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True Move Internet in Bangkok - Doesn't allow 2 connections?

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I live in Bangkok, in the OnNut area, and recently moved to a new condo and signed up with True with a package that is like 13mbps. Over the last 2 months, I've noticed if I am using my internet on my laptop, the internet on my roommates laptop doesn't load really. And if he is using the internet, the internet doesn't load so well on mine. It's not like it shuts it off, because we will often both play chess on our laptops over the internet, but in general, we've noticed this trend. Not sure if it is related to them limiting connections or what.

We have a router in one of the rooms. We've tried resetting it, we've tried restarting, etc. with no luck. Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Any ideas on how to fix this? I suspect if I tell true about it, they will come over here, run a speed test on 1 laptop and say it's fine.

Any tips, recommendations, or help would be much appreciated.



You do know when both of you are using the internet you are sharing your 13Mb bandwidth. Say both of you were actively surfing each of your would average 6.5Mb apiece. And if you are surfing "international" web sites your 13Mb connection (which is indeed 13Mb for "in-Thailand connections") you are probably only getting 2-4Mb bandwidth to share between you which means each of our may only be getting 1-2Mb speed for an international connection. But a lot depends on how constantly/actively the particular application is using bandwidth. If your application is just using bursts of bandwidth for a few seconds like when you make a chess move, then you really shouldn't see much of a bandwidth problem. And there is also the possibility the Quality of Service setting on your router is setup in such a way causing your problem but I kinda doubt it since both of you are experiencing the slow down.

Just remember you don't get a 13Mb connection to international web sites for "single-threaded operations like browsing, emailing, video streaming, etc.," since the Thai ISP throttle international bandwidth for typical retail ISP plans; however, but, when using torrents/download managers which uses multiple threads you should be able to pull pretty close to your 13Mb connection to download files.



You'll need to write a more precise description of what is/isn't happening so we understand.

- What type of modem/router do you have? 802.11: a/b/g/n/ac

- Are both antennas pointed UP at the same angle?

- Make/Model of your and roommate laptops?

- Laptop WiFi connecting at: a/b/g/n/ac

- When you connect to WiFi first, the browsing, torrenting, youtube etc, is fast?

- Even when the roommate connects to the WiFi, your Internet (like youtube playback) is about the same speed?

- The second person to connect to WiFi is ALWAYS slow? (like same youtube, or exactly same website) is consistently slow?

- What happens to the speed of the second user if the first person disconnects/shuts-down?

There are some instances where a WiFi Access Point will allow users with AES and TKIP encryption types to both connect, but will have issues serving data to one, or the other. But in this instance only one of the laptops would have consistent speed issues when both are connected and active.


I have True ADSL using a wireless router and sometimes run several computers at a time with no issues...EXCEPT..if one of my computers is running a torrent program, either actively downloading or passively allowing the torrent to upload. When that situation exists, I frequently have difficulty opening frequently used websites like Gmail. On my lower toolbar it will say "Resolving Host" and the little blue circle will endlessly spin.

I've tried Firefox, Chrome and IE but results are the same across the board.

As soon as I close the torrent program (UTorrent), everything returns to normal.

Make sure you or your roommate doesn't have a torrent program that opens automatically on start-up.


I have True ADSL using a wireless router and sometimes run several computers at a time with no issues...EXCEPT..if one of my computers is running a torrent program, either actively downloading or passively allowing the torrent to upload. When that situation exists, I frequently have difficulty opening frequently used websites like Gmail. On my lower toolbar it will say "Resolving Host" and the little blue circle will endlessly spin.

I've tried Firefox, Chrome and IE but results are the same across the board.

As soon as I close the torrent program (UTorrent), everything returns to normal.

Make sure you or your roommate doesn't have a torrent program that opens automatically on start-up.

Hi dddave. My guess is that the overhead involved in processing torrent packets is overloading the processor of your WiFi. I have a Belkin aDSL WiFi router that I use as a backup to the flaky TP-Link TP-W8901G that TOT sold me and it consistently displays a processor overload message in the logs.

Does the same issue occur when you set u/d limits so, say, 70% of your connection bandwidth?


I have True ADSL using a wireless router and sometimes run several computers at a time with no issues...EXCEPT..if one of my computers is running a torrent program, either actively downloading or passively allowing the torrent to upload. When that situation exists, I frequently have difficulty opening frequently used websites like Gmail. On my lower toolbar it will say "Resolving Host" and the little blue circle will endlessly spin.

I've tried Firefox, Chrome and IE but results are the same across the board.

As soon as I close the torrent program (UTorrent), everything returns to normal.

Make sure you or your roommate doesn't have a torrent program that opens automatically on start-up.

Hi dddave. My guess is that the overhead involved in processing torrent packets is overloading the processor of your WiFi. I have a Belkin aDSL WiFi router that I use as a backup to the flaky TP-Link TP-W8901G that TOT sold me and it consistently displays a processor overload message in the logs.

Does the same issue occur when you set u/d limits so, say, 70% of your connection bandwidth?

Thanks, RC for mentioning this. It reminds me that I have to learn a lot more about using torrents. I was not aware I had the option of restricting bandwidth.

I have a TRUE supplied ZyXEL that I have considered replacing but unsure what to replace it with. Any suggestions of wireless routers in the B2000 range or is that to little for decent quality. I do not need wide coverage.


Get an Asus router or Asus adsl modem + wifi router which is an all in one device.

Something like asus dsl-n12

Or, you can always buy tp link 300mbit (2 antennas) adsl modem with wifi ap, cheap and effective. Then put a limit to your utorrent connections.


Get an Asus router or Asus adsl modem + wifi router which is an all in one device.

Something like asus dsl-n12

Or, you can always buy tp link 300mbit (2 antennas) adsl modem with wifi ap, cheap and effective. Then put a limit to your utorrent connections.

Thanks for the suggestions. TP LINK routers are decent quality? I saw the one you mentioned for about B2000 at Pantip.


tp link offers life time warranty (so they say) and it works pretty much fine.

I bought mine for 1490 or 1590 baht, 300 mbit, 2 antennas.

Yep, I've only had one that failed. It wasn't manufactured anymore, so they replaced it with a newer model at no charge. Been using them for the past 10 years.

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