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Army should stop with its pretentiousness and address real issues

Lite Beer

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Who is the writer of this article trying to kid ? This is an outrageous opinion article, and it flies very squarely in the face of the facts. Chalerm will be laminating this article and framing it. The writer of this article should look at the tape of the UDD rally on February 23. On that stage stands Thida, Jutuporn, Nattawut, former minister of agriculture, and Charupong, former interior minister. All endorsed the UDD platform that called for armed readiness, denigrated the independent agencies, and promoted secession. Everyone has seen it. Not only that, but we're had rallies, banners, the calls of red shirt radio, interviews with the press, addresses from Chiang Mai, and every one of these people stands by what they say. Not only that, but Ko Tee has now openly defied Prayuth and the banners are going up. Why does this writer publish this anonymously ? The Nation has some excellent writers, and most articles are under the banner of a writer or even two. This is so outside the mainstream of editorials it ought to have been signed. This article is a disgrace and a disservice to the informed.

erm... it says in big red letters: EDITORIAL. So the author is: The Editor.

Blame either Tulsathit or Thanong.

Now, given the writer was of sound mind when he wrote this, and he was still compos mentis when it went to the printer, and that The Nation has not changed owners overnight, what possible message is this editorial sending out, and why?

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The Army needs to be impartial, as any more actions by them, seen as siding with the anti-government movement will seriously strain any possible role they may play in ending the current situation without violence, they will never be seen as the protectors of the nation, to much Thai blood on their hands!


so you want to forget that 1 month ago I printed here on Thai Visa my thai wants to sell our house and businees here in Udon Thani as we have been advised it will soon be a red governed state

so how long is this, was just an over night silly thought

Thais have know about this plan for months

Yes the army needs to be impartial,

but treason is treason no matter how you look at it

There was no treason. Treason is defined as "the betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies". One could easily argue that the military personnel who aided and abetted the Khmer Roucge in the 1990's were guilty of treason as the Khmer rouge were technically enemies of Thailand. The person implicated in this specific event has broached the subject of sovereignty, of independence for a region which is very different than treason.

In Scotland, there are those who support independence. They are not guilty of treason against the UK. In Texas, USA there is a populist movement that advocates independence and seceding from the Union. They are not guilty of treason against the USA.In Quebec, and Alberta Canada there are groups who advocate independence for their respective provinces. They are not guilty of treason against Canada.In Issan, we have one man who has allegedly advocated independence for Issan. It is not treason. If his idea has no merit, it will be rejected by the people.

BTW, one thing I learnt from TVF is that an individual should never own or invest in Thailand anything other than what he is prepared to lose or walk away from. It is the most valuable advice I have received.

A name for it is sovereign risk. When you own land or other stuff in countries who's laws will not secure it.

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How does the Thai army excuse away and rationalize that they stood by and did nothing in December 2008 for a week when the PAD commandeered the Bangkok airport and closed down all traffic for nine days and stranded hundreds of thousands of tourists? How does the general view the army's culpability in this most serious breach of Thai security?

Or to go even further back in history when Field marshal Sarit Thanarat was Prime Minister of Thailand if a person got caught stealing they got a bullet in the head. Yea them Yellow shirts closed down the airport but that too is history.

You don't have to go as far back as Sarit. I was stationed here at Camp Samae San outside Sattahip when Thanom Kittikachorn was Prime Minister. Somebody robbed and stabbed to death an American Air Force officer, I think a Major, who was visiting the illegal city of Kilo Sip. Within three days the guy's girl friend in Thon Buri turned him in and in less than a week they tried him (probably by Court Martial), took him to the quarry there, and shot him.

I think the more important point is that the Army, and I suppose the other services, have not tried to "rebrand themselves" as honest brokers. They are the same as they were in October 1976, May 1992, September 2006, the entire period of insurrection by the Yellow Shirts in 2008, the crackdown in 2010 and this year when they have also stood aside and refused to help maintain public order.

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While the Army is set on going after the separatist red shirts, should they also be rounding up the people 's council and Suthep"s thugs for the same charges. they are advocating the overthrow of an elected government and the installation of an unelected body.

Its not the armys role to protect political views or democracy. It is their role to protect the king, the land, and the thai people. This has been exactly what they have been doing. So before you come here to whine you should know what you are talking about.

Protecting the land? Please provide one example over the last decade when the army has;

- acted against illegal land developers in Thailand, when local governments refused to act (hint: Phuket)

- intervened effectively to stop the illegal timber trade across the borders

- effectively investigated the land holdings of navy personel in some regions (hint: Pattaya)

Oh yes, the military has had such glory protecting Thai people. Remember events like this?

post-46941-0-52998600-1394382375_thumb.j post-46941-0-81070000-1394382376_thumb.j

The military and its meddling and attempt to protect iits own interests, particularly its lucrative financial benefits, is one of the main reasons why Thailand has so many political problems. Where else does an unelected group who operates its own businesses and who has its own luxury compounds, fleet of luxury vehicles, and golf courses hold such influence? Where else does the military use a civilian airline as an employment opportunity for its personnel with such dismal results? Examples of African developing countriessuch as Egypt come to mind.

Edited by geriatrickid
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How does the Thai army excuse away and rationalize that they stood by and did nothing in December 2008 for a week when the PAD commandeered the Bangkok airport and closed down all traffic for nine days and stranded hundreds of thousands of tourists? How does the general view the army's culpability in this most serious breach of Thai security?

what on earth has the army got to do with it, it is a civil matter and should have been dealt with by the police - why did the police not deal with it, I can give my opinion on that - they simply don't understand what upholding the law means and what their duties are to all members of Thai society - that is why the RTP is badly in need of reform - police ranks are routinely replaced based on their political affiliation by what ever government is in office - that is a fundamental error and needs serious attention, I to an extent feel sorry for them constantly being used as political pawns

Really? Don Muang is a military property. As we can see from the General having kittens over the banner, the military takes the security of its premises seriously, right? Why then on 26 November 2008, did the military not respond when the People's Alliance for Democracy seized control of the domestic passenger terminal forcing a suspension of all services? The military refused to act over a violent seizure. And yet, now we see a general proving his dramatic response to a banner. This serves as a wonderful illustration of the military's mindset.

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Who is the writer of this article trying to kid ? This is an outrageous opinion article, and it flies very squarely in the face of the facts. Chalerm will be laminating this article and framing it. The writer of this article should look at the tape of the UDD rally on February 23. On that stage stands Thida, Jutuporn, Nattawut, former minister of agriculture, and Charupong, former interior minister. All endorsed the UDD platform that called for armed readiness, denigrated the independent agencies, and promoted secession. Everyone has seen it. Not only that, but we're had rallies, banners, the calls of red shirt radio, interviews with the press, addresses from Chiang Mai, and every one of these people stands by what they say. Not only that, but Ko Tee has now openly defied Prayuth and the banners are going up. Why does this writer publish this anonymously ? The Nation has some excellent writers, and most articles are under the banner of a writer or even two. This is so outside the mainstream of editorials it ought to have been signed. This article is a disgrace and a disservice to the informed.

It is the established form for editorial pieces - representing the newspaper's views rather than a particular contributor - to be unsigned.The Nation follows the same practice as the New York Times, The (London) Times, the FT etc.

As to its content your objections are of little substance.Most observers of whatever political view would regard the main points to be perfectly sensible.The PM has already made it clear secessionist objectives cannot and never will be on the agrenda.If there are some in the redshirt camp who wish to talk about this, that is no crime and indeed discussion cannot be banned in a free society.None of this has anything to do with the army which should keep its nose out of political debate.

The important point however is the one made also in the Nation I think - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.Without the sedition of Suthep and his Southern rentacrowd thugs compounded by the complicity of the Democrats and the myopic Sino Thai middle class, the current secessionist chatter would not have arisen in the first place.These fools (and in some cases criminals) sowed the wind and may well reap the whirlwind, but so far the Lanna Republic concept is just idle chatter,

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monkeycountry, take off your yellow glasses and look at how Suthep and his thugs have the wool pulled over your eyes. breaking the law is not the correct way to go about change. you keep tearing apart this country and laws and soon it will be run by totally lawless politicians. you will not have an elected government as long as you allow people like Suthep to fill the streets on a personnel vendetta. I never said that Yingluck was the best I just said that this action should have been done within the confines of the laws and the courts. there are right ways to do things and there are wrong ways. keep going on like you are and protest will never stop.

Are you for real???

Suthep and WHAT thugs???

The protesters are doing so legally and peacefully despite the red's intimidation!!

Apart from stating that 'Yingluck is not the best' - ludicrously understated but the only thing you mention that I agree with.

Suthep simply wants an election that is free and fair AFTER reforms, but nothing doing from Yingluck on this as it will halt her brother's corrupt and fraudulent activities in their tracks.

He is not tearing apart the country and laws - he is applying them to stop this government riding roughshod over them.

The funniest bit is 'soon it will be run by totally lawless politicians'!! - precisely what Suthep is trying to put an end to!!!

Suthep is doing exactly what you prescribe he should do - checking the corrupt practices being continually committed by PTP politicians through apprehending them by enforcing the laws through the courts.

Until Yingluck removes herself from her fantasy world of pretending that she is important and a real prime minister then Thailand cannot function!!

You are the one that needs to open his eyes and use his brain to gain a real assessment as to what damage this government is doing to Thailand and it's citizens!!!

"Are you for real???

Suthep and WHAT thugs???"

How about the "popcorn warriors"? (just to quote the most reprehensible example)

" The protesters are doing so legally and peacefully despite the red's intimidation!!"

These protesters are far from peaceful. That they have been ruled legal in spite of their violence and their self-proclaimed illegal objective to eliminate democracy only shows how biased the courts are.

"Suthep simply wants an election that is free and fair AFTER reforms"

I call total BS on this. From the horse's mouth, the "reforms" will only be complete when Shinawatra influence is completely eradicated (read "never in our lifetime" because Thaksin is widely revered in the North and NE). I can easily see them extending the 18 month deadline indefinitely.

" Suthep is doing exactly what you prescribe he should do - checking the corrupt practices being continually committed by PTP politicians through apprehending them by enforcing the laws through the courts."

The judicial system is obviously completely broken. Judges ignore obvious facts to deliver verdicts that could have come from another planet, all to suit their political masters.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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monkeycountry, take off your yellow glasses and look at how Suthep and his thugs have the wool pulled over your eyes. breaking the law is not the correct way to go about change. you keep tearing apart this country and laws and soon it will be run by totally lawless politicians. you will not have an elected government as long as you allow people like Suthep to fill the streets on a personnel vendetta. I never said that Yingluck was the best I just said that this action should have been done within the confines of the laws and the courts. there are right ways to do things and there are wrong ways. keep going on like you are and protest will never stop.

Are you for real???

Suthep and WHAT thugs???

The protesters are doing so legally and peacefully despite the red's intimidation!!

Apart from stating that 'Yingluck is not the best' - ludicrously understated but the only thing you mention that I agree with.

Suthep simply wants an election that is free and fair AFTER reforms, but nothing doing from Yingluck on this as it will halt her brother's corrupt and fraudulent activities in their tracks.

He is not tearing apart the country and laws - he is applying them to stop this government riding roughshod over them.

The funniest bit is 'soon it will be run by totally lawless politicians'!! - precisely what Suthep is trying to put an end to!!!

Suthep is doing exactly what you prescribe he should do - checking the corrupt practices being continually committed by PTP politicians through apprehending them by enforcing the laws through the courts.

Until Yingluck removes herself from her fantasy world of pretending that she is important and a real prime minister then Thailand cannot function!!

You are the one that needs to open his eyes and use his brain to gain a real assessment as to what damage this government is doing to Thailand and it's citizens!!!

"Are you for real???

Suthep and WHAT thugs???"

How about the "popcorn warriors"? (just to quote the most reprehensible example)

" The protesters are doing so legally and peacefully despite the red's intimidation!!"

These protesters are far from peaceful. That they have been ruled legal in spite of their violence and their self-proclaimed illegal objective to eliminate democracy only shows how biased the courts are.

"Suthep simply wants an election that is free and fair AFTER reforms"

I call total BS on this. From the horse's mouth, the "reforms" will only be complete when Shinawatra influence is completely eradicated (read "never in our lifetime" because Thaksin is widely revered in the North and NE). I can easily see them extending the 18 month deadline indefinitely.

" Suthep is doing exactly what you prescribe he should do - checking the corrupt practices being continually committed by PTP politicians through apprehending them by enforcing the laws through the courts."

The judicial system is obviously completely broken. Judges ignore obvious facts to deliver verdicts that could have come from another planet, all to suit their political masters.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I am not going to waste my time in answering this nonsense!!!!

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I think that this article is far more pretentious than the actions of the Army and is typical of the myopic red ideology.

If no one in authority takes a hard stance against suggestions of secession then we will end up with similar problems that we already have in the South.

Yinglucks caretaker government should have been the first to condemn such rhetoric, however ,she was more worried about sensitizing her loyal lemmings and losing their support.

Keep up son! she already condemned it, not that there's anything wrong with discussing secession.

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I think that this article is far more pretentious than the actions of the Army and is typical of the myopic red ideology.

If no one in authority takes a hard stance against suggestions of secession then we will end up with similar problems that we already have in the South.

Yinglucks caretaker government should have been the first to condemn such rhetoric, however ,she was more worried about sensitizing her loyal lemmings and losing their support.

Keep up son! she already condemned it, not that there's anything wrong with discussing secession.

you can discuss, in private, anything you like. But there are laws prohibiting advocating secession in public, as in putting up banners. Of course, this is another law the PTP supporters have decided doesn't apply to them. Surprise!

Edited by JRSoul
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While the Army is set on going after the separatist red shirts, should they also be rounding up the people 's council and Suthep"s thugs for the same charges. they are advocating the overthrow of an elected government and the installation of an unelected body.

Its not the armys role to protect political views or democracy. It is their role to protect the king, the land, and the thai people. This has been exactly what they have been doing. So before you come here to whine you should know what you are talking about.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Ironically, in other parts of the world, army's also swear to protect the constitution.

The thai army obviously loves the constitution so much they want to keep it all for themselves and not allow anyone else to play with it.

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you know guys maybe something good will come from the unrest the last 4 months

The things that float to the top when I "mull" over what has gone on - key points

- Rice scandal - where have upwards of 600 billion baht gone

- Rice farmers - they need to be paid no matter what happens

- Thaksin - gloating about being paid billions of baht from the people - Thankyou Thai people always my friend

- Amnesty Bill - forgive and forget that I did wrong and stole your money (Thaksin) I am an honest man that is why I'm a multi billionaire - oh and before that bill goes through lets alter it at the last minute - nobody will notice

- Lets change the Senate so they can never stop us, hold a secret vote when they all go home at 4am he he

- Lets get a big loan for a rail service, get it off budget so nobody really understands that we have run out of money after stealing over 600 billion baht from the Thai people- who cares about the farmers they started with nothing and now have even less he he

- these rallies are pissing us off (the reds and PTP) lets hire people to attack them constantly with AK47 and grenades, what about the police ? well that's who we hired, they will allow us through no questions asked

- What about the DSI - joking right

- but 4 children were murdered - it's ok we gave the mama and papa 20k each and told them to mai pen rai - we are redshirt

- what about "bob" found floating in the river - emergency services got there in time (30secs) otherwise he would have drowned at the bottom because his hands and feet were tied

- let's have a separate state - no only joking - names please we know where you live

- Charlerm is our hero - gulp gulp bottle lobotomy

but yingluc says she will stay to the death ................................must be a movie she is going to see

sad farce and a blight on the good people of Thailand

expect to see this post repeated on TV

still haven't mentioned Suthep......oh there it is :)

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oh forgot to mention

That since the 2.2 trillion baht loan was intended for a high speed rail network - once they've paid off the farmers with half of it and installed one rail with the rest they should be able to borrow the balance in a generation and have two rails - will trains really need 2x rails in 100 years ?

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The red supporters on TVF clearly understand that 'impartial' means 'on their side only'

Pathetic! As well as the narrow minded OP.

No mention of the red army being raised on the well documented orders of Charupong the interior minister, or the fact that the real reason that yellows walk free as opposed to reds being locked up, is simply because the yellows are quite reasonable citizens with a point to make, the red shirts are just over the top, violent uneducated thugs having their strings pulled by a criminal in the middle east.

Sod 'presumptuous' .... What is happening at the moment, the army has the right to 'presume' that things will turn very ugly, very soon.

Giving these Thaksin terrorists the 'benefit of the doubt' which is what the OP and the TVF reds condone, is going to prove to have been a massive error of judgement when the time comes and it is obviously too late.

I can't believe you are still allowed on this forum Pepper me, been banned at least 16 times in 3 months, never serve your ban like the rest of us, just re register the next day spewing your bile, 'Thaksin terrorists etc etc. At least some of us take our bans like a man, and respect the rules of the forum. You on the other hand treat the forum with contempt.You are clearly driven, as soon as you receive a ban you are back the next day, re registered, spouting your ill in formed nonsense. Started as Thainy tim in December, morphed through 'Biscuits', 'Nibbles' etc etc. What is in it for you? Your language in most of your posts is clearly inflammatory, how do you get away with it? It baffles me, and i'm sure the rest of us. I seem to recall under one of your pseudonyms you 'Guaranteed' that Yingluck would be gone by January, and your hero Suthep would be in charge! What happened to that 'Guarantee'? My advice to you is stop making a fool of yourself on this forum.

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The red supporters on TVF clearly understand that 'impartial' means 'on their side only'

Pathetic! As well as the narrow minded OP.

No mention of the red army being raised on the well documented orders of Charupong the interior minister, or the fact that the real reason that yellows walk free as opposed to reds being locked up, is simply because the yellows are quite reasonable citizens with a point to make, the red shirts are just over the top, violent uneducated thugs having their strings pulled by a criminal in the middle east.

Sod 'presumptuous' .... What is happening at the moment, the army has the right to 'presume' that things will turn very ugly, very soon.

Giving these Thaksin terrorists the 'benefit of the doubt' which is what the OP and the TVF reds condone, is going to prove to have been a massive error of judgement when the time comes and it is obviously too late.

I can't believe you are still allowed on this forum Pepper me, been banned at least 16 times in 3 months, never serve your ban like the rest of us, just re register the next day spewing your bile, 'Thaksin terrorists etc etc. At least some of us take our bans like a man, and respect the rules of the forum. You on the other hand treat the forum with contempt.You are clearly driven, as soon as you receive a ban you are back the next day, re registered, spouting your ill in formed nonsense. Started as Thainy tim in December, morphed through 'Biscuits', 'Nibbles' etc etc. What is in it for you? Your language in most of your posts is clearly inflammatory, how do you get away with it? It baffles me, and i'm sure the rest of us. I seem to recall under one of your pseudonyms you 'Guaranteed' that Yingluck would be gone by January, and your hero Suthep would be in charge! What happened to that 'Guarantee'? My advice to you is stop making a fool of yourself on this forum.

Whatever guise he is - tell me what is wrong with this posting. Seems sensible and non-inflammatory to me. Perhaps you are a little touchy towards being criticised (especially at this moment of time when Yingluck seems to be running to the hills and hiding all the time, trying to avoid those nasty court people that are out to get her when she has done nothing wrong - her opinion and certainly not mine)!!!!

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I think that this article is far more pretentious than the actions of the Army and is typical of the myopic red ideology.

If no one in authority takes a hard stance against suggestions of secession then we will end up with similar problems that we already have in the South.

Yinglucks caretaker government should have been the first to condemn such rhetoric, however ,she was more worried about sensitizing her loyal lemmings and losing their support.

Keep up son! she already condemned it, not that there's anything wrong with discussing secession.

you can discuss, in private, anything you like. But there are laws prohibiting advocating secession in public, as in putting up banners. Of course, this is another law the PTP supporters have decided doesn't apply to them. Surprise!

What laws are these exactly? If there are indeed such laws, there are equally no doubt laws on sedition prohibiting the unlawful overthrow of an elected government.As always in Thailand some brief consideration of mote and beam is always advisable before spraying insults around.

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The headline for this article is much more appropriate when you cut out the subject and insert 'Yingluck' now thats the truth! If she had done anything she was delegated to do, we would not have a situation that has transpired as such.

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I think that this article is far more pretentious than the actions of the Army and is typical of the myopic red ideology.

If no one in authority takes a hard stance against suggestions of secession then we will end up with similar problems that we already have in the South.

Yinglucks caretaker government should have been the first to condemn such rhetoric, however ,she was more worried about sensitizing her loyal lemmings and losing their support.

Keep up son! she already condemned it, not that there's anything wrong with discussing secession.

you can discuss, in private, anything you like. But there are laws prohibiting advocating secession in public, as in putting up banners. Of course, this is another law the PTP supporters have decided doesn't apply to them. Surprise!

What laws are these exactly? If there are indeed such laws, there are equally no doubt laws on sedition prohibiting the unlawful overthrow of an elected government.As always in Thailand some brief consideration of mote and beam is always advisable before spraying insults around.

If this elected government had behaved itself and not deemed serving one individual as being more important than serving the nation then none of this would have happened.

Do you seriously think that they have done a good job??? it is has been a total disaster from beginning to end (not too far off now, thank god)!!!!!!!!

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you can discuss, in private, anything you like. But there are laws prohibiting advocating secession in public, as in putting up banners. Of course, this is another law the PTP supporters have decided doesn't apply to them. Surprise!

What laws are these exactly? If there are indeed such laws, there are equally no doubt laws on sedition prohibiting the unlawful overthrow of an elected government.As always in Thailand some brief consideration of mote and beam is always advisable before spraying insults around.

If this elected government had behaved itself and not deemed serving one individual as being more important than serving the nation then none of this would have happened.

Do you seriously think that they have done a good job??? it is has been a total disaster from beginning to end (not too far off now, thank god)!!!!!!!!

It's not a question about your view of the current government.In any event millions of Thais take a different view.The government is ready to seek a further mandate from the Thai people but this is not what its opponents want

The real question is whether it is only the supporters of the government, as suggested in your earlier post, that take a cavalier attitude towards the law.I pointed out that this is not the case and would comment further that actual sedition is a graver offence than some loose talk about secession.

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you can discuss, in private, anything you like. But there are laws prohibiting advocating secession in public, as in putting up banners. Of course, this is another law the PTP supporters have decided doesn't apply to them. Surprise!

What laws are these exactly? If there are indeed such laws, there are equally no doubt laws on sedition prohibiting the unlawful overthrow of an elected government.As always in Thailand some brief consideration of mote and beam is always advisable before spraying insults around.

If this elected government had behaved itself and not deemed serving one individual as being more important than serving the nation then none of this would have happened.

Do you seriously think that they have done a good job??? it is has been a total disaster from beginning to end (not too far off now, thank god)!!!!!!!!

It's not a question about your view of the current government.In any event millions of Thais take a different view.The government is ready to seek a further mandate from the Thai people but this is not what its opponents want

The real question is whether it is only the supporters of the government, as suggested in your earlier post, that take a cavalier attitude towards the law.I pointed out that this is not the case and would comment further that actual sedition is a graver offence than some loose talk about secession.

The Dem's are all for elections. The difference being that they want to fix the electoral system first as it is clearly flawed (as this government has shown). Populist policies are in nobody's interest, especially when they fail so spectacularly as they ALL have (not just the rice scam). Without these, PTP wouldn't be in government and the country wouldn't be in such a mess, surely you agree with this.

Suthep's protests have been deemed legal by the courts - entering government buildings is clearly on dodgier ground but sedition is a rather strong charge for obstructing the government from carrying out it's duties (for a good cause, mind you).

When the (caretaker) government minister and other ministers stand up on the stage and rant about creating massive private armies and threaten that there are 10 million pistols waiting for anyone who tries to stop them + Ko Tee's admittance on wanting a separate Lanna state and goading the army with giant posters implying they want secession then this is just a little more than idle chatter or loose talk, as you put it. This is laying down a direct challenge to the army and the courts against the constitution!!!! Now THAT is serious!!!

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What laws are these exactly? If there are indeed such laws, there are equally no doubt laws on sedition prohibiting the unlawful overthrow of an elected government.As always in Thailand some brief consideration of mote and beam is always advisable before spraying insults around.

If this elected government had behaved itself and not deemed serving one individual as being more important than serving the nation then none of this would have happened.

Do you seriously think that they have done a good job??? it is has been a total disaster from beginning to end (not too far off now, thank god)!!!!!!!!

It's not a question about your view of the current government.In any event millions of Thais take a different view.The government is ready to seek a further mandate from the Thai people but this is not what its opponents want

The real question is whether it is only the supporters of the government, as suggested in your earlier post, that take a cavalier attitude towards the law.I pointed out that this is not the case and would comment further that actual sedition is a graver offence than some loose talk about secession.

The Dem's are all for elections. The difference being that they want to fix the electoral system first as it is clearly flawed (as this government has shown). Populist policies are in nobody's interest, especially when they fail so spectacularly as they ALL have (not just the rice scam). Without these, PTP wouldn't be in government and the country wouldn't be in such a mess, surely you agree with this.

Can you advise how exactly the Democrats wish to reform the electoral system bearing in mind all observers comfirmed the last election was fair and properly conducted.As far as I am aware there have been no specific proposals on the electoral process.Clearly there are measures to be taken which would reduce vote buying and similar abuses.However all the evidence demonstrates these are marginal.

Populist policies are a different subject altogether and in any event are pursued to some extent in all democracies.If the Thai people do not want governments to pursue populist policies that benefit the majority, they are at liberty to vote them out of office.

Corruption in the implementation of populist policies is another separate matter, and obviously needs to be investigated and offenders punished.

By conflating several factors the reform process becomes unintelligible.In all honesty I suspect for some that is the purpose.Even though this means gibberish, it is easier to advocate than saying "we don't like elections because we can't win them."

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Because this Thai man below wanted to show others the Truth and speak openly about

Needed changes to Thailand's Constitution & the future changes coming to the Kingdom

he is now in prison (Former stockbroker Khatha Pachachirayapong)

July 2012, Katha submitted a petition to the Constitutional court to rule whether the Computer-Related Crime Act 2550, Article 14 (2) is an unclear law that provides an opportunity for officials to use an unlimited power of discretion.

Of course it is! The law allows Police / Army to charge you with just about anything they can dream up!

All judges on this court are used for censorship of many people’s freedom of speech / conscience.

What next you can't show a photo of the banner, talk over the phone about the banner, e-mail someone

else about the photo of the banner on a Facebook page. Tell someone where you bought the banner so as to have them make one for you ? on and on and on.

Thoughts / Words judged by royalists to be blasphemy.

You can't use your computer to speak freely on many subjects that are openly talked

about on hundreds of sites outside of the Thai Injustice Kingdom. I am sure the NSA is laughing their

A** off at all of the dirt they have saved for some of the Elites / Royalists here. The money trail

must be enormous....I mean 35 $billion big! There will most likely be a time soon (A Real Thai Revolution)

to take them out if they continue to try to control speech and any talk of a Republic with or without a man on top.

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If the Army doesnt react quickly to this talk of secession it will get out of hand. As for it just being something said in anger or frustration i find hard to believe since they have already said this has been in discussion for 6 months.

Now with the Reds recruiting a force of young men who is to say once this force is large enough that they will not take up arms and attempt a real secession.

Since YL and her party has known about their talks of secession it is clear they support this should they lose power here.

This was obvious when the Reds began speaking publically about secession and the PM didnt speak against it for a week. About the same time the RTA started to give warnings to end such talks. I fear that the delays in removing this GOV is only to give the REDS time to make their army and seceede from thailand with YL or Thaksin as their leader.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There will be a lot red heads on a sedition list in the coming months.

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