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Need Some Advice, Please!

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First, hello :D

Im a UK male, with a Thai fiancee, and hopefully im moving over there to be back with her, and get married.

I plan on going in April/June, and moving in with her. Also my Dad will be coming out to set up a business in Phuket. He will bring enough money to set all this up, but wont be arriving till January. I dont want to have to wait till then, because its hard enough being apart now.

I dont have a lot of money, and not many qualifications. But id like to get a work permit and dont mind working menial (sp?) jobs, as I have done here for a while.

Id just like to know what options i can use till my Dad arrives and i can arrange the wedding, and provide the money i need for a long term stay. Is it best to stay on a tourist visa, or get married quicker and get a one year non imm O? I could handle visa runs every 90 days, but once a month is too much.

Any help would be so appreciated, thanks! :o

Edit: One other thing id like to know is; do you have to have a return plane ticket to get the non imm O?

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Can you get a Work Permit for menial jobs? - No

Can you work without a work permit? - Not unless you want to gamble with a jail sentence which will culminate in deportation. Married or not.

Do you need a return plane ticket to get a non-immigrant O visa? - no. But you need some justification as to why you want one in the first place.

What can you do until your dad arrives? - well, enjoy yourself and get to know the locals. Depending on the type of business your family is planning on starting who you know and who knows you may be very important in the short term success of the enterprise.


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Thanks for the advice!

The work i ment, is stuff like bar work, shop work etc... I have noticed a few ferang doing it, and a mate of mine spent 6 months doing bar work. Also it seems to be one of the types of work foreigners can do in Thailand.

I would never work without a permit, because I wouldnt want to do anything that could take me away from my beloved, simple as that really. :o

So, I could go to Thailand on a tourist visa, get hitched, get the non imm O and work permit, do 90 day visa runs, then when my Dad arrives use the money to get yearly extensions. Would that be the right course of action? Anything else i should know?

Oh, and the advice about knowing people is a good one. Luckily, my fiancee works in Patong, where we want to live, and she knows a lot of people, and my Dad has a couple of mates who own hotels there too.

Thank you!

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you can't get a work permit to work in a bar/restaurant unless you are the owner/manager - even this is VERY difficult!

.....my fiancee works in Patong, where we want to live, and she knows a lot of people.....

doesn't this sound familiar........too many foreigners appear to think this is the way to go.


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So, I could go to Thailand on a tourist visa, get hitched, get the non imm O and work permit, do 90 day visa runs, then when my Dad arrives use the money to get yearly extensions.
Can you get a Work Permit for menial jobs? - No

You are going to find it almost impossible to obtain a work permit I fear until and if you dad opens a business. And you should check that the business will allow you a work permit if that is your desire. I do not believe many of your bar working friends really have a valid work permit for that type of work.

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grim marmazet

manfromoz is right, when you get here just enjoy it and find your feet and get to know people. maybe you will meet someone who has a business and offers you a few quid to manage or look after it, BUT be careful as you won,t have or be able to get a work permit, don,t listen to anyone who say's they can get you one because 9 times out of 10 you'll get ripped off. (also you'll be locked up then deported)

others might not agree with this advice but, DON'T put trust into anyone you meet here, especially with money (farang or thai).

also it's not my business but don't lose your head because of you wanting to stay with your fiance, get yourself sorted first.

also you do know that her family will probably want money for marrying her, as well as gold etc.

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others might not agree with this advice but, DON'T put trust into anyone you meet here, especially with money (farang or thai).
others might not agree with this advice but, DON'T put trust into anyone you meet here, especially with money (farang or thai).
Thats old hat to me, and to anyone who lives or has lived in London! lol
also you do know that her family will probably want money for marrying her, as well as gold etc.

I didnt actually know that, but she has told her family about me, and told them that im not exactly well off. Apperently her dad likes my photo, lol.

Thanks for the advice. I think i'll just have an extended holiday for a while, then think bout serious things later this year. I also did want to travel round SE Asia, especially Japan, so maybe this will be a great opportunity to do so.

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You learn something new every day. I better start saving then! lol :D

Blimey...you must have something going for you. :o You might need to defer your grand tour of Asia, or you will have nothing, and then ole dad will fall out of love with the son-in-law elects piccy. :D

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Thank you for all the advice, its helping a lot.

Always better to know the experience of someone who's done it before.

Ive not been to pattaya dave, would you recomend it?

Im really eager to move out there, and as such, am saving like a mofo!

So to anyone in Phuket, maybe I can share a cold one with you soon-ish.

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have you ever been to patpong in bangkok, if so i'll quote an old saying

"pattaya is patpong on steroids"

seriously though i,ve lived in pattaya for 2 and a half years i'm married and only 31, its great here, personally in my opinion it's 10 times better than patong, the beaches are'nt as nice, but there are nice islands and beaches which are'nt to far away.

the bars, go gos, women etc are unbelievable, WARNING 10000+ girls in pattaya.

It's also got some really nice places, don't listen to people who tell you that it's bad and that it's a ****hole.

if you come here, post me, i've got a bar and i'll buy you a beer.

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Thanks a lot dave! :o

I got recommended to go there by a guy from Oz i met in Koh Samet. He said it was great, and not just for the girls. I just like to get other opinions.

For me girls arent a consideration, as i have an amazing one as it is, and i'll probaly take you up on your offer! :D

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If the offer for beers is going count me in. I already live in Pattaya.

Just as a note, I would question your estimate of the numebr of girls here. There are 4000 registered bars in Pattaya (that does not include the totally illegal ones), I figure on average there are about 15 girls per bar at any given time, ie. not including the ones already bar fined out.

Do by that number (which is totally subjective at best), there are in exces of 60000 girls here. And that is just the bar girls. Restaurants and shops have there own staff and most of the ladies there are up for a night out as well.

Life here is good.


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as i said i'm married and very happy, bring your girlfriend with you pattaya's great for couples also.


i thought about that after i posted it, bad guess,

although i really would'nt know because i never look at other women. :o (ha ha)

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as i said i'm married and very happy, bring your girlfriend with you pattaya's great for couples also.


i thought about that after i posted it, bad guess,

although i really would'nt know because i never look at other women. :o (ha ha)

Not even a sneaky glance I bet :D

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Just a thought, and I know different Thai embassies in different countries have different interpretations of rules ..... but .....

when I went and got my "O" visa about one month ago in Sydney, I thought I had forotten my marraige certificate. Although the lady in sydney is helpful and a bit cynical, but has a sence of humour, she almost laughed in my face when she thought I didnt have the big certificate. No certificate and preferablly copy of the wife's ID Card, NO O VISA.

Maybe the rules aren't the same in other parts of the world.

Me I would apply for a "B" visa on the basis you are doing research into opportunities to set up a business with more than 2 million Baht. I would also mention textile/fashion exporting as one of the possibilities. Then you can poke around, look at work, and spend the 50,000 baht with a lawyer, set up yourself as a consultant and do whatever work you like.

After that and you have the certificate, then you can change to an "O" visa.

The only different treatment you get with an "O" visa is half the people like the drivers lisence and others don't really know what an "O" visa is for.....

Good luck

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Thanks for the advice. Would that work?

Im young-ish, lol, and not sure if id get away with that. Is it illegal to do it that way? That my main concern. I wouldnt want to do anything that would end up with me in one of those "camps".

Im willing to hear any and all advice possible.

I will be supported by family while im there, so i know if i get in trouble, money-wise, they'll bail me out. Once my Dad arrives then he'll be able to set up a business.

So i spose in a way i am researching it.

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