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Not Seeing The Trees When Going Through The Forest....


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Hello and Sawasdee khrap,

My dad was an alcoholic and died right after his 50th birthday. Actually, I started drinking first casually, but then regular when I settled down in LOS.

So since then, I drank my daily beers. I got used to go to teach on a hungover in 2006, the beer after school with some colleagues became the norm.

Many, or even most foreigners' relationships to other foreigners seems to be based on having some alcohol together. That can't be it.

I'm 53, turn into 54 in two months and had made a fantastic experience last week. I work in a neighboring province, stay on there in a house on campus from Monday to Friday.

I usually drank some bees, almost every day, but something happened that I decided mot to and it's great.

I didn't drink any beer, or any other alcoholic beverage the whole week and feel so different to all the years now. No hungover, less spent money for a questionable hobby and I started to do some exercises.

When I came back to my family yesterday, I drank some beers, had the usual headache this morning and decided to stop drinking alcohol for now.

I have to admit that I did many stupid things when drunk, Verbal fights with my wife, driving my car not thinking about consequences at all. Or maybe never wanted to see them.

Even posting on this forum makes a huge difference when drunk.

I call myself sober now and will do all to fulfill my next goal. To quit smoking.Life's too short to walk around with horse blinders on.

And I disagree with a friend's message that he's a functioning alcoholic. There's no such thing.

"Destroy all that can destroy you", was always my motto, when I was young. I'll keep it up.-wai2.gif

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I hope things work out for you and you can continue without the alcohol.

I myself have been drinking on and off for the last 12 years,before that I never drank,something bad happened in life and there I was finding myself suddenly drinking heavily,my father too was an alcoholic,and I vowed I would never become like him,but alcohol seems to have a way of taking over the brain.everything in moderation can be ok,it's just being able to moderate it that's the problem.best wishes..

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And I disagree with a friend's message that he's a functioning alcoholic. There's no such thing.

Functioning alcoholic: One whose wife has a good job.

All that destruction really used to take it out of me. Nowadays, I "Avoid all that can destroy me". Life's been so much easier since I gave myself permission to be a wimp.

Best of luck on your journey. Keep in mind you don't have to do it alone.

Edited by impulse
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Just wanted to express my deepest appreciation for your nice posts.Sex is much better now, headaches are gone.

I'm calm in class, even when some kids are doing unbelievable things. Very important to me are to do some exercises. That makes me smoking less cigarettes, and it might be easier soon, to quit smoking as well.

A chat with pretty girls is much more convenient for both sides, and isn't that a part of being a guy?

I save a lot of money and might even survive on my tiny salary.I'd seen my daddy dying because of alcohol and never thought to drink every day.

Well, it seems that some of us need to get older to understand what life's all about. But t's so nice to be without the heavy weight of a hangover.

Wish you guys to stay sober, it in't worth to waste your life, it's a gift. Enjoy it to the fullest.

Cheers from Sisaket.-thumbsup.gif

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It sounds as if you no longer enjoy imbibing. SInce that is the case why continue? Sounds like you made a sensible decision. Six months after I stopped drinking I realized I no longer enjoyed cigarettes. I stopped those also. Certainly made qualitative change in my life.

Enjoy, and best of luck. Let your common sense prevail.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys,

It works well. I'd lost my beer belly in only a few weeks. Had one beer last Tuesday and had a terrible headache. Okay, Heineken chemicals

In addition a new and short haircut makes me feel so cool. Started some weight lifting again and my old muscles seem to come back in an blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, i had way too many beers on Friday when I came home from a long week at school. The hangover yesterday made me understand that it's not even worth to drink when you socialize, will drink M sport next week, instead of beer.

The quality of life had increased to an unbelievable high level.Sex is much more enjoyable. Hope some of you understand my message.


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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds as if you no longer enjoy imbibing. SInce that is the case why continue? Sounds like you made a sensible decision. Six months after I stopped drinking I realized I no longer enjoyed cigarettes. I stopped those also. Certainly made qualitative change in my life.

Enjoy, and best of luck. Let your common sense prevail.

Sad to say but common sense has nothing to do with alcoholism. If it did there would be a lot less alcoholics.

It will how ever help with heavy drinkers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Good to hear things are working out. I myself am a pretty bad alcoholic. Sounds like you may be describing yourself as a problem drinker - more or less.

Lifting heavy and not polluting your body will stabilize hormone levels (testosterone). When men have enough testosterone mod, energy, fta, and sex - all improve. Cortisol and inflammation, however, drop testosterone. So your healthier lifestyle is like a snowball rolling up hill!


Life is good.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys,

It works well. I'd lost my beer belly in only a few weeks. Had one beer last Tuesday and had a terrible headache. Okay, Heineken chemicals

In addition a new and short haircut makes me feel so cool. Started some weight lifting again and my old muscles seem to come back in an blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, i had way too many beers on Friday when I came home from a long week at school. The hangover yesterday made me understand that it's not even worth to drink when you socialize, will drink M sport next week, instead of beer.

The quality of life had increased to an unbelievable high level.Sex is much more enjoyable. Hope some of you understand my message.


A good example of the power alcohol has over lives. He stopped drinking on March 1 2014 and 4 weeks later got drunk that was before March 30 2014. And we haven't heard from him since. I have seen people with 20 years pick up a drink and never sober up again. One friend did but it took him two years to get sober again. They were not pleasant years for him.

Not saying he is drunk now but it looks pretty suspicious considering the positive posts he had put up.

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