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Crazy Motorcyclists


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20,000.00 Baht

Motorcycle Accident 8.10pm, Sat. 27th May 06

I am sure not all Thai people are cowards but I would Like to meet again the young Cowardly Poo

Chai and his G/friend passenger who knocked down and injured my Wife here on this evening as she visited the local market to buy fruit & vegetables.

This Cowardly Thai (man) said he would meet us at the clinic across the road and as I helped my Dear injured wife to her feet he disappeared on his motorcycle with his equally cowardly Thai girlfriend/wife. I did not get his Licence plate, ‘’if any’’, but I have reported the incident to the Local Police just for the record.

I am aware that this is an all too familiar occurrence in Amazing Thailand, and I have heard of many similar stories from Thais and Farangs alike. Government statistics show that motor cycles make up more than 70% of all road traffic accidents in this country. Why am I am not surprised!!!

How are pedestrians supposed to compete with these motorcyclists who ride like lunatics, drive on footpaths, have no lights, ride on the wrong side of the road and generally behave like brainless idiots with their Zig Zag road manners ? Is Thailand really a third world country??? Again, it appears so to the Westerner.

My precious wife never hurt any one in her life and it pains my heart to see her face all swollen and broken and lying on the road and on an emergency stretcher in Chapreya hospital.

I remember this Cowardly Bastards face well and as I live here I will be returning to this place often from now on. Many Thai eyes witnessed this incident and many people gathered around my wife as she lay injured and shocked on the ground but not one person knew anything when we returned shortly afterwards with the police. Is this the Thai way? Yes, it does appear to me to be so.

The next time, and I certain there will be a next time, (the law of averages say so), I will take no prisoners.

As far as I am concerned, it is war between me and motorcyclists. I will give them no quarter or chance in future.

Anyone who witnessed this incident (accident) and with information of the whereabouts of this motorcyclist

can contact me at 09-2359841. To Collect REWARD for Information.

Kuhn Alexander

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Running away from the scene of the accident is indeed the Thai Way. I am surprised that the Phoo Chai and Phoo Ying on the bike hung around to talk with you, normal proceedure is to check if the vehicle is in working order IE: driveable and then scarper, If the vehicle is unserviceable, Leg It!!!!

No consideration is given to the "victim" of the accident.

Isaanlover may well have a point, let the local boys in brown know that there is a nice little reward for the capture of the "fellon" and you may well be surprised how quickly things develop.

One word of caution, be careful when dealing with Thais in matters like this, better leave it to "Plod".

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Yes, please give us precise details, such as exact location properly identified, time, etc.

To the original poster: if there's anything you'd like to leave out of the original post, send a PM to a moderator and we'll try to condense your lengthy comments. I'm sorry that it happened, and hope your wife recovers quickly.

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... I am sure not all Thai people are cowards ...

Kuhn Alexander[

Alexander, please try to not let this eat you up inside. Accidents happen, and some people run away when they are to blame. You'll probably never see him again and it won't make your life here any happier here searching every face in the crowd trying to find him. If he is Buddhist, then "Waen Gam".

Try to forget him and move on. Best wishes for your wife's recovery.

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It would help perhaps if you told us where this happened.

I agree.

No doubt Alex2353 is justifiably fuming; I certainly do not blame him.

But, the more details he can provide the more chance he will have of catching up with this scum... :o

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Sorry to hear about your wife...hope she's OK and gets back on her feet soon. As far as fleeing the scene, yes, it's often the way drivers react to an accident. The guy may well have no insurance which is illegal as it is in many countries. He probably has no money to pay for your wife's injuries either. Most accidents involve motorcyclists and I've seen my fair share of crazy riding. Have your wife or a Thai family member help you keep in contact with the police in case any new info comes up. Without the license number it would be difficult to find him though. If you can clearly remember his face, maybe you'll see him around that area again. Give him a good beating and an extra kick or two for me as I hate these crazy motorcyclists as well. Good luck!

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I don't understand how it is still possible for so many to not have insurance! For several years already you /must/ show a valid insurance to get the tax sticker. Sure, some won't have either but by far the most have a tax sticker (because they get harrassed by the cops if they dont). So how come they /still/ leg it?


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... I am sure not all Thai people are cowards ...

Kuhn Alexander[

Alexander, please try to not let this eat you up inside. Accidents happen, and some people run away when they are to blame. You'll probably never see him again and it won't make your life here any happier here searching every face in the crowd trying to find him. If he is Buddhist, then "Waen Gam".

Try to forget him and move on. Best wishes for your wife's recovery.

Hmm...Jai Yen Yen? Hence the compasion and empathy shown for the accused in the reply to the OP?

<deleted>; I have every sympathy with the OP (I sincerely hope your wife recovers quickly) and SOMETHING should be done about motorcyclists!

The manner in which they fart around the place without a care to the accidents and near death experiences they cause (if the TW*TS ever looked in their mirrors!) behind them needs addressing.

I went through the farce known as a Driving Test here and it is only by sheer luck that the deaths are not much higher than they are!

I hope we never have to console you should one of these mindless uncaring morons ever harm one of your loved ones.

There is a time and a place for empathy...not with regard to life and limb and especially when some common sense would alleviate this issue!

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Hmm...Jai Yen Yen? Hence the compasion and empathy shown for the accused in the reply to the OP?

Compassion and empathy for the accused? :o

Jai Yen Yen stated "Wen Gam" for the motorcycle rider, which, losely translated means that bad Karma will follow his action of fleeing the scene. Wishing someone "Wen Gam" is one of the nastier expressions in Thai.

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Hmm...Jai Yen Yen? Hence the compasion and empathy shown for the accused in the reply to the OP?

Compassion and empathy for the accused? :o

Jai Yen Yen stated "Wen Gam" for the motorcycle rider, which, losely translated means that bad Karma will follow his action of fleeing the scene. Wishing someone "Wen Gam" is one of the nastier expressions in Thai.

I stand corrected...thanks (genuinely meant).

Apologies if I have stoked this up at all...as a driver here I just get so upset about the lack of care shown to fellow human beings that I tend to go off on one.

In this case, I have engaged my fingers before putting my brain in gear!

I will get my coat....

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Since it is impossible to control the actions or thoughts of others, what can be gained from waging a war against a large portion of the 63 million people in Thailand, who ride motorcycles? How will this change any situation that has ocurred in the past? The only thing that can be gained from this action is increased unhappiness for all concerned. Don't we all want to be happy?

The only real 'affirmative' action that can be taken, is to make more attempts to be aware of all motor vehicles when near roads in Thailand. Every human has total control over their own life. No human controls anothers life, therefore, take control of your life & try to be as aware as you possibly can when 'out & about'. Since crystal balls don't exist, there are no guarantees with ANYTHING in life...except death, which is guaranteed for all of us.

I suggest that if you wish to have a happy life, then BE HAPPY by not holding personal vendettas against others. Vendettas are a time & energy wasting thing. Besides, vendettas/revenge cannot change what has already happened.

I hope that your wife makes a full recovery & I also hope that you CHOOSE to have a happy life by not seeking revenge or waging wars/vendettas against the millions of atrocious Thai motorists...it is a fruitless battle.

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Taking the bike keys out of the ignition and into your pocket - sounds clever.

Several unsympathetic posts have already been removed, and further ones will, as well.

Original poster, I sympathize with your problem, but I wonder what good it would do to pay anybody 20,000 baht just to identify the wrongdoer. As others have pointed out, he is probably what we call in my home country, "judgment proof." That means that, even if identified him, you went through the process, and you were awarded a court order for him to pay you for your damages, he wouldn't have the money, anyway.

Good luck.

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The only real 'affirmative' action that can be taken, is to make more attempts to be aware of all motor vehicles when near roads in Thailand.

Very good post.

I'd add one bit of advice - if you have an accident, the first thing to do is to grab the motorbike rider(if he looks like the type to do a runner) and ask to see his ID, or get his keys.

It's a shitty thing to do a runner from an accident. I had a pick-up truck, whose driver's are the real idiots, overtake me straight into an oncoming bike at 60km/hr. The <deleted> didn't stop as they don't.

I chased the guy, flashing my lights but still wouldn't stop.

Once I got knocked over by a bike and he was drunk. He got the shit kicked out of him by the onlooking vendors.

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As far as I am concerned, it is war between me and motorcyclists. I will give them no quarter or chance in future.

That reminds me of an incident a few years ago here.

One drunk pick up driver had some argument with a few motorcycle racers. He was so enraged that he simply drove over the next motorcycle he saw. This motorcycle driver was just a normal bloke who came out of a gas station most likely on his way to work. He had no chance. The pick up driver simply packed the corpse on the back of his truck, and drove off with the intent to get rid of the corpse somewhere else.

A few kilometers further he crashed agianst an electricity pole, and tried to run away. Bystanders caught him.

Nothing happened though, as he came from a wealthy family, paid off the cops. The family of the motorcycle driver could not be found, and he ended up on the grave yard for unclaimed corpses.

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A motor bike ran into me in Surin last month. I was driving a rental car and he left the scene as most do. He left so quick that I didn't have a chance to grab his keys. We did get the plate number and the BIB did get him. He paid 3000 baht to take care of the damage. Be warned, only third class insurance is required in thailand and only covers injuries to others. Does not cover property damage.


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Of course insurance cover property damage. If he has the legal insurance and drives into your car (and of course paid the insurance, has a drivers license, wasn't drunk and all the other usual exceptions) then it covers up to, i think 100,000 baht property damage, 1,000,000 personal damage. This is for cars, bikes are somewhat less as they're assumed to not cause as much damage. But there is coverage. Check with your insurance agent if you don't believe me.

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The OP has not added further information on this "incident" despite several requests from various members. He has however been active in another thread. Strange?

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Many thanks to all of you for your comments, I feel some what better for them.

My dear wife lays on the sofa recovering as I write. A black and bruised face, breast, chest and thigh. Fortunately no broken bones and an important lesson learned. That is to be totally vigilant when walking about your every day business.

It can eat you up inside when you see your loved one hurt.

I do not have a personal vendetta against motorcyclists or motorists but as I said before, I will take no prisioners in future.

Had I not had 32 years driving experience I would never even consider attempting to drive in this country. I know for sure if I leave my house to go somewhere today I will meet up with at least one crazy arse hole. The most common being Bully boys in Pick ups and SUV's. Taxi drivers can be bully boys on the road too, but at least most of them are excellent drivers.

However, motorcycles are definately the main problem and a major scourge.

Many thanks to all, and Best Wishes.

Alex & Sucharee

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The OP has not added further information on this "incident" despite several requests from various members. He has however been active in another thread. Strange?

I have just posted a reply concerning this incident and thanked all who contributed.

Yes , you are correct, I was active on another thread. I noted the article regarding change in property ownership laws which I am sure will be of interest to nearly all Farangs who have invested their money in property here.

Is there something strange about that? or have I broken some rules ?

I am a relative new comer to this internet forum activity.



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The OP has not added further information on this "incident" despite several requests from various members. He has however been active in another thread. Strange?

I have just posted a reply concerning this incident and thanked all who contributed.

Yes , you are correct, I was active on another thread. I noted the article regarding change in property ownership laws which I am sure will be of interest to nearly all Farangs who have invested their money in property here.

Is there something strange about that? or have I broken some rules ?

I am a relative new comer to this internet forum activity.



No rules broken Alex, but if I were in your position I would have been checking back "hourly" to see if there were any developments and I would have responded to the requests for more information on location etc.

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The most common being Bully boys in Pick ups and SUV's.

They are lacking in other areas - that's why the need for a pick-up to try to prove their manliness.

They really are the worst drivers with ABSOLUTELY no concern for other drivers.

Look at me in my Tiger/Highlander/Monster etc, get out the way of almighty me cause I am 10 feet off the ground. "I have a four wheel drive as once a year we drive out of Bangkok to pattaya".

"I need the back as we move house every 5 years, I need a pick-up, honest." :o <deleted>

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The most common being Bully boys in Pick ups and SUV's.

They are lacking in other areas - that's why the need for a pick-up to try to prove their manliness.

They really are the worst drivers with ABSOLUTELY no concern for other drivers.

Look at me in my Tiger/Highlander/Monster etc, get out the way of almighty me cause I am 10 feet off the ground. "I have a four wheel drive as once a year we drive out of Bangkok to pattaya".

"I need the back as we move house every 5 years, I need a pick-up, honest." :D <deleted>

Unfortunately, it looks like motor vehicles in Thailand are also used as 'Penis extensions' & 'Fanny magnets'.

Ho huum...nothing changes. :o

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20,000.00 Baht

Motorcycle Accident 8.10pm, Sat. 27th May 06

I am sure not all Thai people are cowards but I would Like to meet again the young Cowardly Poo

Chai and his G/friend passenger who knocked down and injured my Wife here on this evening as she visited the local market to buy fruit & vegetables.

This Cowardly Thai (man) said he would meet us at the clinic across the road and as I helped my Dear injured wife to her feet he disappeared on his motorcycle with his equally cowardly Thai girlfriend/wife. I did not get his Licence plate, ‘’if any’’, but I have reported the incident to the Local Police just for the record.

I am aware that this is an all too familiar occurrence in Amazing Thailand, and I have heard of many similar stories from Thais and Farangs alike. Government statistics show that motor cycles make up more than 70% of all road traffic accidents in this country. Why am I am not surprised!!!

How are pedestrians supposed to compete with these motorcyclists who ride like lunatics, drive on footpaths, have no lights, ride on the wrong side of the road and generally behave like brainless idiots with their Zig Zag road manners ? Is Thailand really a third world country??? Again, it appears so to the Westerner.

My precious wife never hurt any one in her life and it pains my heart to see her face all swollen and broken and lying on the road and on an emergency stretcher in Chapreya hospital.

I remember this Cowardly Bastards face well and as I live here I will be returning to this place often from now on. Many Thai eyes witnessed this incident and many people gathered around my wife as she lay injured and shocked on the ground but not one person knew anything when we returned shortly afterwards with the police. Is this the Thai way? Yes, it does appear to me to be so.

The next time, and I certain there will be a next time, (the law of averages say so), I will take no prisoners.

As far as I am concerned, it is war between me and motorcyclists. I will give them no quarter or chance in future.

Anyone who witnessed this incident (accident) and with information of the whereabouts of this motorcyclist

can contact me at 09-2359841. To Collect REWARD for Information.

Kuhn Alexander

If you were so aware of the possibilty that they would do a runner maybe it would have been wise to have taken a photo of the numberplate, machine and rider at the time, rather than getting yourself so angry and blaming the entire Thai nation for your unfortunate predicament.

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Taking the bike keys out of the ignition and into your pocket - sounds clever.

Several unsympathetic posts have already been removed, and further ones will, as well.

Good luck.

I originally thought this whole post was strange because of the reported injuries to the face, OP did not say how fast the mc was traveling (nor answered many other questions) but unless he was really going fast, it's hard for me to imagine her getting her face hit.

But that's o.k. what I found now really strange is that posts have been removed because they are "unsympathetic". Are we all mandated to feel sorry for this guy.??

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Taking the bike keys out of the ignition and into your pocket - sounds clever.

Several unsympathetic posts have already been removed, and further ones will, as well.

Good luck.

I originally thought this whole post was strange because of the reported injuries to the face, OP did not say how fast the mc was traveling (nor answered many other questions) but unless he was really going fast, it's hard for me to imagine her getting her face hit.

But that's o.k. what I found now really strange is that posts have been removed because they are "unsympathetic". Are we all mandated to feel sorry for this guy.??

Nope, you can always go his home and finish the annoying wife :o

Drinking your breakfast this morning?

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Taking the bike keys out of the ignition and into your pocket - sounds clever.

It may sound like a smart move, but not all Thai will be too happy methinks.

A smack in the mouth often offends... :o

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