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Thailand deports 1,300 Rohingya boat people


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........Why should thailand have to handle someone else's rubbish..............

How DARE you!! These people are suffering refugees.

Shame on you!crying.gif

Before making a judgement about how these people are suffering, check the history. These people are descendants of Mujhadeen who invaded Burma when it became independant from Britain and tried to establish a Muslim state. Their plans failed due to being defeated by the Burmese forces. They have no business being in Burma and should return to their original counytry (Bangladesh ????)

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........Why should thailand have to handle someone else's rubbish..............

How DARE you!! These people are suffering refugees.

Shame on you!crying.gif

Before making a judgement about how these people are suffering, check the history. These people are descendants of Mujhadeen who invaded Burma when it became independant from Britain and tried to establish a Muslim state. Their plans failed due to being defeated by the Burmese forces. They have no business being in Burma and should return to their original country (Bangladesh ????)

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........Why should thailand have to handle someone else's rubbish..............

How DARE you!! These people are suffering refugees.

Shame on you!crying.gif

Before making a judgement about how these people are suffering, check the history. These people are descendants of Mujhadeen who invaded Burma when it became independant from Britain and tried to establish a Muslim state. Their plans failed due to being defeated by the Burmese forces. They have no business being in Burma and should return to their original country (Bangladesh ????)

I'll let other readers draw their own conclusions about you. As for me, well........................

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........Why should thailand have to handle someone else's rubbish..............

How DARE you!! These people are suffering refugees.

Shame on you!crying.gif

Before making a judgement about how these people are suffering, check the history. These people are descendants of Mujhadeen who invaded Burma when it became independant from Britain and tried to establish a Muslim state. Their plans failed due to being defeated by the Burmese forces. They have no business being in Burma and should return to their original country (Bangladesh ????)

You can interpret history as you wish, but Rakhine State where the majority of the Rohingya live is Burmese territory and was not 'invaded' by the Rohingya. Some Rohingya did try to separate Rakhine State from Burma after WW11, but failed. Currently there is around 800,000 Rohingya in Burma who lost their citizenship in 1982, making them stateless with a number of other restrictions that has led to them as being identified as the most persecuted minority in the world.

Bangladesh is not a signatory to the UN Convention on Refugees. The Rohingya are unable to move across the border into Bangladesh to try and escape violence, as they are currently detained and pushed back into Burma. Even if they did manage to do so, their lives would not be honey and milk.

The estimated 200,000 Rohingya in Bangladesh are persecuted, including refused permission to legally work. Many have been held in detention camps for up to 20 years. UNHCR is denied permission to provide assistance to many of the Rohingya by the Bangladesh government as they are undocumented. The government has even refused Médecin Sans Frontières entry to the camps.

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Why is it that if anyone offers a different oppinion to "take them all in " they are looked at as bigoted?

Samran said this

I'm afraid I have to agree. Malaysia is just a few kliks down the coast.

"Thailand is the land of the free but Muslims want to impose religious restrictions as soon as they get a foot in the door.

Southern Thailand is a mess.

In the UK most supermarkets now sell Halal meat to the masses in supermarkets (without them knowing) when in reality Muslim and Jewish people should be buying this type of slaughtered ritualistic food in specialised shops.

Is any of this untrue? Also why are the Rohingya not like by their own country? It just happened yes? People just woke up and disliked them. Hmm doesn't ring quite true to me. Unfortunately they come to our countries and try to impose their will on established cultures and then wonder why the locals get upset about it, that's why they are not liked. We have the same problem in Europe and recently the German premier came out and said multiculturalism doesn't work, maybe she's a bigot too or finally someone being honest about this whole problem. It doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them, I do but they need to consider where they are going before just heading off hoping to get lucky.

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Why is it that if anyone offers a different oppinion to "take them all in " they are looked at as bigoted?

Samran said this

I'm afraid I have to agree. Malaysia is just a few kliks down the coast.

"Thailand is the land of the free but Muslims want to impose religious restrictions as soon as they get a foot in the door.

Southern Thailand is a mess.

In the UK most supermarkets now sell Halal meat to the masses in supermarkets (without them knowing) when in reality Muslim and Jewish people should be buying this type of slaughtered ritualistic food in specialised shops."

Is any of this untrue? Also why are the Rohingya not like by their own country? It just happened yes? People just woke up and disliked them. Hmm doesn't ring quite true to me. Unfortunately they come to our countries and try to impose their will on established cultures and then wonder why the locals get upset about it, that's why they are not liked. We have the same problem in Europe and recently the German premier came out and said multiculturalism doesn't work, maybe she's a bigot too or finally someone being honest about this whole problem. It doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them, I do but they need to consider where they are going before just heading off hoping to get lucky.

um, I didn't say any of that racist ignorant claptrap. Seems you like the sound if it though.

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It always amazes me that muslim refugees never want to flee to muslim countries. They always outbreed their locale and then seek to go to Buddhist and Christian countries. Why stay in Indonesia (who wouldn't put up with their posturing) when they can go to Australia and play of the Christian guilt complex. Why don't the Rohingya go to a muslim country like Malaysia, or Indonesia. No, they prefer Buddhist Thailand to try to foist their 'religion of peace' in. I think the Rohingya come from what is now Bangladesh so why not go there, another muslim country. Thailand doesn't need more muslims killing Buddhist monks.

I'm afraid I have to agree. Malaysia is just a few kliks down the coast.

Thailand is the land of the free but Muslims want to impose religious restrictions as soon as they get a foot in the door.

Southern Thailand is a mess.

In the UK most supermarkets now sell Halal meat to the masses in supermarkets (without them knowing) when in reality Muslim and Jewish people shoud be buying this type of slaughtered ritualistic food in specialised shops.

Didn't take long for the bigoted idiots to come out did it.

All we are talking about here are a group of people who have been in Myanmar for generations who are now being persecuted and the despicable treatment they've received at the hands if the Thai authorities.


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^^ so in your opinion all "americans" should exit USA and leave it to the native americans. i think that is a good idea!

thumbsup.gif the Thais (or Tai or Siamese) should also return to Sip Song Panna in China and give the central and south part of the country back to the Cham (who are muslims by the way) and the rest back to the Khamu.w00t.gif

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I agree with Thailand to deport illegal refugees I should be the same all over even in North America who ever come on an non identified boat should not be allowed to cross the borer line.

Than if they do well " push them back to where they came from."

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I agree with Thailand to deport illegal refugees I should be the same all over even in North America who ever come on an non identified boat should not be allowed to cross the borer line.

Than if they do well " push them back to where they came from."

"non identified boat" ?

If they came in an identifiable canoe would it be OK?

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Some of you need to learn the definition of "refugee". None of the Rohinga are coming to Thailand to create a Muslim state.

Everyone who says "send them back", should think about this. Next time you cross a border, what would you do if you were refused entry and the country you came from would not take you back? Suppose you had no money and no possessions other than the clothes on your back and the immigration officials who wouldn't let you into the country sold you into slavery? btw, we're taking your passport too. Where are you going to go? What are you going to do?

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i have visited rakhine state several times in the last 10 years. if u've never been there, pls shut up because whatever u say comes from "hearing on the internet". except for a couple of towns and cities u're finding yourself in the middle ages, the dark ages one can say, where people (rakhiners and non-rakhiners) live like rats and have nothing to lose.... the situation in rakhine state is worse than some of the most remote parts of chin state, imagine!

note too that all rohingyas/bengalis (call them what u want) who came to burma in the last decades (and yes, a substantial part came relatively recently) came because burmese immigration is corrupt to the bone and let them in for money. the same happens at the china side of burma where 10.000's of chinese obtained burmese id cards through paying. the only difference is that these chinese are not muslism and as every body knows, both, the ex-junta, and the current burmese leaders (basically ex-junta) but also ASSK would like to see burma as a 100% buddhist state. the bamar (and mon) are radical buddhists, they always were and thx to 50+ years of oppression it only got worse, as their religion was all the simple people had...

Why did you go there? Pls show some pictures.

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It always amazes me that muslim refugees never want to flee to muslim countries. They always outbreed their locale and then seek to go to Buddhist and Christian countries. Why stay in Indonesia (who wouldn't put up with their posturing) when they can go to Australia and play of the Christian guilt complex. Why don't the Rohingya go to a muslim country like Malaysia, or Indonesia. No, they prefer Buddhist Thailand to try to foist their 'religion of peace' in. I think the Rohingya come from what is now Bangladesh so why not go there, another muslim country. Thailand doesn't need more muslims killing Buddhist monks.

You do realize the Rohingya are trying to travel Malaysia and Indonesia and most make it there but many of the boats are not

seaworthy and break down on route. The official position of Thailand was to help with repairs and refuelling but not let them ashore.

This has softened somewhat. I don't believe Thailand signed the UN declaration on refugees so while many may deplore

Thailand's actions they are not breaking any agreements. While Malaysia and Indonesia accept the Rohingya they are not

exactly happy with the numbers arriving. If Thailand could ship them to these two countries I am sure they would but in an

official capacity they can't. blink.png

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It always amazes me that muslim refugees never want to flee to muslim countries. They always outbreed their locale and then seek to go to Buddhist and Christian countries. Why stay in Indonesia (who wouldn't put up with their posturing) when they can go to Australia and play of the Christian guilt complex. Why don't the Rohingya go to a muslim country like Malaysia, or Indonesia. No, they prefer Buddhist Thailand to try to foist their 'religion of peace' in. I think the Rohingya come from what is now Bangladesh so why not go there, another muslim country. Thailand doesn't need more muslims killing Buddhist monks.

What a staggeringly ignorant comment. The Rohingya actually flee (from persecution by the Buddhists) in greater numbers to Bangladesh. Don't let facts get in the way of your angry little anti-Muslim rant though.

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I agree with Thailand to deport illegal refugees I should be the same all over even in North America who ever come on an non identified boat should not be allowed to cross the borer line.

Than if they do well " push them back to where they came from."

Thankfully some of the rest of humanity has a little compassion for our fellow man. Not all of us are c*nts.

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Some times the Thais are real Sh*ts, us next no doubt, when the money runs out.

I realized some of you peeps love to place unreasonable demands unto certain countries. Like let's target the thais for this but let's leave the muslim countries out of it. Like somehow muslim countries aren't chided for not letting in these ppl.

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"Classy move Khun Yingluck. Treating Muslims like subhumans will be great dinner table conversation with your new hosts when you move to Dubai."

"Oh no. I didn't know anything about this but it must be based on incorrect information. I have ordered the responsible officials to provide the correct version of events to the media without 18 months."

Edited by Dogmatix
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It always amazes me that muslim refugees never want to flee to muslim countries. They always outbreed their locale and then seek to go to Buddhist and Christian countries. Why stay in Indonesia (who wouldn't put up with their posturing) when they can go to Australia and play of the Christian guilt complex. Why don't the Rohingya go to a muslim country like Malaysia, or Indonesia. No, they prefer Buddhist Thailand to try to foist their 'religion of peace' in. I think the Rohingya come from what is now Bangladesh so why not go there, another muslim country. Thailand doesn't need more muslims killing Buddhist monks.

For one thing it's slightly easier to get the Thailand on a rickity homemade raft more than it is Indonesia or Malaysia. :rolleyes:

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It always amazes me that muslim refugees never want to flee to muslim countries. They always outbreed their locale and then seek to go to Buddhist and Christian countries. Why stay in Indonesia (who wouldn't put up with their posturing) when they can go to Australia and play of the Christian guilt complex. Why don't the Rohingya go to a muslim country like Malaysia, or Indonesia. No, they prefer Buddhist Thailand to try to foist their 'religion of peace' in. I think the Rohingya come from what is now Bangladesh so why not go there, another muslim country. Thailand doesn't need more muslims killing Buddhist monks.

For one thing it's slightly easier to get the Thailand on a rickity homemade raft more than it is Indonesia or Malaysia. rolleyes.gif

or by foot!


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There are undoubtedly humanitarian issues at stake here, but why should Thailand deal with another of Burmas problems when they already have 120,000 Karen refugees in camps along the Salween river? Ultimately this is an issue between Burma and Bangladesh. Why don't the refugees go to Bangladesh? To their ethnic and religious kin? Could it be that in fact they are primarily economic migrants who see Thailand as a better prospect?

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There are undoubtedly humanitarian issues at stake here, but why should Thailand deal with another of Burmas problems when they already have 120,000 Karen refugees in camps along the Salween river? Ultimately this is an issue between Burma and Bangladesh. Why don't the refugees go to Bangladesh? To their ethnic and religious kin? Could it be that in fact they are primarily economic migrants who see Thailand as a better prospect?

Pretty sure Bangladesh has turned their backs on them as well.

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There are undoubtedly humanitarian issues at stake here, but why should Thailand deal with another of Burmas problems when they already have 120,000 Karen refugees in camps along the Salween river? Ultimately this is an issue between Burma and Bangladesh. Why don't the refugees go to Bangladesh? To their ethnic and religious kin? Could it be that in fact they are primarily economic migrants who see Thailand as a better prospect?

Pretty sure Bangladesh has turned their backs on them as well.

Yet it seems nobody flames bangladash for it and these ppl have the same religion and language because the roghinya used to come from bangladesh anyway for abandoning their own kin.

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Why is it that if anyone offers a different oppinion to "take them all in " they are looked at as bigoted?

Samran said this

I'm afraid I have to agree. Malaysia is just a few kliks down the coast.

"Thailand is the land of the free but Muslims want to impose religious restrictions as soon as they get a foot in the door.

Southern Thailand is a mess.

In the UK most supermarkets now sell Halal meat to the masses in supermarkets (without them knowing) when in reality Muslim and Jewish people should be buying this type of slaughtered ritualistic food in specialised shops."

Is any of this untrue? Also why are the Rohingya not like by their own country? It just happened yes? People just woke up and disliked them. Hmm doesn't ring quite true to me. Unfortunately they come to our countries and try to impose their will on established cultures and then wonder why the locals get upset about it, that's why they are not liked. We have the same problem in Europe and recently the German premier came out and said multiculturalism doesn't work, maybe she's a bigot too or finally someone being honest about this whole problem. It doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them, I do but they need to consider where they are going before just heading off hoping to get lucky.

um, I didn't say any of that racist ignorant claptrap. Seems you like the sound if it though.

Why is it racist and ignorant claptrap? It's another opinion of which I'm entitled, also it happens to be true, or didn't she say that? Sometimes uncomfortable truths are there and we choose to ignore them, maybe a bit of honestly and direction on these matters would prevent a whole load of mess we currently have over this type of problem, but then that isn't pc is it. Just let them kill each other would better. We saw how well that approach did in Bosnia didn't we!

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Why is it that if anyone offers a different oppinion to "take them all in " they are looked at as bigoted?

Samran said this

I'm afraid I have to agree. Malaysia is just a few kliks down the coast.

"Thailand is the land of the free but Muslims want to impose religious restrictions as soon as they get a foot in the door.

Southern Thailand is a mess.

In the UK most supermarkets now sell Halal meat to the masses in supermarkets (without them knowing) when in reality Muslim and Jewish people should be buying this type of slaughtered ritualistic food in specialised shops."

Is any of this untrue? Also why are the Rohingya not like by their own country? It just happened yes? People just woke up and disliked them. Hmm doesn't ring quite true to me. Unfortunately they come to our countries and try to impose their will on established cultures and then wonder why the locals get upset about it, that's why they are not liked. We have the same problem in Europe and recently the German premier came out and said multiculturalism doesn't work, maybe she's a bigot too or finally someone being honest about this whole problem. It doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them, I do but they need to consider where they are going before just heading off hoping to get lucky.

um, I didn't say any of that racist ignorant claptrap. Seems you like the sound if it though.

Why is it racist and ignorant claptrap? It's another opinion of which I'm entitled, also it happens to be true, or didn't she say that? Sometimes uncomfortable truths are there and we choose to ignore them, maybe a bit of honestly and direction on these matters would prevent a whole load of mess we currently have over this type of problem, but then that isn't pc is it. Just let them kill each other would better. We saw how well that approach did in Bosnia didn't we!

The Rohingya and ethnic minorities have been a part of the Burmese demographic for generations and in some cases hundreds of years. The Burmese Junta and now government have oppressed the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities, including ethnic minorities who follow the Christian faith for years. It’s driven my nationalist extremism, you could even say by Buddhist fascism, such as the Group 969 that has recently gained prominence. Nothing better than blaming minorities for your woes, it's a well beaten path.

Glad you bought up the breakup of Former Yugoslavia, where Serb Christians & others who identified themselves as Christians regularly carried out mass murder and ethnic cleansing of the Muslim communities for political purposes; extremism is not one sided.

Edited by simple1
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