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Red shirt guards seize farmers' muster point on Friendship Highway


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Very interesting - now it is red-shirts against the farmers

That should give a dilemma for some of the fanatical red-shirt posters on this forum, which side do you now support?

The red-shirts are in danger of becoming a marginalised group if they alienate more areas of support, the fear is that like all marginalised groups, they turn ever more to violent means

if they have not already done so that is.

That should give a dilemma for some of the fanatical red-shirt posters on this forum, which side do you now support?

They have always supported Thaksin, Yingluck and PTP.

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I notice that there are no photo's with this news story, that probably says it all really.

I expect the fleet of brand new shiny red tractors and people in brand new first time ever worn farmers clothes decided not to go near a small group of red shirts.............

Perhaps they might have been scared their southern dialect would have been picked up quite quickly ?

In my opinion of course.


Photo of 2 people and lots of empty seats........

Those two people are Red Shirts after they threatened the farmers not to have their demonstration there. Read the posters in the photo.

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Boxclever, on 25 Feb 2014 - 11:35, said:snapback.png

Most of these so called farmers are paid protesters.

Our neigbour has just returned from the farmers protest to Kanchanaburi, she was being paid 300bht per day.

Funny thing is, no rice is grown in our area of Kancha (well very little anyway) and she is actually a red supporter clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

The red gaurd is right, the majority are not disgruntled farmers, they are paid protesters paid to cause trouble.

I wonder how many other staunch red supporters joined the farmers protest. ... How potentially embarrassing to the PTP.

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first of all, their mercenaries are here already. Lots of "sleepers" as well.

secondly, why do you think Kuwait and another middle eastern country have told their citizens to move out a long time ago. Do they know more? Sure they do that Saudi has it's fingers into it via Thaksin.

thirdly, when the so called "mob" arrives it will be the start of big time troubles in Bkk.

All embassies should actually be on high alert by now. When it becomes a war, foreigners will be no longer save. Intimidation or even attacks won't stop only with their own people. (the "hong muet" - dark rooms were for real last time when they were in Bangkok three months ago.

The army will hesitate to move in until there's really no longer another option. A coup(as we know it from here in the past) is not possible - it will be a hard fight.

I really hope that those reasonable red shirts will put Thailand first and the family that has orchestrated all the troubles, last. Then I see a little hope.

Locals who got and are intimidated should find a way to report every single culprit secretly. Executives and especially the army will keep an eye on them and act accordingly when the time is ripe.

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I notice that there are no photo's with this news story, that probably says it all really.

I expect the fleet of brand new shiny red tractors and people in brand new first time ever worn farmers clothes decided not to go near a small group of red shirts.............

Perhaps they might have been scared their southern dialect would have been picked up quite quickly ?

In my opinion of course.


Photo of 2 people and lots of empty seats........

there were 30 of them. They will probably apologize to you for not taking a group photo for you. facepalm.gif

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NAKHON RATCHASIMA: -- Redshirts militants in Nakohn Ratchasima province have prevented rice farmers in the region from organising a rally to voice their grievance.

Rice farmers from 20 provinces in northeastern Thailand have previously announced their plan to stage a rally along Mittaparp Road in Korat to demand the rice payment the government has promised them under the controversial rice-pledging scheme.

However, more than 30 "guards" of the United Front of Democracy Against Dicatorship (UDD) arrived at Mittaparp Road in Pimai district this morning and set up several tents on the venue initially marked by the rice protesters as their rally site.

Many of the Redshirts guards wore balaclava and black shirts. Some of the guards proceeded to hang banners with threatening notes to the oncoming farmers. One banner reads "Don′t cause trouble here". Another, "Democracy is not about thugs closing down the roads".

Mr. Nakorn Srivipat, leader of the rice farmers protesters, later called off the rally, citing safety concerns for the demonstrators due to the black-clad UDD guards.

"Our coordinators agreed that we don′t want any confrontation," Mr. Nakorn said, "It might lead to chaos and losses".

He added that the farmers have been instructed to meet at another venue in Chokechai district, where they would discuss further measures to pressure the government.

Source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNNU16TXhOVFU0TkE9PQ==


-- Khaosod English 2014-02-25

UDD's name indicates that they are against dictatorship, but their behave like a dictator. In fact, they support Thaksin, the dictator.

Are they educated?

UDD threats the farmers. What they are doing is to bully the farmers. I feel sorry for the poor farmers.

They should change their name to United Front of Dictatorship against Democracy.

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UDD's name indicates that they are against dictatorship, but their behave like a dictator. In fact, they support Thaksin, the dictator.

Are they educated?

UDD threats the farmers. What they are doing is to bully the farmers. I feel sorry for the poor farmers.

They should change their name to United Front of Dictatorship against Democracy.

Meanwhile, the PDRC (People's Democratic Reform Committee) is blocking elections and preventing citizens from exercising their right to vote, while suggesting that Thailand should no longer be ruled by a Prime Minister but by a "people's council" chosen by Suthep.

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UDD's name indicates that they are against dictatorship, but their behave like a dictator. In fact, they support Thaksin, the dictator.

Are they educated?

UDD threats the farmers. What they are doing is to bully the farmers. I feel sorry for the poor farmers.

They should change their name to United Front of Dictatorship against Democracy.

Meanwhile, the PDRC (People's Democratic Reform Committee) is blocking elections and preventing citizens from exercising their right to vote, while suggesting that Thailand should no longer be ruled by a Prime Minister but by a "people's council" chosen by Suthep.

How is that relevant to refusing the farmers to state their opinion?

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Those two people are Red Shirts after they threatened the farmers not to have their demonstration there. Read the posters in the photo.

Is late and my eyes are blurry, does any of those posters say "Respect my Vote"? wink.png

It's more along the lines of "respect might right to bully you" cheesy.gif

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UDD's name indicates that they are against dictatorship, but their behave like a dictator. In fact, they support Thaksin, the dictator.

Are they educated?

UDD threats the farmers. What they are doing is to bully the farmers. I feel sorry for the poor farmers.

They should change their name to United Front of Dictatorship against Democracy.

Meanwhile, the PDRC (People's Democratic Reform Committee) is blocking elections and preventing citizens from exercising their right to vote, while suggesting that Thailand should no longer be ruled by a Prime Minister but by a "people's council" chosen by Suthep.

How is that relevant to refusing the farmers to state their opinion?

Diversionary derailment to try and salvage the Reds.


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So these people in blackshirts erected tents and put up signs warning people to stay away. Well at least they aren't storming government buildings and threatening people driving them out of the work places and preventing them from earning a living.

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So these people in blackshirts erected tents and put up signs warning people to stay away. Well at least they aren't storming government buildings and threatening people driving them out of the work places and preventing them from earning a living.

Yep. They're too busy shooting and killing people, plotting their next looting and burning of Bangkok

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So these people in blackshirts erected tents and put up signs warning people to stay away. Well at least they aren't storming government buildings and threatening people driving them out of the work places and preventing them from earning a living.

They arrived there to prevent the farmers from demonstrating. Is there something wrong with your reading abilities?

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A major highway in Thailand, and the first road meeting international standards is closed off by a rogue group. The army, the government is powerless to prohibit this blockade. Rogue groups operate in Thailand with impunity similarly to the Somali pirates around the Horn of Africa.

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So these people in blackshirts erected tents and put up signs warning people to stay away. Well at least they aren't storming government buildings and threatening people driving them out of the work places and preventing them from earning a living.

Like in 2010 you mean ?

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Red shirts...Black shirts...Yellow shirts...White shirts...wake me when the ladies go to NO shirts...


Wake up. These red shirt women are very nearly there.

I've seen yellow hand-clappers, and red foot-clappers, but Red Nipple-Guards, isn't that a provocative escalation ... ? blink.png

Shades of Chesty-Morgan's Deadly-Weapons, there, ! tongue.png

When does the video-clip, presumably filmed by Russ Meyer, come out ? whistling.gif

Meanwhile, back to the thread-topic ... after the Red-Guards have put up their signs, and established their pro-true-democracy anti-fake-rice-farmer check-point on the 'Freedom-Highway', what is there to prevent the rice-farmers from driving past while whistling innocently, and then meeting-up with their mates for the parade some 100m further down-the-road ?

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Very interesting - now it is red-shirts against the farmers

That should give a dilemma for some of the fanatical red-shirt posters on this forum, which side do you now support?

The red-shirts are in danger of becoming a marginalised group if they alienate more areas of support, the fear is that like all marginalised groups, they turn ever more to violent means

if they have not already done so that is.

They are not known for their wisdom... followers and paid hackneys at best.

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