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Beer Garden in Pattaya accepting Bitcoins


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I thought anything to do with bitcoin was banned in Thailand? I thought I remembered reading that last year.

But also the CEO of bitcoin is now dead... supposedly not by foul play.... supposedly.... That currency has too much bad ju ju.... stay away!

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I thought anything to do with bitcoin was banned in Thailand? I thought I remembered reading that last year.

But also the CEO of bitcoin is now dead... supposedly not by foul play.... supposedly.... That currency has too much bad ju ju.... stay away!

Bitcoin is no longer banned in Thailand.

Regarding the "CEO of Bitcoin" being dead, apparently quite a few people are confused: http://imgur.com/eV1vTlH


More info here: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/03/05/bitcoin_ceo_suicide_not_so_fast_first_meta_s_autumn_radtke_is_dead_but_we.html

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I thought anything to do with bitcoin was banned in Thailand? I thought I remembered reading that last year.

But also the CEO of bitcoin is now dead... supposedly not by foul play.... supposedly.... That currency has too much bad ju ju.... stay away!

Bitcoin is no longer banned in Thailand.

Regarding the "CEO of Bitcoin" being dead, apparently quite a few people are confused: http://imgur.com/eV1vTlH


More info here: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/03/05/bitcoin_ceo_suicide_not_so_fast_first_meta_s_autumn_radtke_is_dead_but_we.html

American Autumn Ratke ceo of a bitcoin exchange indeed found dead on Feb28th in Singapore, and probably suicide. She was at 28 just a girl really, so it isn't funny, its sad and tragic, but bitcoin is a farcical story and I suspect its value is headed to zero, and as well as that it has created many victims along the way. Sad to see so many people taken in.

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Let me think about this for a minute:

A currency that is mined out of thin air by people with powerful computers that get this magical currency for solving a complex mathematical problem. And these same people with all their tech know how can't protect this magical currency from hackers who have even more powerful computers. And no one knows who came up with this idea ?

Geez, at least with the great Tulip Mania, you at least got a flower out of the deal

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Let me think about this for a minute:

A currency that is mined out of thin air by people with powerful computers that get this magical currency for solving a complex mathematical problem. And these same people with all their tech know how can't protect this magical currency from hackers who have even more powerful computers. And no one knows who came up with this idea ?

Geez, at least with the great Tulip Mania, you at least got a flower out of the deal

At the risk of derailing the topic:

It's good to be skeptical of new technologies, and it's also good to be skeptical of the current system as well. Bitcoin is really no more "magical" than any other fiat currency.

Dollars/Pounds/any fiat currency can be printed out of thin air, and usually the "printing" is electronic, the only difference is that it doesn't take any work or special computation to do so - just the whim of the government. It is also worthwhile to note that the most powerful supercomputer in the world is the Bitcoin mining network, and it's sole purpose is to preserve the integrity of the public Bitcoin ledger.

Fiat currency can be stolen as well, sometimes by the folks who are supposed to be protecting it. Ask clients of Madoff or The Bank of Cyprus how that works. People who use the Argentine Peso could also probably tell you a thing or two about theft via inflation.

Do you know who invented paper money? If not, why do you use it? Who cares who comes up with an idea - if it is good, use it. Nazi scientists invented the jet engine - that doesn't stop me from flying on an Airbus jet plane.

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Let me think about this for a minute:

A currency that is mined out of thin air by people with powerful computers that get this magical currency for solving a complex mathematical problem. And these same people with all their tech know how can't protect this magical currency from hackers who have even more powerful computers. And no one knows who came up with this idea ?

Geez, at least with the great Tulip Mania, you at least got a flower out of the deal

maybe think about it a little longer, or at the least do some research before you post

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