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Thailand needs more women in Parliament, UN official says


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Many around the world were delighted at the prospect of a female prime minister. Some UDD columnists were positively giddy at the onset of Yingluck. Some compared her to Indira Gandhi, Aung San Suu Kyi or Margaret Thatcher.

Well, something happened on the way to the forum. She made spartan public appearances, generally flanked by male minders, avoided debates, seldom attended parliament, spoke even less, proudly commandeered a facebook page, appeared in cabinet photo-ops, inspected railway tracks, pointed at smoke, and became an avid devotee of skype. And when she granted international press interviews, the interviewer was excitedly asked afterwards " Don't you think she's pretty ? "

Some, like myself, compared her to the SS Titanic, and we all know how that story ended. Suddenly sunk after striking a "riceberg".

On what did I base my comparison ? The fact that she had zero / zip / zilch political experience, and her family name, Shinawatra.

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More women in Thai parliament, why do the men need there trousers ironing.

The old Thai way is that women have less rights than a soy dog, I hope the new Thailand realizes that women have A big part to play in Thai society. all men come from women.they forget that.

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I'm a realist, someone that believes you can succeed (unless you're relying on connections) on merit, regardless of sex, colour of your skin, your sexual orientation or have an impoverished background.

Why does the UN have to try and upset the apple cart with their gender quota statistics?

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I came to Thailand because of the de-kitchenisation of the western woman.

This all probably comes from Ban Ki Moons wife anyway. Honestly, has MANkind not suffered enough?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Maybe you could start with a female as the UN Secretary General, then have something to say. Their have been 9 SG's, all male. Thailands politicians are still in nappies compared to the corruption, nepotism and cronyism in the UN.

The UN doesn't choose who the SG will be.

-*I typed this myself*-

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He said more women in political power tended to mean more progressive legislatures.

What is meant by "progressive legislature" and is it desirable?

From Wikipedia:

However, proponents of mirror representation argue that women have a different relationship with government institutions and public policy than that of men, and therefore merit equal representation on this facet alone.


from the BBC:

American women are significantly less hostile to a "big state" than American men and much more likely to vote Democrat. In Sweden, women are particularly anxious to preserve the welfare state and vote accordingly.

Oh ok, I see: bringing in more women could potentially turn Thailand into a socialist nanny state killing individual liberties and crushing people with tax.

The introduction of quotas has a political agenda.

Thanks but no thanks...

Men and women should just be given the same rights to run for office, period.

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If Thailand doesn't care to rank with its peers in the world and continue to shroud itseld in a fuedal semi-democratic society, then ignore the UN. The UN is not an imperialistic force. The UN offers constructive, unbiased, and expert suggestions on how Thailand can achieve more than what its society is now. But there will be a day of reckoning when Thailand needs to reach out to the international community for economic and social assistance and cooperation and finds that the UN that it tells to go away, did go away.

The UN takes American and Western European standards and imposes them on the rest of the world. That is what this proposed quota system for women in government is all about, making Thailand into another bland, harmonized, uni-cultural dictatorship, ruled over by a faceless bureaucracy in DC or Brussels. This is neo-imperialism in the 21st century.

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Maybe you could start with a female as the UN Secretary General, then have something to say. Their have been 9 SG's, all male. Thailands politicians are still in nappies compared to the corruption, nepotism and cronyism in the UN.

The UN doesn't choose who the SG will be.

-*I typed this myself*-

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is appointed by the General Assembly upon nomination by the Security Council (SC). But I cannot see what that has to do with my comment.

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Maybe you could start with a female as the UN Secretary General, then have something to say. Their have been 9 SG's, all male. Thailands politicians are still in nappies compared to the corruption, nepotism and cronyism in the UN.

The UN doesn't choose who the SG will be.

-*I typed this myself*-

The Secretary-General of the United Nations is appointed by the General Assembly upon nomination by the Security Council (SC). But I cannot see what that has to do with my comment.

Yes, and neither of those are the "united nations". Its 193 independent countries choosing. The people who made the comments on the Thai Parliament are not the people who chose the secretary general. That's what it has to do with your comments.

-*I typed this myself*-

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Yingluck woman. Woman bad. Yingluck. Thaksin. Hey guys am I doing this right?

I have often looked at her and thought 'is she of the 3rd gender?' something about her is not quite right..I think she/he needs to come clean.

I suppose one day Thailand will be the the first country to have an PM of the 3rd gender.

But I doubt Thailand will ever have another woman as PM, certainly not for decades to come.

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