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Footage of Thai govt spokeswoman Sunisa's capture released


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now we're clearly aware we live among beasts, what is the best way of dealing with these ill-educated monsters and burdens upon society?

Send them to Issan, and deprive them of their vote I say.


What makes you think we want them.

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I somehow don't believe for one minute she set this up, she was far from being protected, and some of you are in clear denial that there was any wrongdoing here.

Simple, if she was being protected why was she held for ANY length of time, when her car was less than 10 mintes away?

Why was she not "escorted" rather than "manhandled" , if they were wanting to "protect her" then they'd have positioned themselves to form a barrier, not close in on her like that.One man would have been able to provide "close protection"

Again, why would she need protecting from a peaceful protest?

denial isn't just a river in Egypyt !!

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nice people , kidnappers

enter the Fruitcake supporters to tell us all what a peaceful lot the protesters are

I think you might be the fruitcake. Most of the protesters were and are peaceful but there are always those that aren't. Then you get the ones as seen on the video who just seem like mentally challenged cowards.

It was the same in 2010 where most redshirts were peaceful but then there were some who thought they were armed freedom fighters who were encouraged to be violent by their leaders.

You really need to look more closely.

You are quite right. The majority of the people on both sides are peaceful. You have the radicals on both side causing trouble. Suthep's side are not drinking holy water and the red side is not either. Both sides in my opinion are throwing grenades and shooting. Both sides are equally responsible for deaths. It takes a man and a woman to produce to a baby.

This incident has been clearly recorded on CCTV. The typical thai pack mentality against a lone person. Yes it happens with the jet ski operators, the tuk tuk and taxi operators who are probably reds tho not confirmed. This pack mentality is just a thai trait across the board.

To say yellows would never do this is wrong, to say reds would never do this is wrong. The yellow thugs have been caught on film.

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I somehow don't believe for one minute she set this up, she was far from being protected, and some of you are in clear denial that there was any wrongdoing here.

Simple, if she was being protected why was she held for ANY length of time, when her car was less than 10 mintes away?

Why was she not "escorted" rather than "manhandled" , if they were wanting to "protect her" then they'd have positioned themselves to form a barrier, not close in on her like that.One man would have been able to provide "close protection"

Again, why would she need protecting from a peaceful protest?

denial isn't just a river in Egypyt !!

The very moment she/he or any other person says I am leaving and they are stopped by anyone especially a group of male against a female and not allowed their freedom that is false imprisonment. If you remove that person from that location against their will to another location then that is abduction/////kidnapping. If that person is in fear then that is an assault. If that person sustains any injury ie bruising then it is a serious assault.

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If this were a member of my family I'd be pissed, very pissed, but the last thing I'd be doing is slagging her off or lecturing her for being stupid, not a single member here should be second guessing what could have happened as to what did happen as they, and I'll include myself in this, as we were NOT there, none of us knew the atmospherics of the crowds in the protests, or the what the mood of the guards were.

I'll leave you all to cast your minds back to the reporter Lara Logan's ordeal during the Egyptian uprising, where she never in her lifetime imagined that what happened to her suddenly came out of nowhere.

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Not to worry the Courts will do their job and toss out the charges

These are anti goverment protestors after all and as such cannot be held accountable for their actions.


Not to worry... Nobody will ever be arrested for the now more that 90 acts of attempted murder / actual murder including blowing up little children / assaults on elderly protesters at a temple / secession / raising illegal armies.... etc etc.....

This also occurred 2 days after the fatal bomb blast killed one woman and 2 children outside Big C in Ratchadamri less than a KM away.... What the hell is she doing in a protest site at such a sensitive and high security time? Also other (much more credible sources than this Thaksin funded and totally bias rag) reported that she had phoned reporters in advance to meet her there, there were also witness reports that before this happened she was seen taunting protesters....... So she was clearly setting herself up for this.

If you go to a music festival for example, you can be detained by the security there if you are suspected of wrongdoing. No difference here. The lack of police protection and in some cases police are under suspicion of actually allowing people in and out of the areas to conduct the attacks. Is it any wonder that guards are forced to do all their own security?

As far as I am concerned this has been a total setup from the word go.

This silly girl should realize that we are in the middle of a big 'power shift' and she has now put herself up as a top level member of 'the enemy'. She should watch her back..... This is Thailand.

Nothing here to incriminate these guards.... simply doing their jobs at the most sensitive time and sensitive place where attacks and murders were at their peak. They seemed to handle her much the same as shop staff would handle you if suspected of shoplifting.. I see no more than 'reasonable force'. It was reported by witnesses that she struggled with the guards, and so they used 'reasonable force'.

Of all the skin care shops in BKK, she had to into one in the heart of a protest site, at the most critically sensitive time, and called reporters in advance....... Lol....... silly girl.

By the time her case comes to court, there will be no PTP control, it will be thrown out and she could find herself convicted of deliberately causing the situation.

Indeed, judging by the tenor of several of your recent posts, which do dwell with much relish on the prospect of imprisoning anyone you see as a political opponent, she will probably end up in some sort of re-education camp. Mind you, I seem to recall that you envisage a similar fate for several of us!

Happy days...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Not to worry the Courts will do their job and toss out the charges

These are anti goverment protestors after all and as such cannot be held accountable for their actions.


Not to worry... Nobody will ever be arrested for the now more that 90 acts of attempted murder / actual murder including blowing up little children / assaults on elderly protesters at a temple / secession / raising illegal armies.... etc etc.....

This also occurred 2 days after the fatal bomb blast killed one woman and 2 children outside Big C in Ratchadamri less than a KM away.... What the hell is she doing in a protest site at such a sensitive and high security time? Also other (much more credible sources than this Thaksin funded and totally bias rag) reported that she had phoned reporters in advance to meet her there, there were also witness reports that before this happened she was seen taunting protesters....... So she was clearly setting herself up for this.

If you go to a music festival for example, you can be detained by the security there if you are suspected of wrongdoing. No difference here. The lack of police protection and in some cases police are under suspicion of actually allowing people in and out of the areas to conduct the attacks. Is it any wonder that guards are forced to do all their own security?

As far as I am concerned this has been a total setup from the word go.

This silly girl should realize that we are in the middle of a big 'power shift' and she has now put herself up as a top level member of 'the enemy'. She should watch her back..... This is Thailand.

Nothing here to incriminate these guards.... simply doing their jobs at the most sensitive time and sensitive place where attacks and murders were at their peak. They seemed to handle her much the same as shop staff would handle you if suspected of shoplifting.. I see no more than 'reasonable force'. It was reported by witnesses that she struggled with the guards, and so they used 'reasonable force'.

Of all the skin care shops in BKK, she had to into one in the heart of a protest site, at the most critically sensitive time, and called reporters in advance....... Lol....... silly girl.

By the time her case comes to court, there will be no PTP control, it will be thrown out and she could find herself convicted of deliberately causing the situation.

Indeed, judging by the tenor of several of your recent posts, which do dwell with much relish on the prospect of imprisoning anyone you see as a political opponent, she will probably end up in some sort of re-education camp. Mind you, I seem to recall that you envisage a similar fate for several of us!

Happy days...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe not a re education camp, but rounding up anyone who has spoken to a red supporter in a 7/11 or any market stall will be sent to a specific camp and numbered. Can't have anyone who threatens Suthep walking free.

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I don't support any party on here and laugh at everyone accusing each other that their personal party killed more.

I relation to the poor kids where is the evidence and facts to prove that either party slaughtered them. I know you have all done your extensive and complete forensic examinations gathered all witnesses and presented your case to different courts where they have been found guilty and not guilty respectively.

Can we please wait until the actual court and not the virtual court hands down it's guilty/not Guilty verdict on the accused that have been arrested and charged.

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I didn't realise that Sunisa had gone walkabout right in the middle of PDRC tent encampment. She must need her head examined to do that after appearing on TV sitting with Chalarm and Surapong under the CMPO logo making unenforceable pronouncements about the protestors. It is not as if she was wearing a disguise. She is lucky they didn't throw her hog tied intp the Bangkapong River with a tricolour cravat round her neck.

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If this were a member of my family I'd be pissed, very pissed, but the last thing I'd be doing is slagging her off or lecturing her for being stupid, not a single member here should be second guessing what could have happened as to what did happen as they, and I'll include myself in this, as we were NOT there, none of us knew the atmospherics of the crowds in the protests, or the what the mood of the guards were.

Alright, no second guessing, we weren't there, we don't know.


I'll leave you all to cast your minds back to the reporter Lara Logan's ordeal during the Egyptian uprising, where she never in her lifetime imagined that what happened to her suddenly came out of nowhere.

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I guess by your assinine comment then, that you're not aware of what happened to Lara Logan, in her own words at the hands of a male mob in Egypt then? And that she was rescued from a very nasty situation by some women, and soldiers, nothing speculative at all on my post there, all facts as to what happened to her are a matter of public record, and from her own graphic accounts.

When I said that she never imagined that the crowd would have turned on her and severly sexually assualted her I fail to see what your point was by highlight what happened to Lara Logan.

That point was in reference to a crowd of males, who suddenly without warning turned into a frenzied mob, who's sole intent wasn't to get her autograph!!! And who ripped her clothing from her persons and severly sexually assaulted her!!!

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I don't support any party on here and laugh at everyone accusing each other that their personal party killed more.

I relation to the poor kids where is the evidence and facts to prove that either party slaughtered them. I know you have all done your extensive and complete forensic examinations gathered all witnesses and presented your case to different courts where they have been found guilty and not guilty respectively.

Can we please wait until the actual court and not the virtual court hands down it's guilty/not Guilty verdict on the accused that have been arrested and charged.

That's part of the problem Chooka.

The investigative, detection and apprehension prowess of the RTP only appears to work on those opposing PTP, UDD and red shirts.

They ain't charged one single person for any offense against anti-PTP campaigners. Even the woman caught driving the car from which shots were fired, the off duty policeman caught firing from a motorbike and 4 guys caught with guns and grenades (released as their intentions were good and they only had these things for self defense!). The man lobbing grenades caught on CCTV - never caught by the RTP though.

Even the most generous person can't really think its just coincidence that attackers on red shirts are caught quickly whilst not one single attacker of protesters has been charged, can they?

So don't hold your breath - bloody long wait before any body will ever be charged.

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I guess by your assinine comment then, that you're not aware of what happened to Lara Logan, in her own words at the hands of a male mob in Egypt then? And that she was rescued from a very nasty situation by some women, and soldiers, nothing speculative at all on my post there, all facts as to what happened to her are a matter of public record, and from her own graphic accounts.

When I said that she never imagined that the crowd would have turned on her and severly sexually assualted her I fail to see what your point was by highlight what happened to Lara Logan.

That point was in reference to a crowd of males, who suddenly without warning turned into a frenzied mob, who's sole intent wasn't to get her autograph!!! And who ripped her clothing from her persons and severly sexually assaulted her!!!

An appalling sexual assault on Lara Logan by a mob whose views towards women and Western women in particular are very different form ours. Disgraceful and she was very lucky indeed.

However, as AFAIK there has not been any allegations of sexual assault against any of the Thais involved in this case. The lady involved has filed assault and illegal detention complaints, but not filed any complaints alleging assaults of a sexual nature.

Very different circumstances.

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I guess by your assinine comment then, that you're not aware of what happened to Lara Logan, in her own words at the hands of a male mob in Egypt then? And that she was rescued from a very nasty situation by some women, and soldiers, nothing speculative at all on my post there, all facts as to what happened to her are a matter of public record, and from her own graphic accounts.

When I said that she never imagined that the crowd would have turned on her and severly sexually assualted her I fail to see what your point was by highlight what happened to Lara Logan.

That point was in reference to a crowd of males, who suddenly without warning turned into a frenzied mob, who's sole intent wasn't to get her autograph!!! And who ripped her clothing from her persons and severly sexually assaulted her!!!

I am well aware of what happened to Lara Logan, or I wouldn't be upset by the hinted comparison.

Not the same circumstances, not the same outcome.

Asking postres to suspend speculation, and then going right ahead and adding a bit of your own seemed somewhat disingenuous.

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It makes not a jot of difference what side of the political divide a person stands. There is no excuse in a so called civilised society for kidnappings, bombings, shootings, lynchings. Having a difference in ideology gives no one the right to lay their hands on or attempt to injure another. Many on here have obviously never witnessed at first hand the end product of partisan violence.

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I guess by your assinine comment then, that you're not aware of what happened to Lara Logan, in her own words at the hands of a male mob in Egypt then? And that she was rescued from a very nasty situation by some women, and soldiers, nothing speculative at all on my post there, all facts as to what happened to her are a matter of public record, and from her own graphic accounts.

When I said that she never imagined that the crowd would have turned on her and severly sexually assualted her I fail to see what your point was by highlight what happened to Lara Logan.

That point was in reference to a crowd of males, who suddenly without warning turned into a frenzied mob, who's sole intent wasn't to get her autograph!!! And who ripped her clothing from her persons and severly sexually assaulted her!!!

I am well aware of what happened to Lara Logan, or I wouldn't be upset by the hinted comparison.

Not the same circumstances, not the same outcome.

Asking postres to suspend speculation, and then going right ahead and adding a bit of your own seemed somewhat disingenuous.

How do you figure that I was speculative about what I said about the Lara Logan incident ? It happened, the crowd she was interviewing turned on her and she was brutally assaulted.. nothing speculative about that..

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I guess by your assinine comment then, that you're not aware of what happened to Lara Logan, in her own words at the hands of a male mob in Egypt then? And that she was rescued from a very nasty situation by some women, and soldiers, nothing speculative at all on my post there, all facts as to what happened to her are a matter of public record, and from her own graphic accounts.

When I said that she never imagined that the crowd would have turned on her and severly sexually assualted her I fail to see what your point was by highlight what happened to Lara Logan.

That point was in reference to a crowd of males, who suddenly without warning turned into a frenzied mob, who's sole intent wasn't to get her autograph!!! And who ripped her clothing from her persons and severly sexually assaulted her!!!

I am well aware of what happened to Lara Logan, or I wouldn't be upset by the hinted comparison.

Not the same circumstances, not the same outcome.

Asking postres to suspend speculation, and then going right ahead and adding a bit of your own seemed somewhat disingenuous.

How do you figure that I was speculative about what I said about the Lara Logan incident ? It happened, the crowd she was interviewing turned on her and she was brutally assaulted.. nothing speculative about that..

I am reffering to you implying (directly or indirectly) that the cases are similar. They are not.

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Ah gotcha, no I wasn't implying that at all, I was refering to the actions of the mob, that turned from being friendly to the exact opposite, which Is why I said none of is were there to anticipate the atmospherics with the PDRC Guards. ;)

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Ah gotcha, no I wasn't implying that at all, I was refering to the actions of the mob, that turned from being friendly to the exact opposite, which Is why I said none of is were there to anticipate the atmospherics with the PDRC Guards. wink.png

The PDRC attitude toward her was never friendly or even remotely so. Being a govrenment mouthpiece means you're going to be pretty well known, and easily associated with some of the things you say. There is simply no way she wasn't aware of this.

If you've been around any of these demonstrations over the last few years (both sides), you'd know guards tend to be rather...tense. As said earlier in this case they were also quite dense. The way they react when someone from the other side shows up (even a suspected one) is almost uniform. No big surprises here.

I can not recall Mubarak's spokeperson taking a stroll around Tahrir Square while the demonstrations were taking place

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"Footage Of Govt Spokeswoman's Capture Kidnapping Released"

Capture is what the police should do with those with warrants out on them, or in the act of committing crime(s). Suthep fits the term if police would do their job.

Kidnapping is what criminals and terrorists do. They have no legal authority to do what they did. Follow up speculations about rape, torture are missing the point. She didn't know what would happen to her once they kidnapped her (duh). She did not go willingly with them, they used force. Arguing about how much force was used is splitting hairs, and those apologists/rationalizers need to get a head to put those hairs on.

Capture - kidnap strong words that don't fit what went on here

Detained for a short time - possibly,

rescued - possibly,

released unharmed - fact

The picture in the OP speaks loads of what went on, it looks like a press photo, she was unharmed and released , I doubt very much this lady is even being allowed to tell her own story freely- you reds can spin this to death but in reality nothing much else to say here is there


Oxford online dictionary: Kidnap- "Take (someone) away illegally by force" Seems to describe what happened. Convince me otherwise. Since they took her away against her will, the length of time doesn't really matter. Like I said, she had no idea what might happen next. She had bruises, small ones admittedly. Have you ever been beaten by a group of seven or more? I have. I curled up into a ball, waited for them to get bored, didn't fight back. Do you assume she could take out that crowd? Your line of reasoning sounds like defense lawyer in rape trial: "well, your honor, she didn't fight him, so she must have gone along with it" (96 lbs vs their combined weight. right).

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