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racism among expats in thailand


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..but i will admit they dont like the black color..not that they don't like your person

yes, it's my impression: it's not your person they don't like, it's the black color ; how many Thai people told me they don't like their brown color ( that they call " black " , but it's brown ); they like white color, for them it's the symbol of beauty and it shows they don't work outside in the fields

I have heard racist words for Burmese from Thai people, you see it can be also for other Asian people

as for the word " farang ", ok for me, I am a farang and it's shorter to say it than " the guy with a white skin "

Edited by Aforek
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I'm not a bigot at all, I treat everybody equal. If any white person was acting the same way with me - they would get exactly the same treatment... but for some reason it never happens.

Well you'd need to leave your local KKK chapter club room and meet other white people

It'd probably happen then

Lol whatever, I have run into some weird white people ( call it whatever you like), no doubt, but still the odds are 8 or 9 out of 10 they are actually ok. As for the Indians specifically... lol, would you really like to know what the odds are if you are doing any kind of business with them? So far in my life the data I have accumulated - 10 out of 10 Indians are likely to cheat you somehow, with could cause financial losses, damage to your health or even fatal consequences for yourself... I'm sure they are a good bunch of people to have around... haha. I literally never met an Indian who didn't sc*rew me over somehow, literally never...

I bought a bike once from an Indian who guaranteed to have fully serviced and tuned it - he kept repeating it again and again till I finally fell for it. A day later I almost had a fatal accident as the breaks turned out to be completely faulty as I was going downhill at 40 mph, I missed a huge truck by just a split second, It was still a rather painful impact into the curb for me, but at least I didn't die... just got bruised. If I report this incident here for example - does that make me racist?

One time I bought a TV from an Indian, who promised it was in perfect working order, but later upon closer inspection it turned out the TV had blurred double image, which was impossible to fix and made it really annoying to watch, which I'm sure the Indian knew perfectly well about. If I report this - am I racist?

Or here in Bangkok, I ordered a suit from an Indian, but when it was finally ready - it turned out they switched to the cheaper material, and when I raised an issue about it - they just started getting very aggressive - and btw I kept the sample of the original material but it didn't help at all with the argument - they didn't want to know anything about it even when I presented the sample of the original material right in front of them...

And once I walked into a random Pizza place, it turned out to be run by Indians. I ordered just a couple of slices, and one slice turned out to have a giant stone in it, but small enough to be hidden in a pizza - I chipped my tooth on it as I was eating it - which could cost thousands of dollars to fix, I was only left to wonder if it was an honest mistake or if they put that stone there on purpose - because it's the first Indian Pizza place I've ever been to and I never met any of them before... Years later it's still the only chipped tooth I have, and all because I was stupid enough to walk into an Indian Pizza place... I couldn't even raise an issue over it - because I thought people would just accuse me of being racist and paranoid... my chipped tooth is the only evidence I have to this day...

After all these absolutely uncalled for and horrible experiences in a row one after the other - I'm supposed to believe that they are just some good honest people like any other? lol

An Indian run pizza store? Wow this world is becoming a weird place.

Let me see here....

Has anyone ever seen a white guy run an Indian curry house? Nope, didn't think so.

Or how about a Thai? Ditto.

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As an American this discussion is futile as blacks in America (at least their self appointed spokespeople) have stated that Blacks CANNOT be Racists... therefore it is silly to argue in a rigged discussion since the most blatantly open racists in America are the self appointed Black "Leaders".

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As an American this discussion is futile as blacks in America (at least their self appointed spokespeople) have stated that Blacks CANNOT be Racists... therefore it is silly to argue in a rigged discussion since the most blatantly open racists in America are the self appointed Black "Leaders".


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If by expats you mean expats from Western countries, they tend to be disproportionately older white males, and older white males are the population segment in Western countries most apt to harbor racial prejudice, though of course not all of them do.

I suspect this mainly accounts for what you have noted.

That is perhaps too generalised. Maybe more applicable to USA (which does have issues because there is a large population of Africans, most of them descendants of slaves.) Then, UK, France, Germany...? Same, or some differences?


"Western" is usually a way of saying White. When it is used in the context of people and culture, the person saying it usually means White.

Poland, Slovakia, Russia? They are White countries but not Western. i have often seen people that they are more racist, particularly against Africans.

Older white males? Maybe because they are less well trained, and the same applies to Asians and Orientals, and the same applies to East Europeans and Russians. In other words, have not yet been trained in "Political Correctness." The Asians, in particular, are more inclined to call a spade a spade.

Unfortunate choice of word

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For OP

Try to married with Thai girl from some midle class( for western opinion) or for upper class for Thai opinion.

After you can say Thai rasist or not:)


My education not even anderstanding what is rasist. I am from USSR :)

But first time i see as Rasist action from some "afroamerican"( i can say it,its be correct? Haha.)

Guy be angry when i say "black guys bar"... Even try fight with me. And anotger guys from many African coutry stop him( they know me ).

And one more thinks.

In Russian lang word simular N... be name black skin race people.

Never see reaction from many african country guys when i speak russian and used this is word . But few time its happened near afroamerican and they even try to be mad.

Maybe I am not see any problem becouse I am "White" guy. And from children even do not uderstand(not see) what is mean and for me never be metter skin colour ?

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