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Can Thai Visa control trolls?


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Inflammatory reported Troll post removed:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) To respect fellow members.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

In actual anti-troll enforcement, the definition is considerably broadened...It's a convenient catch-all term for whatever runs against anyone's grain.

Edited by Fookhaht
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So will someone define "troll"???? - I think not!

If you had read the forum rules you would see what it is defined as on Thaivisa. wink.png

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Don't think so, I have been accused of being a troll a few times, even by the powers that be, when in fact I didn't realise my posts were construed as being trolling. sad.png

I am surprised anyone would accuse you of being a troll Transam. After reading literally trillions of your posts I would describe you more as a trendy good time fella ! cheesy.gif

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Define Troll.

The thread will develop from there.

Or is this just another troll post?cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif>

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Poster A. writes, the sun revolves around the earth. Poster B. writes "you are an idiot." Poster C. writes, "you must be an American" Poster D. writes, "you must be a Thai."

Who is the troll? Poster B of course.biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

I tend to disagree with your statement in which you state that you think the Troll here is Person "B".

Poster "A" writes a totally false and misleading statement which he knows is not to be true, as he does not ask if it is true or states he thinks it is true, in the hopes he can shake the tree and see what falls out of it. Poster "B" takes the bait and although his reply to Poster "B" is derogatory and critical, it doesn't make him a Troll. This Poster "B'" reply may even be considered a fare statement here as it is true.

This is because that if you really think the Sun revolves around the Earth, which everyone of school age knows that this is not true, then you have to be an idiot to think this way. An idiot in this way meaning a stupid person. Which by Posters "A" original post, where he says it is this way, and not even maybe this way, then he has to be an idiot. Posters "C" and "D" are both off-topic.

So by using your own words and definition as to who is being the Troll, you said it is a person, who among other things, purposely makes a "Controversial" Post with the primary intent to provoke others. Just like Person "A" did in your example. You also said that a Troll can be purposely "Off-topic". Just like Posters "C" and "D" were and did. So in my view here, and by using your own example, the only person here who is not a Troll is Poster "B". All he did was take the bait from the Real Troll.

But your post on this subject is a very good one, and in which I gave you a "Like" for it here. It is because you brought up a very interesting point that most others have been saying all along, but couldn't see clearly. In that in your post you made it very easy to see and also understand. That is to say that a true and clever Troll is very difficult to spot.

You may even be considered a Troll yourself, by posting your statement that the Troll in your example is of course Poster "B". A statement which you make it look like fact instead of just your honest opinion (IMHO). So IMHO it is not "B" who is the Troll at all, but instead all of the others Posters. OI might even be considered a Troll by writing off-topic about a Troll, when this place is to write about Thailand. But since Trolls do exist here also,. I hope other member see it for what it is, and not Trolling.

But since it is just my take, and just my opinion, which everyone has and is entitled to, it is not based on actual fact. Or by using words in my statement, like "Obviously" or "Of Course" or "Naturally" or "Has to Be", then I can't be considered a Troll for saying that. Can I?

So can I now say here that IMHO the Sun revolves around the Earth, and thus now I will not be considered a Troll here? Even though most here would think I was still probably be an idiot for saying that? No! I would still be a Troll if I did that here as it has nothing to do with Thai Visa, or Thailand, which is the main topic here. So to make an Off-topic Post here with this statement, would be controversial with the only intent to provoke others here to reply to this Off-topic. See?

Go Figure? . . .

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Don't think so, I have been accused of being a troll a few times, even by the powers that be, when in fact I didn't realise my posts were construed as being trolling. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

I am surprised anyone would accuse you of being a troll Transam. After reading literally trillions of your posts I would describe you more as a trendy good time fella ! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

My experience mirrors Transam's exactly. Despite the fact that I am the most sane, level-headed poster on TV (next to Transam, of course). crazy.gif

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

No it isn't! A Troll does in fact exist!

Haven't you ever heard of the term "Boiler Room"? People who are paid to attack a stock on public sights that is listed on the Stock Market only because there client shorted that stock? Or a Movie? A Book? A Tour Company? A Business? Or anything else that has to do with money?

So then why would anyone come here for no reason just to still up trouble? Why do people create Computer Virus that harm others, for no known reason? But then some could say the reason for that is because they are actually working for the Anti-Virus People, to create more need for their overly expensive Anti-Virus Programs. Not sure if there is any truth in that? But it makes good business sense to me if they are doing that. So I guess these two aren't the same same.

But I do know the answer to this question. As to why do Trolls come here and makes posts that cause trouble or controversy, when they get no financial gain from this at all? The answer is simple actually. It is for the same reason that Dogs chase cars and bark a them to stop, when this Dog has no intention of ever driving it!

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"that internet trolls are archetypal Machiavellian sadists."

someone called me?crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

This post by h90 is a perfect example of strong, clean, self-deprecating, adult humor.

There will be some here, through lack of a sense of humor, no acquaintance with this particular type of humor, a lack of background, language issues, differences of opinion, character flaws, drunk-posting (I could go on, TV dudes, but I think y'all get the idea) . . . . . as I was sayin', there will be some here who will take offence and yell "troll" or "flame" upon encountering a post like this.

These people lack the imagination and/or flexibility of intellect to accept the comment, appreciate it for what it is and move on.

Worse, are those who respond to FACTS with silly remarks about "Area 51" and "fake moon landings" etc when their cherished beliefs or lifestyle choices are factually challenged in an open forum.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Maybe instead of only a "Like this" button we could add a "thumbs down" button to encourage people who are too lazy to think of an intelligent civilized reply to vent their disagreement via the button instead of having to waste minutes reading through what I thought was going to have substance but is nothing more then inflammatory and irrelevant rants.

BP does it and it seems to cuts out alot of the garbage.

Sorry for the verbiage, smilydude, but 140-character tweets and likes and emoticon just don't pass for intelligent adult conversation. People get tired of them real fast.

BTW, anyone who can't abide my opinions (or my FACTS) is certainly free to ignore me and my posts.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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thailiketoo, on 18 Feb 2014 - 14:00, said:
willyumiii, on 18 Feb 2014 - 13:39, said:

Define Troll.

The thread will develop from there.

Or is this just another troll post?cheesy.gif

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Poster A. writes, the sun revolves around the earth. Poster B. writes "you are an idiot." Poster C. writes, "you must be an American" Poster D. writes, "you must be a Thai."

Who is the troll? Poster B of course.biggrin.png

But Poster D, got it right.

Troll !!!

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In most literate jurisdictions these pathetic attempts to manufacture "facts" through opinion polls, likes, tweets, smilies and the like has more or less self-exposed itself as a form of neuro-linguistic conditioning.

Running flawed commentary such as this up the flagpole (thanks Don Draper et al.;-) is building on the notion that Thai people are stupid.

This is a tautology that the elites imply, state and "mantra" at every opportunity.

It's an idea they've sold to themselves at every opportunity . . . . . Next best thing to actually winning an election, it seems.

Nobody takes these polls seriously except those who have a stake in selling bovine excrement to themselves, wafting, and "sniffing the glove".

Stick to the facts. (FACT is defined, opinion is defined)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

Are you trying to disillusion generations of southern german children, trolls and troll stories are an essential part of their childhood, but joking aside TV trolls are ever present as in many forums, just ignore them

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

So by your logic, the term "Troll" doesn't exist simply because there is always a better/more accurate synonym to use instead? Pretty much every noun and verb in the English language has a synonym; they'd save an awful lot of paper printing dictionaries in your world.

A troll is someone who's intent is to raise ire without concern for the topic at hand. Someone can be wrong, off-topic or inaccurate without being a troll. An example of a troll post: A few years back on this forum there was a post about Thai's going to Finland to pick Blueberries - and the question was as to whether this was some kind of slave labour. I posted during the thread that my sister-in-law did it each year and actually closed her Bangkok business down for the two months she was out there, as she earned more money in those two months picking than she did the other ten months running a small business in Bangkok. A new poster replied that she must be a prostitute and earns more on her back in Finland that she can earn in Bangkok because she is an ugly prostitute - a second new poster concurred and off they went slagging her off and all Thai females basically. I did try to explain this was not the case, but in usual troll-like manor, they just started to attack me personally too (even though they knew me from Adam - and having never read my posts from before or even bothered to look at my profile - were incredibly way off mark). Now, these people were both wrong, inaccurate and off-topic, but they were more than that, they were Trolls (and yes I did report them - and after they did likewise to others on other posts - they were eventually banned - far too slowly IMO and I told TV support that in the correct offline manor too).

Personally, I detest Trolls, but some posters are correct, the term is used far too much and incorrectly here. The Mods to a much better job of killing off real trolls these days than once was the case - and I personally applaud that. A bigger problem here right now, as was in 2010 too, is extremists that spam extorted and vastly inaccurate rhetoric, propaganda and hyperbole on each and every news thread that in anyway is political. These muppets do nothing for any of the threads they post in - no one believes them, and they are merely patted on the back ('liked' and agreed with) by others of their ilk - the same people each time of course. Indeed, these people are worse than trolls as trolls always come across as 12 year old boys that have just discovered expletives, these muppets off-topic every thread and simply entice their equal members in whatever opposite camp there be to post equal and opposite BS. It is easy to ignore trolls for what they are, and being as their IQs equate with chimps, get quickly bored and go and attack Ask.com instead. Muppets, on the other hand, thrive repeating themselves, and patting anyone body else that in any way seems to follow their line, and do not seem to even have a high enough IQ to get bored - like automatons. Threads become unreadable or just to annoying/difficult to read and the topic is killed and viable, relevant, intelligent discourse lost amongst the muppet posts.

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Don't think so, I have been accused of being a troll a few times, even by the powers that be, when in fact I didn't realise my posts were construed as being trolling. xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

I am surprised anyone would accuse you of being a troll Transam. After reading literally trillions of your posts I would describe you more as a trendy good time fella ! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

My experience mirrors Transam's exactly. Despite the fact that I am the most sane, level-headed poster on TV (next to Transam, of course). crazy.gif

I am not so sure Fookhaht, some of your recent posts have been bordering on being a bit "wild". cheesy.gif

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im a severe troll and I wasnt always like this I was quite the opposite.

I was constantly spoken to extremely rudely by people all over the net

now it is a true pleasure to torture these people

especially after a troll drove my mother to commit suicide, the baby boomer generation are most at risk on computers, for obvious reasons

So your logic, by extension: A terrorist killed my mother, so now I am a terrorist killing other people's mother's to make me feel happier. Stupid huh? But same logic - most child abusers were abused as children - most wife beaters were abused or [very] bullied physically as children - recreating the chain is not a answer, being better than them and not giving them the stage to flourish on IS the answer.

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

No it isn't! A Troll does in fact exist!

Haven't you ever heard of the term "Boiler Room"? People who are paid to attack a stock on public sights that is listed on the Stock Market only because there client shorted that stock? Or a Movie? A Book? A Tour Company? A Business? Or anything else that has to do with money?

So then why would anyone come here for no reason just to still up trouble? Why do people create Computer Virus that harm others, for no known reason? But then some could say the reason for that is because they are actually working for the Anti-Virus People, to create more need for their overly expensive Anti-Virus Programs. Not sure if there is any truth in that? But it makes good business sense to me if they are doing that. So I guess these two aren't the same same.

But I do know the answer to this question. As to why do Trolls come here and makes posts that cause trouble or controversy, when they get no financial gain from this at all? The answer is simple actually. It is for the same reason that Dogs chase cars and bark a them to stop, when this Dog has no intention of ever driving it!

Actually, GOLDBUGGY, a boiler room is a completely different thing.

I think you are referring to the practice of "astro-turfing" and I can see from the linguistic "tells" in your post "why".

No drama.

I wish I spoke and wrote Thai as well as you speak and write English.

But I really must disagree with your assessment as to the motivation of these so-called trolls.

Perhaps the motivation for controversial and antithetical comments is that they've spotted errors in logic, they've spotted false or mis-leading information or they simply disagree with the opinion and wish to counter it with one of their own. There is a hope that engagement in an exchange of ideas or (in the case of false information) a contribution of facts that some kind of truth or some useful new idea will emerge.

It's just "gringo" culture.

Now, granted, we are a little short on respect sometimes but we usually don't get too upset about that unless we have been insulted. ( I KNOW you get THAT one ;-)

As for your assumption that every "car-chasing, non-driving" dog does so because he wishes to get behind the wheel ?

I would question it.

I would think in this case, the dog's behaviour is very much like my own and my attempts to attain fluency in Thai by speaking with any and all Thai persons patient enough to accommodate me.

Or me to accommodate them should the rolls be reversed.

(May I suggest you downloading Game of Thrones and/or House of Cards with English sub-titles.

You'll be fluent in one year.)

And of course, sincere apologies if I am wrong about the "language stuff".

I make mistakes sometimes when I try to figure stuff like this out.

bst rgrds


(Now board, was THAT a troll post or a flame ??????

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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im a severe troll and I wasnt always like this I was quite the opposite.

I was constantly spoken to extremely rudely by people all over the net

now it is a true pleasure to torture these people

especially after a troll drove my mother to commit suicide, the baby boomer generation are most at risk on computers, for obvious reasons

So your logic, by extension: A terrorist killed my mother, so now I am a terrorist killing other people's mother's to make me feel happier. Stupid huh? But same logic - most child abusers were abused as children - most wife beaters were abused or [very] bullied physically as children - recreating the chain is not a answer, being better than them and not giving them the stage to flourish on IS the answer.

Nice try, wolf5370, but the logical similitude you are attempting here does not stand up to scrutiny.

The "extensions" you refer to do not hold up either and your subsequent departure into causality and predisposition for malfeasance is grossly flawed as well.

But you didn't stop there. (You were on a roll, there weren't you wolf5370 ;-)

Your attempts to spot-weld the double horrors of pedophilia and spousal abuse onto the notion of free speech and informed commentary and dialectical exchange, couched as they were in pseudo-academic garb, really did push the proverbial bounds of civil discourse, did they not ?

And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy.

My my ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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i am reliably informed that "troll baiting" is a legal sport ! smile.png

'Troll baiting'....

Some may think disagreeing with a poster is troll baiting normally confirmed by the caustic response you get for just having another idea or opinion to them.

Troll baiting is trolling.

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In my opinion, a majority of posters on TV only ever uses the term "troll" as a confirmation of that awkward embarrassing moment when they realise they are wrong.

I agree.

What other reason is there to call someone a troll? You must be wrong but unable to admit it. Or you just don't like someone. There must be another logical reason the other person should not be allowed to disagree with you.

If he is lying call him a liar. If he posts a lunatic accusation ask him for a link. If he is off topic tell him he is off topic.

There is simply no definition for troll that has any value over the root cause for calling him a troll. Troll is a made up word for wanting to censor a person for disagreeing with you.

So by your logic, the term "Troll" doesn't exist simply because there is always a better/more accurate synonym to use instead? Pretty much every noun and verb in the English language has a synonym; they'd save an awful lot of paper printing dictionaries in your world.

A troll is someone who's intent is to raise ire without concern for the topic at hand. Someone can be wrong, off-topic or inaccurate without being a troll. An example of a troll post: A few years back on this forum there was a post about Thai's going to Finland to pick Blueberries - and the question was as to whether this was some kind of slave labour. I posted during the thread that my sister-in-law did it each year and actually closed her Bangkok business down for the two months she was out there, as she earned more money in those two months picking than she did the other ten months running a small business in Bangkok. A new poster replied that she must be a prostitute and earns more on her back in Finland that she can earn in Bangkok because she is an ugly prostitute - a second new poster concurred and off they went slagging her off and all Thai females basically. I did try to explain this was not the case, but in usual troll-like manor, they just started to attack me personally too (even though they knew me from Adam - and having never read my posts from before or even bothered to look at my profile - were incredibly way off mark). Now, these people were both wrong, inaccurate and off-topic, but they were more than that, they were Trolls (and yes I did report them - and after they did likewise to others on other posts - they were eventually banned - far too slowly IMO and I told TV support that in the correct offline manor too).

Personally, I detest Trolls, but some posters are correct, the term is used far too much and incorrectly here. The Mods to a much better job of killing off real trolls these days than once was the case - and I personally applaud that. A bigger problem here right now, as was in 2010 too, is extremists that spam extorted and vastly inaccurate rhetoric, propaganda and hyperbole on each and every news thread that in anyway is political. These muppets do nothing for any of the threads they post in - no one believes them, and they are merely patted on the back ('liked' and agreed with) by others of their ilk - the same people each time of course. Indeed, these people are worse than trolls as trolls always come across as 12 year old boys that have just discovered expletives, these muppets off-topic every thread and simply entice their equal members in whatever opposite camp there be to post equal and opposite BS. It is easy to ignore trolls for what they are, and being as their IQs equate with chimps, get quickly bored and go and attack Ask.com instead. Muppets, on the other hand, thrive repeating themselves, and patting anyone body else that in any way seems to follow their line, and do not seem to even have a high enough IQ to get bored - like automatons. Threads become unreadable or just to annoying/difficult to read and the topic is killed and viable, relevant, intelligent discourse lost amongst the muppet posts.

At long last someone has had the patience and then taken the time to explain that a troll is something OTHER than a poster who disagrees with you or posts facts that contradict your information.

BTW, why is so much attention being paid to us mere posters these days ;-?

(just askin', is all ;-))

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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i am reliably informed that "troll baiting" is a legal sport ! smile.png

'Troll baiting'....

Some may think disagreeing with a poster is troll baiting normally confirmed by the caustic response you get for just having another idea or opinion to them.

Troll baiting is trolling.

No it isn't! ;)

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Define Troll.

The thread will develop from there.

Or is this just another troll post?cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif>

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Poster A. writes, the sun revolves around the earth. Poster B. writes "you are an idiot." Poster C. writes, "you must be an American" Poster D. writes, "you must be a Thai."

Who is the troll? Poster B of course.biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png alt=biggrin.png width=20 height=20>

I tend to disagree with your statement in which you state that you think the Troll here is Person "B".

Poster "A" writes a totally false and misleading statement which he knows is not to be true, as he does not ask if it is true or states he thinks it is true, in the hopes he can shake the tree and see what falls out of it. Poster "B" takes the bait and although his reply to Poster "B" is derogatory and critical, it doesn't make him a Troll. This Poster "B'" reply may even be considered a fare statement here as it is true.

This is because that if you really think the Sun revolves around the Earth, which everyone of school age knows that this is not true, then you have to be an idiot to think this way. An idiot in this way meaning a stupid person. Which by Posters "A" original post, where he says it is this way, and not even maybe this way, then he has to be an idiot. Posters "C" and "D" are both off-topic.

So by using your own words and definition as to who is being the Troll, you said it is a person, who among other things, purposely makes a "Controversial" Post with the primary intent to provoke others. Just like Person "A" did in your example. You also said that a Troll can be purposely "Off-topic". Just like Posters "C" and "D" were and did. So in my view here, and by using your own example, the only person here who is not a Troll is Poster "B". All he did was take the bait from the Real Troll.

But your post on this subject is a very good one, and in which I gave you a "Like" for it here. It is because you brought up a very interesting point that most others have been saying all along, but couldn't see clearly. In that in your post you made it very easy to see and also understand. That is to say that a true and clever Troll is very difficult to spot.

You may even be considered a Troll yourself, by posting your statement that the Troll in your example is of course Poster "B". A statement which you make it look like fact instead of just your honest opinion (IMHO). So IMHO it is not "B" who is the Troll at all, but instead all of the others Posters. OI might even be considered a Troll by writing off-topic about a Troll, when this place is to write about Thailand. But since Trolls do exist here also,. I hope other member see it for what it is, and not Trolling.

But since it is just my take, and just my opinion, which everyone has and is entitled to, it is not based on actual fact. Or by using words in my statement, like "Obviously" or "Of Course" or "Naturally" or "Has to Be", then I can't be considered a Troll for saying that. Can I?

So can I now say here that IMHO the Sun revolves around the Earth, and thus now I will not be considered a Troll here? Even though most here would think I was still probably be an idiot for saying that? No! I would still be a Troll if I did that here as it has nothing to do with Thai Visa, or Thailand, which is the main topic here. So to make an Off-topic Post here with this statement, would be controversial with the only intent to provoke others here to reply to this Off-topic. See?

Go Figure? . . .

Of course it involves Thailand. I have checked the sky today and have seen that the sun does in fact revolve around the earth here too. We may think Thailand is an out of the world place but the same sun applies here as it does in other places.

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im a severe troll and I wasnt always like this I was quite the opposite.

I was constantly spoken to extremely rudely by people all over the net

now it is a true pleasure to torture these people

especially after a troll drove my mother to commit suicide, the baby boomer generation are most at risk on computers, for obvious reasons

So your logic, by extension: A terrorist killed my mother, so now I am a terrorist killing other people's mother's to make me feel happier. Stupid huh? But same logic - most child abusers were abused as children - most wife beaters were abused or [very] bullied physically as children - recreating the chain is not a answer, being better than them and not giving them the stage to flourish on IS the answer.

Nice try, wolf5370, but the logical similitude you are attempting here does not stand up to scrutiny.

The "extensions" you refer to do not hold up either and your subsequent departure into causality and predisposition for malfeasance is grossly flawed as well.

But you didn't stop there. (You were on a roll, there weren't you wolf5370 ;-)

Your attempts to spot-weld the double horrors of pedophilia and spousal abuse onto the notion of free speech and informed commentary and dialectical exchange, couched as they were in pseudo-academic garb, really did push the proverbial bounds of civil discourse, did they not ?

And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy.

My my ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

My "logical similitude" (nice phrase that :)) wasn't meant to stand up to scrutiny, that was kind of the point - it was ridiculous, and hence, stupid, as I said. The point that becoming a Troll on the basics that he was trolled before is not a logical progression at all, even if it is a somewhat expected one. In fact, it is just perpetuating the issue. Nothing to do with free speech either, I never mentioned that and neither did he. Abusive behaviour, even if it is just attacking someone verbally for the 'fun' of raising their heckles, has a chain effect, this is evident (as in the bullying and child abuse - yes, however you dislike that being mentioned - and however far away that is from trolling) and accepted. Making ones self a link in that chain is not a remedy to any issue; breaking the chain/cycle is.

It was he himself, the poster I was replying to, that stated that the reason he is a "severe troll"[sIC] is because he was trolled - "torturing people for pure pleasure" is hardly justified even under free speech - we also have the freedom to be free from such abuse - which is why much of the world employs limits to freedom of speech to protect people from slander, discrimination and abuse. One freedom does not, and should not, be a reason to ignore another - where contentious, such as discrimination and hate speech, a line must be drawn.

"And all this to legitimate some weird notion that censorship is the remedy." : Censorship is an emotive term often used to imply the removal of freedom, but it is also, and more importantly, a tool for protecting freedoms - it can be a remedy and it can be the problem, just as a hammer can be a tool and it can also be a murder weapon. I would never try to suggest that censorship is a remedy in itself, because that is too vague a term - some level of censorship is a remedy for many ills in this world, not all of them, but many. That level has to be justifiable with respect to other rights and we can not be capricious in its application, but no censorship simply does not work, which is why it has never existed within any civilization we know of.

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