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Lawyer calls for Chalerm to be arrested


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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

It is not what the government has done, it is what idiots like this deported Indian has done. As a non citizen he chose to break the law and he now faces the consequences for his actions.

Very deserving, while the care taker government is only doing their job of enforcing the laws of the land.

Not allowing him to live in the country and not observe the law as it applies to all Farangs.


Kikopoo,you are the most righteous red shirt in this country........Cabinet material........maybe Justice Minister.

I think the word you are looking for kikoman is Kaeg.

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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

You sent almost 1.000 posts to this forum and still don't know why this will never happen?

Edited by Lupatria
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Chalerm recently signed an order to deport Satish, president of the India-Thai Business Association, for allegedly inciting illegal activities under the emergency decree and leading members of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) in raids on several state agencies.

I don't know if Satish did these things, it is of no real consequence to me. If he did, let the courts or which ever government agency is responsible rule on the issue. What does concern me is the patent disregard PTP has for the law. We won an election, we can do whatever we want is the attitude, laws are for the protection of everyone and must be respected. When Chalerm disrespects a court ruling he should be punished. The government has ignored the Constitution, the courts, the laws and wasted the peoples money, be gone I say.

" We won an election, we can do whatever we want is the attitude, laws are for the protection of everyone and must be respected..."

I'm amazed Farangs are so confused about the prerogatives of an elected Parliamentary majority......

Unless we are dealing here with agenda.....Like the saying goes, "When agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out"

Of course an elected Parliamentary Majority can enact the mandate on the basis on which it was elected.

That is the beauty of the Parliamentary system, over against the USA system prone to Congressional gridlock.

For the Opposition to denigrate that power under whatever narrative, then win a dam_n election.

The quote above implies that this electoral prerogative ought to be curtailed, with predictable unelectable rhetoric

The key point however....Is the electorate the next election......If the Opposition thinks the ruling majority is off on some power-trip, they forget the coming power-trip by the voters.

But being anti-democratic, they wouldn't grasp that reality....Preferring to denigrate Parliamentary Democracy by calling it "Parliamentary Dictatorship".

Yep. But the whole argument of yours is based on the wrong premises. There is no Parliamentary Democracy in Thailand. The current system in place, which was established by PTP, can be best described as kleptocratic and nepotistic dictatorship run via social media. Come on, even you must disagree with blatant nepotism.

I don't think Boppe Amsterdam is authorised to respond in any other way.

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By defying the provisions of the Civil Court ruling, Chalerm has broken the law. Needless to say, he's still in Singapore getting his instructions from Thaksin. But once he's back, he should be read his rights. Chalerm has turned out to be a greater threat that any emergency decree could have imagined. It is outrageous that such a man has the power to deport anyone, particularly when Charupong - who also signed the deportation order - supported the UDD's platform on February 23 that among other things supported secession. Chalerm has betrayed his office, and he has abused his power, and his defiance of the Civil Court's ruling is the clearest indication that he has overstepped the boundaries of the rule of law.

Edited by Scamper
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Charlem has been overbearing and made some outright outrageous statements and accusations since being let off a leash and in a position of power at the CMPO.

There are far too many reasons he should be held accountable, but maybe there are not enough grounds to do anything other than this Deportation situation with Mr. Satish.

Might be that they have Charlem on a technicality regarding Satish

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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

It is not what the government has done, it is what idiots like this deported Indian has done. As a non citizen he chose to break the law and he now faces the consequences for his actions.

Very deserving, while the care taker government is only doing their job of enforcing the laws of the land.

Not allowing him to live in the country and not observe the law as it applies to all Farangs.


Well we can't say that Mr Kikoman doesn't have a sense of humor now, can we. Mice one Mr K.


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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

It is not what the government has done, it is what idiots like this deported Indian has done. As a non citizen he chose to break the law and he now faces the consequences for his actions.

Very deserving, while the care taker government is only doing their job of enforcing the laws of the land.

Not allowing him to live in the country and not observe the law as it applies to all Farangs.


I think the problem is that due to a court ruling he should not be deported so that's the law. I'm not saying that's right and without looking into it more it does seem strange. The thing is you can't enforce one rule by breaking another and by doing this it will just add to the impression that the PTP only obey laws they like. Better to back off and wait. Much better PR.

"it will just add to the impression that the PTP only obey laws they like" A fairly widely held impression already. A touch of humor in there methinks?

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With all these arrest warrants that the court had issued and none of them have been enforced goes to show that the justice system in Thailand is nothing but just a show of force. It has no legal merit and carries no consequences; other than serving as a pleasing tool for whoever pays enough money to the court to issue out such orders. What a joke in the justice system in Thailand.

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Can you be arrested for deporting foreigners for doing something they were told not to do?

The place is a circus and no wonder it is never going to move forward.

Chooka, you talk an awful lot of sense. Keep it up.

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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

It is not what the government has done, it is what idiots like this deported Indian has done. As a non citizen he chose to break the law and he now faces the consequences for his actions.

Very deserving, while the care taker government is only doing their job of enforcing the laws of the land.

Not allowing him to live in the country and not observe the law as it applies to all Farangs.


He is not a farang according to TV's resident thai cultural " experts" please your facts right

Further you refer to him as a deported Indian, to date he has not been deported, and whiled case is under appeal the deportation order postponed.... Please get your facts right

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By defying the provisions of the Civil Court ruling, Chalerm has broken the law. Needless to say, he's still in Singapore getting his instructions from Thaksin. But once he's back, he should be read his rights. Chalerm has turned out to be a greater threat that any emergency decree could have imagined. It is outrageous that such a man has the power to deport anyone, particularly when Charupong - who also signed the deportation order - supported the UDD's platform on February 23 that among other things supported secession. Chalerm has betrayed his office, and he has abused his power, and his defiance of the Civil Court's ruling is the clearest indication that he has overstepped the boundaries of the rule of law.

If so he needs to be arrested immediately and beheaded as he promised he would do to himself, so once again more PTP lies

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"The court has accepted Wanthongchai's petition..."

Can anyone recall where that was not the case, when a PAD-Dem guy comes running?

What does this mean?

Worse than Yoda

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I dodn't know what planet F b comes from, but it sure as hell isn't planet earth

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Thailand has only become what the people have allowed it to become

Only the will of the people can see a better Thailand

Lets just hope that after all this government has done that the Thai people will not want to attend the circus any more and it time to return to work

It is not what the government has done, it is what idiots like this deported Indian has done. As a non citizen he chose to break the law and he now faces the consequences for his actions.

Very deserving, while the care taker government is only doing their job of enforcing the laws of the land.

Not allowing him to live in the country and not observe the law as it applies to all Farangs.


He is not a farang according to TV's resident thai cultural " experts" please your facts right

Further you refer to him as a deported Indian, to date he has not been deported, and whiled case is under appeal the deportation order postponed.... Please get your facts right

Kikoman doesn't need facts to back up his propaganda. He just repeats the same drivel constantly, with a couple of variations.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Can you be arrested for deporting foreigners for doing something they were told not to do?

The place is a circus and no wonder it is never going to move forward.

Don't know Chooka, but the courts brought in a rule in FEB , that this guy thinks Chalerm has ignored ,the ruling includes the deportation of farangs, who can , who can't, Chalerm apparently can't

I think we are mixing up two things, deporting foreigners legally is one thing but not following laws and procedures for doing so is another. Evidently Chalerm acted on his own without following the law. IMO this will never go anywhere.

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i don't recall that the Court gave any mention of foreigners in its ruling nor in the complaint filed with the court. The ruling only mentions anti-government protesters and did not distinguish between Thailand citizens and foreigners. The complaint against Chalerm is making a distinction not found in the previous judicial proceedings so a new Court ruling would be appropriate. Honestly, as a foreigner I'd welcome the Court to rule against Chalerm because it would mean that foreigners can actively intervene (albeit peacefully!!!) in Thailand politics in the name of freedom of speech without recrimination regardless of what political party is being opposed. But that priviledge might become fair game against the PDRC as well who doesn't seem to tolerate equality very well.

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Come on, give Chalerm a break.

The man from the Jobcentre has been desperate to play the tough cop for so long but old women with sticks kept getting in his way. Now he's got a mild mannered, unarmed 70 year old in his grasp and he's not going to let go of his prey so easily.

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"The court has accepted Wanthongchai's petition..."

Can anyone recall where that was not the case, when a PAD-Dem guy comes running?

What does this mean?

Worse than Yoda

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I dodn't know what planet F b comes from, but it sure as hell isn't planet earth

Judging by his handle he comes from the Frisian Islands - indeed "Top Frisian". And that really is like another planet!

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"The court has accepted Wanthongchai's petition..."

Can anyone recall where that was not the case, when a PAD-Dem guy comes running?

What does this mean?

Worse than Yoda

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I dodn't know what planet F b comes from, but it sure as hell isn't planet earth

Judging by his handle he comes from the Frisian Islands - indeed "Top Frisian". And that really is like another planet!

My goal in this post is to take every view in this cited post into consideration:

1. The only thing I see wrong with F b's statement gramatically is that it could have been perhaps made more clear with a comma, whereas even that is debatable

2. I find the comment that acts as if the meaning is unclear based on an arguably non-errant comma to be ridiculous (you knew what was meant, come on, the first post meant that the only time the court seems to take action is when a member of the PDRC comes crying about unfair action on the side of the govt. and/or red shirts....you knew that was meant, but instead of addressing it you decided to make it seem as if this was a sentence that you simply could not fathom.....do you think the court is so righteous in Thailand? Go back in its history and look at its decisions regarding constitiutions, human rights, whatever, there are contradictions all over the place, and even many members of the PDRC admit this...I am not saying you do/do not know this but I am baffled by the way in which people use an heir of "I simply don't understand what you could possibly mean here" to conceal contempt for a side they cannot side with. Before you start attacking my side: Thaksin is a tool but so is Suthep and it is not as if he delivered or would deliver on any promises guaranteed before past or any future office terms........it is all a joke...and for the people saying: I just want Thailand to get back to business as usual...seriously people, look at the history of the LOS over the past eighty years and you will notice that THIS IS, except for perhaps the influence from a before pretty-much voiceless demographic, business as usual.......coups, installed govts, new consitutions, it's all part of the game that is "Thai-style Democracy"..this is not bashin against Thailand by any means but rather those who try to validate the term "Thai-style democracy" without any real declaration of what that means or, if they do, how it is potentially problematic in terms of the way it is set up

3. He is from the Frisian Islands? I personally saw his username to Fryslan, not Frisian, but maybe you do know something there that I don't. Either way, I think it is rather radical, violent and vulgar to antagonize someone 1) by making a joke about them....we are not teenagers, so why would it make sense or be considered not a cruel and insensitive gesture towards people sharing what seems to be a public community...in fact I consider this comment to be perhaps considered hate speech against the "margins"...not to place the Frisian Islands in the margins by choice but because they are insinuated as being a place that produces individuals that may as be from another planet their view is so "off" ? 2) by showing how inferior their country/region/administrative district is based on....what? the supremacy of the enlightened citizens of your country? and 3) by acting as if this person's ideas are so far from any fathomable thought structure in this world, even though you probably know about the protests in 2010...and seriously figure out what you mean by populism before you spout off about it or at least read about the activities during the Dem's during the 80's and then tell me what you mean by populist again and why Thaksin is so much worse or why Suthep is so much better......

I just don't get it....I'm not saying I'm that knowledgable on this, but it is pretty clear that both warring sides are invested in their own elite status, and that one party favors a certain two/three regions while the other does the same with the other regions...I know that's oversimplified..please, someone, make it more complicated, I don't understand how people seriously get a rise out of deriding the opinions of other individuals as if they were not human beings or have no right to speak based on their difference of perspective/opinion.....

I know you all think Thaksin sux......ok not all of you, but I'd say most, and rightfully so, you either hate him for Shincorp and the satellite thing, tax evasion, anti-chronyism in the name of higher your friends (who may have actually been more active than their formers but nevertheless seem to have been installed based on neo-chronyism with "qualificiations" used as legitmacy in some cases, or you hate him for the irresponsible drug war that he led (though, come on, lets be real here, many many Thais supported this "war") .....but someone please, without spending the first 95 per cent of your message writing about what a s***hole Thaksin is, please tell me, what is Suthep going to bring the country....answers I don't find acceptable without further explanation are:

1) because he will get rid of Thaksin.....Thaksin doesn't live in Thailand, and what makes you think Suthep in power will stop Thaksin's influence?

2) because he is for decentralization....how does that make sense...that would mean ELECTING local leaders, which would then mean a contradictory situation....country's leaders are royally appointed while those leaders at the state and smaller levels are elected....why do you really think that is less of an empty promise than the 30 baht program (once again, do not tell me about how shitty that was.......yes, doctors' quit public hospice centers to work in international hospitals with better pay ,so many of those covered under the program were no longer covered once diagnosed with chronic illness, due to lack of stuff....there were also some good sides but I am tired of people arguing FOR Suthep in NEGATIVES against Thaksin, so I am trying to make it clear what I am asking here as much as possible

3) because he is more morally righteous than any other leader.......what makes you think that? and "standing up for his rights" or "what he believes in" is not an option....it is simply to reduced....he has interests...he had them before 2013, so an explanation here is necessary as to why ANYONE should trust him as a leader......this is NOTTTTT the time of Naresuan, and Naresuan didn't really even understand the concepts of "kuu chat" that are applied to him today, so what is it that makes Suthep worth trusting (again, please, do not answer with, "he's better than Thaksin"

if we have to choose between a lesser of evils, and if my choice doesn't matter, then why even choose....but people continue to choose, and for that I believe they deserve at least some respect

If you think 500 Baht guarantees the vote for every Thaksin support, check the data out on that, it is mixed, as is that data regarding vote-buying practices of the Democrats

Both sides drive things far beyond their actual measure, and the fact that people who don't really have much of an idea about it or even those who do ( I do not know the knowledge level about this topic of those posters to which I am referring) find it necessary to degrade others in order to snicker with those who agree with them is just plain nasty.

Sorry, I wanted to be objective, but I was just so offended for the blatant disregard for courtesy towards other views (yea, I'm not being courtoeus to yours, because you don't seem to want to play on that field......bleh, fine)

I hope this is intelligible for those of you who like to play the card mentioned above about "I don't know what you mean (seriously,.c'mon I teach German I know what so-called Yoda speak is, and that, sir/madam, was no Yoda speak)"

I really don't want to pick fights, I want to argue, discuss, and expand on ideas, I hope that is clear to any who wishes to respond...if you just come back with insults, I won't respond, don't waste your times....insults imbedded in criticism aimed directlly at the content here, tho, is very much welcomed

Thank you for reading.

And do not mind the messy spelling or punctuation, I am in Germany and have German spell-check on so all words, or most, are marked as incorrect so I may have missed some typos

Have a good one Thaivisa

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