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Yingluck stresses she will stay to the last minute


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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

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She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


1. not a leader whatsoever by definition

2. the party was vote buying, they chose her (the people vote for the PARTY) if you were here, you'd have seen the signs: thaksin thinks, PTP does it (they voted indirectly for him) get it right!

3. foreigners on here, some indeed have citizenship, are dual citizens, half and half, have residency like myself, a family here, invest here, pay tax here..and can affect/impact the situation in regards to boycotting, pulling out investments etc.

you're just on here for the sole purpose of winding people up- no vision of solutions, constructive viewpoints, nor a willingness to look at the real situation based on the facts. Step one is acknowledging rampant vote buying. Look into it, and we can give you Thailand 101 lessons part II tomorrow.

Here is the sign.


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Shins : You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately ... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go.

Oliver Cromwell 1653

Oliver Cromwell then proceeded to install a military dictatorship, with himself installed as " Lord Protector".

Rule was by army officers appointed to control each county, backed up by a large standing army. Freedom of speech, religion and the press were curtailed. The regime was hated by the populace, who couldn't wait to overthrow it, and bring back the previous regime, which Cromwell had driven into exile!

All in all perhaps not such a good analogy?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Stressing she is, as the article's headlines says, but not in that sense. Every recent image as well as her hiding out, reveals a woman instructed by her brother to stay so his cause isn't lost; all the while totally fearing the wrath of karma and problems her pea brain have recently caused the country.

... furthermore, since we have all heard her attempts to communicate in English, it is clear that she did not write the message on her Facebook page, or indeed, if she has ever written any of the messages.

Staying on until the 'last minute' simply means that she will be prone to arrest on the charges that are about to be laid when her government falls. Her brother insists that she remains, whereas he is safely tucked away elsewhere...!

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I love the Thai style typo on the banner behind her in this picture.


Exactly what she needs to do.

What about "I love you my President"? What are they referring to there?

Sorry, Did Thailand become a republic overnight? I missed that. I thought we still had a parliament and a King as head of state? Perhaps the north have other ideas. The republic of Chiang Mai perhaps? I could say more but I proof read my composition and deleted it. Like they should have!

thida dreams

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I keep reading about 'PDRC thugs' and 'violent protesters' but as i recall after following all this shiite for the last 4 or 5 months there has only been one instance of PDRC violence, on the day before the 'elections'. and yet pretty much every week since last october there have been shootings and bombings directed AGAINST the protesters, culminating in the sad attacks in the last few days AGAINST the relatively peaceful protesters, resulting in the deaths of several children. Not one attack has been investigated, not one attack has even been acknowledged by the police, and no one has done anything to try to determine who is responsible for anything. You red apologists should just hide behind your bullshite and go away, no matter how many times you are banned and come back under another name, we all know who you are.

You are wrong, sir. There has been quite a bit of lip service to investigations.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

Sadam Hussein was an elected leader too.

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You read a lot into it. I read that :

1 - She has been to Saraburi, in public, so not really hiding out.

2 - She feels that as she was elected, she should remain in office until the results of the current election are known.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Many leaders around the world have resigned when they have determined they have failed their constituents. Yingluck should do the same. It has nothing to do with democracy.

Obviously she has principals and will do what is right for the people that elected her, as long is you are not one of her constituents, none of us Farangs are what you think does not matter!

She only has one "principal" and he's in Dubai.


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"She made clear of her stance to remain as caretaker prime minister on her Facebook page after this morning’s visit to Saraburi to view activities at the Otop Center Complex.

After her visit, she wrote on her Facebook page saying she had to stay in power just to uphold democracy.

As to call by many people for her to resign, she said she would like to ask them is resignation an answer.

She said her resignation would lead to power vacuum and the tearing up of the constitution which is also undemocratic and not possible.

As a citizen and the prime minister, she said she could not let this to happen but would stay on to uphold democracy until the new government is formed.

She said she would stay to the last minute and now it is timely for all sides to meet face to face to reach a settlement that is accepted by the majority of the people and within the boundary of the constitution". Uphold democracy or cling to power and loot the coffers of the last baht?

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Can't see what facts he got wrong there? It was a plurality btw.

265 seats compared to 159 over their only plausible rivals...hmmm.

Fun fact: most people besides 'democrat' party supporters or anti-Thakins called it a landslide.








The attitude of "The whole world is wrong except for me" springs to mind.

Shows how much "news" is cut and paste or simply repeated these days. Weapons of mass destruction hysteria springs to mind.

So many news agencies simply used the official statements of a "land slide" without checking what % of voters actually voted for PTP. Had they bothered to do so, they may well have remarked that the minority votes translates into a massive majority of parliamentary seats. That's the Thai system but maybe worth a comment rather that making people thing PTP enjoy a massive majority of voters which they don't.

Seeing as how you seem to like nitpicking to show your high intellect, well done on all the links you provide. However, they do not represent the whole world now do they?

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She called the attacks terrorist attacks for political gains without any regard for human lives

This applies perfectly to not paying struggling farmers for their produce, resulting in their debt-stress suicides. This is murder by policy, crime against humanity. If you aren't going to pay a poor struggling person for their produce, don't take their produce from them. Taking it without paying for it, results in terrible stress, fear and anguish for the person concerned (literally terrorism), and in many tragic cases, results in death. I wish Yingluck would comment on this issue on her FB page too.


Edited by Yunla
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

Sadam Hussein was an elected leader too.

So many dictators like to pretend they are elected. And they all enjoy "landslide" victories at election time too.

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

We're talking about the 2011 general election, look it up.

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She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Actually when she dissolved Parliament she is no longer the elected leader, she gave that up. She is only the caretaker.

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She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


She is the rightful elected bought in, remote controlled, halfway leader in the country,

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

We're tallking about the 2011 vote, I'd suggest you look further into it beyond your local newspaper.

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She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


1. not a leader whatsoever by definition

2. the party was vote buying, they chose her (the people vote for the PARTY) if you were here, you'd have seen the signs: thaksin thinks, PTP does it (they voted indirectly for him) get it right!

3. foreigners on here, some indeed have citizenship, are dual citizens, half and half, have residency like myself, a family here, invest here, pay tax here..and can affect/impact the situation in regards to boycotting, pulling out investments etc.

you're just on here for the sole purpose of winding people up- no vision of solutions, constructive viewpoints, nor a willingness to look at the real situation based on the facts. Step one is acknowledging rampant vote buying. Look into it, and we can give you Thailand 101 lessons part II tomorrow.

I second the notion that kikoman doesn't know what he's talking about. Democracy and Yingluck don't belong in the same topic. Bright light?? i think you've been blinded by her fancy shopping skills, well dressed manner and always looking kill the victim, when she is the villian herself. I really wish people would quit blaming Taksin, i could careless if he's the mastermind behind her, she needs to take responsibility. Step up and do something, if she's lawfully elected why doesn't solve some problems. All i hear is she's making the farmer's lives better. Sorry but it doesn't look like it. All i hear are excuses, sounds like my six year old explain why she can't brush her teeth right now.

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