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Suthep warns red-shirt leaders of 'popcorn vendors'


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ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?

You are a liar and bashing Suthep with red propaganda. Read caryfully, put your brain on, if possible, and than post whatever you have to say. But not lie, or you not able to read?

There would be a case to go after him with an international arrest warrant and don't think Thaksins lawyer reads thai visa and dismisses it because of your babble

Lots of elite also have money and assets offshore which can be targeted by them. The reason Thaksin is still a key player is that he knows where the bodies are burried and the Elites know he can make them suffer offshore. Be interesting to see US justice dept going after laundered or dodgy money that Thais have over there!!!

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In Thai it says men dressed as army meets with Mayor Suthep and Corprator [that students protest group that's really just a bunch of 58 yr old PDRC people pretending to be students] at Misukwan junction.

Some sort of militia people. There were others like this.


This group were spotted on the 18th Feb at Ratchadamnun by a PDRC supporter (Source: Pantip ). Seems to be a lot of paramilitaries in PDRC now.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, what he's doing is terrorism.

Nope. These guys are required to keep the persistent "unsolvable by the DSI" M79 attacks on the protesters from occurring all day long.

A myriad of occurrences that included pictures of perpetrators that got zero justice from the police.

Suthep said they will fight with their bare hands. it is now not a protest but a gun fight. It could erupt anytime when law enforcement officers carry up their duties. The police has the right to defense themselves and the public when faced with imminent danger.

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I'm going to break from the mainstream in this thread and blame the police for this, the anti-government protestors have been subjected to deadly attacks with impunity, it's only natural that they take justice in their own hands leading to an escalation of violence. Thus the partiality of the police has been a main factor, IMHO, to the current situation.

Of course it's reprehensible that Suthep issues those threats, just as reprehensible as Red Shirt threats of violence against anti-government protesters. But this state of anarchy didn't happen just because, it's the responsibility of the government in general and the police in particular to maintain a State of Rights by the proper and impartial enforcement of the law. That didn't happen and now people are going to die for their failure.

The guards have always been armed and it didn't do anything to stop the grenade attacks. The best way to keep the protesters safe would be if they moved to one location, preferably a park. I don't think the police were trying too hard to stop the grenade attacks, but even if they were, it'd be difficult to stop all of them given the diffuse locations of the protest sites. How many men are they supposed to use to protect protesters who are breaking the law and trying to overthrow an elected government anyway? Upholding the law would mean clearing the protesters out - they're free to protest for as long as they like in a park or a similar location where they're not blocking roads or affecting people's livelihoods. Now the court says they're not allowed to uphold the law, despite deciding the opposite in 2010:

bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit Feb 19

From 2010 on SOE : Judge stated reds had caused hardships + hurt people’s freedom so AV govt could reclaim area http://www.mcot.net/site/content?id=4ff670e70b01dabf3c001a93#.UwSQbhCSyVM

Having said that, I'm not in favour of a crackdown given the inevitability of lives being lost. I'd rather they were left to sit there. Those in the amaat negotiating with TS have offered him a deal he won't accept, a "neutral PM", nothing in it for him. I guess he wants amnesty. So with neither side willing to yield, the situation will continue as it is, stalemate, the protesters trying to slowly strangle the government with the hope Thaksin concedes and the govt hoping the protesters will eventually get tired of the fight. The longer it goes on, the greater the risk of outright confrontation with red shirts, and that's not going to be pretty.

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In Thai it says men dressed as army meets with Mayor Suthep and Corprator [that students protest group that's really just a bunch of 58 yr old PDRC people pretending to be students] at Misukwan junction.

Some sort of militia people. There were others like this.


This group were spotted on the 18th Feb at Ratchadamnun by a PDRC supporter (Source: Pantip ). Seems to be a lot of paramilitaries in PDRC now.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, what he's doing is terrorism.

What are these pictures?

The first one where the 'meeting' is supposedly happening shows a couple of guys in army fatigues. I don't see any weapons, do you? Hell my airsoft team is better equipped then them.

As for the second picture. What's the context? They could have been militants on the side of the PRDC. Or they could also have been on the side of pro government forces.

lashing out again.

He gave the source. go look. I've stopped giving out free info on here as it goes over your heads. hundreds of pics there and .... ah well, you'll see if you look and you won't if you don't!!

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This picture


In Thai it says men dressed as army meets with Mayor Suthep and Corprator [that students protest group that's really just a bunch of 58 yr old PDRC people pretending to be students] at Misukwan junction.

Some sort of militia people. There were others like this.


This group were spotted on the 18th Feb at Ratchadamnun by a PDRC supporter (Source: Pantip ). Seems to be a lot of paramilitaries in PDRC now.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, what he's doing is terrorism.

Nope. These guys are required to keep the persistent "unsolvable by the DSI" M79 attacks on the protesters from occurring all day long.

A myriad of occurrences that included pictures of perpetrators that got zero justice from the police.

Suthep said they will fight with their bare hands. it is now not a protest but a gun fight. It could erupt anytime when law enforcement officers carry up their duties. The police has the right to defense themselves and the public when faced with imminent danger.

Well they wouldn't be in any imminent danger if they didn't go on the offensive now, would they?

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... investors will be concerned that this nutter is now going after a non-shin company trading internationally. He and his cronies can never be trusted with the economy

Nope.....According the AIS website, Shin corporation owns 40.45 percent of AIS. So looks like Singtel will just be getting a bit of blowback....


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You do know who owns Shin Corporation?

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So let's analyse the language here. Red-shirt leaders announced that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters. In another words, RED-SHIRT LEADERS ISSUED THE THREAT FIRST, and only then old fella responds with his joke and all of sudden the red troll brigade is outraged with Suthep's sense of humour. Simply unbelievable. If anyone wanted to look for the examples of blatant hypocrisy look no further than this particular thread. Not a single person condemned red shirt leaders for issuing their threat of violent confrontation which would inevitably result in loss of many innocent lives. Many of you dropped your masks of being impartial. You will recognize yourselves.

Where is the red shirt statement then? I haven't seen it, so I can't condemn it. Anyway, when Jatuporn told students to stay away at Ramkhamhaeng last year, saying they might get hurt if they try to block red shirts getting into the stadium (which is exactly what happened except red shirts came off worse), they came anyway. So if Suthep wants red shirts not to confront them, this kind of threat doesn't usually work. In fact, Jatuporn was roundly condemned on here for saying that, despite the fact it was a fair warning, whereas Suthep's speech is more like an invitation.

But then again, maybe Suthep does want the red shirts to confront them. I guess he assumes his group is better armed, or maybe he doesn't really mind if anyone dies since any deaths are bad for the government. And the court decision (the opposite of the decision they made in 2010 in a similar situation) which leaves the government pretty much powerless to do anything about the protesters will leave the red shirts thinking: 'well, the police can't use legitimate force, so I guess it's up to us'. So it seems most people want a clash. And further violence is inevitable. Not much to welcome about that.

Let's put it this way, there is no violence unless the Reds come around. Factual and fair?

Let's put it this way, there'll be no violence if the PDRC go home and cease their attempts to overthrow a democratically elected government and replace it with an unelected 'People's Council'. Factual and fair?

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So let's analyse the language here. Red-shirt leaders announced that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters. In another words, RED-SHIRT LEADERS ISSUED THE THREAT FIRST, and only then old fella responds with his joke and all of sudden the red troll brigade is outraged with Suthep's sense of humour. Simply unbelievable. If anyone wanted to look for the examples of blatant hypocrisy look no further than this particular thread. Not a single person condemned red shirt leaders for issuing their threat of violent confrontation which would inevitably result in loss of many innocent lives. Many of you dropped your masks of being impartial. You will recognize yourselves.

Where is the red shirt statement then? I haven't seen it, so I can't condemn it. Anyway, when Jatuporn told students to stay away at Ramkhamhaeng last year, saying they might get hurt if they try to block red shirts getting into the stadium (which is exactly what happened except red shirts came off worse), they came anyway. So if Suthep wants red shirts not to confront them, this kind of threat doesn't usually work. In fact, Jatuporn was roundly condemned on here for saying that, despite the fact it was a fair warning, whereas Suthep's speech is more like an invitation.

But then again, maybe Suthep does want the red shirts to confront them. I guess he assumes his group is better armed, or maybe he doesn't really mind if anyone dies since any deaths are bad for the government. And the court decision (the opposite of the decision they made in 2010 in a similar situation) which leaves the government pretty much powerless to do anything about the protesters will leave the red shirts thinking: 'well, the police can't use legitimate force, so I guess it's up to us'. So it seems most people want a clash. And further violence is inevitable. Not much to welcome about that.

Let's put it this way, there is no violence unless the Reds come around. Factual and fair?

Let's put it this way, there'll be no violence if the PDRC go home and cease their attempts to overthrow a democratically elected government and replace it with an unelected 'People's Council'. Factual and fair?

Show me the missing 500 billion baht and that just might happen

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So let's analyse the language here. Red-shirt leaders announced that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters. In another words, RED-SHIRT LEADERS ISSUED THE THREAT FIRST, and only then old fella responds with his joke and all of sudden the red troll brigade is outraged with Suthep's sense of humour. Simply unbelievable. If anyone wanted to look for the examples of blatant hypocrisy look no further than this particular thread. Not a single person condemned red shirt leaders for issuing their threat of violent confrontation which would inevitably result in loss of many innocent lives. Many of you dropped your masks of being impartial. You will recognize yourselves.

Where is the red shirt statement then? I haven't seen it, so I can't condemn it. Anyway, when Jatuporn told students to stay away at Ramkhamhaeng last year, saying they might get hurt if they try to block red shirts getting into the stadium (which is exactly what happened except red shirts came off worse), they came anyway. So if Suthep wants red shirts not to confront them, this kind of threat doesn't usually work. In fact, Jatuporn was roundly condemned on here for saying that, despite the fact it was a fair warning, whereas Suthep's speech is more like an invitation.

But then again, maybe Suthep does want the red shirts to confront them. I guess he assumes his group is better armed, or maybe he doesn't really mind if anyone dies since any deaths are bad for the government. And the court decision (the opposite of the decision they made in 2010 in a similar situation) which leaves the government pretty much powerless to do anything about the protesters will leave the red shirts thinking: 'well, the police can't use legitimate force, so I guess it's up to us'. So it seems most people want a clash. And further violence is inevitable. Not much to welcome about that.

Let's put it this way, there is no violence unless the Reds come around. Factual and fair?

Let's put it this way, there'll be no violence if the PDRC go home and cease their attempts to overthrow a democratically elected government and replace it with an unelected 'People's Council'. Factual and fair?

Not entirely. Let's put it this way. Everything would've been over if the caretaker government took on board EC advice and postponed the election until some time in May 2014. But no, you know, as well as I know they haven't given up on the amnesty bill. Let's be adults and address the real issue here. Everything started with the amnesty bill and it seems everything will finish with the amnesty bill. The outcome? Let's wait and see. One thing for sure, Suthep will never be in power again. He knows his place in the bigger scheme of things.

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... investors will be concerned that this nutter is now going after a non-shin company trading internationally. He and his cronies can never be trusted with the economy

Nope.....According the AIS website, Shin corporation owns 40.45 percent of AIS. So looks like Singtel will just be getting a bit of blowback....


Top 10 largest shareholder as of 21 August 2013

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You do know who owns Shin Corporation?

Hahah yes you are correct. It is all a bit confusing, with nominees and shell corporations that were used to to illegally sell AIS to Temasek. So it looks like

Thaksin sold his 49.6 percent stake in Shin corporation to Temasek so they could gain control over AIS. But Shin corporation owns a whole bunch of other stuff, like Shin Satellite, ITV, and Thai AirAsia. So I guess Temasek got control of that as well...... :-) In 2011 Shin Corporation was re-branded to Intouch PLC. Seems like Temasek knew something like the current boycott might happen in the future, so they changed the name.

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... investors will be concerned that this nutter is now going after a non-shin company trading internationally. He and his cronies can never be trusted with the economy

Nope.....According the AIS website, Shin corporation owns 40.45 percent of AIS. So looks like Singtel will just be getting a bit of blowback....


Top 10 largest shareholder as of 21 August 2013

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You do know who owns Shin Corporation?

Hahah yes you are correct. It is all a bit confusing, with nominees and shell corporations that were used to to illegally sell AIS to Temasek. So it looks like

Thaksin sold his 49.6 percent stake in Shin corporation to Temasek so they could gain control over AIS. But Shin corporation owns a whole bunch of other stuff, like Shin Satellite, ITV, and Thai AirAsia. So I guess Temasek got control of that as well...... :-) In 2011 Shin Corporation was re-branded to Intouch PLC. Seems like Temasek knew something like the current boycott might happen in the future, so they changed the name.

Hey, btw, how much tax was paid to benefit the people of Thailand on that sale to Temasek?

Edited by LeamchabangLarry
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UDD really taking the moral high ground here again. Just let him rant himself on, he is his own worst enemy and losening his mouth he is desperate for a coup and he could only get it if the red shirts came out.

UDD meeting next week, statement. Suthep, you don't have to dare us, we came out for protection of democracy.

Their low profile is allowing Suthep to just go berserk on live TV and gives the world an insight into his crazy world.

Image wise, UDD and PT have trounced PDRC, now if only the army and the few backers could see this.... never mind, they will do one day! Everybody else around the world see it this way...

can they afford to isolate Thailand by couping for suthep? Up to them... up to them and if nothing else, a coup really would throw the spotlight on the army and resulitng mess they'd make... The PT in Opposision would soon have them ousted!!! Again

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Let's put it this way, there'll be no violence if the PDRC go home and cease their attempts to overthrow a democratically elected government and replace it with an unelected 'People's Council'. Factual and fair?

Not entirely. Let's put it this way. Everything would've been over if the caretaker government took on board EC advice and postponed the election until some time in May 2014. But no, you know, as well as I know they haven't given up on the amnesty bill. Let's be adults and address the real issue here. Everything started with the amnesty bill and it seems everything will finish with the amnesty bill. The outcome? Let's wait and see. One thing for sure, Suthep will never be in power again. He knows his place in the bigger scheme of things.

Even if everyone had agreed on the legality of postphoning the election, what difference would it have made? You'd still have the same situation you have now, protesters in the street and a caretaker govt. I agree on Suthep and the 'bigger scheme of things'. I never thought he'd be part of the council if it ever comes to pass. Not impossible for him to make a political return with the Democrats in future though, but perhaps he'd rather leave that to his relatives.

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Regarding the announcement by red-shirt leaders that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters, Suthep indicated that the red shirts might face attacks by unknown gunmen.

"They should come because popcorn vendors have made popcorn for them," Suthep said, referring to the gunmen at the clash between the red shirts and PDRC protesters before election day. The clash saw some gunmen covering their rifles with popcorn bags.

"Natthawut Saikuar and Jatuporn Promphan should really come … I don't know these popcorn vendors but I really love them."

That sounds like a threat to me, Suthep seems to be making a joke about his little gang of thugs and not just a little bit proud of it... hmmmm peaceful my ass. And you really think this guy can be trusted to make things better for the country ? facepalm.gif

I agree. What do you think will happen if Suthep gains power? All of these popcorn/gun toting thugs will be your new local police force. That guy that murdered a police officer will name his new position and his salary. Welcome to the People's Council folks! Idiots!

All of you that support Suthep will lose no matter what the outcome. If he gains power, you will be crying for the good ole' days,

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getting a bit cocky isn't he? will be his undoing.

No drone shots of the mob today = business as usual = poor turnout.

getting desperate to wrap this up, but how? he don't have the numbers of backing.

Get out from under the bridge Pat & count em yourself. I am betting you will find the numbers are much bigger than what head office keeps telling you to quote.

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ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?

Don't be bloody tiresome. If the reds can burn down a few buildings after threatening to burn down the city and still NOT be called terrorists, this in comparison is nothing. coffee1.gif

Oooo Guantanamo! Chalerm wannabes should lay off the booze.

As usual you are factually incorrect, but never mind, we are used to it.

It was Suthep and AV who designated the , at that stage peaceful, red shirt demo's as terrorism and charged their leaders with terrorism.

That could be a reason for the current problem, the Dems are now probably truly unelectable for the next 10-20 years.

No policies, no thought, no explanation, no ideas, no communication, no plan, just good old adhoc Suthep and a vision for reform that cannot go beyond a six letter word..........................

But never mind, please continue to ply your agenda.

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UDD really taking the moral high ground here again. Just let him rant himself on, he is his own worst enemy and losening his mouth he is desperate for a coup and he could only get it if the red shirts came out.

UDD meeting next week, statement. Suthep, you don't have to dare us, we came out for protection of democracy.

Their low profile is allowing Suthep to just go berserk on live TV and gives the world an insight into his crazy world.

Image wise, UDD and PT have trounced PDRC, now if only the army and the few backers could see this.... never mind, they will do one day! Everybody else around the world see it this way...

can they afford to isolate Thailand by couping for suthep? Up to them... up to them and if nothing else, a coup really would throw the spotlight on the army and resulitng mess they'd make... The PT in Opposision would soon have them ousted!!! Again

Hahaha it's funny to see how the reds and their supporters have such high esteem of themselves! clap2.gif

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Regarding the announcement by red-shirt leaders that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters, Suthep indicated that the red shirts might face attacks by unknown gunmen.

"They should come because popcorn vendors have made popcorn for them," Suthep said, referring to the gunmen at the clash between the red shirts and PDRC protesters before election day. The clash saw some gunmen covering their rifles with popcorn bags.

"Natthawut Saikuar and Jatuporn Promphan should really come … I don't know these popcorn vendors but I really love them."

That sounds like a threat to me, Suthep seems to be making a joke about his little gang of thugs and not just a little bit proud of it... hmmmm peaceful my ass. And you really think this guy can be trusted to make things better for the country ? facepalm.gif

I agree. What do you think will happen if Suthep gains power? All of these popcorn/gun toting thugs will be your new local police force. That guy that murdered a police officer will name his new position and his salary. Welcome to the People's Council folks! Idiots!

All of you that support Suthep will lose no matter what the outcome. If he gains power, you will be crying for the good ole' days,

Which guy who murdered a police officer are you talking about? Chalerm's son? rolleyes.gif

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Nope.....According the AIS website, Shin corporation owns 40.45 percent of AIS. So looks like Singtel will just be getting a bit of blowback....


Top 10 largest shareholder as of 21 August 2013

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You do know who owns Shin Corporation?

Hahah yes you are correct. It is all a bit confusing, with nominees and shell corporations that were used to to illegally sell AIS to Temasek. So it looks like

Thaksin sold his 49.6 percent stake in Shin corporation to Temasek so they could gain control over AIS. But Shin corporation owns a whole bunch of other stuff, like Shin Satellite, ITV, and Thai AirAsia. So I guess Temasek got control of that as well...... :-) In 2011 Shin Corporation was re-branded to Intouch PLC. Seems like Temasek knew something like the current boycott might happen in the future, so they changed the name.

Hey, btw, how much tax was paid to benefit the people of Thailand on that sale to Temasek?

Should we also boycott Temasek (old name for Singapore) as well.

Since Singapore help Thaksin.

I am going to miss my Singapore sling.

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UDD really taking the moral high ground here again. Just let him rant himself on, he is his own worst enemy and losening his mouth he is desperate for a coup and he could only get it if the red shirts came out.

UDD meeting next week, statement. Suthep, you don't have to dare us, we came out for protection of democracy.

Their low profile is allowing Suthep to just go berserk on live TV and gives the world an insight into his crazy world.

Image wise, UDD and PT have trounced PDRC, now if only the army and the few backers could see this.... never mind, they will do one day! Everybody else around the world see it this way...

can they afford to isolate Thailand by couping for suthep? Up to them... up to them and if nothing else, a coup really would throw the spotlight on the army and resulitng mess they'd make... The PT in Opposision would soon have them ousted!!! Again

Hahaha it's funny to see how the reds and their supporters have such high esteem of themselves! clap2.gif

Another stunning, hilarious, informative witty post from the people with no ideas left.

I did ask that some of you write up what the proposals are or should be from the PDRC council. Nope.... you're not interested or don't know/

Never mind. I look forward to the next great post you make. really excelled there with that exclamation mark. and the one at the end, before the brilliant clapping selfie of yours.. well. least we go to be happy in the knowedge we have read on of TV's greatest posts.

PS.. Gerry for your next post, you could really slay em at the beer bar by replying to me with. (hehehe can hardly type it is is so funny) you could hehehe, type "Same to you with brass knobs on" laughter erupts

Edited by Patpending
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Regarding the announcement by red-shirt leaders that they would lead red-shirt people to confront the PDRC protesters, Suthep indicated that the red shirts might face attacks by unknown gunmen.

"They should come because popcorn vendors have made popcorn for them," Suthep said, referring to the gunmen at the clash between the red shirts and PDRC protesters before election day. The clash saw some gunmen covering their rifles with popcorn bags.

"Natthawut Saikuar and Jatuporn Promphan should really come … I don't know these popcorn vendors but I really love them."

That sounds like a threat to me, Suthep seems to be making a joke about his little gang of thugs and not just a little bit proud of it... hmmmm peaceful my ass. And you really think this guy can be trusted to make things better for the country ? facepalm.gif

I agree. What do you think will happen if Suthep gains power? All of these popcorn/gun toting thugs will be your new local police force. That guy that murdered a police officer will name his new position and his salary. Welcome to the People's Council folks! Idiots!

All of you that support Suthep will lose no matter what the outcome. If he gains power, you will be crying for the good ole' days,

Which guy who murdered a police officer are you talking about? Chalerm's son? rolleyes.gif

Keep smiling my friend. You may well get what you wish for.

Edited by puanddavid
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UDD really taking the moral high ground here again. Just let him rant himself on, he is his own worst enemy and losening his mouth he is desperate for a coup and he could only get it if the red shirts came out.

UDD meeting next week, statement. Suthep, you don't have to dare us, we came out for protection of democracy.

Their low profile is allowing Suthep to just go berserk on live TV and gives the world an insight into his crazy world.

Image wise, UDD and PT have trounced PDRC, now if only the army and the few backers could see this.... never mind, they will do one day! Everybody else around the world see it this way...

can they afford to isolate Thailand by couping for suthep? Up to them... up to them and if nothing else, a coup really would throw the spotlight on the army and resulitng mess they'd make... The PT in Opposision would soon have them ousted!!! Again

Hahaha it's funny to see how the reds and their supporters have such high esteem of themselves! clap2.gif

Another stunning, hilarious, informative witty post from the people with no ideas left.

I did ask that some of you write up what the proposals are or should be from the PDRC council. Nope.... you're not interested or don't know/

Never mind. I look forward to the next great post you make. really excelled there with that exclamation mark. and the one at the end, before the brilliant clapping selfie of yours.. well. least we go to be happy in the knowedge we have read on of TV's greatest posts.

Ohhh thank you. You need wit to be witty. Something you lack. So you try to be intellectual but lack the intelligence for it. But that's okay! Like I said, as long as you have a high esteem of yourself! clap2.gif

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I'm going to break from the mainstream in this thread and blame the police for this, the anti-government protestors have been subjected to deadly attacks with impunity, it's only natural that they take justice in their own hands leading to an escalation of violence. Thus the partiality of the police has been a main factor, IMHO, to the current situation.

Of course it's reprehensible that Suthep issues those threats, just as reprehensible as Red Shirt threats of violence against anti-government protesters. But this state of anarchy didn't happen just because, it's the responsibility of the government in general and the police in particular to maintain a State of Rights by the proper and impartial enforcement of the law. That didn't happen and now people are going to die for their failure.

The guards have always been armed and it didn't do anything to stop the grenade attacks. The best way to keep the protesters safe would be if they moved to one location, preferably a park. I don't think the police were trying too hard to stop the grenade attacks, but even if they were, it'd be difficult to stop all of them given the diffuse locations of the protest sites. How many men are they supposed to use to protect protesters who are breaking the law and trying to overthrow an elected government anyway? Upholding the law would mean clearing the protesters out - they're free to protest for as long as they like in a park or a similar location where they're not blocking roads or affecting people's livelihoods. Now the court says they're not allowed to uphold the law, despite deciding the opposite in 2010:

bangkokpundit @bangkokpundit Feb 19

From 2010 on SOE : Judge stated reds had caused hardships + hurt people’s freedom so AV govt could reclaim area http://www.mcot.net/site/content?id=4ff670e70b01dabf3c001a93#.UwSQbhCSyVM

Having said that, I'm not in favour of a crackdown given the inevitability of lives being lost. I'd rather they were left to sit there. Those in the amaat negotiating with TS have offered him a deal he won't accept, a "neutral PM", nothing in it for him. I guess he wants amnesty. So with neither side willing to yield, the situation will continue as it is, stalemate, the protesters trying to slowly strangle the government with the hope Thaksin concedes and the govt hoping the protesters will eventually get tired of the fight. The longer it goes on, the greater the risk of outright confrontation with red shirts, and that's not going to be pretty.

Myself I think they should move them to an army base.

Reason 1, the army can protect them, even from militias and armed factions.

Reason 2, if they are in a park, then 'special ops' can still shoot them in the face with shotguns at close range to make youtube propaganda for CNN. Not so in an army base.

Reason 3, The army can better control the violence, like it does in the south of Thailand, where everything is peaceful!

Reason 4, fake police uniforms only work if there are real police to hide among! On the army base there are no police at all, which is why 4 soldiers can be wanted for murder and never even interrogated!

Reason 5, General Prayuth will give a warm welcome to his dear friend Suthep. They lived a long life together, which is more than a lot of people around them.

Reason 6, Gun control! the army can limit the number of Travor assault rifles to triple figures!... per person!... well at least per whistle!

Reason 7, Bombs, the General has these magic bomb detectors from Britain. They totally work, using the latest mind ray technology!

OK, I might be being a little sarky, the reality is PDRC will do what it does and we can see from the military men around them, it's likely to be nasty.

Even if you're a supporter if PDRC, please watch your back with these men around.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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They're not unknown gunmen, Suthep has already admitted they are PDRC.

Posted 2014-02-03 11:49:20

Suthep: PDRC member involved in Laksi shooting

BANGKOK, 3 February 2014 (NNT) - People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) leader Suthep Thaugsuban has admitted that one of those involved in the Laksi shooting on Saturday is a member of the PDRC.

During a speech to his supporters last night, Mr Suthep verified that two shooters wearing green arm bands are PDRC members. He urged his supporters to refrain from carrying weapons into the rally sites as violence had repeatedly escalated into gunfire.

He added that members of the public who wished to join the rally would need to register their names with the guard in a bid to better identify their members.

Mr Suthep insisted, however, that men in black who were spotted at the scene are not with the PDRC and suspected they are professional gunmen.

Police continue to probe into the incident which left several people injured. Police have so far accused the PDRC guards of starting the shoot-out.

The New York times published the following :Source www.nytimes.com.

'Wide circulation of photographs of heavily armed men among the protesters, the protest movement increasingly resembles an armed insurrection against the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra."

SARDIN LERTBUTR, A PROTEST LEADER, said Wednesday on Thai television that "VERY PROFESSIONAL" men with weapons were assisting the protesters and "making the police retreat"

The Court however, found that the protesters were being peacefully without weapons".(accent mine)

Of course the yellows finds this as not being an act of a corrupt court system!


Edited by kikoman
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ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?

It's really not so simple. Case in point, Taksin. Taksin was, is a terrorist. He tried to burn down Bangkok, hired Seh Daeng to build and train an armed militia. All very well documented. Men in black shot up the army on April 10, and there were several real "terrorist" attacks like RPGs shot at jet fuel storage tanks and an attempt to blow up Bangkok's main 60 meter tall electrical towers using C4 explosives. (20kg/tower I think)

If you remember, there were serious attempts to get him flagged by interpol and there was a lot of discussion here about terrorist charges and international law, etc.

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ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?

Hang on.

All you guys on here call Suthep a fascist, a thug and a liar. You don't believe a single word he says apparently. Then he stated the PDRC were popcorn shooters and all of a sudden you take his word as gospel. He is no longer a liar? What your really saying is you will use what he says to suit your agenda. You will believe what you want when it suits your agenda. He lies when it is an inconvenient truth, but tells the truth when it suits your agenda.

All this highlights is he is an honest terrorist. thaksin on the other hand is a dishonest terrorist. Might be pertinent to add at this stage is that Mandela was an honest terrorist as well.

Time to accept the will of the majority.

You mean let the majority of the people decide who will govern them by having a fair and democratic election? whistling.gif

Edited by Boxclever
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ter·ror·ism noun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?

Hang on.

All you guys on here call Suthep a fascist, a thug and a liar. You don't believe a single word he says apparently. Then he stated the PDRC were popcorn shooters and all of a sudden you take his word as gospel. He is no longer a liar? What your really saying is you will use what he says to suit your agenda. You will believe what you want when it suits your agenda. He lies when it is an inconvenient truth, but tells the truth when it suits your agenda.

All this highlights is he is an honest terrorist. thaksin on the other hand is a dishonest terrorist. Might be pertinent to add at this stage is that Mandela was an honest terrorist as well.

Time to accept the will of the majority.

You mean let the majority of the people decide who will govern them by having a fair and democratic election? whistling.gif

fair and democratic election?

No. Free and Fair my friend. Free and fair. You can't even quote a basic principle of democracy called election.

I call elections a gateway to allow the govt that wins to prove it is democratic though.

I don't think I've asked you. Can you tell me any other principle of democracy apart from elections the PTP adhere to?

I can even tell you how they have abused the one principle they do adhere too.

Come on…Just one…And and I will tell you how the PTP have abused that principle.

Lets call it a challenge. whistling.gif

Edited by djjamie
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