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Caretaker premier Yingluck says she's willing to die on the democratic battlefield


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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I am so happy to hear you say that

you are a great man

You will of coarse show the courage of you convictions and be standing in front of her when the bullets start flying

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Get democracy upright?
Her own ministers and party members clapped their hands for joy, on the stage, after they have heard of the massacre in Trat.
From what democracy is she talking about?

I was kind of wondering if she dies on the battlefield will it be on the Democracy side or the Thaksin Shinawatra side.

I suspect the Thaksin Shinawatra side.

All she has done to straighten out this mess is demand the protestors stop. Not one bit of corruption has been stopped.

No improvement in the Education system even though the last two ministers said it needed a complete overhaul.

Same election laws allowing vote buying and ballots to be switched along with villagers being watched to make sure they vote for who gave them the money.

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She is a tool and doesn't understand democracy at all...

If she did she wouldn't chair every committe name herself ministers of this and that and put her nose in every single issue...

Her coming to the north to solve the burning issue is laughable...what good are gov officials in Thailand? Incompetency is so widespread that it is scarcy as everyone avoids accountability..

She responds as as dictator would be and her style of management is ultra autocratic...

But in her mind she really thinks she represents democracy as her supporters tells the anti corruption commission to resign? What the hell

No one looks out for the greater good of the thai people

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hahahahahaha, quite obviously this was written for her as she is simply too stupid to string together a sentence such as this nor does she even know what it means. She has no intention of ever meeting anyone for a one on one debate that is televised, she is simply not capable of the brain power needed to answe questions that are not pre arranged so she already knows the answers(have to be told to her of course). Her publicity writers are just trying to garner support for her by having people think she is something she is not, once again we see her pathetic grovelling.

Can't she be honest just for once for Christ's sake - just admit that you are a fake Prime minister and that you realise that you're charade has run its course and you now realise tat it is all over.

'Soldier on the battle field' - do me a favour and cut the crap!! You are a nothing and your family is a disgrace, get out while you can and stop war mongering!!! This will only encourage the red shirts to fight and is irresponsible to the extreme (considering some red shirt leader is supposed to be recruiting and training 600,000 young adults, readying them for battle)!!!

Love the Thai people!!! love the feel of 1,000 baht notes more like it. You are trash Yingluck!!!

Good man, Steve. If we ever meet, the beer is on me!! thumbsup.gif

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

Moreover, her statement makes total sense and yet is immediately ridiculed by the TV froth at the mouth brigade.

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect Thai version of democracy

Any chance of changing that to Thaksin version of Democracy.

I think you speak ill of to many Thai's. Let us not forget they were the one's who started this current situation in retaliation of Thaksin Democracy.

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

Moreover, her statement makes total sense and yet is immediately ridiculed by the TV froth at the mouth brigade.


Preposterous only begins to show the ridiculousness of moonao's statement.

You have been sucked in moonao only post's that nonsense to get a response.wai.gif

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect democracy


BANGKOK: pp Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was willing to die in the battlefield to defend democracy rather than letting anybody to destroy democracy.

On her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck posted the following message: “In the capacity as the defence minister or as a soldier who has to perform his duty to the last minute, the soldier must die in the battlefield. Today in my capacity as the defender of democracy, I prefer to die in the battlefield of democracy rather than letting somebody else to destroy our democracy.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-vows-die-battlefield-protect-democracy/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

On Facebook with a file folder of her standing at a podium.

she can't even face the people she is sucking in. The week is over did she explain why the farmers were not paid?

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I fear that you probably believe this - either by indoctrination or design.

Stooping to calling the opposition "scumbags" does nothing to add credibility to your comments - especially coming from a group where the puppetmaster is probably the biggest "scumbag" this country has seen.

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect Thai version of democracy

Any chance of changing that to Thaksin version of Democracy.

I think you speak ill of to many Thai's. Let us not forget they were the one's who started this current situation in retaliation of Thaksin Democracy.

these are the options:

1/ thai version of democracy (whoever in charge)

2/ modern-feudalism (sectarianism)

it won't get any better than that in the next 30-50 years...

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mercman24, on 28 Feb 2014 - 04:51, said:mercman24, on 28 Feb 2014 - 04:51, said:

well the week has gone by, SO WHERE IS THE FARMERS money. all gone quiet on this front ??

Probably because this isn't a thread about FARMERS. tuzki-banghead.gif

Edited by fab4
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she's willing to die on the democratic battlefield

This headline is not something that will generate the peace but increase the violence.

In contrary to that, I just hope YS means to say something like

she's willing to do her utmost challenge to resolve this ongoing crisis.

Then it will convince everyone that the peace will be generated instead of the violence. That is her job to increase the Thai integrity!

Not supporting either sides.

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Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I am so happy to hear you say that

you are a great man

You will of coarse show the courage of you convictions and be standing in front of her when the bullets start flying

In Paris?

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nabbie, on 28 Feb 2014 - 05:40, said:

she's willing to die on the democratic battlefield

This headline is not something that will generate the peace but increase the violence.

In contrary to that, I just hope YS means to say something like

she's willing to do her utmost challenge to resolve this ongoing crisis.

Then it will convince everyone that the peace will be generated instead of the violence. That is her job to increase the Thai integrity!

Not supporting either sides.

You can hardly blame Yingluck for the headline when The Nation (and some posters on this forum) wouldn't know what a metaphor was if it bit them on the a#se.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yingluck is a hero, showing strength, leadership and standing up for democracy in the face of obnoxious bullying by some very cowardly people.

Suthep is a corrupt, boneheaded bully with murder charges hanging over his head... and yet, bizarrely enough and to their utter shame, we have a vocal group of posters on this forum supporting this scumbag. Suthep is worthless, he is just interested in a power grab at all costs.

I fear that you probably believe this - either by indoctrination or design.

Stooping to calling the opposition "scumbags" does nothing to add credibility to your comments - especially coming from a group where the puppetmaster is probably the biggest "scumbag" this country has seen.

So you don't have a problem with stooping to use the term 'scumbag' when it's applied to the 'puppet master'?

How do you feel about 'hypocrite'?

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Yes, I can see it now, the headline: Immensely rich Chinese business woman lays down her life for democracy in poor country - well it'll be a first, I suppose.

I just hope that even in Thailand which I love it might be a case, eventually, of, 'cometh the hour, cometh the man'.

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect democracy


BANGKOK: pp Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was willing to die in the battlefield to defend democracy rather than letting anybody to destroy democracy.

On her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck posted the following message: “In the capacity as the defence minister or as a soldier who has to perform his duty to the last minute, the soldier must die in the battlefield. Today in my capacity as the defender of democracy, I prefer to die in the battlefield of democracy rather than letting somebody else to destroy our democracy.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-vows-die-battlefield-protect-democracy/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

On Facebook with a file folder of her standing at a podium.

she can't even face the people she is sucking in. The week is over did she explain why the farmers were not paid?

A nit wit when the puppet herself doesn't realize its a constitutional monarchy, and she represents nothing democratic. better to hide behind the curtain or run away again, than open that mouth and release more preposterous lies and jokes.

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect democracy


BANGKOK: pp Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was willing to die in the battlefield to defend democracy rather than letting anybody to destroy democracy.

On her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck posted the following message: “In the capacity as the defence minister or as a soldier who has to perform his duty to the last minute, the soldier must die in the battlefield. Today in my capacity as the defender of democracy, I prefer to die in the battlefield of democracy rather than letting somebody else to destroy our democracy.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-vows-die-battlefield-protect-democracy/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

Thai drama sitcom is coming in politic now, it is become so ridiculous while people dying nearly everyday in bombing or snipper shoots. Does she care about the 2 kids died recently in Bangkok. Those kids, them, they really died in REAL for what ? As prime minister, her first mission is not to protect population and solve conflicts ?

Moreover,as the head of the government of "Thaksin democratic Thailand", why she did not ask her beloved fugitve brother to comeback to Thailand face all the accusations of corruption and get his jail sentence ? Is that the Thaksin democracy ?

I won't be surprise if the army go back to power soon as this situation have no issue with such idiots, civil war is too dangerous for the country future.

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I doubt that her words are anything more the scripted rhetoric.

However, in the highly unlikely event that she was serious then the wording would surely need to be changed,....

"I will die in the democratic battlefield," she said."

....I think she means the "political battlefield"

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PM vows to die in the battlefield to protect democracy


BANGKOK: pp Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today she was willing to die in the battlefield to defend democracy rather than letting anybody to destroy democracy.

On her Facebook page, Ms Yingluck posted the following message: “In the capacity as the defence minister or as a soldier who has to perform his duty to the last minute, the soldier must die in the battlefield. Today in my capacity as the defender of democracy, I prefer to die in the battlefield of democracy rather than letting somebody else to destroy our democracy.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-vows-die-battlefield-protect-democracy/


-- Thai PBS 2014-02-28

"I may have the body of a weak and feeble woman but I have the mind of one too."

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