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Unusual money withdrawal of cash from GSB

Lite Beer

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President of the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) Luck Wajananawat said late today that the bank would cease paying farmers with the inter bank loan and to return it to the Government Savings Bank (GSB).


So the farmers are still screwed then? This mess seems to have no end in sight.

Besides you and one other no-one is taking any notice of the fact the interbank deal has been rescinded; too busy forecasting the demise of GSB, end of Thai banking system blah, blah

Not a SME on the Thai banking system and the intertwining of the relevant Ministries decision making process, so no idea of the outcome. Many do seem to be so or is just opinions and conjecture?

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Latest figures show 30 billion baht was withdrawn from all GSB branches on Monday while 10 million baht was deposited.

I look forward to how this will be interpreted by the PTP.

I want to know who the doughnuts are that deposited 10 billion baht in!!

I want to know what the real figure is. One site states 10 million and another states 10 billion?

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These days all banks are interconnected in one way or another - remember that the demise of Lehmans - a medium sized investment bank - nearly crashed the whole world banking system completely. People rubbing their hands over this should perhaps be careful about what they wish for. Bank runs tend to be contageous and are always dangerous.

I disagree. This will be a time of horror for GSB. Meanwhile the other banks

which have made public statements that they will have no

part of the rice scam loans will benefit as the money taken from GSB will

be put into their banks. So no crashing of the banking system, will only hear

the sound of the slow demise of the Yingluck government....

A lot of people were wondering why the 2.2 trillion baht " transportation

bill" was being rushed through. Now it is perfectly clear that it was an

attempt to borrow money to pay the farmers so the government could

stay in power longer to continue the looting.

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Someone asked above about Krung Thai bank being involved in all this.

They supposedly were NOT. But then over the weekend, my wife saw something on one of the Thai TV networks saying KT has decided to loan money to the government or one of the other banks. I think it was Spring or Voice TV.

Later, I couldn't find anything in the English language news about that anywhere. But later in the weekend, the news broke about GSB agreeing to lend funds to the BAAC.

So I dunno if the KT thing was simply a reporting mistake, or someone was deliberately setting out to put pressure on them.

Either way, when it comes to potential bank runs, I wouldn't give an ounce of credibility to anything we hear from the banks or the government of that subject. If they say $10 was withdrawn, I'd bet it was closer to $1000 in reality.

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Latest figures show 30 billion baht was withdrawn from all GSB branches on Monday while 10 million baht was deposited.

I look forward to how this will be interpreted by the PTP.

I want to know who the doughnuts are that deposited 10 billion baht in!!

I want to know what the real figure is. One site states 10 million and another states 10 billion?

Its billions ie: 10 billion in and 30 billion out meaning that 20 billion has exited the banks coffers.

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this was not a bank run.

A bank run is when people go en masse to a bank and withdraw their own money.Here is was (schould be ) farmers taking a loan on a very profitable intrest.

80 ritch (smart) people took these about 725 000 bht loans and put the on an other bank for better intrest and so just making money.

there are about 1 milj farmers who wait for their money,but this has nothing to do with what happened today.That is a number in the billions not this small pissmoney

of today.coffee1.gif

This was only the first day.

Tomorrow, more will do the same and there will be undesirables following people out of the bank to relieve people of their money.

Perhaps it will be Yingluck herself with her henchmen? I hope that not too many take notice of all this crap vomited on these threads by some posters.

The public have short memories, in a couple of days this panic will have subsided. There will not be any more panics until some other bright spark makes another statement in the media. hopefully these will be few and far between.

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Not unusual at all. People don't want their money to disappear into the the shin clan pockets via the rice scam.

I'm amazed that Thai banks hold that amount of cash 10 million =£200,000

Go to a UK high Street bank and try to withdraw £20,000 without notice and they will tell you they do not hold the funds,

except MAYBE Monday morning.

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Doesn't amount to a full scale bank run yet but, if GSB continues with its inter-bank lending to BAAC, it could turn into one. That would mean GSB would have to turn to the inter-bank market to borrow funds itself and ultimately might have to be propped up by the government which has no authority to borrow money to support failing finance institutions. Kittirat has already dumped the the debt created by the Finance Ministry in the bail out of insolvent institutions in 1997 on to the Bank of Thailand's balance sheet. I wonder where he would try to get money from this time.

At any rate the inter-bank loan to BAAC is odd because BAAC has plenty of liquidity and was a net lender in the inter-bank market until it reversed course and started borrowing from GSB. Inter-bank loans are usually overnight or for a few days and never more than 30 days. For BAAC to pay back GSB within 30 days it will clearly have use its own liquidity which BAAC's union had objected to. So Does Kittirat think the union is so stupid they won't figure out this is a scheme to use BAAC's own liquidity with a 30 lag effect? When they do figure it out, there is a significant risk that GSB will not be repaid on time.

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Not unusual at all. People don't want their money to disappear into the the shin clan pockets via the rice scam.

I'm amazed that Thai banks hold that amount of cash 10 million =£200,000

Go to a UK high Street bank and try to withdraw £20,000 without notice and they will tell you they do not hold the funds,

except MAYBE Monday morning.

At the start of the Great Depression in 1929 when there was no deposit insurance and lots of small iffy banks in the US Americans rushed to withdraw their savings in $20 gold eagle coins, not trusting bank notes. Obviously deliveries of gold coins couldn't keep up with the demand and the fractional reserve banking system meant that banks became insolvent fast. Thousands of banks went bust across the country destroying not only the savings of their depositors but also the businesses that depended on the banks for credit.

These things can spiral out of control if not managed properly. Time for Kittirat, Yingluck and the other clowns mismanaging the Thai economy to be locked safely away in an asylum with the keys thrown into a deep ocean.

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so in the end the farmers will have to wait to get their money.

Is everybody missing the point that at some stage some government is going to have to pay out this money to the farmers. So what difference does it make if its paid now or next month or next year.

Or is it really the case that the protesters think that the farmers shouldn't be paid because they think that the government has apparently acted improperly. So about 10% of the poorest people in this country have to suffer so a bunch of clowns can score points against the government.

A very sad state of affairs when wealthy people have to stoop so low to marginalize the poorest of their own people.

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so in the end the farmers will have to wait to get their money.

Is everybody missing the point that at some stage some government is going to have to pay out this money to the farmers. So what difference does it make if its paid now or next month or next year.

Or is it really the case that the protesters think that the farmers shouldn't be paid because they think that the government has apparently acted improperly. So about 10% of the poorest people in this country have to suffer so a bunch of clowns can score points against the government.

A very sad state of affairs when wealthy people have to stoop so low to marginalize the poorest of their own people.

Jackrich, is that you, or Pipkins?

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What run? almost as much money was deposited from what was withdrawn, as 80 withdrawal were fairly large as the rich playing with their money but the little man made up for the money the rich withdrew.

Why would the government want that dirty money in their bank anyway.


If it was in your pocket you would be running right down the street to give it to Yingluck?

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Latest figures show 30 billion baht was withdrawn from all GSB branches on Monday while 10 million baht was deposited.

I look forward to how this will be interpreted by the PTP.

I want to know who the doughnuts are that deposited 10 billion baht in!!

Pipkins, Jackrich, fab4, levelhead, diceq, tilac2, gery1011........

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What run? almost as much money was deposited from what was withdrawn, as 80 withdrawal were fairly large as the rich playing with their money but the little man made up for the money the rich withdrew.

Why would the government want that dirty money in their bank anyway.


Just because you choose to believe this bullshit doesn't make it true. Did you expect the GSB bank facing a run on its assets would issue a statement telling the exact scale of it? Would that help their situation? No, it would make their situation worse.

Almost everyone in the country with internet, or TV will here about this run on the banks and will follow suit if they have money in the GSB. It only takes 10% of the deposits to be removed and the GSB will have to close its doors.

Now for some facts.

Sister in law has 80,000 baht in there. She had no intention of withdrawing her money, but once she saw the pictures of the queues and also some people at her workplace asking for an hour off work to withdraw their money, she decided to do the same... gets to the bank and is given a cashiers check saying that all the cash money was gone.

At least she can deposit that check into her KBank account where it is safe.

Please give the name of this branch that you claim ran out of money and I will phone and check.

It only takes 10% of the deposits to be removed and the GSB will have to close its doors. Really; so you are an expert on the Thai banking system and their economics are you? Please give a credible source of this information? Or how you estimate these figures?

I have been watching you on other threads and to me you are suspect, a scaremonger who gives so-called facts that have no foundation whatsoever.

A bank maintains normally between 10% and 20% (in extreme cases) liquidity.

The rest is out in loans and mortgages etc.... This is what earns revenue for the bank, without this a bank can not pay interest on deposits. It could not also pay its massive overheads... any idea how much it costs to run a bank???.

The money out on loan has to hugely outstrip its liquidity (money in hand) to keep everything from breaking down. When money is loaned out it can be up to 30 years before it comes back,, all money out on loan pays for day to day actual cash movements, and all the other costs of banking

Anything less than 80% out on loan and it will struggle to cover all the costs, money not out working for the bank is costing the bank in lost potential profits and also they have to pay interest on that money.

On another thread the GSB president gave all the figures, go find it yourself, I can't be arsed to help your lazy ass.

It went something like (off the top of my head) 1.7 trillion in deposits, with 2.1 trillion in assets and 200 bn in liquidity.

Forget the assets, they are not liquid and would take a miracle to return to liquid funds. The deposits are out on loan minus the 200 Bn that means 1,500 Bn (1.5 trillion) is out earning the bank profit to cover the interest on 1.7 trillion plus all bank running costs.

So its liquidity of total deposits is about 12.5%

If the bank is suddenly pulled up for 10% of its deposits (170 Bn) then they are in the shit and it is goodbye Vienna.

This I thought was common knowledge among mature educated adults. Seems I am wrong.

Don't try to tell me I don't know what I am talking about because my dad had 5000 shares in Northern Rock and they webt from £21 a share to £0.60 within days. He should have got less than that but the UK government subsidized it from about £0.14 to £0.60. I know what happens first hand when that shit happens. I read enough about it to try to explain to my elderly dad why he lost all his investment.

Scaremongering my arse.... this shit is real, this shit happens, I am connected to it first hand.


Edited by telecom
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-58 wthdraw and +51,6 deposit rolleyes.gif = 6,4 real witdrawthumbsup.gif

The question may be the believability of anything, coming from anyone, about anything. So many sketchy figures, contradictory comments and outright falsehoods makes reading an interesting minefield.

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Unless the media have got the figures mixed up (possible) then there is a huge difference between a net withdrawal of 6 million and 20 billion. I would say 20 billion was not enough to cause the GSB to collapse, but it's a significant net withdrawal in one day.

I would like to see the person who offered to transfer his funds to cover the withdrawal amount follow through on his offer. No? Didn't think so.

It was almost certainly the government ordering other 'state run project' budgets be transferred to the GSB.

They hinted at it on Saturday.

That will be the mystery deposits, not a mystery to the GSB or the government, but they won't make it public because they can use it as propaganda to fool the public into thinking it is a product of support for the loan.

Call me cynical, but I bet I am closer to the mark than most theories, and you have to look at everything from this government with a huge degree of cynicism.

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just a pinprick on all their reserves of cash and property and collateral of the rich monks who park their cash there .

Tea money has to be stashed somewhere

they can always print more notes

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My god I have never read such a load off rubbish in my life. After reading these posts from obviously bitter and twisted farang who have nothing better to do with there under used brains I will transfer 7million baht from BKK bank tomorrow to GSB to make this news a non event.

I hope it will get the same reaction as this scaremongering of people into withdrawing their money from GSB.

Why do some farang who are obviously very unhappy in Thailand bother to stay here only for the simple reason that they have f'all money/pensions to live in their own country like they live here.

Many posts by farang love to go on about the thais being uneducated when in fact they are highly uneducated themselves. They no nothing about interbank lending and how banks make money and economics in general.

The only thing I want is a stable government elected by the majority of the people which these protesters are hell bent on not allowing, they have reached an all time low now with the way they are playing with the millions of people who depend on rice as there source of income.

Shame on all the farang who support this puppet Suthep and his cronies. And if you cannot see that they are now playing with the farmers and have been from the start knowing full well that an inconclusive election would only result in suffering for the farmers.

Everybody needs to have a long hard look at there own education.

I hope you have 20 billion on you rather than 7 million, you may need it tomorrow

You may be surprised that a lot of people on here are highly educated but know first hand the corrupt and despicable way in which this present government acts.

I deal with people in this government regularly up to Minister level and so have first hand knowledge of exactly what they have been up to.

I have no time for apologists with no financial or political knowledge, like yourself, that can only repeat what their girlfriends tell them and cannot see past the rhetoric.

Although I am personally against Suthep as he is as bad as the Shins, but if it was not for his demonstrations, the government would not have been dissolved and the sorry mess that is the rice pledging scheme would not have been forced into the open - it would have taken another year and another 700Bn Baht to come home to roost which would have been even mor disastrous for the national economy - even as it is there are many worthy projects that will now have to be cancelled to pay for this fiasco.

This was predicted by many people who saw the financial folly of such a pledging scheme above market prices, but were arrogantly dismissed by an incompetent bunch of crooks.

If you knew them as well as I do you would know that it is family first and the farmers are way down the list of their priorities, at least until it threatens their eminent domain.

I suggest you take some time to read up on the inception of the rice pledging scheme and the economists comments at the time before posting again and criticising other members for lack of financial acumen.

Sarcasim has obviously been lost somewhere inside your vastly superior brain to me who has absolutely no financial or political knowledge or at least up to your obviously superior level.

Maybe with your dazzling knowledge of all things financial and political in Thailand you might be able to explain to me how this country is going to get out of this mess it is in.

I dislike both sides equally but I do believe in democracy find it quite despicable when somebody takes away this fundamental right and which in turn has untold hardship on the poorest 10% of the population just to score political points. Surely there are ways of doing this within the political/judicial/constitution powers in this country. Not just throw the toys out of the cot and bring the country to a standstill.

Surely cutting off your nose to spite your face is for children.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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There have been reports of other alleged bank runs on ThaiVisa over the past few weeks. One person after another comes on to report huge amounts being withdrawn from this or that bank, seeing long lines of people waiting to withdraw from ATMs, hearing gossip about the 'sure failure' of a certain bank, etc etc.

I'd suggest this is part of a propaganda war being waged against the elected government (a campaign to which TV members contribute unintentionally or otherwise).

When the coup or judicial coup eventually arrives the coup-mongers will be able to say: 'the country was in a state of anarchy, law and order had broken down, the banks were failing, etc etc'.

Of course it's not impossible that there is a campaign by Suthep and his bosses to organise a bank run against the GSB. These people are utterly ruthless. However, GSB is one of the oldest banks in the country, so I doubt that there is a problem. The so-called huge withdrawals could be just rumours.

For those among you who haven't fallen for this bank-run stuff on TV, I'd suggest some better and more reliable reading might be the BP's 'Year End Review', which suggests a country in quite good shape. Of course it refers to all of 2013, which was mainly before the insurrectionist Suthep had come along to try and ruin the country.

Oh, and if it's any comfort for you in the next few weeks, at least we can be sure that one bank in Thailand won't suffer from the chaos: indeed, the bank in question is So Certain to Benefit.

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There have been reports of other alleged bank runs on ThaiVisa over the past few weeks. One person after another comes on to report huge amounts being withdrawn from this or that bank, seeing long lines of people waiting to withdraw from ATMs, hearing gossip about the 'sure failure' of a certain bank, etc etc.
I'd suggest this is part of a propaganda war being waged against the elected government (a campaign to which TV members contribute unintentionally or otherwise).
When the coup or judicial coup eventually arrives the coup-mongers will be able to say: 'the country was in a state of anarchy, law and order had broken down, the banks were failing, etc etc'.
Of course it's not impossible that there is a campaign by Suthep and his bosses to organise a bank run against the GSB. These people are utterly ruthless. However, GSB is one of the oldest banks in the country, so I doubt that there is a problem. The so-called huge withdrawals could be just rumours.
For those among you who haven't fallen for this bank-run stuff on TV, I'd suggest some better and more reliable reading might be the BP's 'Year End Review', which suggests a country in quite good shape. Of course it refers to all of 2013, which was mainly before the insurrectionist Suthep had come along to try and ruin the country.
Oh, and if it's any comfort for you in the next few weeks, at least we can be sure that one bank in Thailand won't suffer from the chaos: indeed, the bank in question is So Certain to Benefit.

Please answer this one simple question.

How much money in Thai banks is the real folding stuff, not just numbers on paper?

Sorry, two questions.

Who will suffer the most when that runs out, the people with empty pockets, or the people with numbers on paper?

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There have been reports of other alleged bank runs on ThaiVisa over the past few weeks. One person after another comes on to report huge amounts being withdrawn from this or that bank, seeing long lines of people waiting to withdraw from ATMs, hearing gossip about the 'sure failure' of a certain bank, etc etc.

I'd suggest this is part of a propaganda war being waged against the elected government (a campaign to which TV members contribute unintentionally or otherwise).

When the coup or judicial coup eventually arrives the coup-mongers will be able to say: 'the country was in a state of anarchy, law and order had broken down, the banks were failing, etc etc'.

Of course it's not impossible that there is a campaign by Suthep and his bosses to organise a bank run against the GSB. These people are utterly ruthless. However, GSB is one of the oldest banks in the country, so I doubt that there is a problem. The so-called huge withdrawals could be just rumours.

For those among you who haven't fallen for this bank-run stuff on TV, I'd suggest some better and more reliable reading might be the BP's 'Year End Review', which suggests a country in quite good shape. Of course it refers to all of 2013, which was mainly before the insurrectionist Suthep had come along to try and ruin the country.

Oh, and if it's any comfort for you in the next few weeks, at least we can be sure that one bank in Thailand won't suffer from the chaos: indeed, the bank in question is So Certain to Benefit.

Would be interested for you to elaborate on your final statement, or are you again sailing into LM territory?

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