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Racism towards chinese tourists and biasness.

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Noisy, shouting, queue jumping tourists can come from any country - but huge groups of noisy, shouting queue jumping tourists will be from China.

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So it is to be assumed somehow all chinese tourists will behave like that? You see how racist that sounds if we changed it to russian. Now it does sound offensive right?

more people complain about the russinas, so your 1st comment to me is meaningless.. everyone everywhere complaing about the russians, in the temples, on the beaches in the guesthouses... what are you talking about man? it's similar to my story about, some beat down person from China who was brainwashed to think the world hates china, when infact, we haven't although who wouldn't be scared of they enviromental ruin and the goverment and the knock off of western ideas and the such... but overall, much more people complain about the russians

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Recently i was in Koh chang,i was sitting on a tiny covered open hut along side a small jetty,working on my book,a chinese husband and wife with their son,came along,now i don't own the hut,so i did not mind,at first,but then they proceeded to sqaush up next to me and start eating and drinking,next the son was peering over my shoulder at what i was doing and asking me how i could get wifi were i was,next he split his drink almost on my notebook,i said please be careful,but nothing was said to the kid by the parents,they then proceeded to take photos of me,this was enough and i got up and moved, i saw the same thing near Pai at a waterfall a chinese man taking endless photos of two european girls then sitting right next to them and continuing to do it,now i realise in china they do not have the same sense of personal space as us,but really this was to me just rude,i just hope the chinese govt efforts to try to educate their people before they go oversees is succesful.

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What do you think would happen if a group of Chinese, then Japanese, then American and finally Irish all went to a butchers shop to get provisions for a barbecue or party. Those from the US would concentrate on red meat, the Japanese would want to do this as a team effort with upmost respect, but the Chinese would go to cheaper end of the counter, but the Irish would not form a queue because they would all talking too much. But variety is the spice of life

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Have you been to Spain, the way some of the ''British Tourists'' act are terrible.., but they have been doing this for years..

I am British and its so degrading....

''Benidorm'' is the hub of it, all the ''Chav Brits'' head there, and then the trouble starts, fuelled by the old demon drink of course..

Could just imagine what the Spanish think of us....

Mostly, they think we <deleted> a lot.

Actually only 55% of Brits have sex at least once a week, vs 72% in Spain.

10% more Spaniards are satisfied with their sex lives as well.

Thailand comes in between at 65%, but they're much less happy about it.

Edited by wym
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umm... I introduced myself to some hippy girl and asked where she was from... she said "china" I said oh really ? i meant oh wow never meet a hippy from china/cool i have a few questions that a hippy from china might know....

Damn negro! That's some silver-tongued game you got there.

I'm surprised she didn't drop her knickers there and then after listening to that poetry.

Suzuki GSX-R1000 L3 182 hp in-line 4 Superbike

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Really! Seems or back to the older theories of argument, the first to call out "Racist"! Is a racist indeed. But I'm not saying that as I'm half Asian & don't know you, but think you should give the members here 'a little bit of a break'. This country only expands in its variety of groups as it gets older thus the more stringent VISA laws. Expats, businesses, tourists - people here are all mixed, all separate values, religions...people which include those you mentioned & they all in some way find harmony.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Recently i was in Koh chang,i was sitting on a tiny covered open hut along side a small jetty,working on my book,a chinese husband and wife with their son,came along,now i don't own the hut,so i did not mind,at first,but then they proceeded to sqaush up next to me and start eating and drinking,next the son was peering over my shoulder at what i was doing and asking me how i could get wifi were i was,next he split his drink almost on my notebook,i said please be careful,but nothing was said to the kid by the parents,they then proceeded to take photos of me,this was enough and i got up and moved, i saw the same thing near Pai at a waterfall a chinese man taking endless photos of two european girls then sitting right next to them and continuing to do it,now i realise in china they do not have the same sense of personal space as us,but really this was to me just rude,i just hope the chinese govt efforts to try to educate their people before they go oversees is succesful.

i always try to move away if anyone comes next to me sometimes it's difficult or impossible if i am with a group of friends but with a single female friend that is easy. If i am with a group of guys then ppl don't really bother us.

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I cannot sit by as an American and be silent while others praise Reagan. He was a horrible president and man. His worst atrocity was instituting "Low Impact Aggression" This was a program to destabilize Central America without use of direct US Military. This implemented the training of Foreign troops by US forces. They used this training on the systematic killing of 5 million people including children, women and religious leaders. He was Pol Pot with a press agent and Stylist.

The Chinese tourists? They are new to tourism with their emerging middle class. They will get better at it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Have you been to Spain, the way some of the ''British Tourists'' act are terrible.., but they have been doing this for years..

I am British and its so degrading....

''Benidorm'' is the hub of it, all the ''Chav Brits'' head there, and then the trouble starts, fuelled by the old demon drink of course..

Could just imagine what the Spanish think of us....

Mostly, they think we <deleted> a lot.

Actually only 55% of Brits have sex at least once a week, vs 72% in Spain.

10% more Spaniards are satisfied with their sex lives as well.

Thailand comes in between at 65%, but they're much less happy about it.

did the thai % of this survey come from your school ?

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Recently i was in Koh chang,i was sitting on a tiny covered open hut along side a small jetty,working on my book,a chinese husband and wife with their son,came along,now i don't own the hut,so i did not mind,at first,but then they proceeded to sqaush up next to me and start eating and drinking,next the son was peering over my shoulder at what i was doing and asking me how i could get wifi were i was,next he split his drink almost on my notebook,i said please be careful,but nothing was said to the kid by the parents,they then proceeded to take photos of me,this was enough and i got up and moved, i saw the same thing near Pai at a waterfall a chinese man taking endless photos of two european girls then sitting right next to them and continuing to do it,now i realise in china they do not have the same sense of personal space as us,but really this was to me just rude,i just hope the chinese govt efforts to try to educate their people before they go oversees is succesful.

reminds me of a few years ago a chinese or japanese looking guy was taking pictures of heroin addicts

drinking in the park in ireland

they told him to xxxx off and then one of them punched him

camera was smashed ,cops came down but couldnt manage to arrest anyone as usual

good idea not to take pictures without permission ,especially homeless drug addicts who dont have much to lose anyway smile.png

Edited by metisdead
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How racism digs deeper when non-Asians believe others should act like them, that their values are better. Also the why people of thus are in this country if they cannot respect the cultures of the region. I'm half white but here hold Asia as the best of all worlds.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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You address the forum as if everyone is one person and thinks the same.

Can you post an example of this alleged racism ?

Well, I can post an example of the classic opening to a troll post: "I am just curious why do some of you or maybe most of you..."

Please, don't take the bait! smile.png

Edit: oops, that's what I get for reading a post from the beginning and replying to one of the first replies...this nonsense has gone on for 3 pages now? I guess it's too late for my "don't take the bait" advice, sigh... tongue.png

Edited by Ajaan
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It may not be racial (genetic) or a nationality. But it could be a culture where certain niceties you may be accustomed to do not exist. So, next time someone coughs or sneezes in your face, pushes you out of the way, shouts at you, cuts in front of you in a queue, etc you must be repectful of their culture otherwise it will be YOU who is the bad person.

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On a Thai Airways Bangkok - Beijing flight apparently:

if you did that on a western flight ud probably be going to jail upon landing thesedays biggrin.png

Airlines these days are little more than cattle cars. I recall that 40 years ago flying was fun.

Now, people get tortured by the way the airlines have everything set up to cut comfort at any expense.

Still, this seems to be what the majority of people want, low fairs, and rides fit for pigs and goats.

Of course, we all do realize there is nothing special about the Chinese.

Chinese people who come to Thailand are not representative of a cross section of their society.

They don't have money, so they come here to Thailand.

If they had money, they would be off to Europe, France, Vienna, or Hawaii, or Sydney.

But Thailand is good for any Tom Dick or Harry who has only 10,000 Baht to his name, and may have been sleeping with pigs in his home not many years ago.

What do they know about polite society? Truly not much.

But in this they are exactly the same as the Americans, or the British or anyone else in that socioeconomic strata.

I don't like to associate with them too much, because for them life is all wine, women, and song.

Kafka, they have never heard of.

Edited by CzarThustraThusSpake
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That VDO's absolutely hilarious - NO WAY it was about teletubbies, someone's taking the p1ss.

But for sure with a US crew in whatever airspace those passengers would've been delivered straight to lockup, very likely an air marshall would've drawn down on them long before what's shown here.

Can't understand how/why the flight crew stayed out of it so long.

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On a Thai Airways Bangkok - Beijing flight apparently:

if you did that on a western flight ud probably be going to jail upon landing thesedays

Airlines these days are little more than cattle cars. I recall that 40 years ago flying was fun.

40 years ago, it was regulated and most people flying today couldn't have bought a ticket. If you want that same experience today, buy a first class ticket. It'll be fun, and most people who fly today can't afford it... I like the choices today- cattle car seats on the cheap up to first class if you don't like the unwashed masses. I fly cattle car, and find the trade-off quite acceptable.

As for the Chinese flying to Thailand representing a cross section- they don't. Neither do the ones who fly to Europe. They represent the upper 10% and upper 1% respectively. That's still a lot of people. But a true cross section could only travel to Thailand if they can come by slow rail, get their visas free, stay with relatives and cook their own food. Not dissing the Chinese, I like them after 10 years living with them. But the reality is that the vast majority don't have the discretionary money to travel.

I do agree that the ones traveling to Thailand are generally the newly moneyed, and have a little bit of "growth" ahead of them learning the etiquette of International Travel. They will. But there will always be the next batch of newly moneyed following them. Like the Russians, the Eastern Europeans and the Texans. (I'm allowed to diss the Texans, I are one)

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We defeated the Russians and saved the world from their nuclear weapons and in doing so brought peace to mankind.

God bless you Ronald Regan.

Peace to mankind???? There is one race that would not apply to.

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That VDO's absolutely hilarious - NO WAY it was about teletubbies, someone's taking the p1ss.

But for sure with a US crew in whatever airspace those passengers would've been delivered straight to lockup, very likely an air marshall would've drawn down on them long before what's shown here.

Can't understand how/why the flight crew stayed out of it so long.

Which makes me wonder if this is fake or real.

For example, what airliner today flies without security personnel on board?

I doubt very many.

And who is that tall guy? Is that the famous Chinese basketball player?

The thing is:

I hate racism, and also bias against cultural differences, and against ethnicity.


Because, today it might be a group you are not overly fond of, getting the shaft.

Then, next week, it could be your brother,

Or you.

This is why I hate racism, and cultural bias, and ethnic based prejudice.

And I like to say so when I find it.

Who are these passengers anyway?

Was this incident ever published in the newspapers?

In general, I hate tourists because they spoil everything I like in the world, just so they can get some cheap thrills, while polluting the world further with their Jet Exhaust. If they stayed home, then think of all the CO2 that would not be spewed into the atmosphere while this guys could stay home and spew their guts out at local bars in their own countries, and date bar girls in their own country.

I have nothing good to say about sex tourists of any race, nor the many otherwise useless farmers who come here to find very young boys and girls.

You don't think every race has men who are perverts?

Then think again.

So, I say stop with the racism, but throw the bums out whoever they happen to be.

Without special treatment for those who have money, either.

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That VDO's absolutely hilarious - NO WAY it was about teletubbies, someone's taking the p1ss.

But for sure with a US crew in whatever airspace those passengers would've been delivered straight to lockup, very likely an air marshall would've drawn down on them long before what's shown here.

Can't understand how/why the flight crew stayed out of it so long.

You know that "Air Marshals" aren't on every single flight that operate to, from and everywhere in between the USA, right?

The use of Air Marshals need to be approved between countries, not just the arrival and destination port but every sovereign nation along the way if they're going to be armed.

If you're worried about a hijacking, stick to flying El Al... All staff have served in their military or security forces...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That VDO's absolutely hilarious - NO WAY it was about teletubbies, someone's taking the p1ss.

But for sure with a US crew in whatever airspace those passengers would've been delivered straight to lockup, very likely an air marshall would've drawn down on them long before what's shown here.

Can't understand how/why the flight crew stayed out of it so long.

theyre sooooooo lucky that was thai airways and not a serious flight

they would have been tazered and woke up bound in handcuffs and

that would only have been the start of their problems

some captains would radio for an early landing if half a dozen people

started fighting in the cabin like that

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On a Thai Airways Bangkok - Beijing flight apparently:

if you did that on a western flight ud probably be going to jail upon landing thesedays biggrin.png

Airlines these days are little more than cattle cars. I recall that 40 years ago flying was fun.

Now, people get tortured by the way the airlines have everything set up to cut comfort at any expense.

Still, this seems to be what the majority of people want, low fairs, and rides fit for pigs and goats.

Of course, we all do realize there is nothing special about the Chinese.

Chinese people who come to Thailand are not representative of a cross section of their society.

They don't have money, so they come here to Thailand.

If they had money, they would be off to Europe, France, Vienna, or Hawaii, or Sydney.

But Thailand is good for any Tom Dick or Harry who has only 10,000 Baht to his name, and may have been sleeping with pigs in his home not many years ago.

What do they know about polite society? Truly not much.

But in this they are exactly the same as the Americans, or the British or anyone else in that socioeconomic strata.

I don't like to associate with them too much, because for them life is all wine, women, and song.

Kafka, they have never heard of.

I believe this to be the most bias/prejudiced post since becoming a member. If I came across someone like this in California, I'd direct them to Southeast LA where they would be swiftly processed.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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On a Thai Airways Bangkok - Beijing flight apparently:

if you did that on a western flight ud probably be going to jail upon landing thesedays biggrin.png

Airlines these days are little more than cattle cars. I recall that 40 years ago flying was fun.

Now, people get tortured by the way the airlines have everything set up to cut comfort at any expense.

Still, this seems to be what the majority of people want, low fairs, and rides fit for pigs and goats.

Of course, we all do realize there is nothing special about the Chinese.

Chinese people who come to Thailand are not representative of a cross section of their society.

They don't have money, so they come here to Thailand.

If they had money, they would be off to Europe, France, Vienna, or Hawaii, or Sydney.

But Thailand is good for any Tom Dick or Harry who has only 10,000 Baht to his name, and may have been sleeping with pigs in his home not many years ago.

What do they know about polite society? Truly not much.

But in this they are exactly the same as the Americans, or the British or anyone else in that socioeconomic strata.

I don't like to associate with them too much, because for them life is all wine, women, and song.

Kafka, they have never heard of.

I believe this to be the most bias/prejudiced post since becoming a member. If I came across someone like this in California, I'd direct them to Southeast LA where they would be swiftly processed.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Please clarify: I believe this to be the most bias/prejudiced post since becoming a member.

Do you mean the posted topic?

Or, do you mean my comment?

I agree that there is much that is racist here, including especially GENERALIZING about members of a race or group, and then implying that this behavior is racially or culturally identifiable. Of course, there are many types of people and behavior in any group, in any group of Chinese, or Americans, or another country.

These days however, it is very easy to pick out the Chinese for castigation since they are the ones who are newly comparatively wealthy, and are coming to Thailand in fairly large numbers, and are probably less wealthy than the more educated class of Chinese who choose to go to the south of France, and there are plenty of these people also.

The ones who go to France look down their noses at the Chinese who can only afford to come to Thailand.

I love Thailand, so I am pretty happy here, no matter who comes visiting.

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