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Red shirt leader Thida rules out separating Thailand


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............any activities that could damage the UDD as a whole................

You can't polish a turd.

Confucius (551479 BC)

Actually you can. Myyhbusters tested it once, and as far as I recall they managed to polish it quite well.

Don't tell me. Tell Confucius!! laugh.png

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"The Peoples Radio Media Group, another pro-government faction..."

There are many subtle and not-so-subtle ways the PAD-Dem's use to denigrate the UDD/PTP/RS's and the electoral majority in general...Everything from ignorant buffaloes, uneducated, uni-dimensional in having no political awareness beyond Thaksin, only engaged in Politics to the degree that financial remuneration is involved, etc. etc.

The beauty of this whole thing is those that do the denigrating are on the political outside looking in....God bless the Thai Electorate!

The above quote is another example of such denigration.....basically stating agenda as fact....By reducing the Pro-Democracy and Pro-Electoral movement to being merely Pro-Government.

They do this as a way of protecting themselves...If it is accepted that there is a problem vis-a-vis Democracy in Thailand, that would expose them as being the anti-Democrats they are....Best to caste this in a pro and anti-Govt. vein, in their opinion.

This misdirection was also perpetrated in 2010 at R'song.....The anti-UDD/RS media bent over backwards characterizing the protesters at that time, of being against AV and his Govt......But what was their major rallying cry on posters, signs, stage speeches and that ill-fated TV negotiation-cum-ultimatum session?---Elections.

2010 was pro-democracy from the get-go, calling for elections and as a by-product, eliminate a coup-rooted, unelected Govt.

When the Elitist unelectables managed to violently squelch it, the next election took care of the problem.

The 2014 version is the same, but at least an election is happening, and when completed and tabulated, the same result will most likely ensue.

To arrogantly diminish supporters of the elected Ms.Y. Govt. as being merely pro-Govt., is obvious to UDD/RS's. The PAD-Dem sympathisers wouldn't necesarily catch the subtle distinction and put-down.

Aren't you doing exactly the same by reducing the other side(s), including those who are anti-corruption, anti-nepotism, anti-Shinawatra, anti-whatever to simply being anti-democratic? :-)

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The Thai Rouge supporters such as moonao seem to like the word "crush", it does seem to be very similar to the KR favourite "smash", when discussing anyone that doesn't agree with their version of democracy.

Echoing the Khmer Rouge national anthem

The bright scarlet blood

Flooded over the towns and plains of our motherland Kampuchea,

The blood of our good workers and farmers,

Our revolutionary fighters' blood, both men and women.

Wouldn't count on the farmers bit, though!! thumbsup.gif

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Oh please!....give them Koh Chang....put a fence around it....and stop the ferries.

Excuse me, Koh Chang is not a red area, and we certainly don't want the island destroyed by the Red Shirts smile.png

Well unfortunately,there are no islands in the north/north east.

There are some large reservoirs where we could make one.

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Oh please!....give them Koh Chang....put a fence around it....and stop the ferries.

Excuse me, Koh Chang is not a red area, and we certainly don't want the island destroyed by the Red Shirts smile.png

Excuse me, I thought the Shins virtually own the whole island...

Owning land, and having political support is vastly different. They also don't own most of the island either, despite that being a common belief.

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It is a regular occurence for some members of political parties to issue statements that don't have the authorisation of their executive

I'm sure many supporters of Pheu Thai feel immensely frustrated that democracy is being traduced by Suthep and his followers.

Had I voted for the majority party I can well imagine that my irritation would eventually spill over into making extreme comments such as wishing to secede the North and North East of Thailand from the rest of the Kingdom, or to have Suthep hung for treason.

It is clear that supporters of Suthep are skulling around desperately for any excuse to try to damage Yingluck and her caretaker government

It's just a shame that Suthep is so unsure of his arguments that he will make any excuse to duck out of a live television debate with Yingluck.

He knows he will be exposed as a loud mouthed, shallow, self serving rabble rouser who has been responsible for severely damaging the reputation and economic standing of Thailand throughout the World

Name me one World leader who has issued a single word of support for the raving loon that is Suthep or that pathetic excuse for a democratic parliamentarian Abhisit?

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Khun Thida chairs the UDD, so its right that she should be concerned, about some of the wilder proposals currently being made by her fellow-leaders. thumbsup.gif

Yingluck is caretaker-PM, of the caretaker PTP-led coalition-government, and the UDD are an important part of 'her' movement, yet she seems strangely silent about what some of its resident-nutters say ?

Perhaps she should give a clearer direction, about what they do or don't stand for, or would that be too distracting ? whistling.gif

"...yet she seems strangely silent about what some of its resident-nutters say ?" I was just thinking of saying the same thing about the last (undemocratically appointed,) Democrat Prime Minister, Mr Abhisit Vejjajiva. He is after all the current leader of the Democrat Party and yet he's strangely silent about the activities and statements of Suthep, the violence of the anti government protesters and other Democrat nut jobs. You know, Mr. Vejjajiva, he's the guy charged with Murder for killing the opposition during the last protest, the guy who squandered the opportunity to do something positive for Thailand during the 3 years he ran the country.

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Bangkok and the south would be ruled by a democratically elected government with the king as head of state and the north and northeast would be ruled by President Thaksin. I don't think the Thai people would accept this.

Edit: spelling mistake

You edited the wrong mistake in your post. The North and North east have already elected their representative. Dear leader Suthep has prevented a lot of people in the south from doing that. Lanna Isaan will have a democratically elected regional government while the rest of the country is under the control of a fascist appointed council of as yet, un-named peope with as yet unspecified policies.

Secession is not an aim that has any popular support, even in the former Sultanate of Pattani. It is something that has been floated only recently by fringe politicians, but it has clearly rattled Suthep and the army. A federal system of largely autonomous regions with the King as constitutional head of state is a different concept, but how much support there is for it is another matter.

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Let's see, PDRC threatens to "arrest" - "kidnap" - "detain" the PM, and members of Cabinet = No one bats and eyelash or sees anything wrong.

Reds threaten to "arrest" - "kidnap" - "detain" judges = Everyone up in arms and calling then names, including Communists.

Funny, but to me, it's different sides of the same coin. And neither one worth a shit.

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Cunning as an outhouse rat, our Thida. No flies on her, only the marks where they've been.

OTOH those who have been a little too explicit in revealing red thinking may find they have some explaining to do after things settle once more.

You should be ashamed of your own primitive statement.

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O no.Dont do that .How would all the bars in bankok get workers.Or would the girls just get work visas on the way to the bars 555

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They will be able to recruit where they want, Burmese or Cambodian or even not-very-democratic-Republic-of-Lanna, provided of course that the latter were permitted to join ASEAN ?

The early-days of 2016, after the liberalisation is implemented on 31st December 2015, are going to be very interesting times.

Not least with the potential for migration of labour to where it can be best used/rewarded.

I wonder whether Thida thinks the country is ready ?

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Khun Thida chairs the UDD, so its right that she should be concerned, about some of the wilder proposals currently being made by her fellow-leaders. thumbsup.gif

Yingluck is caretaker-PM, of the caretaker PTP-led coalition-government, and the UDD are an important part of 'her' movement, yet she seems strangely silent about what some of its resident-nutters say ?

Perhaps she should give a clearer direction, about what they do or don't stand for, or would that be too distracting ? whistling.gif

The problem is that once you split Thailand it is theoretically no longer a kingdom, it now becomes a state or republic, is this what you want?

Not at all, there's small island north of France that has a United Kingdom with separate parliaments.

Not a good idea for Thailand and will never won't be allowed to happen.

Economically it would work, if that is really, really want they want to do (I highly doubt it once reality sets in).

The north could retain the rice growing area and Thaksin could return a free man to spend the rest of his days back home. The central and south would retain the deep water ports and industry. Import duties could be waived for imported rice for the central and south from some of the many other countries that others are importing from these days. They could do this as subsidizing the northern farmlands would no longer be their responsibility.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

I agree it would never happen, but if that is what they want...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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"Sornrak Malaithong said Vicha Mahakhun, a member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), would be an arrest target,"

Someone please tell me how this one works?

Sounds like another kidnapping threat to me...

Just another bluff like Suthep and Chalerm did.

Just to scare the NACC not to continue to probe Yingluck on the rice scheme

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O no.Dont do that .How would all the bars in bankok get workers.Or would the girls just get work visas on the way to the bars 555

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

They will be able to recruit where they want, Burmese or Cambodian or even not-very-democratic-Republic-of-Lanna, provided of course that the latter were permitted to join ASEAN ?

The early-days of 2016, after the liberalisation is implemented on 31st December 2015, are going to be very interesting times.

Not least with the potential for migration of labour to where it can be best used/rewarded.

I wonder whether Thida thinks the country is ready ?

kiss the labouring jobs goodbye

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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