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Suthep spurns talks with government


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wow. I only been away for 4 months to and come back to this.

what is this guy doing here with another power grab.

am surprised i see many expats support him. come on lads i can't sleep at night for the noise

They support him because they believe they have seen the light and he is the 2nd coming. A man of wisdom, integrity and a man of high moral standing who has been sent forth to throw his snout into the trough.

Thai politics is like children fighting over their turn on the playstation and crying out to mum. MUM he has already had his 5 minutes, no johnny he still has 4 minutes left sit back and wait your turn but mum it's not fair. If he not let me play I am going to break his toys.

lookin at it, he does not seem to have any support apart from the army.

What are expats playing at wanting another coup. that wot im thinking about.

We neither need or want a coup - the courts will sort this lot out!!!

They may think that they are above the law - but dey ain't!!

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wow. I only been away for 4 months to and come back to this.

what is this guy doing here with another power grab.

am surprised i see many expats support him. come on lads i can't sleep at night for the noise

No one here is pouring love and singing praises of Suthep. The guy has been out of control save for the last week or so.

He's more like an accepted evil put against a myriad of blatantly acts of graft and corruption with extreme prejudice and hubris.

-Thailand is no longer the #1 exporter of rice. An entire industry destroyed. Additionally, there are 3.6 billion dollars missing from that fiasco.

-2,500 people killed outside the law to consolidate drug dealing for Red thugs.

-Let's not forget the One Tablet Per Child fiasco that failed to produce anything other than more grafting.

-oh, and the embarassing 2 TRILLION baht proposal for funding that included ZERO oversight.

The hubris in which this administration openly and blatantly grafts has got to stop. They have to abdicate and leave.

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not into writing loads but saw this and liked it. I think police have made them scared for 2 days.

Wasn't it yesterday and today that was planned a new "mass" rally ? 8,200 protestors in a city of 10 millions : the "Bangkok shutdown", like all previous supposed "decisive" moves from Suthep, is a complete failure. What a farce. Suthep has changed a movement able to draw hundreds of thousands of people (including some Red shirts when it was about the amnesty bill) to nearly nothing due to his endless one sided, undemocratic, unrealistic and extremist demands and statements. Typical from this political sensibility since more than a decade now.

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not into writing loads but saw this and liked it. I think police have made them scared for 2 days.

Wasn't it yesterday and today that was planned a new "mass" rally ? 8,200 protestors in a city of 10 millions : the "Bangkok shutdown", like all previous supposed "decisive" moves from Suthep, is a complete failure. What a farce. Suthep has changed a movement able to draw hundreds of thousands of people (including some Red shirts when it was about the amnesty bill) to nearly nothing due to his endless one sided, undemocratic, unrealistic and extremist demands and statements. Typical from this political sensibility since more than a decade now.

Rather like Yingluck's promises to pay the rice farmers, dontcha think? huh.png

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"And me talking with Thaksin (fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra), he cannot enter the country because he is a fugitive and I cannot leave the country because there are warrants for my arrest because I was charged with sedition and barred from leaving the country or I cannot get out of the great mass of the people,” said Suthep."

I have a suggestion...


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LOL. You said it yourself man, why the F would anyone pay anyone to post on Thaivisa? It's full of farangs with zero power or influence over what's happening.

But thank you for including me on the list.

Yes, you are the newest anti-govt poster, having only joined 5 days ago. But you have been a busy boy, having now made 52 posts (average 10.4 posts per day). But by far, the most prolific poster is mightyatom with 23 posts per day over the past 11 days that he had been a TV member.

Both casualbiker (54 days, 863 posts, 15.98 ppd) and scamper (57 days, 789 posts, 13.84 ppd) are still ahead of you though.

On the opposing side, icommunity (33, 596, 18.06) is the clear leader followed by BNC (23,336,14.61).

On the basis of this evidence, if any political party is paying for posts, then it's more like Dem / PDRC than PT.

what does joining 5 days ago have anything to do with anything?

I just like to stick with facts rather than wild allegations, that's all.

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LOL. You said it yourself man, why the F would anyone pay anyone to post on Thaivisa? It's full of farangs with zero power or influence over what's happening.

But thank you for including me on the list.

Yes, you are the newest anti-govt poster, having only joined 5 days ago. But you have been a busy boy, having now made 52 posts (average 10.4 posts per day). But by far, the most prolific poster is mightyatom with 23 posts per day over the past 11 days that he had been a TV member.

Both casualbiker (54 days, 863 posts, 15.98 ppd) and scamper (57 days, 789 posts, 13.84 ppd) are still ahead of you though.

On the opposing side, icommunity (33, 596, 18.06) is the clear leader followed by BNC (23,336,14.61).

On the basis of this evidence, if any political party is paying for posts, then it's more like Dem / PDRC than PT.

what does joining 5 days ago have anything to do with anything?

I just like to stick with facts rather than wild allegations, that's all.

what the heck man, you just accused me of being a paid Suthep acolyte

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Yes, you are the newest anti-govt poster, having only joined 5 days ago. But you have been a busy boy, having now made 52 posts (average 10.4 posts per day). But by far, the most prolific poster is mightyatom with 23 posts per day over the past 11 days that he had been a TV member.

Both casualbiker (54 days, 863 posts, 15.98 ppd) and scamper (57 days, 789 posts, 13.84 ppd) are still ahead of you though.

On the opposing side, icommunity (33, 596, 18.06) is the clear leader followed by BNC (23,336,14.61).

On the basis of this evidence, if any political party is paying for posts, then it's more like Dem / PDRC than PT.

what does joining 5 days ago have anything to do with anything?

I just like to stick with facts rather than wild allegations, that's all.

what the heck man, you just accused me of being a paid Suthep acolyte

For sure, you're no fan of Chalerm :)

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Yes, you are the newest anti-govt poster, having only joined 5 days ago. But you have been a busy boy, having now made 52 posts (average 10.4 posts per day). But by far, the most prolific poster is mightyatom with 23 posts per day over the past 11 days that he had been a TV member.

Both casualbiker (54 days, 863 posts, 15.98 ppd) and scamper (57 days, 789 posts, 13.84 ppd) are still ahead of you though.

On the opposing side, icommunity (33, 596, 18.06) is the clear leader followed by BNC (23,336,14.61).

On the basis of this evidence, if any political party is paying for posts, then it's more like Dem / PDRC than PT.

what does joining 5 days ago have anything to do with anything?

I just like to stick with facts rather than wild allegations, that's all.

what the heck man, you just accused me of being a paid Suthep acolyte

For sure, you're no fan of Chalerm :)

I'm not exactly a fan of Suthep either

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Why, talk, that all it is and as suthep say's she is just a puppet, basically you talk to the organ grinder not the monkey.


But all they want to do is delay the inevitable, there is nothing new on the table, (may be an offer of a brown envelope under the table to shut up).

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There have to be powerful backers. But that should not be as important as the facts showing the results this man has made.

The PTP and YL have lost the confidence of the people that put them in their positions.

The corruption, lies, and illegal acts are no longer hidden.

Whatever happens next noone knows. I dont think the thai people want Suthep to run the country. Im sure they dont want YL doing it.

Sutheps popularity is only because he is exposing things about the Gov that the people didnt know. Now others are exposing the gov dirty laundry which is why Suthep protests have waned down. Even he is speaker for the PDRC he has shown people to think and see what the gov is doing behind their backs. I donttt agree with Some of Sutheps tactics but you have to admit he has changed the way people percieve that pretty face who is running this country now.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two weeks ago tomorrow the Thai electorate were offered the chance to decide who should govern the country.

That election was partially blocked, by thuggery and intimidation on the part of Sutheps campaign,with it would seem the connivance of elements within the establishment hostile to "the pretty face" and her government.

Sutheps power grab has stalled, the military won't finish the job because they are worried about popular (red) reaction. The courts are also dragging their feet for the same reason.

How to solve the deadlock, finish the election process, abide by the results. Maybe the Democrats will win, maybe the" pretty face" will win, we shall see.

Ironically, some would claim that the epithet "pretty face" could be applied to Abhisit. Not by me I hasten to add!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by JAG
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There have to be powerful backers. But that should not be as important as the facts showing the results this man has made.

The PTP and YL have lost the confidence of the people that put them in their positions.

The corruption, lies, and illegal acts are no longer hidden.

Whatever happens next noone knows. I dont think the thai people want Suthep to run the country. Im sure they dont want YL doing it.

Sutheps popularity is only because he is exposing things about the Gov that the people didnt know. Now others are exposing the gov dirty laundry which is why Suthep protests have waned down. Even he is speaker for the PDRC he has shown people to think and see what the gov is doing behind their backs. I donttt agree with Some of Sutheps tactics but you have to admit he has changed the way people percieve that pretty face who is running this country now.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two weeks ago tomorrow the Thai electorate were offered the chance to decide who should govern the country.

That election was partially blocked, by thuggery and intimidation on the part of Sutheps campaign,with it would seem the connivance of elements within the establishment hostile to "the pretty face" and her government.

Sutheps power grab has stalled, the military won't finish the job because they are worried about popular (red) reaction. The courts are also dragging their feet for the same reason.

How to solve the deadlock, finish the election process, abide by the results. Maybe the Democrats will win, maybe the" pretty face" will win, we shall see.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Suthep is not making a power grab - he is retiring after he has finished his business.

He won anyway when Yingluck dissolved the house so it doesn't matter what happens from now on.

There is the minor point of the courts hovering above her waiting to pounce and finish her off!!!

exciting times ahead for sure.

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Thaksin got things done he was beginning to change Thailand for the GOOD. BUT?? the rich elite,the old boys elite, the civil service,the courts they didn't think much of change, cunning solution ARMY COUP! All the charges against him Politically motivated! Come back please, do put the cat amongst the Pigeons

apart from,HIMSELF...the changes for the good of whom?

I seem to read many,unpaid farmers and even,more in debt

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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Suthep is his own man.

Yingluck and the entire PTP as well as the police are the ones who are puppets and Thaksin is the only one pulling the strings.

No proof that Suthep is anyone's puppet..... loads of proof all the others are.

Get used to it.

Want to bet ?

Hes just the front man.

google, powerful forces revealed behind thai protest movement reuters

No proof lol no not in Thailand. Censorship laws prohibit certain discussions here so go look where it dosnt apply. wai2.gif

Your powerful forces are two retired Generals? That's common knowledge and has been since the beginning, Same on the pro-Govt side.

You need to be looking further up the chain of command, right to nearly the very top, on both sides, then you'll get a glimmer of what's really happening here.

Indeed you are correct Tatsujin, the information is in that article is laid out clearly enough, if all you see is two generals you didnt read it very well. Even Reuters if they wish to remain here cannot go into more detail.

Those who know, know and it is not such a secret just forbidden to discussion here

Yul Brynner?

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Suthep spurns talks with government


“If we lost, we all go to the jails. But if we won, our children grandchildren will have a future,” he told the crowd.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/suthep-spurns-talks-government/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-15

Ok, I think that even Suthep knows the way out of this ridiculous crisis.

Since he already lost, let him go to prison, and everything goes back to normal. Perfect smile.png

(What a very poor English, by the way. He should educate himself a bit)

Sent from my iPhone...

I bet he speaks more English than you speak Thai.

Maybe you are the one who needs an education?

"no hab"

You are welcome to bet... But you take a risk :rolleyes:

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There have to be powerful backers. But that should not be as important as the facts showing the results this man has made.

The PTP and YL have lost the confidence of the people that put them in their positions.

The corruption, lies, and illegal acts are no longer hidden.

Whatever happens next noone knows. I dont think the thai people want Suthep to run the country. Im sure they dont want YL doing it.

Sutheps popularity is only because he is exposing things about the Gov that the people didnt know. Now others are exposing the gov dirty laundry which is why Suthep protests have waned down. Even he is speaker for the PDRC he has shown people to think and see what the gov is doing behind their backs. I donttt agree with Some of Sutheps tactics but you have to admit he has changed the way people percieve that pretty face who is running this country now.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two weeks ago tomorrow the Thai electorate were offered the chance to decide who should govern the country.

That election was partially blocked, by thuggery and intimidation on the part of Sutheps campaign,with it would seem the connivance of elements within the establishment hostile to "the pretty face" and her government.

Sutheps power grab has stalled, the military won't finish the job because they are worried about popular (red) reaction. The courts are also dragging their feet for the same reason.

How to solve the deadlock, finish the election process, abide by the results. Maybe the Democrats will win, maybe the" pretty face" will win, we shall see.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Suthep is not making a power grab - he is retiring after he has finished his business.

He won anyway when Yingluck dissolved the house so it doesn't matter what happens from now on.

There is the minor point of the courts hovering above her waiting to pounce and finish her off!!!

exciting times ahead for sure.

the courts and army hedging..... they will back whoever looks like winning. and now... that is not suthep and his small mob. look bigger today at asoke... only becase police close his stages in another place.

courts and army will hope to secure some power with PT now. or it look like serious civil war if they help suthep and 1,000 people to gain power

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It's ironic seeing these words come from the mouth of the ultimate puppet.

Suthep is his own man.

Yingluck and the entire PTP as well as the police are the ones who are puppets and Thaksin is the only one pulling the strings.

No proof that Suthep is anyone's puppet..... loads of proof all the others are.

Get used to it.

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You have to be the most naive person in the Universe if you do not know Suthep is a puppet of people much higher up in the Thai hierarchy.555+

Please Khun Suthep, give us just one policy that will appeal to the electorate. So far your only words are about getting rid of the Shinawatras. Yes, it is true, taking the vote away from rural Thai voters and replacing that with an oligarchy run by Bangkok Chinese elites will not get you very far. Policies, Khun Suthep, policies, try and get a popular one. Otherwise your cause is hopeless.

Edited by Stone Inscription 1
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Thaksin got things done he was beginning to change Thailand for the GOOD. BUT?? the rich elite,the old boys elite, the civil service,the courts they didn't think much of change, cunning solution ARMY COUP! All the charges against him Politically motivated! Come back please, do put the cat amongst the Pigeons

apart from,HIMSELF...the changes for the good of whom?

I seem to read many,unpaid farmers and even,more in debt

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Oh!! It's not that bad really, it's only well North of a million!!sad.png

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You have to be the most naive person in the Universe if you do not know Suthep is a puppet of people much higher up in the Thai hierarchy.555+

Please Khun Suthep, give us just one policy that will appeal to the electorate. So far your only words are about getting rid of the Shinawatras. Yes, it is true, taking the vote away from rural Thai voters and replacing that with an oligarchy run by Bangkok Chinese elites will not get you very far. Policies, Khun Suthep, policies, try and get a popular one. Otherwise your cause is hopeless.

What are you on about? The PDRC is not a political party. All they want is reforms to a flawed electoral system and then to hold free and fair elections (Suthep will step down from politics and retire). If the PTP (without the Shins) obtain power in the next election following reform then Suthep would be quite happy with that as that will be the wishes of the people.

The PDRC want one other thing - the immediate disappearance of the Shinawatra's from politics.

That's really not too much to ask for, is it?? After all, don't we all want free and fair elections to take place - it will be the most democratic form of government Thailand has ever had!!!

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There have to be powerful backers. But that should not be as important as the facts showing the results this man has made.

The PTP and YL have lost the confidence of the people that put them in their positions.

The corruption, lies, and illegal acts are no longer hidden.

Whatever happens next noone knows. I dont think the thai people want Suthep to run the country. Im sure they dont want YL doing it.

Sutheps popularity is only because he is exposing things about the Gov that the people didnt know. Now others are exposing the gov dirty laundry which is why Suthep protests have waned down. Even he is speaker for the PDRC he has shown people to think and see what the gov is doing behind their backs. I donttt agree with Some of Sutheps tactics but you have to admit he has changed the way people percieve that pretty face who is running this country now.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Two weeks ago tomorrow the Thai electorate were offered the chance to decide who should govern the country.

That election was partially blocked, by thuggery and intimidation on the part of Sutheps campaign,with it would seem the connivance of elements within the establishment hostile to "the pretty face" and her government.

Sutheps power grab has stalled, the military won't finish the job because they are worried about popular (red) reaction. The courts are also dragging their feet for the same reason.

How to solve the deadlock, finish the election process, abide by the results. Maybe the Democrats will win, maybe the" pretty face" will win, we shall see.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Suthep is not making a power grab - he is retiring after he has finished his business.

He won anyway when Yingluck dissolved the house so it doesn't matter what happens from now on.

There is the minor point of the courts hovering above her waiting to pounce and finish her off!!!

exciting times ahead for sure.

the courts and army hedging..... they will back whoever looks like winning. and now... that is not suthep and his small mob. look bigger today at asoke... only becase police close his stages in another place.

courts and army will hope to secure some power with PT now. or it look like serious civil war if they help suthep and 1,000 people to gain power

Dreeeeam, dream, dream, dream!!!

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Suthep is his own man.

Yingluck and the entire PTP as well as the police are the ones who are puppets and Thaksin is the only one pulling the strings.

No proof that Suthep is anyone's puppet..... loads of proof all the others are.

Get used to it.

Want to bet ?

Hes just the front man.

google, powerful forces revealed behind thai protest movement reuters

No proof lol no not in Thailand. Censorship laws prohibit certain discussions here so go look where it dosnt apply. wai2.gif

Your powerful forces are two retired Generals? That's common knowledge and has been since the beginning, Same on the pro-Govt side.

You need to be looking further up the chain of command, right to nearly the very top, on both sides, then you'll get a glimmer of what's really happening here.

Indeed you are correct Tatsujin, the information is in that article is laid out clearly enough, if all you see is two generals you didnt read it very well. Even Reuters if they wish to remain here cannot go into more detail.

Those who know, know and it is not such a secret just forbidden to discussion here

Yul Brynner?

He was a good actor that's all I'm going to say!!thumbsup.gif

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It's ironic seeing these words come from the mouth of the ultimate puppet.

Suthep is his own man.

Yingluck and the entire PTP as well as the police are the ones who are puppets and Thaksin is the only one pulling the strings.

No proof that Suthep is anyone's puppet..... loads of proof all the others are.

Get used to it.

Did you recite the required number of "man from Dubai" chants before you posted the standard cliches?

That Suthep is a puppet of much larger reactionary forces is hardly a controversial statement on any side of the spectrum. Who exactly do you think is backing him? And, please don't say "the people" ...

Interesting that you feel the need to attack the poster in your first sentence. What, trying to convince us that YL is really the caretaker PM/DM and that PTP caretaker ministers and ex MP's actually are allowed free will? Get real on that one. Claiming they are cliches in an attempt to deny is well worn.

The attempted whitewashing of Thaksin from conviction and outstanding charges, cheating bills through parliament, self interests. lies and inept policies are what bought the people onto the streets in vast numbers from all social strata. There was little evidence PTP would adhere to the law, especially when they even had the affront to state they wouldn't.

The protests have no doubt been hijacked by those with their own agenda. Who controls them, what all the agendas are is open to speculation. Note, speculation, Unless you have proof that you'd like to share with us? So who do you think is backing him and based on what information?

All YL has to do to disprove this is: answer the Ombudsman's 2.5 year old question on why her cousin illegally issued a new passport to her criminal fugitive brother, instruct the finance and commerce caretaker ministers to reveal the true figures regarding the rice scheme and other areas of questionable government spend, and issue a request for the extradition and arrest of all fugitives from Thai justice,

You think any of that likely to happen?

Last Thursday she promised farmers they would be paid next week. Now it's they will "gradually be paid". Everything changes from one day to the next, complete U-turns, broken promises, more promises totted out. Sadly the hallmark of a compulsive liar who is used to people having to believe whatever crap they spout.

Would you seriously want to hold talks with someone on this basis? Knowing full well they have no power to make decisions, a history of breaking commitments and no interest or authority in really changing their own agenda?

I'm sure similar arguments could be put forward from the other viewpoint too. So the impasse will sadly continue.

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