to have forgotten that the function of the supposedly independent agency he heads is to collect evidence. It is the function of the courts to decide innocence or guilt and the punishment of the guilty.

None of the protesters have yet been found guilty of any crime, yet Tarit feels he has the right to intimidate donors and businesses having dealings with them, and to freeze bank accounts which seriously affects their business dealings and reputations. He needs to be forcefully reminded that he heads the DSI, not the Gestapo.

But ... but ... he will surely plead, that he was only following orders ? facepalm.gif

And the question is ... whose orders ? wink.png

The "we were only following orders" defence didn't work too well at the Nuremberg trials.

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Note to Dr Seri: you have a week to clear out your account!

By the looks of it he pre-empted this as they were pretty well empty when they were frozen and is only using this as a test case for the others and to show that Tarit has gone over and above his position's remit (again)!!!

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Ah, damages are going to come out of his own wallet. Tarit will definitely sit up and think twice again, now that he is literally paying for it.

Where does it say that Tarit has to pay for it?

who else is going to pay? The taxpayers?

Yep! I’m afraid so. who else pays for blunders?

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Civil court has set a precedent so all protest accounts should be unfrozen now.

Also, the Cons court also set a precedent today saying protests are legal, so all warrants should now be invalid.

What a great day for the protests.

What a bad day for Thaksin, Chalerm, Tarit, Yingluck and the PTP.... oh, and the red corruption supporting farang of TVF.

Tough look again boys. It's so nice to be on the winning side. You must be sooooooo frustrated.

Boys? Oh, you must mean Moonao, Jack Rich, Shannon T and the other loosers...

Edited by dru2
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Civil court has set a precedent so all protest accounts should be unfrozen now.

Also, the Cons court also set a precedent today saying protests are legal, so all warrants should now be invalid.

What a great day for the protests.

What a bad day for Thaksin, Chalerm, Tarit, Yingluck and the PTP.... oh, and the red corruption supporting farang of TVF.

Tough look again boys. It's so nice to be on the winning side. You must be sooooooo frustrated.

Hold your horses you lot..... Don't forget this was done under the terms of the emergency decree.

Whilst I disagree with the actions of the Chalerm gang, They have acted in accordance with the decree.

I look forward to the decree being declared void and the activities of the protesters and farmers et. al. to remove this poor excuse of a government from further damaging Thailand.

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"and also to bring the DSI chief Mr Tarrit Phengdit to court to demand compensation for damages to their business from his power abuse."

for those that cannot get the general gist of it all, this means tarit has to pay for the abuse of his position

No it doesn't, you're the one that can't get the gist of the report.

That wasn't a court statement, it was the report writer suggesting that this one decision may gave hope to others in a similar position. That is a long way from compensation being paid at all, never mind from Tarit's own resources. Whether he abused his position was just a viewpoint, nothing has confirmed by anyone in a position to do so whether he did or didn't.

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Ah, damages are going to come out of his own wallet. Tarit will definitely sit up and think twice again, now that he is literally paying for it.

Where does it say that Tarit has to pay for it?

Just how dim are you? Read the OP.

Not as dim as you are making yourself appear.

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Ah, damages are going to come out of his own wallet. Tarit will definitely sit up and think twice again, now that he is literally paying for it.

Where does it say that Tarit has to pay for it?


If a government official (Tarit) has abused his powers in order to freeze bank accounts, then it is only fair, right and democratic that he should be sued for damages, I think you'll find this happens in the US and EU as well!

Any more dumb questions?

That wasn't a dumb question at all. Nowhere has it said that Tarit would have to pay anything. No-one has sued him.

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Ah, damages are going to come out of his own wallet. Tarit will definitely sit up and think twice again, now that he is literally paying for it.

Where does it say that Tarit has to pay for it?


If a government official (Tarit) has abused his powers in order to freeze bank accounts, then it is only fair, right and democratic that he should be sued for damages, I think you'll find this happens in the US and EU as well!

Any more dumb questions?

That wasn't a dumb question at all. Nowhere has it said that Tarit would have to pay anything. No-one has sued him.

You must be Sharon's boyfriend.

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For expats living in the country, Dr. Seree is an easily recognizable TV personality. He is a much beloved and respected figure throughout the country. He is proof-positive that the administration is now setting its sights on academics. It is right that the Civil Court revoked such an outrageous order. For Dr. Seree to be the object of such persecution is a deeply offensive proposition to most Thais.

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It looks like that Tarrit Phengdit and the hole DSI do not understand, that they must be a neutral, independent executive body.

Completely regardless of who is sitting in the government.

They must see by themselfs, where the largest organized crime is.
Determine, secure evidence and then pass the cases to the courts / prosecutors.

In this context, it is very bad, that a member of the government like Chalem has here a chairmanseat in the DSI. This must be abolished.

Correct me, if i am wrong, but in the past the DSI also made problems to Taksins partys.

They must stop to cover the goverment.

The DSI as an independent investigative authority would be good.

Why they do not support other independent authorities in the investigation of the rice scheme?

That is also there job!

You are correct, the DSI does bend to who his in power at the time.

During 2010 when the dems were still in charge, they were certainly under their thumb, just as they are with PTP now.

Doesn't make everything they act on wrong however, for either side, but it's still not a desirable situation.

Another question you should really ask yourself and worry about is, which organizations/officials never bend to who's in power? and by that, I don't mean they stay neutral, I mean their bias remains no matter what.

I'm not just talking about the army and the police.

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Things are starting to unravel for the YS Administration. This is just one of the many rulings that will set the tone of many other to come. With the news guy ordered to be released and now lifting of the frozen account, Tarit won't have much to stand on when they rule on the use of SOE next week. Soon he will be proven to have no credibility and found to have abuse his power. He will be forced out of his position. Hopefully jailed. We all know that the SOE was a farce. If the police care about public safety, they would have stopped all the violence against the protesters a long time ago.

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I remember how DSI failed to arrest that flying monk in Laos last year - through all the explanations given after the event, it was obviously clear, that these self-FBI-styled guys even didn't try to think about complying with proper int'l procedure before conducting a raid in another state ("what state? Lao?!"). Now this shameful joke in a court...

Yet DSI is reportedly good in suppressing those who can't fight back (but might be ready to pay to get released), like those recently detained Russian tour guides in Pattaya. With this elite agency's proven lack of professionalism, why don't they just stop playing super heroes and concentrate on those who are of their level - guides, Cambodian construction workers, Lao housemaids, whoever lamblike else, having no visa, no permit, no lawyer? Those who know Law even less, then DSI people, I mean. Could be safe and pretty sabai job: no face to lose, no lawsuits to be ashamed of, no compensations to pay...

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I remember how DSI failed to arrest that flying monk in Laos last year - through all the explanations given after the event, it was obviously clear, that these self-FBI-styled guys even didn't try to think about complying with proper int'l procedure before conducting a raid in another state ("what state? Lao?!"). Now this shameful joke in a court...

Yet DSI is reportedly good in suppressing those who can't fight back (but might be ready to pay to get released), like those recently detained Russian tour guides in Pattaya. With this elite agency's proven lack of professionalism, why don't they just stop playing super heroes and concentrate on those who are of their level - guides, Cambodian construction workers, Lao housemaids, whoever lamblike else, having no visa, no permit, no lawyer? Those who know Law even less, then DSI people, I mean. Could be safe and pretty sabai job: no face to lose, no lawsuits to be ashamed of, no compensations to pay...

It looks like that Tarrit Phengdit and the hole DSI do not understand, that they must be a neutral, independent executive body.

Completely regardless of who is sitting in the government.

They must see by themselfs, where the largest organized crime is.
Determine, secure evidence and then pass the cases to the courts / prosecutors.

In this context, it is very bad, that a member of the government like Chalem has here a chairmanseat in the DSI. This must be abolished.

Correct me, if i am wrong, but in the past the DSI also made problems to Taksins partys.

They must stop to cover the goverment.

The DSI as an independent investigative authority would be good.

Why they do not support other independent authorities in the investigation of the rice scheme?

That is also there job!

You are correct, the DSI does bend to who his in power at the time.

During 2010 when the dems were still in charge, they were certainly under their thumb, just as they are with PTP now.

Doesn't make everything they act on wrong however, for either side, but it's still not a desirable situation.

Another question you should really ask yourself and worry about is, which organizations/officials never bend to who's in power? and by that, I don't mean they stay neutral, I mean their bias remains no matter what.

I'm not just talking about the army and the police.

This is really bad if they do not strictly separate the three powers. Legislature, judicial and executive.
If the DSI is only an appendix from the government than they are a government police.
If the separation of powers is breached, then the democracy will suffers from two diseases:
1. Corruption: The state as a self-service store of the rulers
2. Arbitrariness: The Punishment of the Innocent
The danger is then, that the DSI will be used to cut down the opposition,

and so the democratic mechanism of check and balance would be abrogate.

There was an interesting article about it in the BP from 17 Jan 2013 how the DSI maltreated freedom of the press and the opposition.

Title was: Thailand edges closer toward a police state.

Edited by tomacht8
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