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Six armed drug traffickers killed in clash in Thailand


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Why oh why does the governments of the world attempt to protect it's people from themselves in such a hypocritical manner?

Either outlaw everything (the list is much too long) that is deemed harmful and enforce [kill those that attempt to use, posses, transport or sell] it... OR, let everyone do whatever they want and be responsible for themselves.

The 'war' on drugs is over and we all have lost...

Washington and Colorado have made the smartest move and the whole world is watching... and will soon follow.

Edited by Nowisee
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Hmmm....who and what to believe?

An avalanche of respected international news providers or two anonymous internet bloggers?

A huge spike in the number of murders committed (2,000 plus) within 75 days that contrasts with 3,000 plus for an entire non-Drug War year, but we are supposed to believe that this wasn't due to Thaksin's Drug War.

Observe the daily news and speaking to locals every day during the entire time of the Drug War or read the musings of anonymous internet forum posters quoting anonymous internet bloggers ten years after the fact?

Well you could rely on common sense.

There were no murders whatsoever in that period? Speaking to locals every day about their knowledge of how many drug related killings there were, oh, come on!

When you complain that these facts come from "anonymous internet forum posters quoting anonymous internet bloggers ten years after the fact?" it's plainly obvious you didn't read the sources.

The original quote came from AFP

According to police figures released in mid-April — and not updated since then following the furore that greeted their release — 2,275 people were killed nationwide from the start of the war.

While it is not known how many were drug-related killings, the toll was widely seen as an indicator of an alarming number of deaths resulting from the no-holds-barred battle and sparked an outcry from human rights groups.

Try reading again, slowly, and try and look at it with an open mind - you'll be suprised what you can learn.

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At a loss as to what to make of this, while I think yabba/ice is absolute vomit and has no place in civilized society I'm not sure a 50+ year war on drugs has done anything but make the situation worse. Jails are fuller and more people are dead, what was it Einstein said about repeating the same actions and expecting different results........

What would you have the authorities do, just let the drugs in.

I think if you had first hand knowledge of this drug and had seen the effect on a normal easy going person, you may think different.

I do note that NON of the security personnel were killed or injured so no warning given to crooks

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At a loss as to what to make of this, while I think yabba/ice is absolute vomit and has no place in civilized society I'm not sure a 50+ year war on drugs has done anything but make the situation worse. Jails are fuller and more people are dead, what was it Einstein said about repeating the same actions and expecting different results........

What would you have the authorities do, just let the drugs in.

I think if you had first hand knowledge of this drug and had seen the effect on a normal easy going person, you may think different.

I do note that NON of the security personnel were killed or injured so no warning given to crooks

You might read post 24 and then question my first hand knowledge of drugs. I at no point claimed to have the answers, only that the present way of dealing with it clearly doesn't work. I do however suspect that if addicts could get a purer source from a government approved pharmacy, the addicts would be better off and the profits may be taken out of the hands of criminals. This is just a suspicion though as we have kept plodding down the same daft road for over 50 years with no end result in sight.

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A shotgun and a revolver. Neither will penetrate a level III armored vest. Neither has a very long range. But a center fire rifle will penetrate the vest and kill, and has a much longer range. So that should be the answer as to why none of the border guards or police were injured.

Not taking sides here, just sayin'.

You don't get much long range in a jungle. Vests do not cover your head. And armed criminals carrying drugs while performing an illegal entry to somebody else's country don't get a lot of rights, or sympathy when they end up dead.

for further information, google "ambush"

Edited by JRSoul
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