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Khao San Road fake IDs look like the real thing


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Khao San Road fake IDs look like the real thing
Nirmal Ghosh
The Straits Times

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BANGKOK: -- Khao San Road, crammed with budget tourists from across the world, has long been a backpacker hub for Southeast Asia.

The streets are lined with restaurants, guest houses, travel agents and shops selling cheap cotton clothes and souvenirs.

Police lounge at either end of the 200m street, keeping an eye on things.

Itinerant Indian "fortune tellers" and Nepali tattoo touts lurk and accost passers-by.

"You have a very lucky face," one Indian "fortune teller" told me.

Normally, the handful of vendors making fake identity cards are clearly visible. On Wednesday though, I had to hunt for one.

I asked a Nepali boy who was trying to find customers for a tattoo shop, and he took me to a man, who was this time positioned slightly back from the street at a discreet table with two stools.

He was a Thai man, in a blue shirt and wearing glasses. There was an air of edginess from the start.

"What country?" he asked me.

I told him I was Indian and he looked incredulous. But then he produced a large album - the kind used to hold business cards - for me to flip through.

In it there were well over 100 samples of identity cards, from driving licences to student passes to airline crew passes and many others. There was even an Interpol ID card and a Singapore identity card.

When I expressed surprise at the Interpol card he stared and said: "Are you Interpol? Are you Interpol?" But I laughed it off.

I chose a Singapore driving licence and a Qatar Airways crew card. They cost 800 baht each.

He informed me they would take an hour and a half to make. I gave him a couple of passport photographs I had brought for the occasion, and he said that for the airline card he could alter the photograph to have me in a suit and tie.

I asked him quietly if he knew anyone who could make a passport, and he said he did not. I asked him if he made Thai IDs and he said: "I don't do Thai."

This was something a law enforcement source had told me - the fake ID peddlers don't ever make Thai IDs, which is why police leave them alone.

It is also probable that they pay police, my source said - entirely believable given the environment and the trade they are in.

When I arrived at the appointed hour, the man again said: "Are you police?" I laughed and shook my head. Then he asked where I lived and what I was doing in Bangkok. He seemed satisfied by what I told him.

Then a young South Asian man who seemed to be helping him appeared and pressed a folded piece of paper into my hand. Inside were the cards.

In my hands were a spanking new Singapore driving licence and a Qatar Airways crew card. The only difference from the real Singapore licence was the absence of holograms. The fake ID vendors do not seem to be able to make cards with holograms.

Yet, on the face of it, the cards were startlingly realistic.

"If any enforcement officer just takes a quick look, or Googles these documents to compare them, they are unlikely to spot any problem," my law enforcement source said.

-- The Nation 2014-03-15

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So where are the pictures of the cards then?

I spent a few months on KSR many years ago when I first arrived here. It's amazing what you can get. Google "fake id cards thailand". Then click on the images tab. Incredible.

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Thai police "lounging" at either end. Notorious international venue for "fake" everything, passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, degrees, diplomas, certificates....Thailand's Khao San road = world famous fake hub.

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So where are the pictures of the cards then?

I spent a few months on KSR many years ago when I first arrived here. It's amazing what you can get. Google "fake id cards thailand". Then click on the images tab. Incredible.

We in the UK have solved this problem of fake IDs, we don't have them, there problem sorted. Now for those pesky passports.

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I've bought fake stuff from there before. A press ID card that got me into a couple of venues free and a student card that saved me a fortune in other countries. Very convincing. Always thought of getting a PHD as it is quite normal for Thais to get them. In Khon Kaen alone, I know 2 principals of College/University with a fake one. Countless others have fake degrees. Education is all about money anyway. Isarn University sells degrees quite openly. Other universities may want an appearance every now and then. I lived in KSR 22 years ago for 6 months and was really surprised the last time I went there - the place was full of Thais! When I lived there, if a Thai student walked along the street they looked out of place and everyone knew it.

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Saw an Aussie ID copy.....some lad was going to the states on holiday and wated to show he was 21 years old to get into the bars there.

It looked ok until held up against his real one.....the shade of the colour was a mile off.

I don't know if that applies to other forms of ID they do but I wouldn't want to be trying to fool someone who is looking at ID's all day for a living

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So where are the pictures of the cards then?

Here you are, Doubting Thomas. smile.png

On the right what is apparently the author's real Singapore driving license (with hologram), on the left the KSR fake.


Edited by Misterwhisper
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NZ one looks nothing like the real thing. Parts of the DL are in the complete wrong positioning on the card...but to Thais I guess its "same same but different"

I was tempted to get my (real) NZ degree made up for a job interview when they wouldn't accept a photocopy of the original, would have been faster than asking the uni to send one to Thailand!

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40 years ago some old timers may remember the student cards from the Pepsi Hotel. After an uncuccesful police raid to find the maker the police leaned against the notice board with the notice advertising them from room.XX.. He told everyone next time they would bring someone who could read Englisn.

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it is always handy to have some fake driverlicences in your car,

so when "the guys on the road " stop you ,ask for a ticket ,they will take your driverlicence and ....then you dont have to drive to the center of BKK to pay !

Will teach road thieves !

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I have been to KSR many times, and first, 800 baht—the guy is a good bargainer. Second, and more importantly, the fake IDs are not that good. They would not fool a copper who was half paying attention, or anyone else. They are more 'novelty' items, than serious attempts at fraud, though I am sure they have been used in that way.

I did a google search, I found several website, that looked as if they were usa based, which did offer fake passports (novelty), or uni transcripts, or whatever. Most of these attempts at creating a new identity are by people who have made mistakes in the past, and want to start over. So, I sleep comfortably at night, not worried about fake ID cards sold in KSR.

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Saw an Aussie ID copy.....some lad was going to the states on holiday and wated to show he was 21 years old to get into the bars there.

It looked ok until held up against his real one.....the shade of the colour was a mile off.

I don't know if that applies to other forms of ID they do but I wouldn't want to be trying to fool someone who is looking at ID's all day for a living

Not only that but use of fakes means you can be had up for ID fraud. Even using one to get student reductions can lead to a conviction for fraud. I once used one in Australia when I was in my '50s to get a student fare on long distance buses and museums etc. It worked a treat, but the cards don't have any electronic data so if they had a machine to check, I could have been arrested. Don't do it anymore.

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