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We favour a democratic Lanna republic, Chiang Mai group says

Lite Beer

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He said there were three factors behind the idea of setting up a "Republic of Lanna". Firstly, people in the North were looked down upon by others, with the PDRC often referring to red shirts as "red water buffaloes". Secondly, the opposing group did not respect the law and there were double standards in the judicial system. The third reason, he said, was the undemocratic aspirations of the PDRC.

I just love that first reason: because of name calling and lack of respect they want to set up a republic...well, respect is earned, not given...

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A dictatorship Oh really People love a dictatorship Ummmmm and what about all the revolting around the world with regard to finished ditatorship

The human spirit does not like a dictatorship This idiot is just spewing rubbish 80% want a dictatorship Where are the studies. I think he misread it

80% of the people want freedom you nurd

Can't wait to see what the rice pledging scheme will look like in the Lanna PDR with no tax revenue. Perhaps they should check out how things are done in Laos.

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The UDD does not support separation. They have clearly made statements against it. And the existence of red villages is highly debateable , considering there are other villages that tend to vote almost totally democrat or other non-phuathai parties. If they are doing anything outside the election law the bangkok courts will be breatheing down their throats.

" Petchawat said people who prefer dictatorship can move from the northern region to other parts of Thailand "

This is a new kind of lunacy, but one that is delivered with straight-faced seriousness in the world of the UDD. This is of course just the next step for them. The first step was the establishment of " red villages ", which was - and is - an utterly unconstitutional action, as it sets up a state within a state mentality. This similarly is a state within a state idea. And again, it is profoundly unconstitutional. This is Yingluck's adoring base. Problem is - they want a regional republic. And that is a big, big problem for Yingluck. In 2011, Yingluck and the UDD were instant companions. Now, the UDD are becoming a burden and embarrassment for her. As prime minister, she is sworn to uphold the constitution, and the constitution recognizes only one state. So when Ki-moon comes over, Yingluck's conversation will need to go something like this. " The people against democracy - do you see them ? They're the ones eating at that picnic table in Lumpini Park. Do you see the people covering the National Anti-Corruption Commission with cement and are vowing to go after the legal checks and balances of the independent agencies and the Civil Court, and want the northern part of the country separated from the other regions - they're the ones who love democracy. They love it so much they are cementing democracy. "

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This whole thing in Thailand is idiotic and unwarranted, as Thailand has already lost so much businesses and tourist revenues that had bankrupted many small businesses all over the country. Thailand needs to wake up and truly understand that what it needs is to stand united as a country and uphold the law and democracy. Suthep's idea of a people's council is a backwoods' idea that borderline communism. The north (Chiang Mai) wants Lana Republic is equally idiotic, as it would do the country no good to be separated. Stop all these non-senses and come to the table to work out a deal that would take the country forward - not backward into some idiotic ideas such as the ones we all have witnessed thus far.

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No doubt they would bring Thaksin back as their democratic elected leader for life, succeeded by his son.

They would have their red army, red schools, red law for the masses with leaders exempt and anyone who didn't agree with them would be banned, like the singers.

It would be like the Khymer rouge in Kampuchea - it is bird brain schemes like these that makes you wonder whether they are better being looked after by the South to save their welfare and having their voting rights taken away from them as they are not capable of making rational decisions!!!

Don't they realise that the Southern funded rice subsidies would end and how would they be able to pay the interest owed on the previous rice scam as they aren't capable of generating any money (certainly not from rice sales)?

They should be grateful that they have been looked after and tolerated for so long despite being leeches on Thailand's finances.

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Petchawat Wattanapongsirikul and his Chiang mai friends will be arrested for les majesté very soon.

Not by the Thai police, they won't!!!

Meanwhile, I just want to know, if their idea should come to pass, will the Lanna-ites have to apply for Thai work permits and do their 90 day reports to Immigration, the same as us regular farangs??? tongue.png I certainly hope so!!!

Well, I hope not! Immigration offices are already filled to the brim. Can you imagine the line and wait if all the citizens of Outer Laos and the Lannainians have to check in too?

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Or anywhere else in the world, except Thailand. You do understand that Thaksin is free to move around as he wishes, that abhisit and the dems were lying about the Interpol warrant, and did so for over two years?

Time to change the subject, is it?

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It doesn't matter whether we think its a good idea. It matters how many thai people might think its a good idea, and whether the thai army think that this is quite enough of this nonsense.

Not sure the numbers, but I don't think for one moment that The Army will believe it to be a good idea. Second day running that these secession ideas have been banded around, and absolutely no denouncement from Yingluck.

And still nothing from the Red Shirt boss, who just 2 days ago was declaring...

^ Not one of the PTP top brass have (AFAIK) condemned the separatists. Chalerm might yet fulfill his promise. Albeit a tad late.

Certainly nothing from the Red Shirt Boss, who just yesterday was declaring:

Red shirt leader rules out separating Thailand


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Or anywhere else in the world, except Thailand. You do understand that Thaksin is free to move around as he wishes, that abhisit and the dems were lying about the Interpol warrant, and did so for over two years?

Time to change the subject, is it?


Like clockwork, isn't he?

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this guy is smoking something, complete nonesense

on a side note - the line in the OP that drew my attention - quote - meanwhile, the red-shirt movement began its first day of registration of "democracy defence volunteers". There was also a similar campaign in Maha Sarakham.

now that is dangerous

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Whats wrong with calling redshirts red buffalo, George Bush was called much worse and portrayed as a monky. It did not bother him.

Yes, but GWB knows that he is NOT a monkey.

He only stopped crying when his aid's assured him he wasn't!!

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democratic republic of taksin shinawatra buffaloes? The reality is nothing is made up there and everything would need to be imported from Thailand, including rice. Then they would become a land locked poor country like Laos. It would be economic suicide. Also all the people around Chiang Mai are from different ethnic groups and are not one people, so its not true you could have a united Lanna kingdom. idiotic thinking?

Come on. They might have to import a lot but certainly not rice. They have more land under rice cultivation than Isaan yet only a third of the population. And do not forget there are many many products produced in the factory area of Lamphun.

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"The one country, two systems model existed in China and Hong Kong, he said, as an example."

Or are they copying Scotland perhaps?

I wonder what portion of the national debt that has been created to finance populist policies for their citizens Lanna would take.

They would probably end up begging Burma and Laos to take one part each to improve their people's standard of living after the Shins had looted everything moveable.

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If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

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If this people are "dumb" and "can not vote". educate them instead of barring them of a basic constitutional right.

Tell Yingluck's Education ministry which has squandered Billions of Baht from their budget on worthless tablets. There's no easier sign to observe that the CM Elite are not interested in educating the populace.

....and Thaksin wants them to remain poor also, evidently!!

Poor and uneducated - closely resembles the Muslim's situation in the deep South to me!!!!

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If they imagine their economic life will improve in a land-locked, manufacturing moribund, " Lanna Republic",

beholden to Myanmar or Laos and Cambodia or the China hinterlands for access to markets, distribution and supply,

then they have seriously be drinking the cool aid Thaksin has been selling with it's special reality warping ingredient.

Lysergic Acid dieThaksinamide

Calling it 'A Republic',

but imagining that does NOT mean it is actually a separate state, is not bright or thoughtful thinking,

or at least shows little understanding of the terms being bandied about.

If you as a group of individuals allow yourself to be led by the nose, by a demagogue,

then being labeled a less than thoughtful draft animal with ring in nose, is not a stretch.

Silly me!!! I always thought that a Republic was a nation replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state. They claim to want a republic whilst maintaining a monarchy - totally bemusing and a strong indication as to their intelligence levels!! w00t.gif

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No doubt they would bring Thaksin back as their democratic elected leader for life, succeeded by his son.

They would have their red army, red schools, red law for the masses with leaders exempt and anyone who didn't agree with them would be banned, like the singers.

"Democratic" Lanna Republic, as democratic as North Korea. The Thai armed forces should act quickly here, these people have to be put in jail.

they can share a 20-man prison cell with Suthep

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Ironically enough one of the reform ideas proposed by the PDRC was to make the provinces more accountable locally, by having provincial governors directly elected instead of appointed by Bangkok. Seems the red-shirts and the PDRC might actually have something they could agree on.

Yes, some kind of semi-autonomous status for Lanna and Isaan - and even the South - starts to make sense.

Indeed, Lanna was semi-autonomous till 1939; it retained its own Kings and Princes but paid tribute to then Siam.

To understand some of the secessionist rhetoric, it is necessary to have a historical perspective on how the current regions of Lanna and Isaan were created, and later assimilated into Thai-land. Same with the problems in the South, which have a different history.

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If they imagine their economic life will improve in a land-locked, manufacturing moribund, " Lanna Republic",

beholden to Myanmar or Laos and Cambodia or the China hinterlands for access to markets, distribution and supply,

then they have seriously be drinking the cool aid Thaksin has been selling with it's special reality warping ingredient.

Lysergic Acid dieThaksinamide

Calling it 'A Republic',

but imagining that does NOT mean it is actually a separate state, is not bright or thoughtful thinking,

or at least shows little understanding of the terms being bandied about.

If you as a group of individuals allow yourself to be led by the nose, by a demagogue,

then being labeled a less than thoughtful draft animal with ring in nose, is not a stretch.

Silly me!!! I always thought that a Republic was a nation replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state. They claim to want a republic whilst maintaining a monarchy - totally bemusing and a strong indication as to their intelligence levels!! w00t.gif

There is a Republic of Texas, but it is still a separate state within USA. It kept it's name after joining USA.

But there never was a King Of Texas, except maybe in some movie.

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