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Yingluck stresses she will stay to the last minute


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She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Tell me, can you speak to, or have to use sign language like the rest of your hairy friends?

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Can't see what facts he got wrong there? It was a plurality btw.

265 seats compared to 159 over their only plausible rivals...hmmm.

Fun fact: most people besides 'democrat' party supporters or anti-Thakins called it a landslide.








The attitude of "The whole world is wrong except for me" springs to mind.

Shows how much "news" is cut and paste or simply repeated these days. Weapons of mass destruction hysteria springs to mind.

So many news agencies simply used the official statements of a "land slide" without checking what % of voters actually voted for PTP. Had they bothered to do so, they may well have remarked that the minority votes translates into a massive majority of parliamentary seats. That's the Thai system but maybe worth a comment rather that making people thing PTP enjoy a massive majority of voters which they don't.

Seeing as how you seem to like nitpicking to show your high intellect, well done on all the links you provide. However, they do not represent the whole world now do they?

And the majority disinformation/propaganda. Go to boilingfrogsdotcom (for one) on the increasing use of this on mainstream AND 'alternative' media.

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Boggles the mind that you bozos think that one side is right and one side is wrong in this struggle. There is blame to go around. Wake up to the gray world.

No one in their right mind who follows Thai politics would think that. They are

all crooks, and I deeply believe not a single one of them would be able to

withstand a full background check. However in a world of greys, it then becomes

a fairly simple choice of choosing the grey you want. Thaksin has driven this

country to financial ruin, time for a new leader. If that leader proves to be

fatally flawed, then try another one....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

Edited by HD 205
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YS should be visiting the hospitals with the injured as is the norm for a (Caretaker) PM after the atrocities at the weekend.

She would also "like to call on all sides". As Caretaker PM she should be demanding it. How pathetic can you get, there is no sign of her having an assertive thought of any sort! Maybe the idea of using facebook is to avoid addressing the vast majority of the Thai population?

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" As to call by many people for her to resign, she said she would like to ask them is resignation an answer. "

Yes !

" She said her resignation would lead to power vacuum and the tearing up of the constitution which is also undemocratic and not possible. "

What do you think we are experiencing now, Yingluck, if not a power vacuum ? The constitution that you site so proudly states that your administration must be disbanded by March 4, as no parliamentary quorum will have been by then achieved. Will you respect the constitution then ? And why are you - as prime minister - addressing these crimes against humanity through facebook ? Do you not owe it to the Thai people to visit these localities, meet the victims and their families, and bond with your fellow Thai men, women, and children ? You let the Thai people down by your failure to do so. Badly. And disgracefully. Up north, your UDD friends continue to say the most horrendous things. One leader made such an obscene statement about Trat that it should cause you great pause about the people who support you. It should cause you great pause when such a statement can be made in the light of the unspeakable murders of innocent children. The citizens of this country deserve better than for you to turn a blind eye to the UDD. And the citizens of this country are tired of you stoking the hatred and suspicions within the UDD. The citizens of this country are also tired of you using the word democracy as if you owed it, far less understood it. You see, Yingluck, the Thai people believe that democracy does not begin with an administration that is packed with relatives, that is overseen by a family member, and that rams through initiatives that are both divisive and unconstitutional. The Thai people believe that democracy doesn't mean changing the charter to grant an amnesty to a billionaire, who has used his money and influence to divide the Thai people. The Thai people believe that democracy means adhering to the constitution, adhering to and respecting the courts, adhering to and respecting the independent agencies which are entrusted with the constitutional responsibilities that you are obligated to honour and protect. The Thai people believe that democracy means not imposing an emergency decree during an election period that is meant only to crush free expression and criticism of your administration, freeze the bank accounts of companies and academics, and deport people at will without due process. The Thai people believe in a democracy where farmers are respected as the proud national institution that they are, and are not called fake. The Thai people believe in a democracy that is more than anything you have provided for as much as a single day in your corrupt administration.

This one qoute says it all. Best i've read in a while.

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

The problem in the current situation is that the government is being managed by a wanted criminal who is on the run and barred from running anything. Some students maintain the pretense that they study but the result of their output always somehow comes out second rate. Cheerleading for the Shinawatras might be seen as a career that beckons in recompense. Now back to Thaksin's musings on Facebook......

Edited by SheungWan
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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

The problem in the current situation is that the government is being managed by a wanted criminal who is on the run and barred from running anything. Some students maintain the pretense that they study but the result of their output always somehow comes out second rate. Cheerleading for the Shinawatras might be seen as a career that beckons in recompense. Now back to Thaksin's musings on Facebook......

And what do you think of democracy by the people?

Edited by HD 205
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Madam Prime Minister, I know you will stay to the end, you are truly a bright light in these days of Darkness, good luck to you!

Peace be with you!

Ferryman of Hades Charon waiting her - its easy to see, who is the queen of darkness and make problems?

only truly a bright light is his His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej - i trust king only.

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As to the violence in Trat and Ratchaprasong, she said she strongly condemned the use of violence that has caused many deaths, particularly children have lost their lives.

Not all red shirts condemn violence...

"I have good news to tell my red-shirt brothers and sisters from all provinces. The Peoples Democratic Reform Committee members of Suthep (Thaugsuban) at the protest stage in Khao Saming (Trat province) were deservedly given a reception by the locals. Five PDRC people were killed and over 30 injured"

Dab Daeng

And this person is an active police officer, makes you wonder right?

It should do but unfortunately..........NO

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The problem in the current situation is that the government is being managed by a wanted criminal who is on the run and barred from running anything. Some students maintain the pretense that they study but the result of their output always somehow comes out second rate. Cheerleading for the Shinawatras might be seen as a career that beckons in recompense. Now back to Thaksin's musings on Facebook......

And what do you think of democracy by the people?

Silly (and evasive) question. Listen up. He said, "Cheerleading" (what you glibly - and mistakenly - refer to as "democracy") by the Shinawatres, NOT by the people... If there had been any "democracy by the people", rather than thaksinocracy by the fugitive, Thailand wouldn't BE in the mess it's in!

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........It is not the way of life of Thais who are naturaly considerate and empathetic to fellow citizens rather than resort to senseless killings..........

The porky's never stop do they. She is so out of touch it is amazing that her feet actually touch the ground.

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Madam Prime Minister, I know you will stay to the end, you are truly a bright light in these days of Darkness, good luck to you!

Peace be with you!

Ferryman of Hades Charon waiting her - its easy to see, who is the queen of darkness and make problems?

only truly a bright light is his His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej - i trust king only.

Well at least you trust somebody,i have a hard job trusting anyone in Thailand

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Madam Prime Minister, I know you will stay to the end, you are truly a bright light in these days of Darkness, good luck to you!

Peace be with you!

I am glad she is not my torch in a dark cave.

Be lost forever

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

Sadam Hussein was an elected leader too.

Robert Mugabe has been elected 7 times and has been the premier for 34 years - what a fine job he is doing in Zimbabwe!!!

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She is partly right about the vacuum but what's really needed is a big vacuum cleaner to sweep through government house and suck up all the dirt that's been residing there for the last 30 years

and yes the constitution does need to be suspended while the whole system is reformed by a council of smart people that can actually make the changes required to stop any future government behaving the way PTP has the last 2 1/2 years - lying cheating stealing corruption "abuse of power" - the list goes on, then a referendum and elections, but it must be done right this time

life bans not just 5 years for rotten MP's - complete transparency to the people - forced fiscal discipline - no more immunity for MP's while in office - and stiff jail sentences for those convicted, that would be a good start

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Go on Yingluck, don't give into this elitist scum.

Fight the good fight!

She is in the elitist scum family, silly head! The most prime example. Get your head out of your ..................

The ruling class:กลุ่มคนที่ร่ำรวยกว่าคนอื่น (group who are wealthier than the majority) Universal meaning here....doesn't exclude the rich and elite who you cheer.

Edited by gemini81
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She is the rightful elected leader in the country, if you do not like her vote her out of office!

Oh sorry I forgot all of us Farangs do not have a right to vote in Thailand!


Wow, and there I was thinking I could vote... and your point is?

Sadam Hussein was an elected leader too.

Robert Mugabe has been elected 7 times and has been the premier for 34 years - what a fine job he is doing in Zimbabwe!!!

Nth Korea another example, heavily relying on food aid to feed it's people, or to feed it's greed for more military power. notice these styles of dictatorial power as the years go by get more isolated, As the leaders have great wealth they don't give a fig--brainwash the people to believe their country is the most powerful,

This place IS/WAS going down that path. Another thought--majority of the populations of these regimes do keep their people down with little education especially in rural areas, Issan example. Over 50% of Thai population is HERE.

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Madam Prime Minister, I know you will stay to the end, you are truly a bright light in these days of Darkness, good luck to you!

Peace be with you!

cheesy.gif Bright light, well sir, that you are not!!!

I believe the bright light kikoman is seeing in the darkness, is an oncoming train.

Well if it's a Thai train there's a good chance it will be derailed. wink.png

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Madam Prime Minister, I know you will stay to the end, you are truly a bright light in these days of Darkness, good luck to you!

Peace be with you!

cheesy.gif Bright light, well sir, that you are not!!!

I believe the bright light kikoman is seeing in the darkness, is an oncoming train.

Well if it's a Thai train there's a good chance it will be derailed. wink.png

Derailed may be a good description but not for the train.wai2.gif

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

Difficult, isn't it, when somebody throws inconvenient facts at you. You have to pretend not to understand, bluster a bit, throw in a strawman, and quote some party rhetoric. Pathetic, really.

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

The problem in the current situation is that the government is being managed by a wanted criminal who is on the run and barred from running anything. Some students maintain the pretense that they study but the result of their output always somehow comes out second rate. Cheerleading for the Shinawatras might be seen as a career that beckons in recompense. Now back to Thaksin's musings on Facebook......

And what do you think of democracy by the people?

A lot better than proxy autocracy by unelected criminal fugitive.

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You do understand the simplicity of the fact that a vote not for PTP does not equal a vote against them, don't you? People vote for, not against.

Care to show me any article that reported that 52% of the voters decided that they particularly didn't want her, rather than how they just voted for different parties? I mean I know you wouldn't be foolishly suggesting that every other party in Thailand is anti-Yingluck/PTP. I'll even take the nation as a source btw.

I'll leave your second sentence for yourself to have a think about.

52% didn't vote for other parties, they didn't vote at all. And of those that did vote, a considerable portion chose 'no' , while others defaced their ballot.

PTP have estimated their vote as ~10 million, others put it as low as 7 million. IMHO neither figure is sufficient to claim a mandate to govern.

Of 52%, some most definitely did vote for other parties!! I have no idea where you would get 50% less of the voting public defacing their vote, maybe you could show me some actual substantial proof? please?

No? didn't think so.

If you are talking about the 2011 voting election, and think that more voted for varying parties rather than the PTP, you would be correct.

But just try to learn how a democracy works first before you try to take any issue with it, really try... make an effort.

Study, study, study........................

Get your act together democrats, and you'd never know, you might just win an election.

The problem in the current situation is that the government is being managed by a wanted criminal who is on the run and barred from running anything. Some students maintain the pretense that they study but the result of their output always somehow comes out second rate. Cheerleading for the Shinawatras might be seen as a career that beckons in recompense. Now back to Thaksin's musings on Facebook......

And what do you think of democracy by the people?

A lot better than proxy autocracy by unelected criminal fugitive.

Maybe that character should pay a visit to Venezuala or Ukraine-to see how well loved and how well cared for the general public is; and how happy people are with autocracies. Don't forget to tour their estates either- just to see how fair and balanced the economic distribution is.

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