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Working in Phuket - Options

Maroon Watcher

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Qualified Business teacher with University Degree in Business Management

But successful EAP and IELTS Coach, with TEFL. 8 years of experience in ASIA.

Are you a qualified teacher, with a university degree in education, or an English techer with a 1 month TESOL/TEFL Course certificate?

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I have "other income" but so far me and the wife get by easily on 35K THB,
I just need the visa

I enjoy helping the kids...

Phuket is expensive and unless you have a decent teaching position here, living on a shoestring here doesn't sound like fun to me.

Maybe start training in a marketable internet skill.

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I have "other income" but so far me and the wife get by easily on 35K THB,

I just need the visa

I enjoy helping the kids...

Phuket is expensive and unless you have a decent teaching position here, living on a shoestring here doesn't sound like fun to me.

Maybe start training in a marketable internet skill.

O.K. best of luck, and hopefully you're teaching something other than English (?).

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Sure you are.

I am thankful that I can be off duty

And to spell it out... Except [any] Kindergarden.

Now do you see through the Mist?

"Presently teaching - I can teach any subject except Kindergarten."

Really??? Well, I have news for you, kindergarten is not a subject.

Sorry to be pedantic, it's just my nature.

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with ur credentials apply at the international schools, Most places in Asia will not reply to emails.

you need go around.

QSI would love to have you, in fact my good friend teaches ( English and other subjects) there an is leaving after this term so they will 100% have an opening.

Go in and talk with Patrick ( the head master and American)

BUT if u dont need the $$$ am sure lots of the Thai schools would love to have you with them.

PS;i Love living here and it is NOT that expensive

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But dont I need a Thai wife for that?

(I already have a non Thai wife)

Partnerships are difficult out-side of Thailand.....

I worked in a bar through college - I prefere this side...

Buy some motorbikes and rent them out, not many available for rent in Phuket

or open bar/guesthouse..

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Thanks for the info.

I work for a "special" school at the moment - they want me to re-sign in June...

But the students seemed hypnotized into Not learning....

I would rather use my energy in helping people who want to learn -

rather than in tying to keep me awake... (ha,ha)

I'm in Bangkok but If no offers arrive by December

I will visit then.

with ur credentials apply at the international schools, Most places in Asia will not reply to emails.

you need go around.

QSI would love to have you, in fact my good friend teaches ( English and other subjects) there an is leaving after this term so they will 100% have an opening.

Go in and talk with Patrick ( the head master and American)

BUT if u dont need the $$$ am sure lots of the Thai schools would love to have you with them.

PS;i Love living here and it is NOT that expensive

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But dont I need a Thai wife for that?

(I already have a non Thai wife)

Partnerships are difficult out-side of Thailand.....

I worked in a bar through college - I prefere this side...

Buy some motorbikes and rent them out, not many available for rent in Phuket

or open bar/guesthouse..

Don't let the locals wind you up --- biggrin.png

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