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Senators challenge PM Yingluck, police


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"This should be done "by coordinating with all parties, stressing public interest over personal interest", Deputy Senate Speaker Surachai Liengboon-lertchai told a press conference." Key words here stop serving personal interests and resign for the sake of the country!

And let Suthep and his popcorn people into power? No way!

Look at it this way, do you think anyone wants to lead a country like Thailand? To have not-so-veiled threats of violence against her? Endless mindless propaganda, endless false accusations? Political opposition cronies stuffed into every government department.

It can't be fun and she doesn't need it.

But it's her duty to follow the constitution and reject this power grab, because Suthep cannot be allowed power by popcorn & corrupt cronies.

Rewarding extremism is to encourage extremism. It's not about self interest for her, it's her duty to Thailand!

Her duty to Thailand.

Visit fruit in person and offer condolences on Facebook to a father that lost both his children in a terrorist attack.

One must be an extremist, fanatic, undemocratic, fascist loving, power grabbing, corrupt crony to suggest that she forget the fruit and visit the father and offer him her deepest condolences.

Only in Thailand does fruit have a higher priority to a caretaker PM than grieving people.

thats what she really thinks of her fellow thais fruit first utterly discusting..not an ounce of remorse or sorrow..people should take a good look at the grieving father before praising her too highly because you will be one of the same....truely jaw dropping.

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Just once in a while it would be nice to read a source that doesn't come from The Nation.

Silly comment, for someone making 26 posts so far. This forum is full of sources other than nation. Please learn to look and read before you criticize. Example: AFP, Reuters, BBC, and even the Pattaya Daily News.

Edited by zydeco
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How many of these senators were elected and how many are from the 50% "special appointed" category? Can some of you more into this sort of thing help us out? Remember the terrible reds wanted all the senators to be elected, which would be so undemocratic.... right?

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How many of these senators were elected and how many are from the 50% "special appointed" category? Can some of you more into this sort of thing help us out? Remember the terrible reds wanted all the senators to be elected, which would be so undemocratic.... right?

The senate should be part of the check and balance system with regard to the parliament. If fully elected and filled with close relatives of MP's, so just a rubber stamp for parliament, yes, that would be undemocratic.

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... The Fruit looks good ..... cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

Quote ".... Yeah, so do the tomatoes... " ?

The confusion about 'fruit' and 'vegetable' arises because of the differences in usage between scientists and cooks. Scientifically speaking, a tomato is definitely a fruit. smile.png Peace wai.gif

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The Senate is just giving YL a final chance to pull her finger out of her arse and do something before they decide on how to vote in the upcoming (1st April?) vote on who to select as the new intrim PM... so basically if she continues to show lack of leadership and ability, they will vote her out soon...

... this is a clear warning from the Senate to YL.

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Ok for all you questioners, how many times have the protesters started the bombings and shooting when left alone, answer, none. When have all the actual shootings and bombings started, answer, when the reds/police get involved. Do the protesters carry weapons, answer, yes for their protection/defence. Which group has suffered more deaths/injuries, answer, the protesters. Which group is calling for blood on the streets, answer, the udd. Which group cheered/celebrated the deaths of children and women, answer, the udd. Which group defended/made excuses for killing innocent women and children, answer, the red/ptp supporters.

Yes the protesters have taken over buildings/roads etc but did not use guns/bombs etc to do so, just people power, they have not attempted to burn down any building or blow them up, they have had armed people back them up when they have been fired upon but then this is in retaliation/defence only. When left to their own devices no weapons are used to accomplish what they want unlike the other side.

While I deplore violence of any kind, especially the killing of kids, people that are defending themselves is a different matter. Deliberately shooting randomly is also not on, the only pics I saw of the "popcorn" man he was aiming for his targets which I assume were the reds with guns as no one else was targeted/shot(women/children), this is the big difference. Randomly shooting at/bombing everyone as per the reds and selected targeting shooters as per the protesters is a different kettle of fish.

The violence needs to end no matter which side you support, these latest incident are despicable and for anyone to celebrate them or even condone them is beneath contempt. Its way past time for everyone in here to show their humanity and condemn anyone that would target women and children no matter who they support, this is beyond politics, no one should target innocent people with weapons to achieve their aims but it would appear this does not apply to the ptp/reds. How can any decent person defend the indefensible.

A lot of your comments are qu9ite right, and a lot are quite wrong,

My wife is a supporter of the PTP and she deplores the terrorist acts, as do I regardless who and from what faction they support, so DO NOT put all PTP supporters in this group, also she does not support many of the UDD's comments, so DO NOT put her in your "the red/supporters", because you are wrong,

but it is ok for you to lump all those against the ptp/reds as yellows, elite, etc?. Opinions are like arseh*les, we all have them, if you do not agree with the udd/reds/ptp that are cheering on these deaths etc then why dont you state it instead of defending them and making excuses. If I think someone has a valid point I will agree no matter which political party they back because it is the right thing to do.

By the way, my wife favours neither side and I form my own opinions from what I have read and witnessed personally(and we also disagree at times as well), not those that are forced on me by my family that need to be agreed to or be kicked out of the family home/ostracized or just to stay in their good books. If people cannot be honest and write from their own personal views why bother to do it, if your family has a different view let them write it themselves but it is good that you can actually say what you have, it has been noted for future referencewai.gif .

"If you don't agree with the udd/reds/ptp that are cheering on these deaths etc then why don't you state it instead of defending them and making excuses"

Challenge to you: find in any of my post's that I support the cheering of the deaths of these people, or made excuses for them.

YOU CAN NOT as if do not defend them nor make excuses for them, but fiction is something you are quite accomplished atw00t.gif

secondly I form my own opinions regardless of the wife's thoughts, and live several hundred klm's from the wife's family so no problem with that either.

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