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Why Don't Christian Missionaries Tip?

Ulysses G.

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Must say. Having a little experience in the matter, we did find that those who insisted in standing to pray before a meal almost never tipped, unless the waitress wore a crucifix. The staff always arranged for one of their number to sport a cross if such people were in the restaurant!

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Must say. Having a little experience in the matter, we did find that those who insisted in standing to pray before a meal almost never tipped, unless the waitress wore a crucifix. The staff always arranged for one of their number to sport a cross if such people were in the restaurant!

:o:D :D

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My wife works in a restaurant that caters to these people, here on the dole living high on the hog. They are VERY cheap.They come in large groups, pray and trash the tables and don't leave a baht most of the time. Most are here long term with no intention of returning because they have a great gig going on.Don't have to work, tour local restaurants,shop,pray etc. If you are bored and in Chiang mai, go to world club off of Hang Dong rd. and check out how they are roughing it here.They have developed a high standard of living there with their own school,mae baans etc. Most are runnning away from the states because it is in decline morally and economically, in their opinion. They are what we call in the states "Fundementalist Christians", a right wing sect and a small minority in the states. I was shocked when I moved here when I found "en masse" what I was trying to get away from.

So get used to them, they aren't leaving anytime soon! It's free!!!!!

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I cannot recall eating or drinking with anyone who has not left a tip provided that the both the food and service were acceptable. What is unacceptable is not to tip unless you have good reason and that should be taken up with the management.

As for missionaries not tipping it’s probably because they are saving up to buy more stupid signs to put in the trees - saw a new one this morning attached to a concrete electricity pole – must be running out of trees.

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...sounds like a group of left-over hippies from the 60's, or a Mormon harem from backwoods Utah. :o Not the missionaries I've seen running about Thailand.

HEY! I was going to compliment you for your mediation-style responses but now you have gone too far. (Love your "think again" handle/avatar BTW..)

I am a long-haired "left-over hippy" from the 60's and lived for a long time in the backwoods of Utah but do not share the views of many of these posters. And my many wives agree with me (or else). :D

Seriously tho, this religion thing will continue to rage on for all of eternity, right? Having moved here from Hawaii, I have my own misgivings as to the "good" that "benovolent" Christian missionaries bring to the so-called heathens of the world and feel that the last thing this gentle Thai culture needs is the influence of a vengence-based religion.

My view tends to be that all religions are but a product of mankind's incredible imagination and I also tend to avoid those that have a history of violence and oppression; and sorry but, the children of Jehovah seem to have the most violent and oppressive history.

Can I spot them in a restaurant? Who cares? Yes, my wife and I have had something less than pleasant experiences with arrogant Christian groups, even in a couple of restaurants, who are more than willing to tell you that whatever you believe outside of their limited scope is the equivalent to a one-way ticket to everlasting hellfire but fortunately we know a few Christians/Jews/Muslims who can actually carry on a discussion about something other than their chosen mythology.

As to tipping, I leave most of that to my Thai wife as I will never assume to totally understand Thai culture. She, having been a waitress herself, is a tipper and I only add to her gratuity when I feel we have received exceptional service or the waitress is really, really cute.. :D

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Frankly, I see the OP's harangue about tipping as simply a thinly-veiled excuse to carry out a vendetta against Christians.

I saw a group of east Indians in Bangkok trash a restaurant and then walk out without tipping. OK, now let's hang Hinduism.

Then I had five Thais pull out in front of me in traffic today, and was nearly side-swiped by a Thai bus driver. OK time to blast Buddhism.

I'm sure you can find a jerk in every "-ism" or "_anity".

Our OP simply found a convenient soapbox from which to vent his anti-religious bigotry. Let's get real.

Edited by toptuan
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Frankly, I see the OP's harangue about tipping as simply a thinly-veiled excuse to carry out a vendetta against Christians.

I saw a group of east Indians in Bangkok trash a restaurant and then walk out without tipping. OK, now let's hang Hinduism.

Then I had five Thais pull out in front of me in traffic today, and was nearly side-swiped by a Thai bus driver. OK time to blast Buddhism.

I'm sure you can find a jerk in every "-ism" or "_anity".

Our OP simply found a convenient soapbox from which to vent his anti-religious bigotry. Let's get real.

They deserve it more though. After trying to wipe out the Jews a few different times they could at least leave a tip. :o


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They deserve it more though. After trying to wipe out the Jews a few different times they could at least leave a tip. :D


You're assuming they're apologetic about it. :o

I know they are not. They were calling my Jewish friends back in highschool Chirst Killers. Yeah, they aren't sorry for anything.

Edited by thaibebop
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From someone who doesn't give a rat about religions.

It's just me or this bashing parade has gone a bit too far?

Just asking, because I have a couple of stories about buddhists and their way, and I also have the slight impression they wouldn't be as welcome here.

Just to be fair eh! :o

edit: on a second thought, who am I to tell you what to do?, sorry ,must be the toothache.

Edited by KhunMarco
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From someone who doesn't give a rat about religions.

It's just me or this bashing parade has gone a bit too far?

Just asking, because I have a couple of stories about buddhists and their way, and I also have the slight impression they wouldn't be as welcome here.

Just to be fair eh! :D

I agree let's be fair. I don't discriminate, I hate everyone. :D:o:D

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From someone who doesn't give a rat about religions.

It's just me or this bashing parade has gone a bit too far?

Just asking, because I have a couple of stories about buddhists and their way, and I also have the slight impression they wouldn't be as welcome here.

Just to be fair eh! :D

I agree let's be fair. I don't discriminate, I hate everyone. :D:D:D

Ah ok no prob, just edited my post, freaking tooth :o

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Seriously tho, this religion thing will continue to rage on for all of eternity, right? Having moved here from Hawaii, I have my own misgivings as to the "good" that "benovolent" Christian missionaries bring to the so-called heathens of the world and feel that the last thing this gentle Thai culture needs is the influence of a vengence-based religion.

My view tends to be that all religions are but a product of mankind's incredible imagination and I also tend to avoid those that have a history of violence and oppression; and sorry but, the children of Jehovah seem to have the most violent and oppressive history.

Gentle Thai culture??? Where did you get that idea? Thailand has double the per capita murder rate of the US.

Im with toptuan on this one, every country, every ethnic group, every religion has its loonies and jerks.

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From someone who doesn't give a rat about religions.

It's just me or this bashing parade has gone a bit too far?

Just asking, because I have a couple of stories about buddhists and their way, and I also have the slight impression they wouldn't be as welcome here.

Just to be fair eh! :D

I agree let's be fair. I don't discriminate, I hate everyone. :D:D:D

Ah ok no prob, just edited my post, freaking tooth :o

I feel your pain. I gotta see a dentist soon as well. :D

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Seriously tho, this religion thing will continue to rage on for all of eternity, right? Having moved here from Hawaii, I have my own misgivings as to the "good" that "benovolent" Christian missionaries bring to the so-called heathens of the world and feel that the last thing this gentle Thai culture needs is the influence of a vengence-based religion.

My view tends to be that all religions are but a product of mankind's incredible imagination and I also tend to avoid those that have a history of violence and oppression; and sorry but, the children of Jehovah seem to have the most violent and oppressive history.

Gentle Thai culture??? Where did you get that idea? Thailand has double the per capita murder rate of the US.

Im with toptuan on this one, every country, every ethnic group, every religion has its loonies and jerks.

I agree. here in CM we just happen to have the "SO CHEAP THEY SQUEEK" Christians, not the "RICHER THAN SH_T WHO TIP ALOT" Christians.

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Frankly, I see the OP's harangue about tipping as simply a thinly-veiled excuse to carry out a vendetta against Christians.

Our OP simply found a convenient soapbox from which to vent his anti-religious bigotry. Let's get real.

You can twist the truth all you want - it seems to be your specialty - but that doesn't entitle you to call other posters names. I am not a bigot.

Actually, I have nothing against Christians or missionaries who are not hypocrites. In fact, it was a Christian missionary who lives frugally and serves the poor who initially told me about how most of these people are living it up and recruiting to expand the religion rather than trying to help people. He finds them sickening and they don't want anything to do with him either.

However, what inspired this thread was simply listening to restaurant staff complaining about how much work most missionaries are and how they NEVER tip. I asked around and every restaurant said the same thing.

Is that real enough for you? :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I take issue with this. Historically it is true, however in the last fifteen to twenty years or so tipping has become the expected norm in most restaurants above roadside noodle vendor class.

Many things are expected. Money should change hands when it is earned, not expected. TIP is an acronym for "To Insure Promptness." If you are promptly served TIP away. In my experience promptness is no more a part of Thai custome than tipping.

I do not wish to be "picky" but TIP cannot be an anacronym as stated by you....

It really is time youknew the difference between Insure and Ensure.....Insure is to pay cash money for financial protection....as in INSURANCE.....

whereas Ensure is to make sure.....

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I do not wish to be "picky" but TIP cannot be an anacronym as stated by you....

It really is time youknew the difference between Insure and Ensure.....Insure is to pay cash money for financial protection....as in INSURANCE.....

whereas Ensure is to make sure.....

You are quite right, of course ronw, but unfortunately if you replied to every inaccurate post, you would go blind typing. How about a nice TEP :o (try enduring pricks)

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Actually, I have nothing against Christians or missionaries who are not hypocrites. In fact, it was a Christian missionary who lives frugally and serves the poor who initially told me about how most of these people are living it up and recruiting to expand the religion rather than trying to help people. He finds them sickening and they don't want anything to do with him either.

I think I know the gentleman. A man for whom I have the greatest respect.

I have also heard him refer to these leeches in far-less-than flattering terms; "White trailer trash" comes to mind. When asked, a while ago, why he did not preach and build churches, he replied there was plenty of time for that when his "Flock" "..... has clean water to drink, enough to eat, is cured of Aids and drug addiction etc." (He ran through a list of problems.)

He shall remain nameless here, but is a senior member of an extremely established church and lives by the true teachings of his God.

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I worked in a high-end Japanese hotel as a bellman/concierge here in NYC years back (RIHGA). I dealth with every race and denomination there and they all tipped well, from blacks to the Japanese, French & Canadians. I conclude that when you go down to the Denny's level of environment and service & moreso clientelle then yeah, you will unfortunately see stereotypes affirmed in regards to tipping & race. I don't know what kind of Jews are being talked about here, but the NYC-Wall St. fair tip better than any race/class bar none IMHO.

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And back to the original topic, all I have to say is that if you don't plan on tipping , then don't run the staff crazy and have the decency to minimize your slop. I understand that it's in the culture in LoS to serve, but it doesn't mean that you have to be an unappreciative and slavedriving jagoff milking the situation. It's also better to leave nothing at all than to insult them by leaving them pennies/satang for their service. :o

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  • 1 month later...
No dosh maybe? (cheap bastards) :o

You got that right! Missionaries don't have any money, they are usually supported by individuals from their home county and a large percentage of that money goes into there ministry i.e feeding and clothing the very poor, raising orphans. Cheap bastards.

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No dosh maybe? (cheap bastards) :o

You got that right! Missionaries don't have any money, they are usually supported by individuals from their home county and a large percentage of that money goes into there ministry i.e feeding and clothing the very poor, raising orphans. Cheap bastards.

Trust me Newbie, you don't want to start this one again, you will be bombarded. Let sleeping dogs.. :D

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No dosh maybe? (cheap bastards) :o

You got that right! Missionaries don't have any money, they are usually supported by individuals from their home county and a large percentage of that money goes into there ministry i.e feeding and clothing the very poor, raising orphans. Cheap bastards.

Trust me Newbie, you don't want to start this one again, you will be bombarded. Let sleeping dogs.. :D

Wiser words were never spoken! :D

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Actually, I have nothing against Christians or missionaries who are not hypocrites.

Therefore, you probably dislike 99 % of them.

Christian missionaries who are not hypocrites are so few that I guess they can celebrate their masses in a public phone booth.

Mi$$ionarie$ $uck (seen on a pickup truck in Chiang Mai).

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