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Norwegian guy sleeping outside MBK?


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There has been a Norwegian guy sleeping outside MBK shopping mall in Bangkok for the past week, MBK and the security guards are feeding him, he told me he got robbed of his money and passport.

My Girlfriend works there and it all the Gossip between the staff that there is a smiling Farang sleeping outside in the sun and getting eaten alive by mosquitos at night.

I have given him small amounts of money and an odd ciggy, but he seems quite happy there and is very friendly with the guards,

All he was worried about was getting 50 Baht to buy a razor to shave?, I was thinking that's the last of your worries lol

He told me he has been here three years and get's disability allowance each month from Norway. Also he told me he has been to his embassy and that he was thinking of going to another country like Australia or somewhere. He's a nice guy but to me he seems confused, MBK like him and are helping him out with money and rumors are MBK will be paying for his plane ticket home?

Does anyone know this Guy and maybe you can help him out? He about 5 8" well built, heavy, shaved head, wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and always seems to be smiling? With about 1000 Mosquito bits all over eat arm lol

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Maybe someone from Norway can inform the Embassy. If he is disabled mentally there ought to be some help forthcoming?

The Tourist police are a matter of meters away from him I was thinking of informing them, I taught that also that he had a bit of a mental disability but staff at MBK don't think so but I don't think the Thai people really understand him, as the first time I seen him he just sat down beside me sweating and talking rubbish,

I taught he was on Yabba or something but the next day I give him a ciggy and some money and had a talk with him I taught he was a bit Mentally disabled? Do you think the Embassy should be call? ,

Oblivious I respect other peoples privatize, as I said he is quite happy there and seems to have no plan's on leaving anytime soon. As soon as they open the doors in the morning he spends all day walking around MBK and then sleep out in the hot sun and I never seen someone with so many mosquito bits before, the least he could do was light some of them mosquito coils if he had sense..

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Always a bad sign to see homeless people living on the streets. I used to arrive very early for work in central London and there were, literally, dozens of homeless individuals lying on benches, cocooned in cardboard boxes, and huddled against the warm air outlets of hotels and restaurants

So a solitary Scandinavian sleeping rough doesn't indicate a crisis in Bangkok, but it is good to see that a number of people are so concerned for his welfare

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if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

The OP said that he was robbed of money & his passport. Another passport now in the wrong hands.

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dont need help..just get the immigration to deport him...no passport..no visa...deport back to norway to take care of him...problem solved

It might be very cold in Norway so maybe he prefers to sleep at the MBK.

I know that some gangs operate (some years ago) at the MBK, they approached me a few times, a year later the same person did it again to me at the Discovery tower.

They did that right in front of that tourist Police booth on the flyover right in front of the MBK-entrance. Maybe they were lucky this time and got a mentally handicapped (or drugged because that is what this gang does with victims) person.

Yes he should go to his embassy, they sure can help him. But maybe he is waiting to find those persons from that gang.......Doesn't he have the right to find them again? The gang are persons from Malaysia, Phillipines, India and speak fluent english, much better then a Thai. They try to get you into a house and then drug you and ...... One day i even took a picture of one of those persons and went to the reception at the Discovery to show it to them and told them they do that every day. I also look scandinavian. They couldn't care less so....

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dont need help..just get the immigration to deport him...no passport..no visa...deport back to norway to take care of him...problem solved

Who is going to pay his flight home certainly not immigration.

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I'm from Norway. I should go have a chat. Whereabouts outside MBK?

I usually see him outside the front of the Tokyu store across from the BTS Station he sleeps along the side there where the taxis are. But ask the Security guards around the Taxi Rank he spends a lot of time there talking with the guards and they will tell you where he is..

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I Have been down this road in a similar situation, With an English man, in a similar position. The truth is they do not want to go home, I spoke to The head monk of the temple the English guy was staying, He has been there for the last three years, he has a similar story, robbed by an ex girlfriend every thing stolen. But the Head monk offered to take him to The British Embassy in Bangkok to get him a temporary passport to go home with and pay for his flyt. The guy disappeared from the temple for a few weeks then returned, That to me suggests some thing radically wrong why he does not want to go home, or maybe cannot go home for some reason , I posted a thread about this, the man is still there today in a temple in Sah Mut Sahkon.

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There also has been a Dutch guy who always sit at the flyovers around Central World. He had a sign and begged for 500 baht to fly home.

Later it came out he has a social security income and when he flew home he immediatly came back to sit there begging to other foreigners.

Everything is possible....

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No one who is a foreign national need to be sleeping on the streets of Thailand, Only if they have mental health issues. 99% are there from choice, i do not pity them , I pity the poor Thai people who have nothing through their Countrys , Beliefs and politics.

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I'm from Norway. I should go have a chat. Whereabouts outside MBK?

I usually see him outside the front of the Tokyu store across from the BTS Station he sleeps along the side there where the taxis are. But ask the Security guards around the Taxi Rank he spends a lot of time there talking with the guards and they will tell you where he is..

Thanks. I'll have a look.

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No one who is a foreign national need to be sleeping on the streets of Thailand, Only if they have mental health issues. 99% are there from choice, i do not pity them , I pity the poor Thai people who have nothing through their Countrys , Beliefs and politics.

So in your view there are only poor Thai on the world? Go have a look in India mate, you will see thousands of people sleeping on the streets and begging.

Also drugs can do weird things to a brain, don't be so shortsighted man. Anything is possible in this case.

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No one who is a foreign national need to be sleeping on the streets of Thailand, Only if they have mental health issues. 99% are there from choice, i do not pity them , I pity the poor Thai people who have nothing through their Countrys , Beliefs and politics.

So in your view there are only poor Thai on the world? Go have a look in India mate, you will see thousands of people sleeping on the streets and begging.

Also drugs can do weird things to a brain, don't be so shortsighted man. Anything is possible in this case.

I am talking about the posters Topic about a Norwegian man in Bangkok not the world

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To be honest i believe in a sense every Farang in Thailand is homeless, unless they own a condo. The company rule change a few years ago put pay the that. Now they tell you to take out a 30 year lease on the land the house resides on. Hahahah have you ever seen a foreign pensioner try to evict a Thai and all the family from a home they own with no interest from the police or the establishment. I have!!

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The 30-year lease is definitely the way to go if you feel you HAVE to own your own home.

Biggest mistake you describe is letting a Thai family move in in the first place, why would you do that?

If it's your SO's family, you shouldn't be living anywhere closer than a 6-8 hour journey to them anyway.

Finally, I'd make sure it was a house relatively easy to move to another location, worst case show up with the crane and knockdown crew paid a bit extra for the eviction process, a bit set aside to grease the local BiB and Bob's your uncle.

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No one who is a foreign national need to be sleeping on the streets of Thailand, Only if they have mental health issues. 99% are there from choice, i do not pity them , I pity the poor Thai people who have nothing through their Countrys , Beliefs and politics.

At the end of the day, we are all People, ... from wherever we come from, and sometimes we do need some help..

I always say, ''We never know whats around the corner''.. , next week it could be you or me ??

Thats how i look at it..

Lending a hand to someone is not a crime, its from the ''Heart''...

As for the ''Thai'' people, i would not know where to start about that, its all about Corruption and always has been.. sad i know...

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if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

The OP said that he was robbed of money & his passport. Another passport now in the wrong hands.

and also he had been here for years and that he is paid monthly, how long has he been sleeping there, has he applied for a new passport/visa, has he even been to the embassy and where are all his belongings that he has had here for all the years he said he haqs lived here, something just doesnt sound right. I hope it can be sorted out well for him but there is definitely more to this.

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if he is getting a pension why is he broke and sleeping in the street, a pension would more than support him in Thailand. I think there is a lot more to this somehow, what is he doing with the money anyway if not using it to support himself and if he doesnt have a passport why is he not being arrested by the police for not having a passport/visa.

Arrest him? Why don't you rat him out to the police?

Some of the awful people on TV are appalling. Failed human beings. Homeless people deserve our compassion, not getting locked up in a prison cage.

can you understand english at all, I said if he has no passport WHY hasnt he been arrested as it is illegal to be here with a passport and visa. There is a chance he still has it but finds it easier to get people to feel sorry for him when he says it was stolen. Try thinking rationally, there are farangs that do this for a living, if he has been to his emabassy there is a good chance that they would help him, again why havent they. Has he reported this to them at all, the story just doesnt make sense and sounds wrong, you need to put your brain into gear first so that you understand what is being said instead of simply jumping to conclussions and putting your foot in your mouth.

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From the information given to us by the OP:

The man is not begging, but people are giving him food and small gifts.

He is not complaining about his situation. In fact he seems happy and the local people call him the smiling farang.

He has something of a social life - chatting with the guards and passing the time of day with TV members.

He is "well built" so, presumably, in reasonably good health and properly nourished.

He is not making a nuisance of himself - everyone seems to like him.

He has a small income.

He is not worried about anything (except that he would like a shave).

It does not seem that he wants to go back to Norway.

By all means, it would be nice if his fellow countrymen could "check him out" and make sure he is ok, but calling for him to be arrested/deported is a bit OTT (IMHO).

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I also get sick of begging farang, i even met one who ordered my wife to give him 10 baht for the bts. I also saw him before that order another lady to give him 10 which she did but when i asked him what he wanted from my wife he also ordered me to give him 10 what i refused. If he had asked me he would have gotten 100 probably. I told him where the atm's were but then he started calling me names very loud and never stopped with that. I warned him twice and luckily for him he shut up because even my wife told me to kick his ass. (she would never ever say anything like that).

Then in the skytrain we met him again and he was looking angry at me all the time untill we get out.

But farang who don't beg or just sit somewhere to collect money without bothering anybody i don't have any problems with them although it is ashaming for all farangs here. Especially one from Norway which is a very rich country.

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