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Do They Live Under A Bridge


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OK, so from what I understand a troll is somebody who makes up a false scenario and then posts questions about it. Is this correct?

There's not an attempt to scam people, is there?

Can somebody explain the motivation behind this?

On another note - My girlfriend just called from Thailand and told me that she needs money for an emergency appendectomy; can someone tell me the best way to send $ to Thailand from the States fast.

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On another note - My girlfriend just called from Thailand and told me that she needs money for an emergency appendectomy; can someone tell me the best way to send $ to Thailand from the States fast.

Fastest way is western union, almost instantly. Though you get screwed with the exchange rate.

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What bank does your GF use? If she uses Bangkok Bank (BB), you can wire money to BB's NYC branch. I believe that BB's ABA number is 026008691, but you may want to confirm this with your bank. Other than that, you will need your GFs bank account number.

If this option will not work, then consider using Western Union and expect to pay a fee of $30+.

P.S. Ask your GF to provide you with a receipt of the hospital expenses!

Edited by Gumballl
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I meant the second part of the post as a joke, but I think I got my origianl question of what the motivation is of lying in your posts. For some reason I was devishly amused by reading people's advise to my "girlfriends problem". Although, most of the respondents probably recognized it as a farce and were, in turn, getting the same "troll thrill.

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I think asking to provide a reciept would be telling her you dont trust her.

So you think asking her to fax a copy of the doctors report would be a little crass?

Well it depends how you go about it, personally I wouldnt do it as im in a great relationship and trust her 100%.

If its a new relationship and you dont really know her then I guess its valid, but I wouldnt be asking her to fax me over a reciept.

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I meant the second part of the post as a joke, but I think I got my origianl question of what the motivation is of lying in your posts. For some reason I was devishly amused by reading people's advise to my "girlfriends problem". Although, most of the respondents probably recognized it as a farce and were, in turn, getting the same "troll thrill.

I wouldn't bet my house on that :o

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I am probably in the minority because I like troll posts. What I find interesting is the people who don’t like the content of the post or have nothing to add to the discussion or if they did have something to add can not figure out an intelligent way or writing it so they label the poster a troll.

I find if one looks at the poster who labels another poster a troll that one finds they are multiple troll finders. By that I mean it is common to go back in their posting history and find a number of statements like “obviously a troll.”

I think these troll finders are primarily interested on gaining some status by not saying anything intelligent and their only resources is to belittle someone else.

I found a lot of them when I went to kindergarten but not as many as I have found on net forums.

I guess there are some negative aspects to trolls but I for one am ready to wave the negatives in favor of new posts which make for an active forum as opposed to the troll finders whose purpose in life it is to squelch new posts.

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I am probably in the minority because I like troll posts. What I find interesting is the people who don’t like the content of the post or have nothing to add to the discussion or if they did have something to add can not figure out an intelligent way or writing it so they label the poster a troll.

I find if one looks at the poster who labels another poster a troll that one finds they are multiple troll finders. By that I mean it is common to go back in their posting history and find a number of statements like “obviously a troll.”

I think these troll finders are primarily interested on gaining some status by not saying anything intelligent and their only resources is to belittle someone else.

I found a lot of them when I went to kindergarten but not as many as I have found on net forums.

I guess there are some negative aspects to trolls but I for one am ready to wave the negatives in favor of new posts which make for an active forum as opposed to the troll finders whose purpose in life it is to squelch new posts.

Well thats not true, for example, there was a troll today that was easy to spot, like it was so obvious as he put his full name (well picked one) and posted about he just left Thailand after a holiday and has fallen in love, now this girl asks him for money for something and this is his first post.

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are you sure its appedicitis ?, maybe its acute diverticulitis. similar symptoms.

'Appendicitis' :D& diverticulitis; but you're right....I suffered from both; severe pain! :D with an acute diverticulitis you have to be operated immediately! if not..... you die... :o


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i also like troll posters , especially subtle trolls.

they can draw you in and lead you on , or you can lead them on.

i also agree that those who screech "troll" at the first suspicion of trollist activity are dull spoilsports. nothing wrong with a good troll placing a lively and provocative post.

trolls should be exposed by gentle wheedling and subtle subterfuge leading , after much fun , to complete embarassment and total humiliation of the troll. not always easy.

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Guys, can you please be nice.

Not everybody is a scammer, not so long ago my GF was in deep trouble, emergency operation and no money.

Of course, I asked back what it was all about. She needed an immediate vasectomy! Of course I gave her the 50K, I mean that is dangerous, if not treated. :o

Edited by Axel
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Guys, can you please be nice.

Not everybody is a scammer, not so long ago my GF was in deep trouble, emergency operation and no money.

Of course, I asked back what it was all about. She needed an immediate vasectomy! Of course I gave her the 50K, I mean that is dangerous, if not treated. :o

Katoey???? :D

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Guys, can you please be nice.

Not everybody is a scammer, not so long ago my GF was in deep trouble, emergency operation and no money.

Of course, I asked back what it was all about. She needed an immediate vasectomy! Of course I gave her the 50K, I mean that is dangerous, if not treated. :o

Arf arf arf, brilliant!

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I think asking to provide a reciept would be telling her you dont trust her.

So you think asking her to fax a copy of the doctors report would be a little crass?

I would ask her to send the appendix. Just to be sure.

Now if she wants money for a boob job......... :D

How much is it for a boob job?

I suppose it depends how big it is...... :o

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i also agree that those who screech "troll" at the first suspicion of trollist activity are dull spoilsports.

Those are worse than trolls. :o

Some troll posts have value, entertainment maybe, and often the contributions of non-trolls to the thread are valuble pieces of info.

Screeching "TROLL!" is both annoying, and pointless.


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Trolling is a fishing term. To troll, is to lie a line of bait in the water so as to get as many fish taking it at once.

Hence, you put a false subject out to see how many takers you can get snapping at your bait.

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Guest endure

an immediate vasectomy!

I've heard those can be reversed these days with modern medicine... :o

Depends on whether the op is performed with a scalpel or a machete... :D

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i also agree that those who screech "troll" at the first suspicion of trollist activity are dull spoilsports.

Those are worse than trolls. :D

Some troll posts have value, entertainment maybe, and often the contributions of non-trolls to the thread are valuble pieces of info.

Screeching "TROLL!" is both annoying, and pointless.


TROLL !!!!!

totster :o

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