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Lack of initiative far too prevalent in Thailand.


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"At 1.28am, Thai military radar "was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,"

" So, they let a hundred or so planes and boats search in the wrong places because nobody asked specifically, "Did you see an aircraft alter course around this area at this particular time?"

Not the same thing at all.

Not a normal signal because all transponders were off, but they knew it was a plane and tracked it turning from it's path from KL and flying to Penang Island then turned again towards Malacca Straight.

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.
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Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

Yawn wonder if you ever lived here for a serious time. There might be some Thais like that but in general I would say no what you are saying is rubish and most here would agree.

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Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

Yawn wonder if you ever lived here for a serious time. There might be some Thais like that but in general I would say no what you are saying is rubish and most here would agree.

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Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

Yawn wonder if you ever lived here for a serious time. There might be some Thais like that but in general I would say no what you are saying is rubish and most here would agree.

Lived and worked here 10 years

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Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

No, I don't think they seriously believe it, but they are taught to appear as if they do, that to admit otherwise would be unpatriotic.

And those Thais that can observe first-hand what most of us get up to in the tourist areas, and don't directly make their living from those shenanigans, quite rightly would prefer we leave.

Let's be grateful we're just not that important so they let us be, for now.

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Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

Yawn wonder if you ever lived here for a serious time. There might be some Thais like that but in general I would say no what you are saying is rubish and most here would agree.

Lived and worked here 10 years

Then you live in an other Thailand as me and most of us. You sound a lot like an old Dutch guy I once met. The guy could not stop complaining about Thais mainly because he hated his life. He was downright racist, I don't meet many Dutch but told the guy that was the last time i would talk with him. Oh only thing he liked about Thailand were the girls.. was an old guy actually.

Not saying that the kind of ppl you describe arent here. but they are a minority.

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My take on this is quite different. I think that the truth of the matter is that what the radar picked up was not actually seen by anyone but instead was recorded (it was the middle of the night). It was not in Thai airspace and therefore did not trip any automatic alarms. It was only when someone had to review the tapes that they found it and then had to pretend that they had seen it - face-saving, the usual motivation!

Exactly. As the AVCM said, the track was of no concern to Thai air defense, since it was not on a heading to penetrate the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). And, since it had: 1. not originated in Thailand air space, it did not carry a Thai track number (to remain until it exited radar coverage); 2. was probably a very intermittent track, since it was only being painted by primary radar (i.e., secondary radar, the transponder, had been "strangled"); and 3. it could have been confused with clutter return, as, again, as it wasn't on an inbound heading for Thai airspace, there wasn't any reason to be overly concerned about a possible track vs clutter.

But, yeah, when the news hit, sure the tapes were pulled, and the radar data scrutinized. The AVCM said as much, saying it took experts to discern the track, once it was determined that something unusual had occurred.

I worked with RTAF Air Defense folks for a couple of years during Vietnam, and they were not slouches. And later I was involved in military sales for the upgrade and automation of their air defense system.

Also, I was Air Staff (XOO) when KAL 007 screwed up its INS inputs, managing to penetrate Soviet air space. I was then involved in the automation of the Alaska radar system, so I got hit with the repetitive question of, "Why didn't the Air Force advise 007 that he was off course?" Well, besides not recognizably deviating from course (not that we had his projected course plotted) until almost out of radar coverage, we had to point out that we were in the air defense business of projected penetrating tracks, and not the flight follow business of flights exiting the ADIZ (sure, if requested, we are -- but not as a matter of course-- and not much changed post KAL 007).

Anyway, the RTAF are professionals -- and their T-28 "interceptor" fleet even got a kill during Vietnam (well, the "unknown" when sandwiched by two T-28's, over controlled and stalled into the ground. But, a kill's a kill.)

So, cut them so slack, ok?

OK, apologies to the world for my earlier thoughts of idiocy. . .

Not saying anything specifically Thai here, but it seems obvious the signals were ignored because this particular anomaly did not represent any threat to Thai security.

"Not our mission" to be helpful to our neighbors or the world at large.

Most likely they had no idea of the incident at the time - for the same reason.

And by the time they did hear about it, most likely watching the news after clocking off, probably didn't even connect the dots that they might have something to contribute.

I'm not saying they are idiots because they are Thai.

I do think they were being idiotic.

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And there would be no doubt whatsoever that Australia's Jindalee Over The Horizon Radar would have 'seen' all this activity, recorded it and notified 'someone' of the anomaly. Then they would have filed the tapes away for release in thirty years time when security classifications expire. The Aussies very wisely aren't saying anything.

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Are you trying to tell me Thais don't look down on foreigners in every respect? They seriously believe they are superior in everyway to any other nation or individual. They are basically taught from school that nothing outside Thailand matters, which is why we have the xenophobic attitude from so many. Face facts, they'd rather not have us here, but put up with us begrudgingly.

Yawn wonder if you ever lived here for a serious time. There might be some Thais like that but in general I would say no what you are saying is rubish and most here would agree.

Gotta agree with robblok. Does any Thais think they are ready to win the World's cup or design aircraft or formula one racers or try a moonshot? Thais train and learn from US troops every year Operation Cobra Gold. Thais buy tanks and jet fighters from other countries and who designed the airport or sky train? Who is going to design the high speed rail? Thailand? Thailand uses inspection standards that were developed in other countries and when they want to educate a PM they go to the USA or UK or Switzerland.

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thais never think outside the box...........................................................................................it is well know thais excel at''mimicing''.or ''copying''..as far as a knew idea...you wont find one in thailand...

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"At 1.28am, Thai military radar "was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,"

" So, they let a hundred or so planes and boats search in the wrong places because nobody asked specifically, "Did you see an aircraft alter course around this area at this particular time?"

Not the same thing at all.

Not a normal signal because all transponders were off, but they knew it was a plane and tracked it turning from it's path from KL and flying to Penang Island then turned again towards Malacca Straight.

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

OK professional...I'm off my barstool...haven't had a drink in 6 hours...Enlighten Me...Please!

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thais never think outside the box...........................................................................................it is well know thais excel at''mimicing''.or ''copying''..as far as a knew idea...you wont find one in thailand...

It is also well known that people who say it is well known don't have a clue.

I bet you don't believe me eh?

OK here's what you do. Go to a Muay Thai training camp for Thai nationals. Stand in the middle of the ring and shout, "Thais didn't invent Muay Thai boxing."

When you get out of the hospital come back and tell us about copycat Thai boxers.biggrin.png

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"At 1.28am, Thai military radar "was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,"

" So, they let a hundred or so planes and boats search in the wrong places because nobody asked specifically, "Did you see an aircraft alter course around this area at this particular time?"

Not the same thing at all.

Not a normal signal because all transponders were off, but they knew it was a plane and tracked it turning from it's path from KL and flying to Penang Island then turned again towards Malacca Straight.

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

There are a lot of dumb or uneducated expats but to think that none of them are experts or professionals gets a bit old.

Back to your soapbox. Don't trip.

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I think the OP watches way too many movies. I might take a day to go through each channel, until it gets to the top. I think the Thai military did the right thing if they waited until they were sure. I'm not up on the Thai-Malaysian relationship between militaries, but maybe that could be a problem as well?

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thais never think outside the box...........................................................................................it is well know thais excel at''mimicing''.or ''copying''..as far as a knew idea...you wont find one in thailand...

It is also well known that people who say it is well known don't have a clue.

I bet you don't believe me eh?

OK here's what you do. Go to a Muay Thai training camp for Thai nationals. Stand in the middle of the ring and shout, "Thais didn't invent Muay Thai boxing."

When you get out of the hospital come back and tell us about copycat Thai boxers.biggrin.png

Wow I am impressed! Thai's invented a way to kick the crap out of each other. That's just truly amazing, but it's hardly rocket science is it?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"At 1.28am, Thai military radar "was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,"

" So, they let a hundred or so planes and boats search in the wrong places because nobody asked specifically, "Did you see an aircraft alter course around this area at this particular time?"

Not the same thing at all.

Not a normal signal because all transponders were off, but they knew it was a plane and tracked it turning from it's path from KL and flying to Penang Island then turned again towards Malacca Straight.

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

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fatdrunkandstupid, on 19 Mar 2014 - 22:26, said:Quote

What about the lack of initiative from Thai police actually doing some policing.

239 lives on board that Malaysian airline is a drop in the ocean compared to the carnage on the roads here.

Need to be careful with using phrases like 'a drop in the ocean' there fatdrunkandstupid when talking about missing planes, seems some people are getting anal with inappropriate phrases.

Jeremy Clarkson got his @ss spanked for commenting on a bridge having a slope on it a couple of days ago.......................rolleyes.gif


Edited by chrisinth
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

Agree with the first paragraph but would add to the second that lack of education usually (not always) goes along with lack of travel (with the exception of football games) and understanding and learning from that travel.

Most of the Thai bashing comes (IMHO) from people who can't speak Thai and have not been here long and do not have a family here.

One recently familiar poster shacked up with a hooker for 6 months and has been conducting a single handed smear campaign against Thailand even though now he is back in the States.

OK so. Ya shack up with a hooker run out of cash go home and we all have to hear about it by Thai bashing posts. Give it a rest. Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.

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thais never think outside the box...........................................................................................it is well know thais excel at''mimicing''.or ''copying''..as far as a knew idea...you wont find one in thailand...

It is also well known that people who say it is well known don't have a clue.

I bet you don't believe me eh?

OK here's what you do. Go to a Muay Thai training camp for Thai nationals. Stand in the middle of the ring and shout, "Thais didn't invent Muay Thai boxing."

When you get out of the hospital come back and tell us about copycat Thai boxers.biggrin.png

Wow I am impressed! Thai's invented a way to kick the crap out of each other. That's just truly amazing, but it's hardly rocket science is it?

And tell me. What is your great contribution to the human race?

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thais never think outside the box...........................................................................................it is well know thais excel at''mimicing''.or ''copying''..as far as a knew idea...you wont find one in thailand...

It is also well known that people who say it is well known don't have a clue.

I bet you don't believe me eh?

OK here's what you do. Go to a Muay Thai training camp for Thai nationals. Stand in the middle of the ring and shout, "Thais didn't invent Muay Thai boxing."

When you get out of the hospital come back and tell us about copycat Thai boxers.biggrin.png

Wow I am impressed! Thai's invented a way to kick the crap out of each other. That's just truly amazing, but it's hardly rocket science is it?

Was I answering the question, "how many Thai rocket scientists are there?" No. But you couldn't stay on topic and just had to throw another anti Thai statement to demean Thai boxing. Why? Do you want to limit the discussion to technical areas? OK look up Dr.Viboon Sangveraphunsir and The Regional Center of Robotics Technology.

But I really want to know why you would think to demean Muay Thai boxing? Have you ever watched a match? Ever watched the guys train? It is actually quite impressive. Especially when compared with, "Mike-Tyson-undisputed-truth."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

Agree with the first paragraph but would add to the second that lack of education usually (not always) goes along with lack of travel (with the exception of football games) and understanding and learning from that travel.

Most of the Thai bashing comes (IMHO) from people who can't speak Thai and have not been here long and do not have a family here.

One recently familiar poster shacked up with a hooker for 6 months and has been conducting a single handed smear campaign against Thailand even though now he is back in the States.

OK so. Ya shack up with a hooker run out of cash go home and we all have to hear about it by Thai bashing posts. Give it a rest. Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.

I speak thai well enough to get by on, i have lived, and visited, there long enough and have (had) a family. Am personally in a shambolic situation and have, IMHO, every reason to bash, as many name it, but i do my best not do it. Previous poster is correct that it has to do mostly with negative experiences and not with education.

What many bashers, eventhough many statements they write make sense, lack is introspection. I.e for what happened to them to be so negative, what role have they played themself ?

About the rest of ur comment that Thailand is the big winner in the neighbourhood.... In the land of the blind, 1 eye is king, most likely.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Geez, slow day in the Thai-bashing tribe? So you gotta find something to support your tired rhetoric? If you've been following the news, you'll know that they've got a gazillion leads but nothing concrete. You'd prefer that the Thai gov muddy the waters even more? How about go back to the barstool and let the professionals do their jobs.

It seems that most of the guys posting here who's only accomplishment was getting old and getting a pension to stay in Thailand with probably almost no real formal education themselves love to critisise the Thais.

Sure there are a lot of dumb uneducated Thais but to think that Thailand has no experts and professionals gets a bit old. There are guys and girls that are super bright just like everywhere else. You just don't encounter them much but they are here.

Its quite arrogant to think that you or others are always better but seems to be the norm for foreigners that are not too happy with their own life and need to put Thais down and act like they are so much better, just to stay happy.

Many of the foreigners in Thailand don't impress me at all usually damaged goods or oddballs.

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

Agree with the first paragraph but would add to the second that lack of education usually (not always) goes along with lack of travel (with the exception of football games) and understanding and learning from that travel.

Most of the Thai bashing comes (IMHO) from people who can't speak Thai and have not been here long and do not have a family here.

One recently familiar poster shacked up with a hooker for 6 months and has been conducting a single handed smear campaign against Thailand even though now he is back in the States.

OK so. Ya shack up with a hooker run out of cash go home and we all have to hear about it by Thai bashing posts. Give it a rest. Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.


Sorry the retirement thing for old people i dont find a real accomplishment. If you move here before your 40th and make it here, start a business or work here and make money. That is far more of a accomplishment as having build up a pension back home. Everyone your age could do it in the country you came from. State pensions and such (leaving the US out of this as I dont know enough about it over there but in Europe most of the older generation build up a pension automaticly)

So what you have are low educated poor foreigners that only hope to feel better is to bash Thai people.

Now there are genuine complaints about Thailand that is one thing for sure and I make them too. Complaining is not the same as putting all Thais down and bashing them. Though the line is quite thin. You will see plenty of posts of me complaining about stuff (mostly road use and about construction and corruption)

Its also so easy to blame everything on Thais while back home you would not have blamed it on all your countrymen but just on bad service. If you had some bad experiences back home with companies or drivers (though i admit driving is bad here but i think it would be bad back home too without enforcement) you would not blame all your fellow countryment you would just say its an idiot.

There are a lot of things that can be improved here but don't forget prices are much lower in general here too and salaries too. Education is not as great as back home. Then many guys here get burned by woman and tar all the woman the same. That is because they wanted a woman that was half their age and 10 times their looks. Those woman usually wants to be compensated to spend time with you either the long or short con. Take a normal girl closer to your age and chanses are less so or take one of those others and make sure she cant get to your money. (don't buy her a house). Even then no garantees.. but there were no garantees back home either.

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"At 1.28am, Thai military radar "was able to detect a signal, which was not a normal signal, of a plane flying in the direction opposite from the MH370 plane,"

" So, they let a hundred or so planes and boats search in the wrong places because nobody asked specifically, "Did you see an aircraft alter course around this area at this particular time?"

Not the same thing at all.

This is an example of the all pervading attitude of Thai's to everything if you say why didnt you *******, all you get is a smile and sometimes they say you never asked me No Initiative what so ever - I love the Thai people but they have no initiative



And That's not all of them I am married to a lovely Thai Lady who seems to be able to do anything, and has exceptional initiative so there are exceptions

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

Agree with the first paragraph but would add to the second that lack of education usually (not always) goes along with lack of travel (with the exception of football games) and understanding and learning from that travel.

Most of the Thai bashing comes (IMHO) from people who can't speak Thai and have not been here long and do not have a family here.

One recently familiar poster shacked up with a hooker for 6 months and has been conducting a single handed smear campaign against Thailand even though now he is back in the States.

OK so. Ya shack up with a hooker run out of cash go home and we all have to hear about it by Thai bashing posts. Give it a rest. Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.

I speak thai well enough to get by on, i have lived, and visited, there long enough and have (had) a family. Am personally in a shambolic situation and have, IMHO, every reason to bash, as many name it, but i do my best not do it. Previous poster is correct that it has to do mostly with negative experiences and not with education.

What many bashers, eventhough many statements they write make sense, lack is introspection. I.e for what happened to them to be so negative, what role have they played themself ?

About the rest of ur comment that Thailand is the big winner in the neighbourhood.... In the land of the blind, 1 eye is king, most likely.

I know the purpose of your post is to bash Thailand and does not reflect reality but Thailand is not in Europe or America. It is in South East Asia and its neighbors (apples to apples) are Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Because Thailand has, among other things, more initiative than its closest neighbors Thailand is more successful. Sorry if you want Thailand to compete somewhere else. The problem is, it is not somewhere else.

Edited by thailiketoo
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Getting Old and getting a Pension large enough to support yourself in Thailand are 2 Huge Accomplishments in Life Son! More than half the born population never make it that far. So wait until you are old and then see if you still think how easy that was to get their.

But Yes! There does seem to be a lot of Thai Bashing here, which I doubt it has a lot to do with the education level. More likely a bad experience (s) here.

Agree with the first paragraph but would add to the second that lack of education usually (not always) goes along with lack of travel (with the exception of football games) and understanding and learning from that travel.

Most of the Thai bashing comes (IMHO) from people who can't speak Thai and have not been here long and do not have a family here.

One recently familiar poster shacked up with a hooker for 6 months and has been conducting a single handed smear campaign against Thailand even though now he is back in the States.

OK so. Ya shack up with a hooker run out of cash go home and we all have to hear about it by Thai bashing posts. Give it a rest. Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.

I speak thai well enough to get by on, i have lived, and visited, there long enough and have (had) a family. Am personally in a shambolic situation and have, IMHO, every reason to bash, as many name it, but i do my best not do it. Previous poster is correct that it has to do mostly with negative experiences and not with education.

What many bashers, eventhough many statements they write make sense, lack is introspection. I.e for what happened to them to be so negative, what role have they played themself ?

About the rest of ur comment that Thailand is the big winner in the neighbourhood.... In the land of the blind, 1 eye is king, most likely.

I know the purpose of your post is to bash Thailand and does not reflect reality but Thailand is not in Europe or America. It is in South East Asia and its neighbors (apples to apples) are Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Because Thailand has, among other things, more initiative than its closest neighbors Thailand is more successful. Sorry if you want Thailand to compete somewhere else. The problem is, it is not somewhere else.

Comprehensive reading.......(tha)i like too. Kapom.

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I speak thai well enough to get by on, i have lived, and visited, there long enough and have (had) a family. Am personally in a shambolic situation and have, IMHO, every reason to bash, as many name it, but i do my best not do it. Previous poster is correct that it has to do mostly with negative experiences and not with education.

What many bashers, eventhough many statements they write make sense, lack is introspection. I.e for what happened to them to be so negative, what role have they played themself ?

About the rest of ur comment that Thailand is the big winner in the neighbourhood.... In the land of the blind, 1 eye is king, most likely.

I know the purpose of your post is to bash Thailand and does not reflect reality but Thailand is not in Europe or America. It is in South East Asia and its neighbors (apples to apples) are Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Because Thailand has, among other things, more initiative than its closest neighbors Thailand is more successful. Sorry if you want Thailand to compete somewhere else. The problem is, it is not somewhere else.

Comprehensive reading.......(tha)i like too. Kapom.

Translation into English please.

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Thailand has done a better job by a long shot than any of it's immediate neighbors; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma. People determine governments and Thailand's is better and more innovative than any of the above mentioned countries.

Compare apples to apples and in this neighborhood Thailand is and has been the big winner. So I don't buy the lack of initiative thing at all.

I know the purpose of your post is to bash Thailand and does not reflect reality but Thailand is not in Europe or America. It is in South East Asia and its neighbors (apples to apples) are Laos, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Because Thailand has, among other things, more initiative than its closest neighbors Thailand is more successful. Sorry if you want Thailand to compete somewhere else. The problem is, it is not somewhere else.

I'm sorry but your consistent blind bias in the forum leads me to suspect perhaps you've been a bit brainwashed. I don't know how that's happened, unless you are actually Thai - in which case may I congratulate you on your English, excellent for a Thai - or perhaps you're employed by a Thai org to mitigate the admittedly unfair Thailand bashing that goes on here.

However you very conveniently left out Malaysia and Singapore (Brunei fair enough). True, these had an unfair advantage in having been colonized, perhaps that's what has allowed them to improve their education standards and reduce corruption much better than Thailand.


And Thailand does indeed compete not only in the region but on a global basis, and must do so more effectively since its labor costs are no longer low. Vietnam in particular has taken the initiative and will see much faster and more stable growth in years to come - for example, hardly affected at all by the post-2008 financial crisis.


And in my experience in both Cambodia and Vietnam, individual entrepreneurship is actually much stronger there than in Thailand, especially given how much they have been held back by their regimes there.

So not intending to bash Thailand, I'm usually called a "Thai apologist for my acceptance even enthusiasm for Thai cultural differences, but wanted to give your macro-economic boosterism a bit of perspective.

Edited by wym
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