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EC votes to give 'yellow card' to Sukhumbhand for Bangkok governor election


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EC votes to give 'yellow card' to Sukhumbhand for Bangkok governor election

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission voted Tuesday to disqualify MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra as the winner of the Bangkok governor election a year ago.

The EC voted 3:2 to give a "yellow card" to Sukhumbhand on allegations that he framed his opponent during the election campaigns.

The EC reasoned that there was suspicion that he violated the election laws but there was no strong evidence so the EC decline to give him a red card or disqualify him right away.

The EC instead voted to ask the Court of Appeals Region 1 to order a new election of the Bangkok governor election in which Sukhumbhand could re-contest.

-- The Nation 2014-03-11

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Becasue the EC are Pro-Yellow/Anti-Red... or so the PTP lot tell us... whistling.gif

true... if a red he would have a red card LOL

or perhaps its based on evidence?

The EC reasoned that there was suspicion that he violated the election laws but there was no strong evidence so the EC decline to give him a red card or disqualify him right away.

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That's the job of the EC, and so they've handed out a judgement. One suspects that this will be one ruling that Pheu Thai will not disagree with. And perhaps they'll learn from example when others accept it too. In the meantime, there is a process, and it seems to be working. Doubtless Sukhumbhand will run again, and would be favoured to win. Bangkok remains a steadfastly Democratic party city. In terms of a Pheu Thai candidate, there are any number of Thaksin relatives out there who could contest, outside those who are still donning shorts and a beanie, of course - though the word " elite " might need to be dropped from the campaign vernacular. It's one thing to campaign against them, but it's quite another to campaign against them and be one yourself.

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In a democracy one has to accept the rule of law lest it not be considered a democracy anymore. As much as I do not like this decision it must be respected. That is what people do in democracies, they respect the decisions no matter how much they disagree with them.

I wonder if we will see DEM's say "We will create hell on earth" now this decision has gone against us. I wonder if Abhisit will state "there will be chaos in Thailand now this judgement has gone against us" Of course not. They are democratic and understand the rule of law has to be adhered too lest democracy fail.

However I will behead myself if the DEM's or Abhisit say that. Don't be offended that I said "behead". Apparently it is acceptable for a PTP deputy PM to say it in public so surely it is an acceptable term to use on this forum and in the wider Thai community.

Words are hollow and that is all the PTP have. Actions speak volumes and are a true judge of the person or party. AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them.

I pity the PTP. I mainly pity there supporters that fight for a democracy yet cannot state what the principles of democracy are.

oh suddenly you are a defender of democracy? but support the attempted overthrow of democratic elections? and an unelected 'Peoples Council'? hypocrite

In a democracy one has to accept the OUTCOME and not block elections lest one not be considered a democracy anymore chai mai

Hang on?

Read my post again referring to elections.

BTW - No rebutal on what I actually said? Can't defend that at all?

Edited by djjamie
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In a democracy one has to accept the rule of law lest it not be considered a democracy anymore. As much as I do not like this decision it must be respected. That is what people do in democracies, they respect the decisions no matter how much they disagree with them.

I wonder if we will see DEM's say "We will create hell on earth" now this decision has gone against us. I wonder if Abhisit will state "there will be chaos in Thailand now this judgement has gone against us" Of course not. They are democratic and understand the rule of law has to be adhered too lest democracy fail.

However I will behead myself if the DEM's or Abhisit say that. Don't be offended that I said "behead". Apparently it is acceptable for a PTP deputy PM to say it in public so surely it is an acceptable term to use on this forum and in the wider Thai community.

Words are hollow and that is all the PTP have. Actions speak volumes and are a true judge of the person or party. AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them.

I pity the PTP. I mainly pity there supporters that fight for a democracy yet cannot state what the principles of democracy are.

oh suddenly you are a defender of democracy? but support the attempted overthrow of democratic elections? and an unelected 'Peoples Council'? hypocrite

In a democracy one has to accept the OUTCOME and not block elections lest one not be considered a democracy anymore chai mai

Hang on?

Read my post again referring to elections.

BTW - No rebutal on what I actually said? Can't defend that at all?

you are deluded:

AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy

​they boycotted the elections - don't be absurd 'they taught the PTP how to act in a democracy'

do you live in Thailand? how long have you been here? or are you a tourist who has spent a couple of weeks here and thinks he's an expert? your posts are laughable

There's nothing undemocratic in not standing in an election. Whether it was the right decision or not is another matter but it was their choice to make. At first sight I agree the attempts to stop the election would seem wrong and in many ways I would say they were but then I'd also say that a government seemingly largely controlled by a criminal who didn't stand in the election so didn't get voted for and can't even come into the country isn't quite what I'd call democratic either.

There needs to be reform not just in the election rules and processes but in the judiciary as well, if it's as biased as is claimed.

I do wonder how many decisions have to go against those other than the PTP for them to be not called biased.

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In a democracy one has to accept the rule of law lest it not be considered a democracy anymore. As much as I do not like this decision it must be respected. That is what people do in democracies, they respect the decisions no matter how much they disagree with them.

I wonder if we will see DEM's say "We will create hell on earth" now this decision has gone against us. I wonder if Abhisit will state "there will be chaos in Thailand now this judgement has gone against us" Of course not. They are democratic and understand the rule of law has to be adhered too lest democracy fail.

However I will behead myself if the DEM's or Abhisit say that. Don't be offended that I said "behead". Apparently it is acceptable for a PTP deputy PM to say it in public so surely it is an acceptable term to use on this forum and in the wider Thai community.

Words are hollow and that is all the PTP have. Actions speak volumes and are a true judge of the person or party. AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them. Of all the principles of democracy the DEMS respect all of them, but want to hold of on one (elections) to ensure the remainder are not abused. The PTP want to force one through (elections) to ensure the remainder can be abused.

I pity the PTP. I mainly pity there supporters that fight for a democracy yet cannot state what the principles of democracy are.

AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them. Of all the principles of democracy the DEMS respect all of them, but want to hold of on one (elections) to ensure the remainder are not abused

Is this how to act in a democracy? From Democrat Party MP, now ex MP, Sirichok Chopa's facebook page during the election for Bangkok Governor last year,


Some familiar names in there

... has found cause to suspect. I'm not complaining, but I assume that they spelled out their reasoning a wee bit more than this?

Anyway, it would seem the telephone pole will get a second chance biggrin.png

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oh suddenly you are a defender of democracy? but support the attempted overthrow of democratic elections? and an unelected 'Peoples Council'? hypocrite

In a democracy one has to accept the OUTCOME and not block elections lest one not be considered a democracy anymore chai mai

Hang on?

Read my post again referring to elections.

BTW - No rebutal on what I actually said? Can't defend that at all?

you are deluded:

AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy

all he does is continue to repeat the same "define democracy" line ad nauseum

That's because not one single person from the UDD / PTP side can answer me. You all fight vehemently for democracy (well elections anyway), but not one of you can tell me what the principles of democracy are!

Even Moonao who is a member of MENSA who must have scored a 98th percentile or higher on a standardized, supervised IQ test can't tell me.

That question must not be on the MENSA test then...

After asking binjalin to defend his party against what I said then since he didn't I asked him to define democracy all he can do is belittle me and then change the words around on my statement and STILL not offer valid evidence to back his claim.

​I thought he would jump at the chance to state how the PTP are democratic and offer strong rebuttals? None. Nada. For a PTP that are so democratic the supporters can't really defend their democratic principles let alone state those principles.

Edited by djjamie
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Could it be hitting a few of the Dems/yellows/PDRC first to give an impression of impartiality before hitting the reds with a big red card? It can then be used as an argument for neutrality of the courts/independent bodies ad nauseam. Conspiracy theorists on both sides of the divide could spin this one so many ways.

The PDRC is long claiming that 3 of the 5 members are bought by Thaksin.

The reds are claiming that they are Yellow.

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i do not disagree at all with an overhaul of the judiciary and I am against bias EITHER WAY

the Dems did not stand for election as they would be beaten and their Ex Dep PM sought to BLOCK peoples right to vote. They were 3 years in power and where were the reforms???

whether we like it or not the people must be won over through debate and policies not by saying

"i'm going to lose and so will not play anymore"

The Dems only lose because of their ties to the elite ammart. They breakaway into a REAL opposition and reach out to every-day Thais they would stand a chance but they are viewed by just about everyone I know as the 'Monarchist Party' of the rich elite

The feudal state must and will change over time - this is 2014 not 1714

and THAT is why they lose and lose and lose - not because Thai's love PTP or the Shins but just they hate the BKK rich elite MORE

The Democrats were in power for 2 & 1/2 years and they did make some reforms. Being part of a coalition made it difficult for them to make all the changes that they wanted to make, but they did put a reconciliation committee together that released their report just prior to the 2011 election.

Yingluck seems to have completely ignored all their recommendations though. For some reason she thought that amnesty for Thaksin would bring about reconciliation. How wrong she was!

As to the feudal state, I don't think Thaksin will allow that to change. It's what he bought and what he uses to control and keep his support in the North and North East.

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Hang on?

Read my post again referring to elections.

BTW - No rebutal on what I actually said? Can't defend that at all?

you are deluded:

AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy

I've found it best to ignore Djjamie as all he does is continue to repeat the same "define democracy" line ad nauseum while the anti-democratic ideas of the current protestors. I suspect he's been fed a PDRC 'talking point' which he just repeats.

I think he attends daily.

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rubl, on 11 Mar 2014 - 20:00, said:

... has found cause to suspect. I'm not complaining, but I assume that they spelled out their reasoning a wee bit more than this?

Anyway, it would seem the telephone pole will get a second chance biggrin.png

Is that it?

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In a democracy one has to accept the rule of law lest it not be considered a democracy anymore. As much as I do not like this decision it must be respected. That is what people do in democracies, they respect the decisions no matter how much they disagree with them.

I wonder if we will see DEM's say "We will create hell on earth" now this decision has gone against us. I wonder if Abhisit will state "there will be chaos in Thailand now this judgement has gone against us" Of course not. They are democratic and understand the rule of law has to be adhered too lest democracy fail.

However I will behead myself if the DEM's or Abhisit say that. Don't be offended that I said "behead". Apparently it is acceptable for a PTP deputy PM to say it in public so surely it is an acceptable term to use on this forum and in the wider Thai community.

Words are hollow and that is all the PTP have. Actions speak volumes and are a true judge of the person or party. AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them. Of all the principles of democracy the DEMS respect all of them, but want to hold of on one (elections) to ensure the remainder are not abused. The PTP want to force one through (elections) to ensure the remainder can be abused.

I pity the PTP. I mainly pity there supporters that fight for a democracy yet cannot state what the principles of democracy are.

AGAIN through the DEM's actions they have taught the PTP how to act in a democracy when an unfavorable judgement is made against them. Of all the principles of democracy the DEMS respect all of them, but want to hold of on one (elections) to ensure the remainder are not abused

Is this how to act in a democracy? From Democrat Party MP, now ex MP, Sirichok Chopa's facebook page during the election for Bangkok Governor last year,


Some familiar names in there

Ah the case of the nine advisers versus the proposed 31.

Probably can't have too many.

One democrat I have met.

He did try to negotiate with Abhisit in 2010 to no avail.

Doesn't travel about with an armed guard either.

Perhaps his plans for overhead walkways was not such a bad idea after all. Mind you the PDRC guards wouldn't want you gobbing on them.

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I've found it best to ignore Djjamie as all he does is continue to repeat the same "define democracy" line ad nauseum while the anti-democratic ideas of the current protestors. I suspect he's been fed a PDRC 'talking point' which he just repeats.

You are right arguing with someone who is in love with the Dems and PDRC, but does not understand the issues, is a waste of time thumbsup.gif

I think the majority of intelligent TV posters are against YS ,TS & PT for grand theft though they may not agree with some of the actions and statements of Dems and PDRC. The handful of Red shirt/UDD/PTT/YS/TS supporters live in fanatsyland and will soon get a reality check when more of run away to join dear leader in Dubai

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Have removed a flame & also a post & reply reference to something that should not be discussed.

You should all be well aware fo the LM laws in thailand so do not put thaivisa at risk with comments.

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EC votes for Bangkok governor re-election

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission yesterday voted 3-2 recommending a gubernatorial re-election after finding out that incumbent Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra won the poll on March 3 last year with the help of slanderous campaigns assisted by fellow politicians that gave him an advantage over other candidates.

The EC decision would need to be endorsed by a Court of Appeals ruling before a re-election, which Sukhumbhand could contest, EC chairman Somchai Srisuthiyakorn said. He explained that Sukhumbhand had not been disqualified, or red-carded, because there wasn't sufficient evidence against him for violation of the 2002 local electoral law.

The Court of Appeals Region 1 will make the final decision at a date not yet scheduled.

-- The Nation 2014-03-12

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