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Norwegian guy sleeping outside MBK?


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Like why take someone passport?

You must be joking, especially a top one like Norway. I know a guy got USD $10,000 for his, just had to promise not to report it stolen for three months.

Can steal a Boeing 777 for a start 8-)

Only reason they can't put them in jail is there isn't anyone to pay for their care, relatives have to provide food just like hospitals, the army etc.

Believe me the Norwegian embassy would fly him home if he wanted to go no problem, he's obviously here by choice or actually in legal trouble with his own government - excuse me if that's already been covered.

I'm not that sure the Norwegian government wants to provide ticket home for every person who find themselves in lack of money in a foreign country.

No government would do it for everyone.

Norway's more likely to do it for a higher percentage of their citizens than most.

With them it may even be a grant rather than a loan, the US definitely makes it punitively expensive to discourage scammers.

$10,000? I've got one for sale!

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Sure for banking purposes but try actually traveling on it.

No for travelling on,

Now if you can go to and from the US on it THAT's a trick and a half, worth a lot more than 10K.

But problem is once it stopped working how would you find out?

Most crims it's a one-time use then throw it away.

Or take a dive into the Indian Ocean for some. . .

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Thank you for starting this thread. Your concern and compassion are exemplary models, and you make us think about a common problem here (and everywhere). Who knows when any of us might hit the downside of our luck and barely get by at street level? I remember my own experience in 1968 of being severely ill and broke (Id been ripped off of all cash in New York City), hitchhiking across NY States southern tier in a hot summer fever delirium and being helped by random strangers even if it was only a simple glass of water or a ride.

Today in my own neighborhood on the outer rim of greater Bangkok, we have several such individuals (Thais) who make their bivouac near the police station in the sidewalk shade. If one of them is

sleeping as I walk by, I often quietly place a bottle of green tea and a sack of nuts near them. Simple nutrition is important when the nights are long and cold. Thanks to the poster for reminding me about mosquitoes, because I should buy some repellent for them.

Oh, and, no disrespect or mockery intended, homeless is no longer the politically correct label for such individualistic folk. The correct nomenclature is Urban Outdoorsman. (The backcountry in any region of the world has such folk, as do the cities, and who can generalize about their private motives?) Home is where you find it and/or make it, and we often dont know any particular individuals back-story. And, yes, its certainly true that sometimes many of these folk might later appreciate any help we can give them in changing their circumstances.

Who are these people? Some historical traditions view them as holy men, strivers who seek another path. Siddhartta Gotama once was more malnourished than many we see today and smelled just as bad. His later advice for true seekers was to be poor and homeless. Granted, the vast, vast majority of the People of the Street we see today are not holy men in the traditional sense. Are they mentally ill? Majorly depressed? Drunken bums? Dharma bums? Or are they just down on their luck, overwhelmed by life, and needing a helping hand?

I dont know, but this thread spurs me to think of them more and with more compassion. Dukkha is a primary fact of life, a starting point.

Urban outdoorsman never read such crap.

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Sure that would be in the bottom 10% income in Norway, one of the highest per-capita GDP countries in the world, top standard of living, excellent social safety net.

I've got a young Thai sister-in-law, little education, living there working an ordinary trainee job makes 140K per month, plus gets 2000 per hour massage out of her house on the side.

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Sure that would be in the bottom 10% income in Norway, one of the highest per-capita GDP countries in the world, top standard of living, excellent social safety net.

I've got a young Thai sister-in-law, little education, living there working an ordinary trainee job makes 140K per month, plus gets 2000 per hour massage out of her house on the side.

Yup that's sure possible.

But people always seem to forget the prices of living in rich country's, food is very expensive and alcohol even more. You need loads of expensive warm clothes, good car that can stand snow/ice and so on.

2000 an hour for a good massage is still cheap.

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Sure that would be in the bottom 10% income in Norway, one of the highest per-capita GDP countries in the world, top standard of living, excellent social safety net.

I've got a young Thai sister-in-law, little education, living there working an ordinary trainee job makes 140K per month, plus gets 2000 per hour massage out of her house on the side.

Yup that's sure possible.

But people always seem to forget the prices of living in rich country's, food is very expensive and alcohol even more. You need loads of expensive warm clothes, good car that can stand snow/ice and so on.

2000 an hour for a good massage is still cheap.

With a happy ending....yes correct, cheap.

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if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

Arrest him? Why don't you rat him out to the police?

Some of the awful people on TV are appalling. Failed human beings. Homeless people deserve our compassion, not getting locked up in a prison cage.

can you understand english at all, I said if he has no passport WHY hasnt he been arrested as it is illegal to be here with a passport and visa. There is a chance he still has it but finds it easier to get people to feel sorry for him when he says it was stolen. Try thinking rationally, there are farangs that do this for a living, if he has been to his emabassy there is a good chance that they would help him, again why havent they. Has he reported this to them at all, the story just doesnt make sense and sounds wrong, you need to put your brain into gear first so that you understand what is being said instead of simply jumping to conclussions and putting your foot in your mouth.

"it is illegal to be here with a passport and visa" ... Your English makes no sense. Anyway, whose business is it to harass and prosecute homeless people? Not ours. Let the authorities choose how to deal with this poor Norwegian.

"there are farangs that do this for a living" ... Fine with me. No homeless person has ever caused me any harm and I'm not going to rat this guy out to the cops. Living a homeless life, baked by the hot sun, eaten alive by mosquitos and bullied by farangs who won't mind their own business is not an attractive way to live. Homeless people have enough problems to deal with already and deserve our compassion.

Wish someone would have told me that years ago and saved me the money and hassle for applying for a triple entry non imm 'o' visa and extensions once there etc...

Always knew I was being ripped off somewhere along the line having to turn up at immigration pay to get 2 photos took and take the raffle ticket, border runs etc...

All that pissing about and I was actually unknowingly breaking the law while others that had no visa were totally legal, I could of got locked up from the ill advice I got from that guy from that forum telling me I must get a visa.

Can't trust any mofo in Thailand it seems especially the non Thai people.

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But people always seem to forget the prices of living in rich country's, food is very expensive and alcohol even more. You need loads of expensive warm clothes, good car that can stand snow/ice and so on.

Yep, the oil bill at my house stateside just went up from USD $700 per month to $900. And that's on the "budget" plan where they even out the charges, fixed amount every month for the whole year even summertime when there's no deliveries.

Last fill-up was nearly USD $1500, so guess it's better to do it that way 8-(

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