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Yingluck tells CNN "govt’s rice scheme launched for farmers' benefit"


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You are correct, and being ultra nice.... Kentucky State is a no-name DUMP.... it is often compared to the more famous state college University of Kentucky, which is known for its outstanding basketball program and mediocre academics.

Anyone can apply and get into a school like Kentucky State.... my dog could apply and get in. Anyone who stands on two legs and who can speak a few words of English is shoe-in scholar....

Most Thais go to these type of third rate schools.... they just don't have the educational background or intelligence to even crack a name brand college... probably less than .001% of the Thais applying to schools in England and the U.S. go to any top or secondary tier school.... otherwise they go to university in Australia or a third rate dump like Kentucky State.

Have any of the negative respondents seen the interview?

No? I am not surprised.

i watched mondays...and she spoke in Thai...........WHY?....i thought she had a masters in English...


She has a masters in public administration from Kentucky State U, a rather crap state college that needs to accept low quality foreign masters degree students to subsidise the in-state bachelors degree students that they are legally obliged to take in at rock bottom fees. Her brother also did his masters there. The public administration she learned there obviously didn't include good governance.

Most western universities that do trade in foreign students have two standards for issuing degrees - local standard (high) and foreign standard (crap). Not being facetious, that's the reality of it.

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The farmers are only used as a tool for PT government to enrich themselves through massive corruption. Of all the money spend on this scheme, only 18% ends up in the hands of the farmers (when they get paid). I bet she didn't tell CNN that part.

unfortunetly i think exactly the same..poor blind thai people who beleive this government or others before is helping them....what they are doing is making the rich ..richer and the poor ...poorer..thats all! thats where the 6 or 7 % anual growth is.

a total disaster that the next generation will have to pay...! like in venezuela or cuba or russia or ukrain or greece the all country is under coruption affairs and they can not get rid of it ...... it is a virus that the majority of thai is not fighting....they don't see where the problem is...they don't get it.

another thing make me crasy...religion is so important to them.

in the government they are all budhist ...or most of them ....so how can a budhist person actuate like they do....for what do they go to the temple and for what do they pray so seriously ? if they do exactly what budhism tell them not ot do...

well too much thinking is no good anyway ...so good luck to everybody


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When asked about the case that she was being charged by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in relation to the rice mortgage program, Miss Yingluck said she had yet to be found guilty as the investigation was still underway.

Thought Thai laws were exactly the opposite. Guilty until proven innocent?

​And even the big brother is upset about your wrongdoing. Better watch out and move to Dubai. -coffee1.gif

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She did this, she said that,hard talk and CBS and BBC and on and on.......

But she is still there SUCKERS!!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Since when was she on hard talk? Abhisit was.

Suckers are the voters who voted foolishly for PTP, everything failed miserably, they reaped no benefits, and still haven't learned their lesson. Now that's a sucker. The grand daddy of all suckers is that PTP are democratic- now that's a funny thought.

Edited by gemini81
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She did this, she said that,hard talk and CBS and BBC and on and on.......

But she is still there SUCKERS!!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Since when was she on hard talk? Abhisit was.

Suckers are the voters who voted foolishly for PTP, everything failed miserably, they reaped no benefits, and still haven't learned their lesson. Now that's a sucker. The grand daddy of all suckers is that PTP are democratic- now that's a funny thought.

I can assure everyone that Yingluck would never ever contemplate going on Hard Talk as she would be annihilated by Stephen Sakur.

She has openly admitted that she doesn't know what she is talking about and cannot debate - she has been called weak by Thaksin and is basically a useless piece of s*** if the truth is to be known!!!

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She did this, she said that,hard talk and CBS and BBC and on and on.......

But she is still there SUCKERS!!!!!cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

Since when was she on hard talk? Abhisit was.

Suckers are the voters who voted foolishly for PTP, everything failed miserably, they reaped no benefits, and still haven't learned their lesson. Now that's a sucker. The grand daddy of all suckers is that PTP are democratic- now that's a funny thought.

I can assure everyone that Yingluck would never ever contemplate going on Hard Talk as she would be annihilated by Stephen Sakur.

She has openly admitted that she doesn't know what she is talking about and cannot debate - she has been called weak by Thaksin and is basically a useless piece of s*** if the truth is to be known!!!

She wasn't. She'd get owned in .5 seconds. 'lostinsurin' lied again. Guess its contagious if your heroes are PTP, eh?

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She is a treasure and is somehow managing to hold the country together in the face of these rascals and scallywags. I thought she did very well. She is not a career politician and would probably much rather be doing something else. She is to be commended for her sacrifices on behalf of the people..

I think the rice farmers should be commended for their sacrifices on behalf of the government. Going from low income to no income is extremely partisan and shows how much they value the government they elected.

The Shins should show their gratitude and also display new items purchased with the farmers' money on YL's Isaan tours. They would get many appreciative oohs and aahs, hugs and tears of joy when red shirts saw the impressive array of Ferraris, Louis Vuitton and Hermes bags, not to mention photographs of tasteful overseas mansions. The starvation and suicides would all seem worth it.

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She forgot to say that the really poor farmers do not get to participate as they do not have enough land.

Exactly. The poorest rice farmer sells his rice to the ' rice barons ' and gets around 1,100 baht per sack if he's lucky. The ' rice barons ' sell it to the government for about 1500 baht per sack. So how does this ' scheme ' benefit the farmer ? Still, at least the poor farmer has probably got his money albeit a lot less than the PM thinks he actually gets paid for it. And she, the PM, was in Isaan last week, I wonder if anyone explained this to her ?

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She is a treasure and is somehow managing to hold the country together in the face of these rascals and scallywags. I thought she did very well. She is not a career politician and would probably much rather be doing something else. She is to be commended for her sacrifices on behalf of the people..

Be careful my friend. It appears you have assumed the role of Romeo in William Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet with Yingluck being Juliet and we all know how that ended.

“One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun

Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun.”

--- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

"..striving to better, oft we marr what's well.." King Lear Act 5, Scene 3 ( maybe the Duke of Albany)

In this case, I would say be careful what you wish for. the PTP govt is far from perfect, everyone acknowledges that: some lousy policies, some corruption, some 'colourful' characters would should not be in politics. ON BALANCE, they have been reasonable, much better than any govt from the other side ( unless you go back to Prem's time).

I'm amused by the number of foreigners shrieking about the Shin family, seemingly completely oblivious to the history of "the others" when in office. Yingluck has done a good job, hamstrung by court decisions of very questionable merit. She deserves another term. She will get it ( if she wants it).

The same shriekers applauded the arab spring in egypt and abandoned Mubarak and supported the opposition in Syria....simple answers to complex questions, just as we are seeing now in respect of Thailand

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Looking good, looking good, keep smiling. Useless as a PM but looking good. Now let's sum it up:

The one tablet for all scheme...nay thing

The Guaranteed rubber price, failure (Malaysia is taking over)

The Lamyai price, no one can afford and all the North started growing lamyai

The rice scheme, farmers still have to get paid, we all pay for expensive rice in the shops, warehouses are full of

rice that is being eaten by termites and Vietnam is now the biggest exporter.

Great job for the farmers!

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So why have the farmers not been paid??whistling.gif

Did CNN ask her ???

BBC Hardtalk is the one that would stump her lock stock and barrel ---Steve S. or Janeab.

The government needs time to sort out all the payments--for gods sake it's only been 7 months give them a chancewhistling.gif

All those shows are a bit weak really. They always end up letting the interviewees off the hook if they twist for long enough.

I'd like to see a show where the politicians receive an electric shock every time they try to dodge a question by waffling about something completely different.

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"..striving to better, oft we marr what's well.." King Lear Act 5, Scene 3 ( maybe the Duke of Albany)

In this case, I would say be careful what you wish for. the PTP govt is far from perfect, everyone acknowledges that: some lousy policies, some corruption, some 'colourful' characters would should not be in politics. ON BALANCE, they have been reasonable, much better than any govt from the other side ( unless you go back to Prem's time).

I'm amused by the number of foreigners shrieking about the Shin family, seemingly completely oblivious to the history of "the others" when in office. Yingluck has done a good job, hamstrung by court decisions of very questionable merit. She deserves another term. She will get it ( if she wants it).

The same shriekers applauded the arab spring in egypt and abandoned Mubarak and supported the opposition in Syria....simple answers to complex questions, just as we are seeing now in respect of Thailand

On balance........I think you have your meaty thumb on the scale.

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When asked about the case that she was being charged by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in relation to the rice mortgage program, Miss Yingluck said she had yet to be found guilty as the investigation was still underway.

thought Thai laws were exactly the opposite. Guilty until proven innocent?

​And even the big brother is upset about your wrongdoing. Better watch out aTnd move to Dubai. -coffee1.gif

thought Thai laws were exactly the opposite. Guilty until proven innocent?

I thought the same, but I suppose that only applies to the Hisos and the the Elite!

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"..striving to better, oft we marr what's well.." King Lear Act 5, Scene 3 ( maybe the Duke of Albany)

In this case, I would say be careful what you wish for. the PTP govt is far from perfect, everyone acknowledges that: some lousy policies, some corruption, some 'colourful' characters would should not be in politics. ON BALANCE, they have been reasonable, much better than any govt from the other side ( unless you go back to Prem's time).

I'm amused by the number of foreigners shrieking about the Shin family, seemingly completely oblivious to the history of "the others" when in office. Yingluck has done a good job, hamstrung by court decisions of very questionable merit. She deserves another term. She will get it ( if she wants it).

The same shriekers applauded the arab spring in egypt and abandoned Mubarak and supported the opposition in Syria....simple answers to complex questions, just as we are seeing now in respect of Thailand

I thought it funny that you used a quote from the Bard in your defense of the Shinawatra regime.

What about this one, also from King Lear, it suits Ying and BB :

“No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison:

We two alone will sing like birds i' the cage:

When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down,

And ask of thee forgiveness: so we'll live,

And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh

At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues

Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too,

Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out;

And take upon's the mystery of things,

As if we were God's spies: and we'll wear out,

In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones,

That ebb and flow by the moon.”

And another, tailor made for BB :

“The prince of darkness is a gentleman!”

Yingluck has done a good job, hamstrung by court decisions of very questionable merit. She deserves another term. She will get it ( if she wants it).

Your defense of this evil family, namely Yingluck, is becoming pathetic now. Give it away and find another cause to wave the flag for. whistling.gif

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