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Red-shirts force anti-govt singer to ditch Chiang Mai concert


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Interesting is it not.

Red shirts go into a restaurant, order food and drink and let it be known that someone is not welcome.

No guns, no grenades, no pretend farmers, no navy seals.

And suddenly this is so bad. The same people who are supporting the PDRC with their killing of policeman, popcorn gunmen, their shutting down of government offices, their forcing people to stop work etc.. etc...

A large dose of hypocracy anyone ?

In my opinion of course all of that.

... killing children, celebrating the killings, setting fire to buildings, storming a hospital, threatening farmers... Give up. The Red Shirt will win the pissing contest any time.

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Still sprouting the usual red crap ?

It was said from the beginning that the money would be used to support the farmers in their law suits against the government. The lawyers have nothing to do with the Democrats, but are provided by the Thai law society.

They also didn't file suit on behalf of the PDRC but on behalf of the farmers. Filing a lawsuit doesn't cost a fortune, however when you file a lawsuit you will have to deposit a considerable amount of money with the court, and the pleading will cost handful of money.

Where do you think that the farmers would get that money ?A farmer is not allowed to plead in court you will know, and it doesn't make sense to file suit if you can't defend your claim in court

It is also not a single lawsuit but hundreds of lawsuits in tens of different districts all over Thailand

And this cost over 20 million baht?

C'mon...PDRC have already stated that people in the North are too poor and uneducated to have the vote.

Do you really think they give a rats ass about the people they call "too stupid to vote"?

The "lawsuits" you mention are ALL about Suthep bringing down the very people he claims to represent!

What an A'hole bah.gif

Will you pay the farmers legal fees then, or even better, pay them for their rice?

The reason for the size of the amount has been explained elsewhere, but it's irrelevant, since the farmers didn't have to pay it themselves.

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'However, the Redshirts continued to eat and talk at the restaurant for a while to see whether Mr. Pongsak would show up. He did not. The Redshirts eventually paid their bills and peacefully dispersed from the restaurant.'

somehow this last para surprised me a fair bit

It surprised me that the journalist felt the need to include it!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I still refuse to get involved in the political debate, as a guest in this country, it would not be appropriate.

HOWEVER I am sure that all decent people will agree that, whoever the "Kid Killers" were,they need to be quickly brought to justice along with their

Political Master/Mistress, whoever it was who encouraged them to Murder Innocent Children. The people responsible for the deaths of the children are the scum of the earth.

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Redshirts continued to eat and talk at the restaurant for a while to see whether Mr. Pongsak would show up. He did not. The Redshirts eventually paid their bills and peacefully dispersed from the restaurant.

Sounds like the restaurant made out okay. Got customers for a concert they never had to actually have.

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Picture looks like he's the bag man for Suthep and his anti democratic facsist criminals

Not welcome! bah.gif

Why are you calling other people names that fit like a glove on yourself. Fascists and Nazis are the people who refuse others the right to speak (or sing). Do some reading and have a look in the mirror.

"Fascists and Nazis are the people who refuse others the right to speak (or sing)."

That is exactly what your friend Suthep does , so you got it ! finally !

Suthep is not my friend, and I have little sympathy for the man. He does have some valid points regarding the sad state of this nation though, and I absolutely sympathise with most of his followers. As for the Loso incident in Phuket, which I didn't know about until now, I find just as unacceptable as the behaviour of the reds in Chiang Mai and several other places in this country lately. Freedom of speech is one of the most important pillars of democracy, and any person who obstructs it is an enemy of democracy.

Agree with a sad feeling at the same time !

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Red democracy again!

Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif

TVGerry...broken record again.

Whatever side...you are part of the problem.

I call it as I see it. If that's being a broken record, it's because these people keep doing the same crap.

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Red democracy again!

Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif alt=bah.gif>

Absolutely. This is how the red gangs work. Those on this forum who continue to support the reds must be blind, demented or have no humanity whatsoever. To me it beggars belief that any right thinking person can support these thugs.

I don't support the Redshirts and like the Shinawatra dynasty even less. But:

- I don't think people who support the Redshirst must be blind

- I don' think people who support the Redshirts must be demented and have no humanity

- I do think a "right thinking" person (I suppose meaning a "rational" person) could support them.

I do think that the polarizing language that you use above - as used by Redshirts and PDRC supporters also - is far more a cause of the problems than a solution to any of them.

I have fought against fascists, dictators, left wing leaders (ie Lenin, Mao) and for human rights all my life. I feel very strongly about the damage that Thaksin is doing to this country. End of story

You fought against Lenin? How old are you?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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To address your second statement regarding the PDRC protesters shutting down the Sek Loso concert. I could easily say they protestors shut the concert down because the government refused to build a conference hall there until the and I quote again "When you vote for us we will build a conference hall". However I won't retract to that level, because being anti democratic once does not justify being anti democratic twice. So I think it was appalling the concert was shut down and it shows that some supporters on both sides of the political divide actually have more in common than we may think. What they have in common however is not an admirable personal or political trait.

Nice to see you take a step in the right direction. wai2.gif

An will you also take a step in the right direction - and condemn those on both sides that challenges peoples rights to their own opinions and free speech?

He will never do that. I have found he never ever admits he is wrong. He just stops replying. He hates being on the defensive so he will cherry pick to go back on the attack again and when cornered he stops replying. He is also condecending in most of his replies showing a holier than thou attitude.

2 questions he can't answer

  1. You stated and I quote here "The singer was stupid to support Suthep in the first place" So you are trying to tell me know that is not what you meant to say. You meant to say "The singer was stupid to publicly support and back Suthep". Maybe I am, but a simpleton, but explain to me how "supporting Suthep" and "publicly supporting and backing Suthep" is different? If I support Suthep in private that is OK then?
  2. What are the principles of democracy.

I can assure you the list will get bigger as the days, weeks progress.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Picture looks like he's the bag man for Suthep and his anti democratic facsist criminals

Not welcome! bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif width=19 alt=bah.gif>

Where do you get this anti democratic criminals from, all Suthep wants is reforms (Democracy) that will include heavy penalty's for this type of behaviour ,with the PTP you had your chance and blew it every inch of the way, don't forget my friend , when the reforms are put forward ,their will be more than just Suthep in the mix, a lot of people will be involved, doubtfull that there will be many from PTP, as I said you had your chance.

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Red democracy again!

Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif

Absolutely. This is how the red gangs work. Those on this forum who continue to support the reds must be blind, demented or have no humanity whatsoever. To me it beggars belief that any right thinking person can support these thugs.

No doubt many of these farangs who support the Red criminals are doormats who just follow their Red gals and their families... coffee1.gif

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Red democracy again!

Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif

Very democratic eh :-) First they stopped farmers from protesting and claiming what is rightfully theirs (the farmers') to start with, and now they stop an event from happening because it is 'aligned to anti-govt protestors'. How democratic... coming from a gang who is supposed to be the 'protectors of democracy'. Didn't I always say, UDD stands for United front for Dictatorship against Democracy whistling.gif

Edited by outsider
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Picture looks like he's the bag man for Suthep and his anti democratic facsist criminals

Not welcome! bah.gif

You call Suthep a fascist?

What do you call the pressure of the redshirts on anybody thinking differently?


Last time I looked the redshirt use typical fascist means to suppress any other sound.

Maybe time for you to start reading some history?

Edited by hansnl
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Ms. Kanyapak Maneechak, said the Redshirts find it unacceptable that Mr. Pongsak has sided with the People′s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD) by helping PCAD leader Suthep Thaugsuban solicit for donations on 10 February.

Nice answer, very democratic. "the REDSHIRTS find it UNACCEPTABLE".

Now if the lady had said that 'her' red-shirts are anti-PCAD and anti-PDRC leader Suthep, that would be acceptable. Freedom of opinion and so.

Any comments on the PDRC finding the Sek Loso concert in Phuket unacceptable? Freedom of speech and so on.

Oh, you didn't notice.........

If you had less of those knee-jerk reactions and had progressed a bit more with your 'reading and apprehending' course you would have seen that not only I wrote "I didn't even notice that that had happened.", but let it be followed by "If I had I would probably be just as unhappy as I'm about this incident."


As for not notices, well, ever since the government got into problems because they tried to push through this blanket amnesty bill which even covered (all of a sudden) the first two years of Yinglucks' activities, there has been such an influx of new and very active posters, that since I'm still a salary man in Bangkok I find it difficult to keep up. Whenever I try to read all 200++ posts in a new topic I also notice that about 70% we could do without easily. I hope I don't offend you, but your reply here falls in that category wai.gif

Now please excuse me, I'll first start looking for my copy of the Loso 'red album' before continuing work. smile.png

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Red democracy again!

Side against my deity and we'll run you out! bah.gif


Was it not the PDRC who forced organisators to cancel a concert of Loso in Phuket a few weeks ago???????

Oh wait, I get your reasoning.

If the PDRC does it, it is OK.

If he RED shirts do it, it is RED democracy and it is not OK.

Posted 2014-01-06 11:28:51

PHUKET: -- Hundreds of angry anti-government protesters last night forced the organizers of the annual Phuket Red Cross Fair to cancel a live concert by Thai rock star Sek Loso, who was to perform the closing show at the fair.

Full story: http://www.thaivisa....es-seks-appeal/

I'd say that both groups are wrong. Boycott, okay. Prevent other people from enjoying a concert they paid for is wrong. Maybe if they reimbursed them for their costs and lost opportunity, it might be excusable. I would have been annoyed if I had gone to the bar to eat, drink and listen to the concert and then been unable to listen. Sorry for the venue owner too.

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They were protesting against someone who was helping to gather donations to help the farmers.

They have really turned on their so called base support, farmers the backbone of PT.

Yes he was right to cancel.

The donations, on PRDC's own admission, were not to help the farmers. They were to pay PRDC lawyers to sue the government, there is a huge difference. Not that the people who gave the money were told what the real purpose was. Yes he was right to cancel and incredibly stupid to haved booked the gig in the first place. If he was trying make political capital out of it, he was incredibly naive.

That's absolutely right. Not a single satang ever made it to the farmers, only into the pockets of Democrat party lawyers, which filed the lawsuits on behalf of the PDRC. There is a news post here for those not aware of it.

20 million Baht to file a few lawsuits and the poor farmers believe it. Any other lawyer would have filed it for free if he really wanted to help the farmers, or at most a few thousand Baht.

The singer was stupid to support Suthep in the first place. I said weeks ago that all of these celebrities will end up ruining their careers by joining the "picnic" and the PDRC stages. Well, here is the first one. He ruined his entire career because he joined a politician fight. There are plenty of other Thai singers not stupid enough to join either side.

And you have all of that which you spout on about on absolute confirmed authority do you? Oh right... you read it in the media so it MUST be true!

And to make such an utterly ridiculous claim that those who've joined the protest in song are "ruining their careers" makes me laugh at your sheer ignorance and audacity. Right... and the Dixie Chicks & others who spoke out against G.W. Bush ruined their careers as well by acting in similar fashion. Your confounded "logic" astounds and eludes me.

Edited by yeeowww
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