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Merlen10002, not only do you seem to have selective hearing, you seem to have selective reading as well.

In an earlier post, I said "now if you could come along and provide something in writing from DIAC, well then

that would be a whole different story".

Still nothing in writing, only a half assed story saying the DIAC officer told you financial and accomodation

details were no longer required, but include them"!

So David48 there you go. For your pending spouse application, just ignore the part on the forms and website

where it is asking for information. Just write down "not necessary, Merlen10002 told me they were no longer required".facepalm.gif


I have to agree the with Will27, all Merlen10002 has given what he thought he was told by some person (still hasn't told us who they are or their position)

Where both Will27 and I have given written references taken for DIAC sources.

Just to add so people can make an informed decision on this topic here it is again taken from the Partner Migration booklet page 13 & 16


Part 3 – Information for sponsors (page 13)

All applicants for a partner category visa must have a sponsor. The sponsor must be prepared to sponsor the visa applicant and any dependent family members who are also included in the application and who are also migrating with the applicant. The sponsor is usually the person with whom the visa applicant has the fiancé(e) or partner relationship.
You, as the sponsor, must meet a range of legal criteria to be eligible to sponsor your fiancé(e) or partner.
As part of the application process, your relationship with your fiancé(e) or partner will be assessed.
This means that you and your fiancé(e) or partner will be asked to provide personal information and documents to the department. You may also be asked personal questions about your relationship at interview.
To help determine whether or not you can meet these criteria, you must complete form 40SP
Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia, which includes providing evidence of your employment
and financial status and giving a sponsorship undertaking (see page 16).
The form is available from the department’s website and can be printed out as a PDF, or obtained in paper format from the nearest office of the department or Australian mission overseas, and then filled in. For further details on how to make a sponsorship application, see page 11.

Sponsorship undertaking (page 16)
As sponsor for your fiancé(e) or partner’s visa application to migrate to Australia, you sign a sponsorship undertaking at the end of form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia.

If your fiancé(e) applies for and is granted a Prospective Marriage visa, as sponsor you are responsible for all financial obligations to the Australian Government that your fiancé(e) might incur during the period they are in Australia.

If your partner applies for and is granted a Partner visa, as sponsor you agree to provide adequate accommodation and financial assistance as required to meet your partner’s reasonable living needs.

If your partner is applying outside Australia, this assistance would cover their first 2 years in Australia. If your partner is applying in Australia, this assistance would cover the 2 years following the grant of their temporary Partner visa. You are also required to provide financial and other support, such as childcare, that will enable your partner to attend appropriate English classes.

By signing the undertaking, you will also be agreeing to provide information and advice to help your partner settle in Australia. This information and advice should include telling your partner about employment in Australia.

It is important that your fiancé(e) or partner and dependants understand that Australia’s national language is English. A good standard of spoken and written English is essential if they want to work in Australia.

Without these skills, it may be very difficult for them to gain employment at a level commensurate with their job skills and qualifications. They should therefore assess their own employment prospects in Australia, whether or not they intend to work immediately.

  • Like 1

But Khun Surin13 do you have good heart like Khun Will27?

You do sound like hansum man - like Khun Will27 - but unless you have good heart, Khun Will27 is the Issara Bhudda on this topic!

Sorry merlen10002, your big thing isn't going to pay for the sick buffalo..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  • Like 2

But Khun Surin13 do you have good heart like Khun Will27?

You do sound like hansum man - like Khun Will27 - but unless you have good heart, Khun Will27 is the Issara Bhudda on this topic!

Sorry merlen10002, your big thing isn't going to pay for the sick buffalo..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Mr Smith, I did try and stick to the AFL fourm, but, (and apologies to Michael Corleone

here), just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

All people have asked Merlen10002 for, is something in writing from DIAC to verify the changes

he advised. So rather than email DIAC, he drove 240 clicks to try and confirm his story and comes

back confirming everyone else'sbiggrin.png

  • Like 1

But Khun Surin13 do you have good heart like Khun Will27?

You do sound like hansum man - like Khun Will27 - but unless you have good heart, Khun Will27 is the Issara Bhudda on this topic!

Sorry merlen10002, your big thing isn't going to pay for the sick buffalo..

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Mr Smith, I did try and stick to the AFL fourm, but, (and apologies to Michael Corleone

here), just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

All people have asked Merlen10002 for, is something in writing from DIAC to verify the changes

he advised. So rather than email DIAC, he drove 240 clicks to try and confirm his story and comes

back confirming everyone else'sbiggrin.png

It's because you have such good heart Khun Will27!

Khun merlen10002 say he no give two fishes tits, I'm wagering before buffalo come home from hospital there'll be a reaction ;) Cos he no have good heart like you Khun Will27 only have big thing.

But if you play with midgets, everything is big to them, no?


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  • Like 2

Gee I'm glad I don't have to do anymore visas.

This whole thread has become confusing. The answer is whatever the paperwork requires on their checklist, minus advice from that Pattaya visa service.


I am very sorry I apologize to will27,david48,surin13,grantsmith and krisb, I did not know you all have a understanding disability, I am sorry I have written to quick, I will write a lot slower for you, and not use big words or long complicated post.

Form 40SP 52 is the reason I went to see the Embassy Officer at the AVSC because I was concerned about the requirement to supply financial information to support my wife in Australia and the information about accommodation,, hope I am not writing to fast for you,, I asked the Australian lady Officer from the Australian Embassy Bangkok, not a Thai lady, identified by the large card around her neck, her posting in Bangkok was for two years, not some fly by night idiot that would give wrong information as surin13 has suggested, we had a personal talk about a few things after my questions, my question was how do I supply information for the financial requirement to support my wife in Australia, as in 40SP 52, as I only have a small amount of money in a bank account in Australia, all my money is in Thai banks, and I do not have any property in Australia and will have to rent when we get to Australia.

She said don't worry it is not required, it has changed now, we understand that someone that is not employed or have no income or on a pension financial information is not necessary.

I have never said I do not have to support my wife financially as required or not supply accommodation for my wife in Australia. maybe she was speaking about only old blokes like me, she also said they can not discriminate against someone like me. I don't know all I was interested in was my situation.

The second Officer one week later said almost the same thing but said it was not a strong thing and not a strong point, he was an Australian guy don't know how long he was working in Bangkok, he also said if I had information about my finances in Thailand I could include it but it was not necessary, he was the one that told me it had changed one year ago, why the form has not changed is maybe for the people that are employed and have income, I don't know and don't care.


I remember your post about getting it in writing and asked him could he do that for me, he said no could not give anything in writing and I understand that, maybe you can not because of your understanding problem. and it was never said financials are not necessary but include them, you are trying to be a smart arse, he said if anything you want to include do it, very different to not necessary but include them,, another smart arse remark about driving 240 km and not just email them. the visit to AVSC was not the main reason I went to Bangkok not that is any of your business why I drove to Bangkok.


The part of the Post that is the requirements have changed is true they changed one year ago, that is what the Australian Officer said, I believe him not any blokes that post on TV maybe it only for blokes like me don't know or care. and I know what is in all the forms, that is why I am being carful and trying to do the right thing,

I told you all how to confirm this but I am sure not one of you will, maybe no guts,

Will be delighted to let you all know when we get the visa without financial or accommodation information.

Hope this has not put to much pressure on your understanding disability.


Guys, I warmly suggest that we leave the OP to submit the application as he sees best and thank him for his time to update us with the information as he recalls it and told to us.

To continue along this discussion path may dissuade others, in the future, from contributing factual updates as they have experiences with this particular Visa.

MissFarmGirl will be going for her Partner Visa in a month or two and, as with the Pinned Tourist Visa thread, we document it play by play to help the next applicant.


David48 cowboy.gif


I was late to this thread but I thank you OP for your politely worded update on Partner visa requirements to Australia! I was looking at an application in the near future and you have taken a load of worry from my mind.

Just one point OP; you did promise to type a bit slower and lay off the big words, could you please stick to that promise next time? I am getting older and my ability for comprehension and concentration is no better than it was when I was in 4th class. 4th class was definitely the start of a long slide in concentration and the ability to focus for me. I blame the girls sitting in our table group. They were very motivated and did their homework every night, making the rest of the group look very lazy. I had been working on a ‘copy my friend’s homework once a fortnight’ approach, and I felt that was my limit. Any residual scholarly motivation I possessed was sucked from within. The rest of that 4th class year was spent in a haze of making classroom jokes and drawing pictures of male and female stick figures

I was delighted to hear that I do not have to provide any financial evidence or proof of accommodation! This invasion of my privacy could have opened up a Pandora’s box of trouble. I know I can take the new rule as fact because you said someone told you that it is not ‘strong’ requirement anymore. This has brought me renewed confidence in the chances of my visa success. My friends in OZ ridiculed me when I told them that the GF and I had a love so big that it would conquer anything. Who’s laughing now eh?

OP, ignore the advice of the other clown-posters here. Most of them have only personal experience in submitting Visa applications, and likely know of many others who also have. Some of them are even advising following the information on the application forms. They are blinded by their experiences. I can tell you are not the type of fool who is influenced by the experienced advice of others!

All that useless information they wasted their time providing yesterday is certainly not needed in today’s streamlined environment. You have convinced me of that 100%! Thankyou sir!

I extend to you & your wife a warm offer to come and visit if you are visiting the Gold Coast area in future. The tree I have my eye on for me and the missus should be able to support a 1 bedroom mini structure. Room enough for 4. I’m no Tarzan, but we have been known to do some swinging, so keep that in mind for your visit. There is a big tourist demand for gum leaf art on the Gold Coast and I reckon the old girl will enjoy doing up a few collages while sitting at home.

I will keep you all updated


Surely khun BookMan you are the good man with kind heart and the hansum man with big thing!

Sorry khun Will27, khun BookMan is now in charge! Back to the AFL thread for you I'm afraid sad.png


I was late to this thread but I thank you OP for your politely worded update on Partner visa requirements to Australia! I was looking at an application in the near future and you have taken a load of worry from my mind.

Just one point OP; you did promise to type a bit slower and lay off the big words, could you please stick to that promise next time? I am getting older and my ability for comprehension and concentration is no better than it was when I was in 4th class. 4th class was definitely the start of a long slide in concentration and the ability to focus for me. I blame the girls sitting in our table group. They were very motivated and did their homework every night, making the rest of the group look very lazy. I had been working on a ‘copy my friend’s homework once a fortnight’ approach, and I felt that was my limit. Any residual scholarly motivation I possessed was sucked from within. The rest of that 4th class year was spent in a haze of making classroom jokes and drawing pictures of male and female stick figures

I was delighted to hear that I do not have to provide any financial evidence or proof of accommodation! This invasion of my privacy could have opened up a Pandora’s box of trouble. I know I can take the new rule as fact because you said someone told you that it is not ‘strong’ requirement anymore. This has brought me renewed confidence in the chances of my visa success. My friends in OZ ridiculed me when I told them that the GF and I had a love so big that it would conquer anything. Who’s laughing now eh?

OP, ignore the advice of the other clown-posters here. Most of them have only personal experience in submitting Visa applications, and likely know of many others who also have. Some of them are even advising following the information on the application forms. They are blinded by their experiences. I can tell you are not the type of fool who is influenced by the experienced advice of others!

All that useless information they wasted their time providing yesterday is certainly not needed in today’s streamlined environment. You have convinced me of that 100%! Thankyou sir!

I extend to you & your wife a warm offer to come and visit if you are visiting the Gold Coast area in future. The tree I have my eye on for me and the missus should be able to support a 1 bedroom mini structure. Room enough for 4. I’m no Tarzan, but we have been known to do some swinging, so keep that in mind for your visit. There is a big tourist demand for gum leaf art on the Gold Coast and I reckon the old girl will enjoy doing up a few collages while sitting at home.

I will keep you all updated


BookMan Thank you for your post, I really liked it, good humour and refreshing even if you are taking the mickey out of me and think what I posted was nonsense, you did in a nice way, my comments got impolite as they went on as I suffer fools poorly.

I will make a few points if I may about your post.

The someone that told me was not just a someone, both the people were the Officers that assess the visa applications at the Australian Embassy not just someone and not someone that works at the AVSC, I would think they would know what was required and not give wrong information, they are not people that have a high turnover in their employment, I think that a position at the Australian Embassy would be a plum position and highly sort after. I thought that Surin13 comments about the people I spoke to and worked at the Embassy were ludicrous.

After the applications are put into the AVSC they go into a black bag and all applications are sent to the embassy to be assessed daily, the people I spoke to are the people that do this at the Embassy.

As for the experience of will27,Surin13 and the other ones that said I was wrong I don't think any of them has been to the AVSC at Thai CC house or they would know about the service that the Embassy provides, I would be surprised if any of them had done a application for a Thai lady to get a visa to go to Australia, I could be wrong but I don't think so. I think the only experience they have would from TV , and that is not great experience. I think they have nil experience and I don't mean anything nasty by that just a gut feeling.

I really hope you are putting an application in for your lady very soon because if you do and ask about the financial information and accommodation information you will then know I am correct with what I have posted.

I will be going to the Gold Coast to live as I lived there before.

The thing I objected to was will27 Surin13 David48 and the rest them making out I was stupid foolish did understand what I was talking about and a lie, and the people that I spoke to at AVSC were also stupid and did not understand and gave me wrong information.

All this can be verified by making one phone call to the Australian Embassy any day between 2.00pm and 4.00pm Monday to Friday,, I will give the phone number in the next post, maybe you will be the one to make the call , your a bit more sensible and less dogmatic about things.


OP: Are we arguing the semantics or interpretation of the advice given. I can believe that financials and accommodation 'are not a strong thing' in the assessment process, but the length, strength, enduring nature of the marriage and so on. However did you ask the qualifying question as to, lets’ say the points allocated, to get the application over the line with financials and accommodation arrangements? Without this assurance I would strongly suggest the application will not be approved.

  • Like 1

BookMan Thank you for your post, I really liked it, good humour and refreshing even if you are taking the mickey out of me and think what I posted was nonsense, you did in a nice way, my comments got impolite as they went on as I suffer fools poorly.

I will make a few points if I may about your post.

The someone that told me was not just a someone, both the people were the Officers that assess the visa applications at the Australian Embassy not just someone and not someone that works at the AVSC, I would think they would know what was required and not give wrong information, they are not people that have a high turnover in their employment, I think that a position at the Australian Embassy would be a plum position and highly sort after. I thought that Surin13 comments about the people I spoke to and worked at the Embassy were ludicrous.

After the applications are put into the AVSC they go into a black bag and all applications are sent to the embassy to be assessed daily, the people I spoke to are the people that do this at the Embassy.

As for the experience of will27,Surin13 and the other ones that said I was wrong I don't think any of them has been to the AVSC at Thai CC house or they would know about the service that the Embassy provides, I would be surprised if any of them had done a application for a Thai lady to get a visa to go to Australia, I could be wrong but I don't think so. I think the only experience they have would from TV , and that is not great experience. I think they have nil experience and I don't mean anything nasty by that just a gut feeling.

I really hope you are putting an application in for your lady very soon because if you do and ask about the financial information and accommodation information you will then know I am correct with what I have posted.

I will be going to the Gold Coast to live as I lived there before.

The thing I objected to was will27 Surin13 David48 and the rest them making out I was stupid foolish did understand what I was talking about and a lie, and the people that I spoke to at AVSC were also stupid and did not understand and gave me wrong information.

All this can be verified by making one phone call to the Australian Embassy any day between 2.00pm and 4.00pm Monday to Friday,, I will give the phone number in the next post, maybe you will be the one to make the call , your a bit more sensible and less dogmatic about things.

Merlen10002, please keep us updated on how the application goes for you and your wife.



I was late to this thread but I thank you OP for your politely worded update on Partner visa requirements to Australia! I was looking at an application in the near future and you have taken a load of worry from my mind.

Just one point OP; you did promise to type a bit slower and lay off the big words, could you please stick to that promise next time? I am getting older and my ability for comprehension and concentration is no better than it was when I was in 4th class. 4th class was definitely the start of a long slide in concentration and the ability to focus for me. I blame the girls sitting in our table group. They were very motivated and did their homework every night, making the rest of the group look very lazy. I had been working on a ‘copy my friend’s homework once a fortnight’ approach, and I felt that was my limit. Any residual scholarly motivation I possessed was sucked from within. The rest of that 4th class year was spent in a haze of making classroom jokes and drawing pictures of male and female stick figures

I was delighted to hear that I do not have to provide any financial evidence or proof of accommodation! This invasion of my privacy could have opened up a Pandora’s box of trouble. I know I can take the new rule as fact because you said someone told you that it is not ‘strong’ requirement anymore. This has brought me renewed confidence in the chances of my visa success. My friends in OZ ridiculed me when I told them that the GF and I had a love so big that it would conquer anything. Who’s laughing now eh?

OP, ignore the advice of the other clown-posters here. Most of them have only personal experience in submitting Visa applications, and likely know of many others who also have. Some of them are even advising following the information on the application forms. They are blinded by their experiences. I can tell you are not the type of fool who is influenced by the experienced advice of others!

All that useless information they wasted their time providing yesterday is certainly not needed in today’s streamlined environment. You have convinced me of that 100%! Thankyou sir!

I extend to you & your wife a warm offer to come and visit if you are visiting the Gold Coast area in future. The tree I have my eye on for me and the missus should be able to support a 1 bedroom mini structure. Room enough for 4. I’m no Tarzan, but we have been known to do some swinging, so keep that in mind for your visit. There is a big tourist demand for gum leaf art on the Gold Coast and I reckon the old girl will enjoy doing up a few collages while sitting at home.

I will keep you all updated


Surely khun BookMan you are the good man with kind heart and the hansum man with big thing!

Sorry khun Will27, khun BookMan is now in charge! Back to the AFL thread for you I'm afraid sad.png

Yes Mr Smith

I will retreat to the AFL thread with my tail between my legs.

After now seeing one of merlen10002's other posts titled

"Miss Pronunciation of Pattaya


Why do many Farangs miss pronounce Pattaya?"

I wouldn't have responded to this onewhistling.gif

  • Like 1

Yes Mr Smith

I will retreat to the AFL thread with my tail between my legs.

After now seeing one of merlen10002's other posts titled

"Miss Pronunciation of Pattaya


Why do many Farangs miss pronounce Pattaya?"

I wouldn't have responded to this onewhistling.gif

That's because you have kind heart khun Will27...

Unlike some cheeky other poster who decided to post in that thread :P

But he also good man...

  • Like 1

We are applying through anAustralian Agent in Sydney (Im a female westerner, Thai male partner) and although the financial requirement isnt a 'MUST' anymore, it should still be included for support of the application.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


We are applying through anAustralian Agent in Sydney (Im a female westerner, Thai male partner) and although the financial requirement isnt a 'MUST' anymore, it should still be included for support of the application.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Yep on sponsor application form 40SP it states the wording below, also in the form you must complete info requested on accommodation

You will also need to demonstrate that you will be able to meet your sponsorship obligations as undertaken by you when you complete and sign this form (see ‘Your sponsorship undertaking’ below). The information requested on this form, including documents relating to your employment and income, will assist the decision-maker in deciding whether you are able to meet these obligations



Oh also, you can now apply online!

This will be interesting ... can't imagine how it could be done.

Link please

Much easier- they apply it all online when you send them the papers- it skips that step. Cant get the link on my phone & our Agent gets that part of the dirty work ;)

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Oh also, you can now apply online!

This will be interesting ... can't imagine how it could be done.

Link please

Much easier- they apply it all online when you send them the papers- it skips that step. Cant get the link on my phone & our Agent gets that part of the dirty work wink.png

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

This is the online application forms


Partner visa online applications
Start an application

To start an online application you will need to login to your ImmiAccount. If you do not have an ImmiAccount you will be prompted to create one.

You must add as much information as possible before you submit your application. Applications with missing information might take longer to finalise.

When completing your online application you must not copy and paste bullet points, numbering, accents etc from formatted documents into the free text fields. Only use numbers 0 – 9 and letters A – Z (upper and lower case), dashes '-' and underscores '_'.​

If you are applying to migrate or remain in Australia as the partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, the following forms and supporting information need to be completed and submitted by you and your sponsor. You will need to ensure that the 47SP form- Application for migration to Australia by a partner is submitted online before your sponsor can submit their40SP form – Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia. The sponsor will need your Transaction Reference Number in order to complete their sponsorship form.


  • Like 1

Oh also, you can now apply online!

This will be interesting ... can't imagine how it could be done.

Link please

Much easier- they apply it all online when you send them the papers- it skips that step. Cant get the link on my phone & our Agent gets that part of the dirty work wink.png

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

This is the online application forms


Partner visa online applications

Start an application

To start an online application you will need to login to your ImmiAccount. If you do not have an ImmiAccount you will be prompted to create one.

You must add as much information as possible before you submit your application. Applications with missing information might take longer to finalise.

When completing your online application you must not copy and paste bullet points, numbering, accents etc from formatted documents into the free text fields. Only use numbers 0 – 9 and letters A – Z (upper and lower case), dashes '-' and underscores '_'.​

If you are applying to migrate or remain in Australia as the partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, the following forms and supporting information need to be completed and submitted by you and your sponsor. You will need to ensure that the 47SP form- Application for migration to Australia by a partner is submitted online before your sponsor can submit their40SP form – Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia. The sponsor will need your Transaction Reference Number in order to complete their sponsorship form.


Perfect! Thanks for that!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

This is the online application forms


Partner visa online applications
Start an application

To start an online application you will need to login to your ImmiAccount. If you do not have an ImmiAccount you will be prompted to create one.

You must add as much information as possible before you submit your application. Applications with missing information might take longer to finalise.

When completing your online application you must not copy and paste bullet points, numbering, accents etc from formatted documents into the free text fields. Only use numbers 0 – 9 and letters A – Z (upper and lower case), dashes '-' and underscores '_'.​

If you are applying to migrate or remain in Australia as the partner of an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen, the following forms and supporting information need to be completed and submitted by you and your sponsor. You will need to ensure that the 47SP form- Application for migration to Australia by a partner is submitted online before your sponsor can submit their40SP form – Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia. The sponsor will need your Transaction Reference Number in order to complete their sponsorship form.


I wonder why the Australian Embassy BKK makes no reference to this process on its website. Any idea if DIAC have reversed the decision that Thai nationals can not apply for a visa via the internet?


I wonder why the Australian Embassy BKK makes no reference to this process on its website. Any idea if DIAC have reversed the decision that Thai nationals can not apply for a visa via the internet?

Maybe this process is new?

Mentions at bottom of the linked page that the page was updated Feb 14, 2014


I wonder why the Australian Embassy BKK makes no reference to this process on its website. Any idea if DIAC have reversed the decision that Thai nationals can not apply for a visa via the internet?

Maybe this process is new? Mentions at bottom of the linked page that the page was updated Feb 14, 2014

Yes I know, but usually new processes are simultaneously updated to all relevant Oz govt websites. I notice Thai's are still not permitted eVisas.. I'll try and contact DIAC in BKK tomorrow and advise outcome


I wonder why the Australian Embassy BKK makes no reference to this process on its website. Any idea if DIAC have reversed the decision that Thai nationals can not apply for a visa via the internet?

Maybe this process is new? Mentions at bottom of the linked page that the page was updated Feb 14, 2014

Yes I know, but usually new processes are simultaneously updated to all relevant Oz govt websites. I notice Thai's are still not permitted eVisas.. I'll try and contact DIAC in BKK tomorrow and advise outcome

I noticed that was still the case for the tourist visa. There didn't seem to be the same restriction on the partner visa.


Now, considering that there is the best part of AUD $1,000 difference for a Partner Visa applied for in Australia as opposed to applying for it in Thailand ... and a further saving of about Bt 6,000 or 8,000 when you pay in AUD in Australia but apply anywhere ... I wonder what fee will be charged for the 'on-line version'?

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