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Hello TV members,

Not sure if this will pertain to the EU members, but 100% reliable for the US members as i used this back in Sept 13 without any problems.

Dish Hopper works in Thailand for ipad, iphone, and PC, and will soon have an app for PS3. All without a masked IP address.


So far this service is free. You'll need to know someone state side that has Dish with the Hopper service. I used my mother's dish hopper system which is ok, until she logs on and uses the streaming video portion to watch something while shes away from her house. All i had to do was download the app to the ipad, log on using her user name and password and the quality was great. easy to use channel guide, etc.... i even played a US televised hockey game at my friends beerbar with an HDMI cable to his TV. He's Brittish and was wondering why there were no yellow and red card issued during the game.

If i have great success with this, i may get rid of my cable and true vision service, go back to the free thai cable the wife had at the house.

hope someone finds this info useful other than myself,



Envious! I use Sling box to get the DirecTV feed from my daughter's house in Washington State. Unfortunately it will not work at Centre Point because the wireless is too slow. YouTube works just great though and I can stream 720P from my notebook via HDMI. My content choices are somewhat limited on YouTube so I also occasionally rent videos on Amazon to stream to my TV. The TV offerings at Centre Point have gotten seriously worse so I'm grateful that full movies and TV episodes can now be had from YouTube with spectacular picture and sound quality.


yeah, i used to use sling box from my house when i would go away on trips, but i have crappy internet up here, and the wife had crappy internet in her old condo in thailand. my mom got the hopper last year and the wife got better internet when she moved into a villiage house in pattaya. now its just like watching regular TV on the ipad. I'm gonna bring the PS3 over this summer, hope they have the app by then and we'll see how it goes. I've been watching hockey with gamecenter in thailand for the last couple years, its pretty good, no lags or skips now that we had better internet in thailand.

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