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The dreaded five metres

commie Joe

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I went out on the motorbike to do alittle shopping after which I entered the main drag of the road home. As usual the road was jammed up & I just took my time riding along .About 50 yards in front was trafic lights on red so no need for me to up the speed .By the time I was 10 yards away the lights changed this is when a Thai driving a mini bus with some old dear sat next to him starts bibing his horn for me to move over so he could get in the space I had which I call braking distance between me & the car in front. Also at the junction was ballards coming out from the left hand road into & to the end of the first lane that I was in ,these was there so the trafic didn't have to force its way onto the road I was on. So there I was riding in the centre of the lane moving to the outside so as to move into the second lane to go straight forward & this clown was still at it on the horn. I just carried on across the junction & further down the road could move back to the inside lane all the time with this idiot sounding the horn. He moved along side me & opened the passenger window & started mouthing off in Thai . I gave him the bird & invited him to the curbside then he drove over to the 5th lane so he could go over a bridge.

So what is it that they must get that 5 metres to the point where they are pulling their hair out. I have seen so much of this behavior that I wonder what the thought process is. Bibing the horn when stuck in a traffic jam as if the entire mass of cars will disappear at the sound of a horn. This is probley the only country in the world that has a sign to say <deleted> to other drivers by flashing headlights to say you Im not slowing to let you in/cross . They dont even give way for old people or children. Thais seem to turn into just horrible <deleted> behind a wheel.

End of rant

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It's dumb, yeah. I went for a long drive with the GF's brother. He drives like a maniac, and on this trip the road was quite empty. So, cruising along at a leisurely 120kmph, on an open straight, a car pulls onto the road in front of us perhaps a km ahead. Unacceptable! I could see his face and he just wasn't going to have someone be in front of him, so foot goes down and he speeds up to 160 just to make sure he could overtake....once in front, he slowed down to 120 again.

But to be fair, the West has it's fair share of drivers that need to "be in front" no matter what speed the lead car is doing and no matter if both cars will inevitably come to a halt somewhere ahead.

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I had the same experiences with minibus-drivers, i hate them. They just cut you off like you are nothing to them. They can do whatever they want, all people in BKK know they are maffia and protected by police. They also jam very busy highways here while they are waiting for SomJing to come to their van, causing huge trafficjams.

Nobody dares to horn to them, that's how scared they all are. They also park in rows at busy points waiting for customers so the normal bus has to stop on the middle of the road to let passengers in/out. Then the taxi's park behind that bus and chaos is complete.

Minibus drivers are the most selfish people on the roads. They feel safe behind their dark windows and even have a small curtain to hide their face. I will never use them but many girls do.

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I try to follow the advice of the Dali Lama in these situations: just laugh:

Messenger: The Chinese are burning the temples and raping the nuns!

Dali Lama: Ha ha ha ha.


Edited by papa al
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you may be a responsible motorbike driver. Usually often a motor bike will weave in and out of traffic and plant themselves in front of you. Thats right slow down take a look at a girl in the inside lane then cut in front without so much as a look. I have little patience for motorbikers on roads here any more. they seem uninterested in their own safety, hopefully they will be removed from the road by natural selection.

why you may be a responsible driver most are not. I guess the driver had had enough of motorbikes cutting in front and spoiling the rythym

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you may be a responsible motorbike driver. Usually often a motor bike will weave in and out of traffic and plant themselves in front of you. Thats right slow down take a look at a girl in the inside lane then cut in front without so much as a look. I have little patience for motorbikers on roads here any more. they seem uninterested in their own safety, hopefully they will be removed from the road by natural selection.

why you may be a responsible driver most are not. I guess the driver had had enough of motorbikes cutting in front and spoiling the rythym

However I had been in the inside lane & he was the one that moved to the inside lane . He just wanted that extra 5 metres. I like to think I am a safe rider as I never have to rush as I dont work or have anything to rush for. I always look to the side of me ,mirror signal & manover . I apply the same logic as driving my car. I always try to stick to the left however with soi dogs ,carts & cars that get parked almost six feet away from the curb & the taxis that very rarely pull in to stop for a fare & just pull up & block the lane (once I had one pull up in the second lane right along side of me & the fare had to cross the inside lane to get in blocking the inside lane with the door so 2 lanes blocked.).

I see almost every day a accident . The taxi's empty driving like they are in a GP race passing me then only to see a little further down the road them parked up . The rush isn't to get a fare but to park up.

Im sorry for once again ranting about driving/riding here but I just dont understand them . They will never change unless they are educated about the dangers & the correct way to drive. It would also help if the police stopped inside lanes from being blocked people sticking boards with flashing lights in the middle of the road & informing security guards that they have no right to walk out & wave a flag to stop all the traffic in favour of someone from the village they are guarding.

rant no 2 over hahahahaha

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It will also help if they made better roadsigns. Many people almost mix their exit of the highway and then suddenly steer. No indicator or nothing, just steer.

And then the holes or bumps in the roads, many motortaxi's won't ride on that so they just take the opposite lane.

Yep it is a big chaos on the roads and i agree the thai motorbike drivers are very dangerous. They still amaze me how they can go fast between the rows of cars without touching the mirrors. I also do that but not as fast as the Thai and then it is even more dangerous for me because they come from the back as well.

Today my friend in his car did the same route as me, it took him 3 hours and i was at the destination in 20 minutes.

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you may be a responsible motorbike driver. Usually often a motor bike will weave in and out of traffic and plant themselves in front of you. Thats right slow down take a look at a girl in the inside lane then cut in front without so much as a look. I have little patience for motorbikers on roads here any more. they seem uninterested in their own safety, hopefully they will be removed from the road by natural selection.

why you may be a responsible driver most are not. I guess the driver had had enough of motorbikes cutting in front and spoiling the rythym

However I had been in the inside lane & he was the one that moved to the inside lane . He just wanted that extra 5 metres. I like to think I am a safe rider as I never have to rush as I dont work or have anything to rush for. I always look to the side of me ,mirror signal & manover . I apply the same logic as driving my car. I always try to stick to the left however with soi dogs ,carts & cars that get parked almost six feet away from the curb & the taxis that very rarely pull in to stop for a fare & just pull up & block the lane (once I had one pull up in the second lane right along side of me & the fare had to cross the inside lane to get in blocking the inside lane with the door so 2 lanes blocked.).

I see almost every day a accident . The taxi's empty driving like they are in a GP race passing me then only to see a little further down the road them parked up . The rush isn't to get a fare but to park up.

Im sorry for once again ranting about driving/riding here but I just dont understand them . They will never change unless they are educated about the dangers & the correct way to drive. It would also help if the police stopped inside lanes from being blocked people sticking boards with flashing lights in the middle of the road & informing security guards that they have no right to walk out & wave a flag to stop all the traffic in favour of someone from the village they are guarding.

rant no 2 over hahahahaha


No dig intended whatsoever, but if you own a car, I suggest you use it and leave the bike at home.

I frequently tell my wife to only drive the car.

It's just safer that way.

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you may be a responsible motorbike driver. Usually often a motor bike will weave in and out of traffic and plant themselves in front of you. Thats right slow down take a look at a girl in the inside lane then cut in front without so much as a look. I have little patience for motorbikers on roads here any more. they seem uninterested in their own safety, hopefully they will be removed from the road by natural selection.

why you may be a responsible driver most are not. I guess the driver had had enough of motorbikes cutting in front and spoiling the rythym

However I had been in the inside lane & he was the one that moved to the inside lane . He just wanted that extra 5 metres. I like to think I am a safe rider as I never have to rush as I dont work or have anything to rush for. I always look to the side of me ,mirror signal & manover . I apply the same logic as driving my car. I always try to stick to the left however with soi dogs ,carts & cars that get parked almost six feet away from the curb & the taxis that very rarely pull in to stop for a fare & just pull up & block the lane (once I had one pull up in the second lane right along side of me & the fare had to cross the inside lane to get in blocking the inside lane with the door so 2 lanes blocked.).

I see almost every day a accident . The taxi's empty driving like they are in a GP race passing me then only to see a little further down the road them parked up . The rush isn't to get a fare but to park up.

Im sorry for once again ranting about driving/riding here but I just dont understand them . They will never change unless they are educated about the dangers & the correct way to drive. It would also help if the police stopped inside lanes from being blocked people sticking boards with flashing lights in the middle of the road & informing security guards that they have no right to walk out & wave a flag to stop all the traffic in favour of someone from the village they are guarding.

rant no 2 over hahahahaha


No dig intended whatsoever, but if you own a car, I suggest you use it and leave the bike at home.

I frequently tell my wife to only drive the car.

It's just safer that way.

I find driving a car in BKK at perticulars times a nightmare so use the bike & then when the roads are clear I think bike. I only really use the car if going a fair distance or need it to carry things. My GF don't like to use any even though shes got licences. I think she feels intiminated by crazy drivers. So she uses public transport & them crazy minibus's. The car is coming up to 4 years old & has only done 22k kilometres. It is rare that I ride at busy times this case being more the exception than the rule I usually wait till the roads get quite & then I like the wind in my hair . Maybe I should buy a convertable but the prices are scandlous .smile.png

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you may be a responsible motorbike driver. Usually often a motor bike will weave in and out of traffic and plant themselves in front of you. Thats right slow down take a look at a girl in the inside lane then cut in front without so much as a look. I have little patience for motorbikers on roads here any more. they seem uninterested in their own safety, hopefully they will be removed from the road by natural selection.

why you may be a responsible driver most are not. I guess the driver had had enough of motorbikes cutting in front and spoiling the rythym

However I had been in the inside lane & he was the one that moved to the inside lane . He just wanted that extra 5 metres. I like to think I am a safe rider as I never have to rush as I dont work or have anything to rush for. I always look to the side of me ,mirror signal & manover . I apply the same logic as driving my car. I always try to stick to the left however with soi dogs ,carts & cars that get parked almost six feet away from the curb & the taxis that very rarely pull in to stop for a fare & just pull up & block the lane (once I had one pull up in the second lane right along side of me & the fare had to cross the inside lane to get in blocking the inside lane with the door so 2 lanes blocked.).

I see almost every day a accident . The taxi's empty driving like they are in a GP race passing me then only to see a little further down the road them parked up . The rush isn't to get a fare but to park up.

Im sorry for once again ranting about driving/riding here but I just dont understand them . They will never change unless they are educated about the dangers & the correct way to drive. It would also help if the police stopped inside lanes from being blocked people sticking boards with flashing lights in the middle of the road & informing security guards that they have no right to walk out & wave a flag to stop all the traffic in favour of someone from the village they are guarding.

rant no 2 over hahahahaha

yeah, just to stress you may be a responsible driver, but if the emotion catches up on a driver, - I remember reading a stat on a common cause a accidents happening when someone has just had an argument with spouse- then they will not be thinking about the responsible driver. I would not risk the bkk roads on a bike, I've seen too many results of it. I even remember one morning an empty road, except for taxi next to bike and 3 bodies with heads covered, at 5 am, not even congested,

what can you do about the illegal u turn? truck ignores fast moving traffic and slowly obstructs entire road to make that turn, in a car at least I know I have some protection and thank modern tech that lets the emergency breaking work without a slide even in rain. with a bike what are you going to do? only option is to bail out sideways in the hope that friction saves you

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A girl friend once told me that if I was out of work I could always get a job as a taxi driver - that was my style of driving - changing lanes to try and get ahead.

But, this year in Thailand (I'm 66 now and retire to our land there in less than 2 years) I decided to pretend I was retired with all the time in the world.

Instead of wanting to be in the fast lane - I do still enjoy driving fast, I moved into the slow lane, slowed down to 80 or 90 kph and just tootled along.

(I'm talking about Petchabun province where route 21 is 4 lane, has little traffic, and is well maintained).

Wow - this is so relaxing. No need to worry about the "Top Guns" screaming up behind me, lights flashing, wanting to blast past in their Mercedes and Fortuners at 150 or more.

Took very little longer to get to places, gave me much better mileage and I could relax.

Can't wait to retire now and enjoy Thailand full time.

Maybe I should have slowed down years ago. It's fun.

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