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green valley condo


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BILLS QUESTION...30% booked after 2 years marketing does not look good, not strong interest. Do they have funds to complete with that low booking rate?

ANSWER...bookings etc etc agreed...funds have no idea but from my sources the condo has been ticking over but abeit slowly

BILLS QUESTION 116 units and Hog Head said there was fewer parking spaces than units. If 2 cars per unit then 116 + cars will park where? That makes a long line so parking sucks?

ANSWER ..2cars per unit i.m.o is a little over the top, but a good point none the less,from a laymans view i feel they have available space for at least 60 car spacesdirectly in front of the condo and to the left,not to mention the strip of land soi which would give another 30 at least,but with a walk,also under the cono could be another find,have been told that a golf buggy bay has been planned there,i.mo car parking spaces have always been a preminium at most condo builds ,do feel that g/v gives more then a lot of condos

BILLS QUESTION..Access risks that may take 10+ years in the courts to resolve. Are you content if no access thru gv?

That one will not be over until the fat lady sings.

ANSWER access risks etc etc ..agreed ,yes i would be happy to take the govt soi as mentioned earlier in this thread

BILLS QUESTION ..Possible structural issues because construction halted for about 15 years, won't know until after it is fully loaded and shakes a few times. Bad plumbing will show up faster but only full occupancy will test it sufficiently.

From the looks of it now, Dec 2014 completion has to be questioned. Glass is not in, is it? A lot of single family homes at that stage do not get completed in 9 months. Dirt noise mess for early occupies for what, 3-5 years (possibly less) while the other units are being completed?

ANSWER ..structural issues such as concrete cancer etc etc are no issue....,as for the shake bit feel safer in g/v then some of the paper thin condos getting built today...,plumbing is all new,sure plumbing is a low piont in thai blding practices,guess that it is a roll of the dice no different to other projects....my sources feel it is middle of 2015 completion...glass installation is approx 80% done and moving very quiickly,will not move in until completion is say 95 % finished

BILLS QUESTION Hmm, no place is perfect.

Good view, you like the location so go for it. It is only 400,000 Baht to see how it plays out for 9 months. If it does not pan out there are a lot of other options

ANSWER..no place perfect..agreed....good views no bill sensational ...400.000 baht approx 13% of total price is a good number,and i can afford to lose it..very greatly appreciated bill, t/visa members on this thread have been wonderful to me

Parking is not about how it compares to other condos, it is about how far you will have to walk to get to your car and safety. Two cars per unit would be the norm for units not occupied by singles.

I would tell people not to buy there, it is like a pretty lady with an excessive amount of baggage(troublesome issues) which like many you persistently choose to minimize or dismiss.

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I would tell people not to buy there, it is like a pretty lady with an excessive amount of baggage(troublesome issues) which like many you persistently choose to minimize or dismiss.

not at all billsad.png do i persistently choose to minimize or dimiss any comments given to me on this threadsmile.png

i cannot speak for others,but i don.t expect to find *expert* advice on this forum,or any other forumsmile.png

i.am looking to see what other members may be able to contribute to my opening post

and then using mine own judgement to decide which is the best advice to take,or not to take

and i feel that.s how a forum should be usedsmile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.png

again thk u for your contribition and advisesmile.png

to all.have a nice eveningbiggrin.png

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Lots of crooks operating in the CM area (property and finance).


You are asking for advice on.

1. Failed condo project (20 years old).

2. Concrete cancer (likely).

3. Iffy access.

4. <removed>

I would go and buy it for a wagon-load of money, seems like you are so rich, you don't care.

Edited by onthedarkside
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Look at this site


Almost certainly a scam.

All sorts of promises and guarantees, that only crooks give out, as they have no intention of being around when it fails.

Way overpriced at 3Mbht, a house can be had in that area for 2Mbht.

Better to buy a 2Mbht house and risk the company/leasehold route, than risk 3Mbht on this condo that isn't built and might never be.

New 3 bedroom, 3 showerroom, houses near Mae Rim, 1.8Mbht


What's wrong with you?

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good evening to all,

fifty two and pokerkid have just called me a shill,which is a plant or stooge for the developer

i cordially invite both to meet me in person at g/v condo this coming saturday morning 29/3/14 say 11 am

in attendance with me will be my helpful source over the past week,who has a contract in g/valley,which he bought 18 months ago

if any member is interested,just turn up

than we will see if evenstevens is a shill or not

regds even stevens

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i'd be curious to know why you care so much and are so interested about a condo building sitting in the elements for 20 years? would you really consider buying a condo in there? also a project riddled with lawsuits....i don't get it. what is the motivation?

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good evening to all,

fifty two and pokerkid have just called me a shill,which is a plant or stooge for the developer

i cordially invite both to meet me in person at g/v condo this coming saturday morning 29/3/14 say 11 am

in attendance with me will be my helpful source over the past week,who has a contract in g/valley,which he bought 18 months ago

if any member is interested,just turn up

than we will see if evenstevens is a shill or not

regds even stevens

This thread is getting better by the minute

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good evening to all,

fifty two and pokerkid have just called me a shill,which is a plant or stooge for the developer

i cordially invite both to meet me in person at g/v condo this coming saturday morning 29/3/14 say 11 am

in attendance with me will be my helpful source over the past week,who has a contract in g/valley,which he bought 18 months ago

if any member is interested,just turn up

than we will see if evenstevens is a shill or not

regds even stevens

just a sweet bump ,for roger and oscar and any other members interested

in addition my helpful source will have his g/v condo contract ,to show he is a legal owner and not a shill

will have some up to date site pics very shortly,which will show the hole in the wall access and the car park area which has been discussed on this thread,plus some more

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to all concern

it is with sad regret,that i wish to inform, that after a discussion with my helpful resource the intended meeting at g/v condo has been cancelled,

the reason being my resource strongly feels that the last few posts of the* shill war cry* ,is company which he does.nt want to keep

will continue to up date at intervals,on the progress in particular the hole in the wall acces ,car parking spaces etc etc if allowed to do so

again many thks to hog head / dante and bill for your heads up comments and contribition,which gave me another insight to work onsmile.pngclap2.gif

all have a nice daysmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

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Greetings Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Joseph and I represent <removed> who is the sole marketing agent for Green Valley Condominium.

I would like to help answer and clarify any thoughts, ideas, rumors that has to do with the Green Valley Condominium. The project is due for completion by December

2014. The developer is Khun Wasan who has completed 4 other projects like The Convention, Mountain Front, Mountain View and recently the award winning The Resort Condo which has won the Thailand Property Award for Best Residential Development in Chiang Mai. Let me begin by clarifying some of the questions asked

1. The current access to the condo is through Green Valley roads that the Green Valley homeowners get to their houses The home owners are not happy about this and there may be legal action. ---> The Green Valley Condominium has a chanote(Land Title) that includes the passage way from the entrance of Summit Green Valley Golf course to the Green Valley Condominium. About the fact that the home owners are not happy about this, yes this is true as i believe that the homeowners would like their privacy as well and when there is a new project it may seem like a threat. As long as we have the land title. Legally there is nothing the homeowners can do as they do not own the roads from the entrance of Summit Golf Course to Green Valley Condominium.

2. The Green Valley Condominum has been up since 1997, Yes it was abandon since the 1997 crash untill last year when Khun Wasan went to the building walked three times around it and decided to buy. Anyone who has been inside the Green Valley Condominum to enjoy the view from the top floors would understand why. It was simply too good to leave it abandon. Khun Wasan has then got his contractors to come in to salvage the building. Mandatory checks by the govement to check the building before the handover would be schdeuled for sale. I would like to invite anyone who is interested to view the building to just drop me a message. I would personally bring you there to check the construction of the building.

3. With lots of rusting rebar and crumbling cracked concrete, feel free to visit the condominium to check once again as the parts has been changed to ensure the safety of the customers.

My personal views are that Green Valley Condominium is a project targeted a golfers who enjoy lots of Greenery. You would not be able to get another 12 Storey Condominium in a Golf Course which is minutes away to the city. One man's gain is another man's loss. For anyone who is interested to view Green Valley Condominium or understand more about it or just have coffee over property. Please feel free to e-mail me I would try my best to answer your questions. Green Valley either you love it or you hate it. The reason for writing this message is that i just wanted to clarify any matters with regards to this topic. Dear evenstevens I would be at your disposal if you requrire any information with regards to the Green Valley Condominium. Thank you everyone for reading.

Best Regards

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i wouldn't live in a 20 year old rotten concrete, dangerous, abandoned building if you let me stay there for free!

furthermore this seems to be a Chinese interest. take that as you may.

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thks joe for your kind offer, from a thread which i started to gather info from the otherside of the fence.. so to speak i have now been labelled a shill, in your organisation:cheesy:

perhaps from this post they will say we are working in tandem:lol:

i met my helpful resource through a very good friend of mine,as we both live in the same district he has visited my place and given me absoulate the good oil on your project, in fact u should engage him as a representive as he has great knowledge of g/v condo , he bought a higher floor unit at the c/mai end some 18 months ago and visits your site at least 2 times a week so surely u would know him . coming from the same country, we immediately bonded...,as mae rim has been smog bound since my round of golf,i have not visited the site apart from a drive around it,last nite my helpful resource gave me a disc with approx 20 pics which he had taken that day for me to have a look,.to morning i had a conservation with him relating to that meeting which is on this thread (now cancelled) and he was very dismayed with the shill comments,and wanted no further part,he finished saying that he has given me a leg up on the project,and that i was on my own to decide what ever route to take,my helpful resource has been without reproach on your p/ject and highly respects mister sam,being called a shill without any kind of evidence is not kind but thats the way it goes:) i am taking a break from g/v condo,as the past week has worn me out, and i am not a forum orientated person, regards even stevens

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Who is Joe and what is his project? Mr. Sam?

Isn't time to shut down this ? It would be doing this guy a favor.

Mr Joe had his post removed as it really was a realtor promo. We don't need his business promoted.

Leaving topic open, but watching closely.

//UPDATE - that post now open with business details removed. I consider the information given worth member review. This topic is on the edge of being a promo.

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good afternoon to all,

have made several enquirys to the hole in the wall access at g/v,and have been given the same answer,that the home owners of g/v have a* blade runner* case if pursued ,and are peeing into a wind,that it will be closed in due course, guess one will keep a trusty eye if this is true....all have a nice daysmile.png

Edited by evenstevens
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good afternoon to all,

have made several enquirys to the hole in the wall access at g/v,and have been given the same answer,that the home owners of g/v have a* blade runner* case if pursued ,and are peeing into a wind,that it will be closed in due course, guess one will keep a trusty eye if this is true....all have a nice daysmile.png

I have spoken with more than several people about the access issue including one attorney who has studied the land development laws in relation to the gv actions. Their opinion is that the homeowners do have a case based on several different issues related to the access problem. You suggesting that one party is pissing in the wind may be insignificant when the other party has repeatedly shit themselves.

If the condo was such a good deal, it would have been fully booked months ago, not struggling at about 30% booked now.

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good afternoon to all,

have made several enquirys to the hole in the wall access at g/v,and have been given the same answer,that the home owners of g/v have a* blade runner* case if pursued ,and are peeing into a wind,that it will be closed in due course, guess one will keep a trusty eye if this is true....all have a nice daysmile.png

I have spoken with more than several people about the access issue including one attorney who has studied the land development laws in relation to the gv actions. Their opinion is that the homeowners do have a case based on several different issues related to the access problem. You suggesting that one party is pissing in the wind may be insignificant when the other party has repeatedly shit themselves.

If the condo was such a good deal, it would have been fully booked months ago, not struggling at about 30% booked now.

thks bill for another informative,good contents postsmile.png

my sources tell me that the home owners, have not pulled the trigger. i.e .a lawsuit against g/v actions sad.png ????

as for the 30%take up at the condo,i.m.o there is a over supply in the c/mai condo market,for present and the forseeble future,(a condo on every corner so to speak) and any new project or present one is a difficult to sell ,and addition there is older condo projects (2yrs and more)that had a take up of at least 60% at their opening have barely scratched the surface of their plot,in fact one with a very good reputation near the convention centre,has laid idle for approx 5 months at the 4 th floor of construction due to a dispute on the how high can they can go,this project had a take up bookings of at least 90 %,,its now in limbosad.png the condo we speak of... 30% bookings may not be a bad number,in view on whats occurring presently in c/mai,and 70%complete is another tic in its box, the above is my laymans opinion of the situationsmile.png

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to all concern

will continue to up date at intervals,on the progress in particular the hole in the wall acces ,car parking spaces etc etc if allowed to do so

good morning to all

y/day had my first walk over the condo ,one word *sensational views*biggrin.png and to my trusty eyes laugh.png the work completed so far is up to a high level of standard (thai) ,plus a good number of workers on the groundsmile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.png ..to all have a nice day

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to all concern

will continue to up date at intervals,on the progress in particular the hole in the wall acces ,car parking spaces etc etc if allowed to do so

good morning to all

y/day had my first walk over the condo ,one word *sensational views*biggrin.png and to my trusty eyes laugh.png the work completed so far is up to a high level of standard (thai) ,plus a good number of workers on the groundsmile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.png ..to all have a nice day

"Sensational views"

Absurd, there have not been even good views in Mae Rim for weeks, only grey sky and most of the time you can not see the mountains, on a good day a vague dark outline if you look closely. I live there.

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to all concern

will continue to up date at intervals,on the progress in particular the hole in the wall acces ,car parking spaces etc etc if allowed to do so

good morning to all

y/day had my first walk over the condo ,one word *sensational views*biggrin.png and to my trusty eyes laugh.png the work completed so far is up to a high level of standard (thai) ,plus a good number of workers on the groundsmile.pngbiggrin.pngsmile.png ..to all have a nice day

"Sensational views"


gee whiz bill, calling my remark of sensational views being absurd , is totally incorrectbiggrin.png my remark was referring to the direct views over the entire lay out of golf course etc etc ,and when the smog lifts the mountains will come into play,then i would add a verb to my remark * absoulately* sensational views smile.png as u live nearby take a bow peep,got a elevator working to the eleventh floor, and u will get my drift, butch and sundance and his hole in the wall gang are on site engaged as security personel laugh.png ,just say you are a prospective buyer, and bobs your unclebiggrin.png

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