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Thai Air Force radar may have picked up MH370


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Stop this stupid Thai bashing.

How is Air Command supposed to know their info is important?

They don't listen to BBC.

They don't read TV News.

And when they do they use Google translation page and still do not understand what is what.tongue.png

Maybe this news will bring the missing plane to the average Thai's notice.

I commented to a Thai friend a few days ago about flight MH370, and the response was 'Huh? What missing plane?"

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Yes. Sorry for my typo (auto-correct). It IS the best theory out there. I hope it's true versus the more likely scenario of the plane already at the bottom of the ocean.

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Not exactly on topic but I wonder why this (and all commercial aircraft) are not fitted with a distress radio beacon (EPIRB) which is automatically activiated, floats on the water, works on over 70% of the earths surface and sends a signal to satellites providing a location accurate to within 100 meters. Most offshore boaters wouldn't leave a coastline without one of these gadgets which have saved tens of thousands of lives and cost only a few hundred bucks. I know the black box will send an underwater "ping" which sonar can locate but first you have to get close to the black box. Anyone know why distress radio beacon technology is not used?

Edited by gdringjr
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Iranian links, obvious cover ups, absolute dismissal of the possibility that the plane could've suffered a mechanical problem and crashed, focusing all investigations on the Muslim pilots and passengers....

What we have here is an Israeli false flag operation similar to the ones in Thailand, India, and Georgia a few years ago. Mossad is taking it slow this time, because the last few attempts have been too obvious.




I stated here or on another forum my disbelief at how quickly 1. The buyer of the tickets was identified as Iranian, and 2, how the two stolen passport carriers were identified as Iranian.

It has not been explained how Malaysian authorities came to the conclusion that the men were Iranian, and so quickly!

The ticket seller wouldn't know that Iran is a country let alone be able to positively identify the buyer as Iranian.

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Not exactly on topic but I wonder why this (and all commercial aircraft) are not fitted with a distress radio beacon (EPIRB) which is automatically activiated, works on over 70% of the earths surface and sends a signal to satellites providing a location accurate to within 100 meters. Most offshore boaters wouldn't leave a coastline without one of these gadgets which have saved tens of thousands of lives and cost only a few hundred bucks. Anyone know why this technology is not used?

Who's going to set it off if the plane is in control of a pilot? As for automatically starting, what is the stimulus?

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Iranian links, obvious cover ups, absolute dismissal of the possibility that the plane could've suffered a mechanical problem and crashed, focusing all investigations on the Muslim pilots and passengers....

What we have here is an Israeli false flag operation similar to the ones in Thailand, India, and Georgia a few years ago. Mossad is taking it slow this time, because the last few attempts have been too obvious.




I stated here or on another forum my disbelief at how quickly 1. The buyer of the tickets was identified as Iranian, and 2, how the two stolen passport carriers were identified as Iranian.

It has not been explained how Malaysian authorities came to the conclusion that the men were Iranian, and so quickly!

The ticket seller wouldn't know that Iran is a country let alone be able to positively identify the buyer as Iranian.

I think that was explained well enough. 2 people whose passports were on the plane were informed by Malaysian Airlines and replied that actually, they were not. Mother of one of the Iranians who knew her son was on 370 came forward. Second Iranian was friends with first, this also identified by people who knew him.

Plausible explanation, conspiracy theory evaporates. Plenty of other things left to creative imagination though.

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Not exactly on topic but I wonder why this (and all commercial aircraft) are not fitted with a distress radio beacon (EPIRB) which is automatically activiated, works on over 70% of the earths surface and sends a signal to satellites providing a location accurate to within 100 meters. Most offshore boaters wouldn't leave a coastline without one of these gadgets which have saved tens of thousands of lives and cost only a few hundred bucks. Anyone know why this technology is not used?

Who's going to set it off if the plane is in control of a pilot? As for automatically starting, what is the stimulus?

All of the EPIRBs I have seen on boats are mounted externally and self-release then self-activiate and float on the surface after coming in contact with water. They can't be tampered with or switched off and are sealed until activated by water.

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Though in all fairness the Americans probably knew all along where the plane was going and didn't say so as not to let on to the capabilities they have. I am no conspiracy freak, but a country that has NSA should be able to track a huge plane.

And there are plenty of other parties with egg on their face: Malaysia, Boeing,....

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..." FoxNews' Greta VanSusteren"... "jerks" ...

But I digress.

The radar data belongs to the Thai military.

The Malaysians did not ask for it.

What's so hard to understand here? Especially from you so-called 'long time' residents of Thailand and the far east. There's an insurgency in Thailand's southern provinces that the Malaysians turn a blind eye to despite their unofficial, unspoken, tacit support for the protagonists who pass freely through their northern states.

This notable 'som nam nah' moment brought to you courtesy of ACM Prachin Chantong.

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In my opinion, the Thai military brass are in the same category as the Thai police brass. They are resplendent in their decoration encrusted uniforms, strutting with aires of grandiosity, devoid of professional substance and amassing as much power/money as possible for their retirement years.

This latest revelation emphasizes the incompetency of those in this country that are entrusted with protecting it's boundaries and people.

Whoever takes responsibility for this gross oversight should, at least, be dismissed from service and not just transferred. Heads really should roll on this one.

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Just to note that "having the data" and "knowing you have the data" are two different things. As the article at the link below notes, the various (and increased number of) countries were only asked to reanalyze their radar data a couple of days ago. Several articles discussing Australia's taking lead talked about how difficult it would be to find anything at all in old (even 1-2 weeks) military radar data. It is doubtful that the Thai military knew they had the data ten days ago and only found it upon re-examination. More likely is that ACM Prachin's communication of having found data that might be meaningful leaves a bit to be desired.


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I just read this on the other world feeds and had a bit of a chuckle. Here it is, 10 days since the disappearance of MH370 and the Thai military just now release their radar traces. When asked why they just released them now, their response was that no one had asked them. Priceless.

EDIT: As you would expect, the western media is now ripping Thailand a new one for taking so long to release this data.

The Airforce read about the two Malay fishermen who spotted the plane. Not wanting to be upstaged by mere fishermen, they step forward and offer info. Feel the love, TAT.

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why are you all making such a big deal over this particular oversight? it is entirely possible the radar was unmanned or manned by the cleaning lady.

surely incompetence should no be that surprising?

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If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

There is a lot more to this than what the general is saying. Nobody is forthcoming with information. I notice that even before no journalist was raing this question of asking Thailands input. Everyone was asking the Vietnamese, Malysian even the Indians and Bangladeshis but not Thailand. strange.....wai2.gif

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I just read this on the other world feeds and had a bit of a chuckle. Here it is, 10 days since the disappearance of MH370 and the Thai military just now release their radar traces. When asked why they just released them now, their response was that no one had asked them. Priceless.

EDIT: As you would expect, the western media is now ripping Thailand a new one for taking so long to release this data.

Oh come on they have been busy with the passport thing and it just slipped their mind. No one asked them if they knew anything and they didn't think it was important.

Thailand's military says its radar detected a plane that may have been Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 just minutes after the jetliner's communications went down.

It also says it didn't share the information with Malaysia earlier because it wasn't specifically asked for it.


To anyone that has faced Thais in a college classroom this is typical behavior. Don't ask anything, don't volunteer any information, and try to melt into the woodwork and disappear after arriving in class late and spending time chatting up classmates.

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If you think Thailand is the only country , agency , withholding info on this I doubt it .... There is a lot more to this story and I believe a lot more info being with held ... time will tell ...I feel for the passanges families ... no closure is a heavy burden for anyone ....

Even Fox experts have said there is a lot of info that other countries are with holding. One of the supposed biggest ones is the US, India and China.

The problem is not the info it is how they got it.

I am sure that the Stan countries are really helping too.

Might be truth to it, if even the Nazi-esque propagandists on Fox agree. They usually only agree with Fox-themselves, the world and facts, logic, science, and common sense be damned.

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This just looks bad on Thailand and they done it all by themselves.

This whole missing plane search and investigation is a complete farce. Top it off the Chinese are going to do a pointless hunger strike threatening death by starvation...

What everybody seems to forget is the fact that Malaysia DID NOT ASK Thailand if they might have information.

With other words, Malaysia was not interested if Thailand had any info.

If Thailand would have brought the available information out in the open one can just imagine what the reaction of the Malat officials would have been, ten days ago that is.

Now blaming Thailand for not volunteering the information to others while Malaysia did not ask it's neighbour is a little stupid.

Seen the "difficulties" in the south and the possible Malaysian influence on it, it is all very much understandable why Malaysia did not ask and Thailand did not volunteer.

Also, one might ask why so little info is forthcoming about the Iranian(s) bearing stolen passports.

The "fugutives searching for asylum" thing is, at least, a sop.

The fact that both pilots are now "researched" is, ehhhhh, interesting.

Edited by hansnl
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