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Thai Police in position to retake Bangkok rally sites


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You mean Thaksin's police are coming into a protest site that is trying to topple Thaksin. I won't be surprised if they find Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Now I am no megalomaniac like Thaksin, BUT if a groups of people wanted to remove my sister from power for abusing that power and my people went into their house I would tell them to plant weapons as well cause they want my sister out.

An element of the PDRC are no angels. Far from it yet with all these weapons found not one seems to be used against the police coming in. Strange isn't it? Why have all these weapons, but don't use them against the police unless it was for self defense against the red shirts.

So in light of the police being offered NO resistance by the protestors one could assume the weapons were;

  • Self defense against red shirts
  • Planted by Thaksins men (police)
Now if the police wanted to quell rumor and innuendo they would allow the army to come in with them as observers to keep the police "honest"

I won't even mention 2010. The comparison has been done to death.

As for Richard Barrows. The most politically polarized unbalanced blogger in Bangkok.

Are you implying Barrow is biased AGAINST Suthep's fascist mob?! He makes them sound like angels! I regularly criticize him on Twitter for pandering to those thugs and minimized their violent nature!

Actually Richard Barrow is a genuine non political and thus a valuable commentator given his neutrality.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Sutheps days are numbered, tic toc tic toc tic toc smile.png

I heard that so many times...and even before with Sondhi and the PAD......Still people want to get rid of Thaksin.

And every time these protests (Pitak Siam/ V for Thailand/ PAD /PDRC) run out of steam.

It's a real minority interest group that are obsessed about Thaksin.

Fortunately due to the low numbers of protesters left, the clearing of these sites seems to be peaceful and without any major incidents so far.

Whether that remains the case we'll just have to wait and see.

Where is Suthep while all this is going on?

In a bunker somewhere?

I am sure his many loyal supporters are eagerly awaiting yet another declaration that victory is imminent.

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Chalerm is talking now. He sounds so unprofessional and like such an asshol_e everytime.

That is your perspective. I sense he is satisfied. He's also tired. They were up all night getting ready.

that was hilarious

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The art of spinning facts in some of posts I read this morning is so fine by some posters...

Facts turned inside out like a glove or a sock and presented as God's truth.

It's lovely to see how someone for be faithful to his radical views can even lie to himself.

And this is valid for both sides... I don't envy mods today because they will have so much job to do.

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The art of spinning facts in some of posts I read this morning is so fine by some posters...

Facts turned inside out like a glove or a sock and presented as God's truth.

It's lovely to see how someone for be faithful to his radical views can even lie to himself.

And this is valid for both sides... I don't envy mods today because they will have so much job to do.

Too, too, true. Seems to me that the only reasonable position to take here, and I mean here, is anti-anti-PDRC and anti-anti-government.

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How to take Valentines day and stand the concept on it's head and shove a truncheon where the sun doesn't shine..

Another 'St. Valentines Day Massacre' coming? Gangsters at play.

Why would the Roman Catholic Feast of its saint Valentine have relevance in a Buddhist country?

Your reference to the St Valentines day killings is not relevant either. The killings were the result of rivalry between two bootlegging gangs; one led by Al Capone and the other Buggs Moran. Your attempted allusion would be more appropriate if there was a settling of accounts between Suthep and Abhisit, as they are in the same business but locked in a struggle for the support of southerners who support the Democrats and for dominance in setting the policy for the Democrats. In this case, highly unlikely as PM Yingluck has clipped Suthep's wings and Abhisit's position is secure for now.

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just take away all aspects of comfort and the protest will die out

lock toilets

dismantle the big karaoke stage during the day when its empty

stop people making shops in the protest areas by not letting them in with their stock

confiscate tents and sleeping bags during the day so there is no place to sleep except outside on concrete

deny access to food and drink vendors so they will have nothing to eat or drink by blocking the roads inwards

see how long it lasts when peolpe are cold ,tired ,sore and hungry and thirsty ......they will leave one by one without

the police having to use violence on them

Do you really think the people in charge would be able to pull it off with out ensuing violence?

yes, i think most would leave if it wasnt so comfortable at the protest sites ,

free food and water deliveries should be blocked ,no vendors allowed in daily to make money selling food

theres only a handful left so a few men could move them along and confiscate their tents

arrest any trouble makers if necessary

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There we go! Now we are thinking one level above Chalerm - which is not that difficult to do....

just take away all aspects of comfort and the protest will die out

lock toilets

dismantle the big karaoke stage during the day when its empty

stop people making shops in the protest areas by not letting them in with their stock

confiscate tents and sleeping bags during the day so there is no place to sleep except outside on concrete

deny access to food and drink vendors so they will have nothing to eat or drink by blocking the roads inwards

see how long it lasts when peolpe are cold ,tired ,sore and hungry and thirsty ......they will leave one by one without

the police having to use violence on them

Do you really think the people in charge would be able to pull it off with out ensuing violence?

yes, i think most would leave if it wasnt so comfortable at the protest sites ,

free food and water deliveries should be blocked ,no vendors allowed in daily to make money selling food

theres only a handful left so a few men could move them along and confiscate their tents

arrest any trouble makers if necessary

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Okay.... 11:20am.... so far, Asoke and Ratchaprasong are quiet, but people are nervous... the shit could hit the fan here anytime..... there are soldiers on Chidlom near the McDonalds, so I'd be surprised if the police tried anything violent.... the protesters are likely to stand tall here.... they will fight with irons bedding, lamps, picture frames, dishes and knives, forks and spoons, all bought during Central Chidlom's Valentine's Day sale.......

It will be like one giant messy Martha Stewart's Home Decorating show.... !!!

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Protesters are smart.... Many are well-heeled Bangkok office workers and professional who have Central's Platinum Visa card.... they will buy out the entire store and build fortresses with blankets, pillows, wastepaper baskets, computers, washing machines, sports equipment and make massive barricades of home furnishings

.... it will be incredible.... the outside world will begin to wonder if all Thais have lost their heads!!!! They will not know who is right and who is wrong.... all they will think is what the hell is going on?????!!!

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Don't see anything on Thai TV on this, must not be happening.

state of emergency means media can only broadcast news thats approved by the PM

i think she even has the power to tell them not to broadcast anything if she wants .........

Don't know about the laws, but the authorities are allowing BlueSky to broadcast, so they have not used their power to the extreme.

And in this age of Twitter, you can't stop news.

in a state of national emergency she has the power to shut down the media or order a complete blackout ,

she could even turn off the internet or mobile phone networks if it interfered with national security

all the technology we take for granted has an off switch ........

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These orders coming from the international headquarters of CMPO in Myanmar

Wherever they come from.. How long do you allow a failed coup attempt, with just a few 100 people still active, to close off the capital city of a country.

At some point real life has to reboot and start again. If the government wasnt forced into caretaker mode they could get on with the business of governing the country.

Explain to me, again, exactly who forced the PM to dissolve Parliament and how did they do it. Where is that person/group now and why don't they have the power to cause the caretaker government to resign?

Idiot move on the part of the PM to give up her power in uncertain times. Did she do it so she could claim she wasn't responsible for the inability to honor the Rice Pledging contracts? Just because a few hundred people protest and march, this government just folded?

The courts have decided that the protests are legal so how does the government legally shut down legal protests. Real democracies are not going to like all the bloodshed and civil rights violations that will come with a police crackdown. Maybe it's more bluff and bluster (code names for Surapong and Chalerm.)

No "real democracy" would allow protestors to shut down the commercial heart of the capital city - for months!

What do you mean 'shut down the capital city? I've been able to go anywhere I want. I've also been reading for days from government supporters on this forum that there are only 40 people at each stage and there are only 7 stages at most. The court has already ruled the protests are legal and only a propagandist would claim they are not peaceful. Abhisit let Thaksin's paid army barricade the entire CBD with tires and fire M80 grenades at Skytrain stations, invade a hospital, and on and on before declaring the people had suffered enough when he had already acquiesced to early elections. All the protesters demand had been met and still they stayed. 18 words; you really don't have much of an argument do you?

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They should have done this last January, but no one wanted to give the Army a reason for a coup, because the stop the election was such a miserable failure, they army was put on notice the vast majority of Thai's support the Thai democracy

Also with the understanding the majority of their personnel are farm boys from the north, that may choose to serve with an armed force protecting their homes and way of life instead of attacking fellow Thai's.

Clear them out, hopefully peacefully!


Edited by kikoman
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Sutheps days are numbered, tic toc tic toc tic toc smile.png

I heard that so many times...and even before with Sondhi and the PAD......Still people want to get rid of Thaksin.

And every time these protests (Pitak Siam/ V for Thailand/ PAD /PDRC) run out of steam.

It's a real minority interest group that are obsessed about Thaksin.

Fortunately due to the low numbers of protesters left, the clearing of these sites seems to be peaceful and without any major incidents so far.

Whether that remains the case we'll just have to wait and see.

Where is Suthep while all this is going on?

In a bunker somewhere?

I am sure his many loyal supporters are eagerly awaiting yet another declaration that victory is imminent.

Suthep is having breakfast in the presidential suit of his 5 star hotel paid for by his supporters. To many police downstairs for him to go out.

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This is not how the Bangkok police will do it: South Korean Riot Police Training

Wow. That's coordination!

Yes, it's quite a show when it's a choreographed example of what's supposed to happen during a demonstration; however, that's not how it generally pans out. And it certainly wouldn't pan out that way in Thailand.

The police here have no deep-seated desire to get hurt, they are simply not paid enough to put themselves in harm's way, particularly when they know that they are fighting for someone else's cause. They would quickly turn and run if things started to heat up ... or else, they would simply lose the plot and start opening up with live ammunition.

Neither of those outcomes would look good for the police, for Chalerm, for Yingluck or for her brother, so why on earth are they even contemplating a crackdown at this stage? I do, of course, recognise that the end is nigh for this government, so no doubt Thaksin has ordered such a crackdown. Yet another major error on his part.

When this government falls, and reforms are put in place, there will be no safe hiding place for Thaksin anywhere in the world. He, his sister, and all of the muppet puppets who have been involved in the rape and pillage of this nation will get their comeuppance in the end...!

You seriously believe that????

Well i believe it.Recent history will show this to be correct and we keep repeating the same old mistakes.The old ways suit the minority but the majority suffer.The police are not paid enough directly so have the green light to collect indirectly,this is well known.Unfortunately,once the snout has been in the trough too long,it is hard to get out.The police can certainly get the job done if extra is paid to facilitate them getting out of their hammocks.A new way must be found and maybe Suthep is the start of this long process.As more Thais receive higher education,travel overseas and read and look at social media the more they will realize their country could be better for all,not just a chosen few.It has happened in other countries in the region,with varying degrees of success.The youth are the answer.The biggest test will come when the old boy drops off the twig.

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Sutheps days are numbered, tic toc tic toc tic toc smile.png

I heard that so many times...and even before with Sondhi and the PAD......Still people want to get rid of Thaksin.

And every time these protests (Pitak Siam/ V for Thailand/ PAD /PDRC) run out of steam.

It's a real minority interest group that are obsessed about Thaksin.

Fortunately due to the low numbers of protesters left, the clearing of these sites seems to be peaceful and without any major incidents so far.

Whether that remains the case we'll just have to wait and see.

Where is Suthep while all this is going on?

In a bunker somewhere?

I am sure his many loyal supporters are eagerly awaiting yet another declaration that victory is imminent.

Suthep is having breakfast in the presidential suit of his 5 star hotel paid for by his supporters. To many police downstairs for him to go out.

Apparently the hotel is giving him free accommodation. The Dusit is on the list of companies assisting him.

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If they clear the protesters today, what is to stop them coming back in greater numbers tomorrow, and Sunday, and Monday,....................?

Are we going to see mass arrests and detentions? How will Thaksin's toady Surapong explain that to the world?

Wait, I've worked it out! The BIB could blockade those sites to stop protesters from re-entering. That'll show them.

Laziness? Apathy?

Protest sites are empty for most of the day.

Yellow shirts lost. Deal with it.

You are very very premature with your prediction,wait and see.There will be no winners and losers here,especially if deaths occur.

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What do you mean 'shut down the capital city? I've been able to go anywhere I want. I've also been reading for days from government supporters on this forum that there are only 40 people at each stage and there are only 7 stages at most. The court has already ruled the protests are legal and only a propagandist would claim they are not peaceful. Abhisit let Thaksin's paid army barricade the entire CBD with tires and fire M80 grenades at Skytrain stations, invade a hospital, and on and on before declaring the people had suffered enough when he had already acquiesced to early elections. All the protesters demand had been met and still they stayed. 18 words; you really don't have much of an argument do you?

Kikoman's response

In case you have not notices this is 2014, you yellows keep referring to 2010 that has not a thing to do with the present situation, also if you have not noticed Yingluck is the PM not Thaksin or anyone else, If you have valid complains of her action as PM those are the only one any court can rule on legally.

You would need to petition the fairyland court in Disney World to get a ruling on your baseless fairy tales.


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