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is your girlfriend addicted to her telephone?


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Are you familiar with the fact that "dinner has to wait for LINE message"? She spent more time with her touch screen toy than with you? LINE message always goes first, even in traffic? She forgot her telephone, panic! laugh.png

I call it being addicted to your mobile.

What do you think?

Edited by navara
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Conversation will fall off and her English will suffer.

It's not an issue but *who's she Lining with ?*

Or is she one of these New Zealand-educated bank executives we're getting fewer and fewer boasts about on TV, busy keeping in touch with other international grad-school alumni of her Uni ?

(BTWThis is a quip about the "so, mine-is-so-hi-so, she makes everyone else's look "so-so" syndrome and NOT a poke at anyone's chosen paramour ;-)

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Who is she chatting with, her girl friends, Thai guys, farang ? My guess is all three but I could be wrong. Also I would think she is playing games and looking her Facebook.

Prior to getting my own iPhone I did not understand why people spend so many hours glued to their phones, now I understand. In my case I check my emails, read the news, check out TV, do my banking, look Facebook, chat on Line and many other things. If i want to know about anything i have instant access to the web to do my research. I do not play games which many of these girls Spend many hours a day doing. If I am totally bored I could spend 6 hours or more in a day on my phone.

I do however make it a point to avoid being on my phone when I am with someone as that is totally rude. I have no time for rude people !!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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A very simple solution to see whether it's you or the phone: one day soon arrange dinner at a restaurant next to the river. During one of those brief moments of downtime, pick up her phone and quickly throw it into the water.

If she goes apeshit, walk out and leave her to pay the bill.

If you survive, kindly report the outcome here.

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Who is she chatting with, her girl friends, Thai guys, farang ? My guess is all three but I could be wrong. Also I would think she is playing games and looking her Facebook.

Prior to getting my own iPhone I did not understand why people spend so many hours glued to their phones, now I understand. In my case I check my emails, read the news, check out TV, do my banking, look Facebook, chat on Line and many other things. If i want to know about anything i have instant access to the web to do my research. I do not play games which many of these girls Spend many hours a day doing. If I am totally bored I could spend 6 hours or more in a day on my phone.

I do however make it a point to avoid being on my phone when I am with someone as that is totally rude. I have no time for rude people !!!

Mine is always 'Lineing' with her schoolfriends, about 20 in her class so very busy.

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Been dating a girl for a couple of months and her phone use almost ruined it more than once.

She does not hide what she does on the phone, FB, Line ect. but its still a pain in the .... with all the time she spends on the phone and at times it pisses me off.

But she is worth it despite her telephonities.

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Who is she chatting with, her girl friends, Thai guys, farang ? My guess is all three but I could be wrong. Also I would think she is playing games and looking her Facebook.

Prior to getting my own iPhone I did not understand why people spend so many hours glued to their phones, now I understand. In my case I check my emails, read the news, check out TV, do my banking, look Facebook, chat on Line and many other things. If i want to know about anything i have instant access to the web to do my research. I do not play games which many of these girls Spend many hours a day doing. If I am totally bored I could spend 6 hours or more in a day on my phone.

I do however make it a point to avoid being on my phone when I am with someone as that is totally rude. I have no time for rude people !!!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I really need to ask...

You guessed all 3 "Who is she chatting with, her girl friends, Thai guys, farang ? My guess is all three but I could be wrong".... How did you get to that conclusion... (you left an escape clause afterwards I see...)

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I just make it clear that kind of rudeness is a deal-breaker.

If they're off in another room no problem, but when we're together phone goes on silent and away.

Same with broadcast TV, off in the common Thai area where I don't have to hear it, and no gadgets in the bedroom at all other than the stereo.

Side benefit is they doesn't need to be in my face all the time, the key few hours a day I want is enough.

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One of the many reasons I never date Thai women. Bad enough being around Thai friends who are constantly chatting on their phones, playing stupid childish games on their phones, continually taking selfies, photos of every meal before they eat it etc etc. Boring.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

People bitching about others using their telephones. Just go and make some new friends, if you can.

You will be very hard pressed to find a Thai girl who doesn't use her phone more than engaging in an intelligent conversation. That's the problem.

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Yes the wife got a phone for her buisness and now spends ages chatting on it and is constantly showing me pictures of her familly ,friends kids ,friends friends kids friends dogs and is trying to get me to buy one of the bloody things ,when our son and his girlfriend come home from uni ,i watch the three of them in a line on their phones all the time , i had enough of ordinary phones when i worked , mine never stoped ,i retired to take it easy ,not sit on a bloody phone all day smile.png

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Telephone? She's got three of the f*****g things and a few days ago she sent me ten text messages in less than forty minutes. Drives me nuts. Everywhere you go you see locals on their phones either talking or sending messages or playing games. When she calls it takes her about ten minutes to say what I could in a minute. Absolute drivel. To me it seems like an addiction.

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I once went for coffee with a Thai lady to talk about opening up a restaurant together (we also had a bit of a thing going on). Her phone constantly kept ringing and she would spend a long time chatting with each call. I asked her to tell them she will call back later as we were talking business, but she paid no attention. This was outside Ca-&lt;deleted&gt; (Big C) Pattaya. While she was talking on one of her calls I nodded to her that I was going to the toilet, instead I got two Baht bus taxis back to View Talay Jomtien which took about 40 mins. As I was walking into the building she called me to ask where I had gone, I told her I was at home in my condo....it took her 45 mins. to notice I wasn't there.

When ever anything similar happened after that with different ladies, I simply apologize to them for boring them and get up and leave. People can only treat you like s- - - if you allow them to.

Edited by dotpoom
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Just tell her it is a serious health hazard and may cripple her. biggrin.png

Overuse of smartphones can cause slipped discs

With smartphones gaining popularity among South Koreans since 2010, an escalating number of youngsters, mostly in their twenties, are beginning to suffer the consequences.

According to the Korean National Health Insurance Corporation, the number of patients with cervical disc herniation (or slipped disc) has increased from 573,912 in 2007 to 784,121 in 2011. Out of 100,000 patients, 7.6 percent of them are in their twenties.

Most people look down when using their mobile devices. This posture adds a strain to the neck and causes cervical disc herniation. Whilst a human head weighs approximately 10 pounds (4.5kg), staring at a phone with your head tilted forward will feel more akin to a 20 to 30-pound (9kg to 13.6kg) load.

Source - Cnet.com


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When we are out her phone stays in her purse. When we are at home she plays games on it. I don't mind if she is playing games or chatting while at the house. Drives me nuts when people do it at the dinner table face down looking at phones playing games ect... What ever happened to pre dinner time conversation over cocktails!

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Set the law down, simple turn off phone while out for dinner or activities that two must focus. I see daily at FairTex sports club the newbie members while exercising stop and start Texting messages or reading what the phone alerted the distraction! Like Zombies stopping while in a head down figure joy of cuddling with their hands held phones...this is more important than what they come to Gym for! I patiently wait for them to move from their zombie state of idleness while on exercise bench.

Millions can be made if a specific WiFi signal area can be blocked, similar to a noisy traffic area, close the windows reduce the sound. Yes even in the exercise state newbies play games while the machine giggles their asses,...unaware of how mindless this exercise does little to the mind.

Enough said sad generation will never experience that silence of mind can revel hidden powers that the cell phone can never give...loosing focus on life to a machine...priceless..will see in the follow years whom brain have brain tumors for excess UFM. Nature calling out the ignorant to the sounds of life not heard on a cell phone!

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It appears to me that the whole world is now addicted to these phones. Conceptually I suppose it is a window onto the entire universe of friends, relations, music, news and entertainment.

It used to bug me a bit.

But you have to realise the benefits.

With one of these phones in the hand they can occupy themselves for hours and hours on end, and I don't have to listen to the otherwise senseless drivel that women come out with. It saves many trips to the shops (the previous entertainment) and reduces the number of annoying visitors coming around to make som tam and yack away, as they now LINE away together constantly.

Smart Phones thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not just in Thailand. Seems the same everywhere. And not just females.

True. But I travel a lot. And Thailand the worst by far (that I've seen) for this behaviour. Can't even walk the streets here with out people bumping into you because they are on the phone and not looking where they are going.

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Wish I didn't have to admit this, but it's MY FAULT my now beautiful new Wife is addicted as I BOUGHT IT FOR HER! If she is happy and as long as I "come first", I need to be happy, as again I say, I CREATED THIS MONSTERETTE! I wonder if the OP helped her obtain the phone he is now unhappy about! This is somtimes, very entertaining for someone new to this "gadget world"! Good Luck!

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I got mad at my TGF on a trip and smashed her iphone on the counter.she got angry but I said I bought it so it was my phone.when we got home she dug up her old Nokia and used that.no games just sms a little bit.every day she say "I mis my iphone"I made her suffer one month and had one sent from ebay in America and now she is happy.I tell her my phone and she not use it alot

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My ex was definitely addicted to her three phones. They never left her side no matter what the hour or the situation. Yet on many occasions, when I tried to contact her, the phone was either switched off or not answered at all.

Needless to say, it was the result of her insistence to never change her ways that led me to leave her to cuddle up to them at night.

I made sure that my current girlfriend was not addicted to her mobile in this way. Peace and happiness at last!

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I put it down to technology being at fault. The other day when we were both sitting there, me watching TV, I sent her a message on Line, "If you had two black eyes, what should I say to you?"

She replied "Don't know, what?"

I sent her "Nothing, you have been asked twice, where is my dinner?"

Visiting time is from two until four and I would be happy if someone I know could call in and let me know what happened to my dinner. The doctors say they should be able to remove the phone within the next couple of days.................sad.png


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