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What if Thailand goes to Marshall law


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I saw a post about Marshall law. What would this mean for the people in Thailand?

And what would it mean for tourists already in Thailand?

Would this affect night life being there may be a curfew? Also would there be a band on alcohol sales?

I guess I'm just wondering what Thailand's version of Marshall law is.

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There isn't martial law per se. There are various measures that can be applied. In a time of crisis a "State of Emergency" can be declared. This was most recently done for Bangkok for a 60 day period. Last Wednesday, the lower court said the SOE was legal, but forbid the civil authority from "using force" against protesters. This essentially rendered parts of SOE impotent.

Under previous SOEs, there were curfews imposed and a restriction on some activities, however, most of Thailand is unaffected in respect to daily lives. (I'm leaving out the weighty issues of freedom, liberty etc.) In parts of the south where there is an ongoing insurgency, some areas are under a quasi SOE, with soldiers ever present and curfews imposed and checkpoints. . The ongoing violence speaks for itself as to how well it is working.

Last September, a 24 hour curfew was imposed on the areas of Nahkon Si Thammarat where the rubber producers were protesting. it wasn't effective.

The only time a SOE has been effectively imposed has been subsequent to a military coup. The army puts heavily armed troops out in the streets and arrests/shoots anyone who violates the curfew. The army has a decent track record at maintaining civil order at such times. I suppose practice makes perfect. Thais don't like to be inconvenienced, so allowances are made to permit Thais to go about their lives. Last time there was a military imposed SOE, the main tourist areas were relatively untouched. Tourists were still being tourists. I suspect that the next time there is a military coup, we may see a different reaction.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Hi keiyhet

Over many years Thailand -- or parts thereof -- have been repeatedly subjected to martial law. Most recently was during the elections ending the rule of the Junta. Based on this experience I would say that you have little to concern you.

Tourists remained virtually unaware.

Apart from those Thais targeted by the the Junta --- life proceeded pretty much as usual.

Sale of alcohol was not banned. smile.png

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Now I believe I can let a friend know that is coming in March, that there is not much to worry.

I always go out for happy hour now and then. But I don't know what the night seen is like here bkk since all this has started.

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I know people who went to Bangkok for 2 weeks just to watch the riots and protests last month. I think this kind of tourism is quite stupid and arrogant, but it is popular.

I have heard about people doing this.

As for me I try to keep away from the protest sites. Especially late in the night.

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Not Marshall law its self that would be the problem, it is what it would, could lead to.

Any move by the military would be seen in some quarters as a coup as it would suit their own ends to call it that .

There are some who have already said they would come out and fight any such move by the military and if this happened it would more than likely escalate into a civil war, look no farther than the south to see how little the army and police can do in that sort of circumstance.

I have been thinking seriously about this for a couple of weeks now and wondering what I would, could do if that happened.

Before anyone has a go at me I am not trying to start any rumors or write scare stories only put down my own thoughts.

Although I live in peace and friendship with the local community I do know that there are elements who, if they wanted to would find me an easy target for I get around on a pushbike most mornings keeping off the main roads.

Should it come to the worst I would not want to live in a country at war with itself, so what to do ?

I have always been one to try to plan a little ahead and I therefore renewed my visa 3 weeks ahead of the due date so I would have the option of getting my 800K out so I would still have a visa and no problems of seasoning for 3 months.

Also have hung off on bringing more here for personal use, but will have to look at that again as events unfold over the next couple of weeks.

Then there is where to go should things turn to custard, neighboring countries seem the best option, have been to Lao and Cambodia and they are possibilities, then Burma and Malaysia, will look into this shortly.

I am in the fortunate position that I don't have much so would not be leaving a lot behind on a quick exit, then there is the little lady haven't talked to her yet.

The great hope is that common sense will be shown very soon, but unfortunately not much of that as yet.

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A friend saw lots of tanks loaded onto trains headed south, so who knows what will happen. I remember the last coup tourists were taking photos with the soldiers. Some soldiers even gave their rifles to the female tourist to hold.

A non violent coup wouldn't be bad but the 2010 riots were pretty bad without having a coup.

Be safe and keep your head down, bullets don't see tourists any different.

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A friend saw lots of tanks loaded onto trains headed south, so who knows what will happen. I remember the last coup tourists were taking photos with the soldiers. Some soldiers even gave their rifles to the female tourist to hold.

A non violent coup wouldn't be bad but the 2010 riots were pretty bad without having a coup.

Be safe and keep your head down, bullets don't see tourists any different.

the rifles to the kids and the overweight tourists who tried to make a Rambo face.....

The photos are great comedy....

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Seems like the OP's only real concern about the marshall law being imposed is that he thinks booze will not be handy...I tell you what, the next situation in which marshall law will be applied there will be a whole lot more to worry about than where to find a drink....this event I am talking about ( I will not name it) will be the tipping point for the Kingdom of Thailand and will probably be the initiation of full blown civil war

Edited by Smurkster
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The country is going through hell.

People are being hurt and killed.

Life as we know it may be drastically changed.

And you are only worried about booze and bars??


Edited by willyumiii
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The country is going through hell.

People are being hurt and killed.

Life as we know it may be drastically changed.

And you are only worried about booze and bars??


Yup, I got the same impression from the OPs post although it was thinly veiled, it was an obvious attempt to solicit information regarding booze. By first asking about what it would mean for tourists and Thai natives, the OP was trying to divert attention away from his ultimate motive for asking the question

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was here at the last coup....no problem with martial law.

They removed the censorship on the internet....That was the only difference...

I do not understand why people continue to write this. It is the opposite of true. It could not be more wrong.

The day after the 2006 coup, the fifth official order by the new military junta specified that internet censorship would be continued. It intimated strongly (and proved to be correct later) that internet censorship would be strengthened and widened. It appointed an "official censor of the military junta" to ensure this.

Before the coup, censorship was comparatively mild, given what was in store, unless you were running a website with pornography, especially about "Thai girls". Betting sites, particularly in the UK were blocked. Clearly anti-monarchy sites were blocked. There was almost - almost - no political censorship.

Since then, just as General Sonthi Booyaratglin so clearly hinted, internet censorship has got progressively worse. I guess we could say the coup instigated a new, expanded round of censorship that still has not peaked.

You cannot be more wrong than that in the claim the military "removed the censorship on the internet".

All of the above and more is covered extremely well by the always interesting FACT (Freedom Against Censorship Thailand) in a post made exactly four months after the coup, "Thai website censorship jumps by more than 500% since coup!". It is available (irony alert!) and uncensored as I write at http://goo.gl/n2uHWi


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So most of you see it as a bit of a joke.

Do you really think marshall law or a coup would be the same as last time ?

Look at the statements from the militant reds, and they have the armed element to back them up.

The proper term is Martial Law. And the main concern of the OP was that alcohol sales may be affected.

When someone cares enough to actually give a crap hoot about what they post, maybe more of us will take it seriously.

In the meantime, there are about a bazillion serious threads on the subject. Se we're going to have some tension release.

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I know people who went to Bangkok for 2 weeks just to watch the riots and protests last month. I think this kind of tourism is quite stupid and arrogant, but it is popular.

This is not some kind of a game. The stupidity of some people astound me ... but these people just don't think I guess.

Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If martial law is introduced..you will be forced to stay in and watch the full series of "Thailands Got Talent"(including the unedited audition shows)but worse still watch those aweful thai soap operas with the sound at full blast!Cripes what a thought!!!sad.png

Stop it!! Now you're scaring me.

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