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Suthep to call largest rally ever in Bangkok next few days


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First four paragraphs final push wowie! guess he really means it

We know it is coming ... the judicial coup... no governmet in Thailand can evade that be it Red or yellow or pink they are all corrupt beyond the pale but this guy really cracks me up... sad really... he is so farcical it humors me... at the expense of the Thai people...

"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime," Suthep said.

Might suggest a look in the mirror old boy


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i just booked my tciket to come to bangkok after he stopped the other rallies. Now more rallies? Might as well go to Patts

trust me buddy avoid bkk theres alot of pissed of thais and alot of heavy traffic, just head straight to patts from the airport save yourself the grief have a safe trip smile.png

I think the traffic is better. Sukhimvit very quiet. Can get a seat at a bar no probs. Hotels at a reasonable price. Sorry I tend to avoid Pattaya like the plague.

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The Constitutional Court's long-awaited ruling today on the 2 trillion baht bill will be a seminal event and the first major volley in the series of legal challenges that the former Yingluck administration faces. If the Constitutional Court deems it unconstitutional, Suthep's suspicions regarding Pheu Thai's response will be spot on. If he is, and Pheu Thai defies the court once again, then that establishes a precedent too frightening to contemplate - a situation where a Constitutional Court ruling is simply ignored, and law itself is seen to be dismiss-able. That is the climate that Pheu Thai and the UDD have been so careful to prepare. It should scare everyone. So, the focus should not be whether Suthep manages to get hundreds of thousands on the streets or even only three or four people. This has never been about Suthep, or the numbers on the streets, or the numbers of tents erected in Lumpini Park. If it was, this movement would have been a non-event from the word go. It hasn't though, and that is because it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers. And the thing about what the PDRC has been consistently right about, and why they have struck such a deep chord in Thai society - is that each day we see actions from Pheu Thai that illuminate the very abuses of power that the PDRC speaks of. Todays' ruling - and Pheu Thai's reaction to it - will indeed be the game-changer. And for those who are skeptical about how the public feels about this throughout the county - need only cast your minds back to the days and weeks following the passing of Thaksin's amnesty bill in the middle of the night.

Quote: " it is a movement of beliefs, not numbers"

Yes Scampi, for once you admit the truth. The belief is the the amart has to control the country. That ordinary Thais are not part of this belief system is indicated by the lack of numbers supporting Suthep and his backers. The protest sites are now occupied only by those paid to be there. Ordinary Thais have sussed out Suthep long ago.

Hold on, you can't say that. You will hurt the feelings of some on TVF that claims the "majority" does not support the current Govt.

He is absolutely correct... the vast majority do not support this government and wait patiently for their ultimate removal and hopefully some very long prison sentences as a bonus.

8 million votes from the 40 million who were able to vote. is 20% of the popular vote.

The other 8 million in BKK and the south have yet to vote and I doubt the PTP will get a single extra vote. So about 15% want them and 85% don't.

But then again I assume this math is not above you... It is just another case of lying when you have no defense. Your 'Thainess' is blooming.

Edited by PepperMe
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Maybe we can start a 'closest to the pin' contest here on Thai Visa where we all take a shot at predicting how many will join the rally, with George putting up some prizes from website sponsors.

If it's the PDRC or some roided up bombers fan reporting the numbers then I predict 17.8 million... coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

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I think I know why Suthep's Final Pushes have failed - he does not know that it's a tug-of-war battle, and he's holding a piece of rope.

So instead of pushing on the rope again and again and getting nowhere, he should be pulling it. Problem solved!

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Oh, Jeeze, yet Another Final Push? How many does that make now? 5? 10? More? Wish someone would give him a "final push" into a klong with the rest of the garbage.

Excuse me. May I ask you something? Suthep is trying to make a difference to the dirty Thaksin politics that has ruined and divided Thailand. He has categorically stated that he wants no part in a new proper democracy. This is a person trying to make a difference and change things. Would you like everything to remain as it is with the Thaksin family increasingly controlling every aspect of Thai life for their own personal benefit? Are people who try to make a difference, in the face of the most violent opposition, really 'garnage'? Have you ever tried to change tings for the better for your fellow humans? Just asking.

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Whatever the rights and wrongs of this government, and previous corrupt governments, democracy is the ony way forward. Suthep is advocating anarchy, nothing else. It is up to the people to decide which government they want. As corruption is endemic in Thailand, they are all used to it and generally accept it as part of life here.

I'm not saying that I condone corruption, exactly the opposite, but how are you going to rid this country of it when all politicians are in power to line their own pockets. Politicians - can't live with them, can't live without them!

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Why doesn't Suthip run for office in the Next General Election and Via for Prime Ministership That way he can have as many final pushes as he likes

Good luck on the vote you where never a democrat anyways You like fascism

Lets overthrow the United Nations Suthip What a goal That will be the final push

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For one time, since Suthep and his movement(s) begun his protests, I hope he can really win and establish his council.

I really want to see who still glorifies him for make a difference against Shinawatras corruption will cheer him if he will be in the people council, if the new council or government fail to win corruption (as it's easy to foresee), and if they will finally admit that this was nothing else but a war for power.

Because that's it.

Yingluck and clan are clinging into power, and Suthep and who backs him want to get power (and pot money associated to it)...

There's no easy way out.

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Why doesn't Suthip run for office in the Next General Election and Via for Prime Ministership That way he can have as many final pushes as he likes

Good luck on the vote you where never a democrat anyways You like fascism

Lets overthrow the United Nations Suthip What a goal That will be the final push

Overthrow the United Nations - seriously man, put the crack pipe down!

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Suthep... do you realize how many people are trying to earn a living in Bangkok's hospitality industry?

You tried this many times already, it didn't work and it wont work this time either... surely you've got enough publicity by now....

if the people think what you are offering is really better than the current lot, then they can vote for you next time

and if the people dont support you then the power grab isnt going to last but will just lead to more disruption & death, so whats the point?

Edited by brit1984
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15 unsuccessful final pushes to get rid of the Shins on one side and as many empty promises and next week delays to pay the farmers on the other.

I give up on the clowns on both sides in their stupid attempts to run this circus.

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"those who passed it should show responsibility to resign if it was rejected as practiced by all legislatives in the world, but he said this caretaker would again show no responsibility, he said." Other government administrations don't resign just because offered legislation doesn't pass. Suthep best stick to how Thailand law works and forget about trying to make paralelles to real democracies.

"With such possibility of defiance of the law, of the court, and repeated wrongdoings, it was necessary to have a final push to overthrow the regime, Suthep said." So Suthep sees himself as the legal law enforcement and Court of the land to decide guilt and punishment, even without the use of his People's Committee. He is about as fascist as was Mussoulini.

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