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What foreigners dont get about Thai girls.


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As a newbie I don't know if this is on topic or not or should be in a new topic, but I would like to discuss the pro's and con's of having children with your younger gf/ wife, especially when you already have (almost) grown up children from previous relationships. I am 50 and gf is 33 and dearly wants to have a luug kreung or two. Me I am scared. How will my current children handle it? Do luug kreung really fit in and are accepted well into Thai society? Am I to old and do I have the energy for this?

Apart from the acceptance of mixed kids in thai society....the other questions only u urself can answer.

Good luck.

From what I know Lukruengs are considered good looking and are in the entertainment industry by default. Thai people like them. And no with 50 you are defiinitely not too old.

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The uneducated like to attack the educated.

Like this silly claim above that Chula is on par with a british high school. Says more about the poster than about Chula.

Some, Mr. Hammer. Some . . . . but not all that many.

I think you are confusing the process of socialization that occurs within the campus environment with the rigours of academe at a top tier western Uni.

Undergraduates just about anywhere are a pretty callow lot.

Real research on along real lines of inquiry and within the rigours of internationally observed scholarship is rare.

Here in Thailand, Master's theses are routinely "hired out" and in many cases the sakdina issues involved in their authorship and their oral examination and defence are something more important and present issues quite apart from internationally recognized standards.

Ask some of these "PhD's from outside" if their doctorates or their dissertation are actually recognized.

Ask about "Export Only" PhD's available at some of England's and the US's and the west in general's "quieter" Uni's ;-))

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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The uneducated like to attack the educated.

Like this silly claim above that Chula is on par with a british high school. Says more about the poster than about Chula.

Clearly, i'll have to do a lot more research - maybe sit in on an English class .... I expect that they use them big words wot I struggle wif, but I'll write them down and get back to you.

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Good grief, this thread became full off self righteous holier than thou types, which unfortunately are often ones found to be abusing alter boys or caught sneeking out of some pervert gay bar.

And LaraC, we get it, you feel threathened by prostitution because you feel it indirectly lowers your sexual value, when a fixed price is set on p*ssy. I wouldn't get too cocky though, as you will likely find that older men do have an easier time finding sexual partners, paid or not, than older women. With your attitude, you might soon find yourself in the shoes of those old men, except you will be going to Ghana instead.

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Good grief, this thread became full off self righteous holier than thou types, which unfortunately are often ones found to be abusing alter boys or caught sneeking out of some pervert gay bar.

And LaraC, we get it, you feel threathened by prostitution because you feel it indirectly lowers your sexual value, when a fixed price is set on p*ssy. I wouldn't get too cocky though, as you will likely find that older men do have an easier time finding sexual partners, paid or not, than older women. With your attitude, you might soon find yourself in the shoes of those old men, except you will be going to Ghana instead.

Omg, how did you know?

I feel so busted.

I sink my head in my hands when i sadly must concede that all men prefer the affections of a prostitute over a non-prostitute.

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Indeed you need MUCH more research into the tertiary experience!

The following has little relevance to the topic but I could not resist a response.

So you "completed" your uni education - this century - in a provincial uni - in which country? - which uni? a pass degree/masters/PhD? - which faculty? from there?

Of course, this makes you eligible to date students/graduates from Chula - what else?

I was an educator at a university in the '70s . After 8 years, I resigned - went into private practice - very rewarding. 90+% of my colleagues stayed & completed PhDs (of course). Yes, they published - "publish or perish" - "trash". I wish to make one exception. Pure science - productive research in the main (I was not in the science faculty).These colleagues have retired recently after say 30 years in academia - pension - USD100+k/pa. Contribution to society - questionable? They arrived at work at 10-11am - left early - or did not come in at all - class contact - 8-10hrs/week.

My personal opinion - a pass degree of the 60s & 70s is equivalent or superior to a Masters degree of today. When I was in academia, it was necessary to coach students in remedial Maths & English! It was all about $$$ - government funding was based on attrition rates - it became difficult to "fail" them - decree from above. In fact, there were no "failures" - "incomplete".

Then, it is unfair to judge/assess a university in toto. It may have a strong science faculty & be weak in others. So, it is not just the university. Take a look at the "paper mills" in the USA & UK.

Yes, my spouse has a pass degree from a provincial uni in Thailand - I suggest poor quality. But, this does not detract from her personal attributes (she is my teacher in "life").

In your opinion, is the above BS? I invite your/others comment/criticism - demonstrate your analytical skills.

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Good grief, this thread became full off self righteous holier than thou types, which unfortunately are often ones found to be abusing alter boys or caught sneeking out of some pervert gay bar.

And LaraC, we get it, you feel threathened by prostitution because you feel it indirectly lowers your sexual value, when a fixed price is set on p*ssy. I wouldn't get too cocky though, as you will likely find that older men do have an easier time finding sexual partners, paid or not, than older women. With your attitude, you might soon find yourself in the shoes of those old men, except you will be going to Ghana instead.

Omg, how did you know?

I feel so busted.

I sink my head in my hands when i sadly must concede that all men prefer the affections of a prostitute over a non-prostitute.

No LaraC but thanks to all the progress that's been made on the gender politics front it's getting that way, I'm afraid.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

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(too many quotes)

10Yen: They are human beings, don't come here to exploit them without anticipating that the tables may be turned, the exploiter gets exploited.


Maybe we should get together and hold banners up at the airport targetting the sex tourists

benalibina: Exploitation of anykind by any man/woman is wrong.

Exploitation (in various ways) is rife in Thailand (which is probably a whole other topic).

It is a perpetual (negative) cycle.

Then that (negative) perpetual cycle becomes normalised because most people hang out in the same circles.

Behaviours which are seen as offensive or distasteful etc in most countries, and which people would never dare to utter or practice openly, are soon seen as perfectly normal within certain enviroments.

The problem is these individuals then think its normal or acceptable everywhere in Thailand.

IE: Sitting in a coffee shop i overhear to decreped looking old men (looked like parts of their body might just flake off at any given moment) talking about rates of paying their hookers and discussing what they do (sexually). In a nice coffee shop. Get a grip gents..get a grip..

They want to the 18 year old, fresh girl, who speaks the opposite language, opposite skin color, nothing in common, have opposite cultures, are "submissive" and clueless.

Cause in there own countries they would be labeled as creepy and a danger to society.


They must hate them selfs in the morning when looking in mirror after sex with these men. But put a fake smile on while they send money back home... Smh

Skeet, it's not just the exploited woman who feels shame.......

The exploiter feels the same also, when he hands over the money, she walks out of the door like he never existed, the guilt, the shame, the feeling of hopelessness, who can I exploit tonight, I know, I'll stay away from her bar.....I wish I had just had sex with myself and save a few thousand, not really something I wanna talk to the Grandchildren about, especially as last nights was about the same age.

Similar Stories I have heard in my capacity as a Samaritan, yes, it's pathetic and pitiful, but, I can imagine it must be that way for thousands of men here who do not have my physical attributes.

For them, I can only say, I will pray for you, not that you will get better looking, that's not possible, but, maybe you'll meet a blind woman or a total lunatic.

I wish you all the best of luck.

Just because you personally, or mainstream society back home thinks desiring sex with young women or being a customer of the sex industry is "disgusting" or "creepy" doesn't mean there is anything morally/ethically wrong with these things. Not so long ago most people would be vocal about same-sex relationships, the fact that I purposefully ensure my very young children socialize with same-sex couples and understand these alternative marriages are perfectly normal and OK, twenty years ago probably would have seemed wrong to most people back home.

Not too many decades ago fraternizing with other races, god forbid inter-racial sexual relationships or marriages were considered scandalous and "immoral".

Mainstream social opinion has very little to do with ethics, true morality in any universal, rational sense.

IMO anything that consenting adults want to do with their own bodies for whatever reason as long as they don't hurt others is ethically/morally OK.

"Exploitation" is pretty much a content-free word, completely defined by the preconceptions of the speaker, just like "beautiful" or "digusting".

All of our political/economic systems, surrounding us like fish living in water, is based on what Marx would call exploitation.

The clothes you buy, your screen devices, the food you eat, all involved relatively "poor" people being "taken advantage of" by their relatively "rich" employer to "force" them to do work they don't enjoy.

A poster recently shared pics of a man whose job it is to swim around in fecal matter. He is choosing to do that work - perhaps he feels shame about it, but that has nothing to do with any claim that his employer is "exploiting" him.

The sex industry here is much more open and socially acceptable here in Thailand, we can all swim around in poo and openly brag about it afterwards with our fellow sexpats in coffee shops where prudish moralizers may be scandalized by overhearing us.

Well it's the wowsers that are out of place here, if you don't like that sort of conversation tough luck, move your ears away. Having sex with younger women is why most foreigners visit Thailand, why most of us settle here.

Maybe one day that will change, but I hope if it does it's the result of the Thais getting fed up with us romantic travelers not the result of western puritans importing their outmoded victorian values.

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You want any chance of a respectable Thai girl. You need to apply the following rules.

1. She must not be associated with any foreigner (now or in the past).

2. She must not know any wife or gf of a foreigner.

3. She must speak no foreign language, especially English.

White guys often have a (former) sex worker gf/wife, and the friends of the gf/wife will also be sex workers.

So introductions via that route are as suspect as meeting her directly in the bar.

I have never heard so much rubbish. This coming fae a whoermaestering bawbag. You ought to arrive in Thailand.

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Indeed you need MUCH more research into the tertiary experience!

The following has little relevance to the topic but I could not resist a response.

So you "completed" your uni education - this century - in a provincial uni - in which country? - which uni? a pass degree/masters/PhD? - which faculty? from there?

Of course, this makes you eligible to date students/graduates from Chula - what else?

I was an educator at a university in the '70s . After 8 years, I resigned - went into private practice - very rewarding. 90+% of my colleagues stayed & completed PhDs (of course). Yes, they published - "publish or perish" - "trash". I wish to make one exception. Pure science - productive research in the main (I was not in the science faculty).These colleagues have retired recently after say 30 years in academia - pension - USD100+k/pa. Contribution to society - questionable? They arrived at work at 10-11am - left early - or did not come in at all - class contact - 8-10hrs/week.

My personal opinion - a pass degree of the 60s & 70s is equivalent or superior to a Masters degree of today. When I was in academia, it was necessary to coach students in remedial Maths & English! It was all about $$$ - government funding was based on attrition rates - it became difficult to "fail" them - decree from above. In fact, there were no "failures" - "incomplete".

Then, it is unfair to judge/assess a university in toto. It may have a strong science faculty & be weak in others. So, it is not just the university. Take a look at the "paper mills" in the USA & UK.

Yes, my spouse has a pass degree from a provincial uni in Thailand - I suggest poor quality. But, this does not detract from her personal attributes (she is my teacher in "life").

In your opinion, is the above BS? I invite your/others comment/criticism - demonstrate your analytical skills.

I'd suggest you go back and read the series of responses - I chose Chula simply because it's a cliché among TV members to insist that they only date high-class 'students from Chula'. I'll leave it to you to compute the age differential between the average TV blowhard and the average undergrad student in a Thai university - IMO, it's predatory to say the least.

You asked about my own education. I hold a Bachelor of Information Technology from this university, and the graduation ceremony was in 1995:


I'm not going to get into a pissing match here, and its off topic. I accept that I made a poor choice in nominating Chula when I have no personal experience of the university or the quality of its graduates. I saw enough 'behind the curtain' to agree with your other statements re academics (not all, but many) and the 'paper mills' many of them currently inhabit. We both know I could fabricate all manner of credentials, but it serves no purpose - my degree prepared me for entry into the workforce and that's all I wanted from it.

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Good grief, this thread became full off self righteous holier than thou types, which unfortunately are often ones found to be abusing alter boys or caught sneeking out of some pervert gay bar.

So you're a homophobe who sees many of his fellow TVers as gay pedophiles ? I don't have a terribly high opinion of many here, but that seems just a little harsh ;)

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I sink my head in my hands when i sadly must concede that all men prefer the affections of a prostitute over a non-prostitute.

Perhaps the sexual attentions of prostitutes as there is no need to ever get bored, but I think that most men prefer the affections of "good girls" who do not get around that much. Thailand is great from the male perspective, because men with a decent income and the right wife can often have both.

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I sink my head in my hands when i sadly must concede that all men prefer the affections of a prostitute over a non-prostitute.

Perhaps the sexual attentions of prostitutes as there is no need to ever get bored, but I think that most men prefer the affections of "good girls" who do not get around that much. Thailand is great from the male perspective, because men with a decent income and the right wife can often have both.

That's me. I do as I please. I do as I please because I put myself in that position. I think everyone should do the same. Find out who you really are and make friends with him before you do anything else. Sometimes who you really are breaks molds and certain standards society and family, for example, place on you. It's ok to bust the mold and break-out. Don't waste your life trying to conform or following some damn fool's orders.

All this talk about compromise and having to go this way and that over a woman. I think it's silly. Why not just be yourself and let everything come out in the rinse? Trying to change to suit some woman will never end. She will never be satisfied no matter what you do. Neither will you.

Be yourself and trust yourself first.

Edited by Razer64
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yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


I did more than find one girl to play with

Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to. But then again I'm sure with your 6 months experience in Thailand you can tell when you being lied to by a Thai women....laugh.png

They were all ugly.

Couldnt have been in the sex industry,

unless they have brothels for the blind

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yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


I did more than find one girl to play with

Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to. But then again I'm sure with your 6 months experience in Thailand you can tell when you being lied to by a Thai women....laugh.png

They were all ugly.

Couldnt have been in the sex industry,

unless they have brothels for the blind

cheesy.gif This is just priceless. I am really at a loss for words. You have cheered me up dude clap2.gif

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I'll leave it to you to compute the age differential between the average TV blowhard and the average undergrad student in a Thai university - IMO, it's predatory to say the least.

That's unfair, the TGs at uni turning tricks on the side are often much less predatory than the full-timers.

And just because a guy is older doesn't automatically make him an easy target; in fact lots of younger guys get scammed due to their lack of experience.

Edited by wym
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I'll leave it to you to compute the age differential between the average TV blowhard and the average undergrad student in a Thai university - IMO, it's predatory to say the least.

That's unfair, the TGs at uni turning tricks on the side are often much less predatory than the full-timers.

And just because a guy is older doesn't automatically make him an easy target; in fact lots of younger guys get scammed due to their lack of experience.

Less predatory:

of course, they are choosing thier customers, and are doing it for many reasons, starting with, spending money,

not mortgages, kids, husbands, mothers.

easy targets:

add alcohol = easier target, more likely to spend more

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yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


I did more than find one girl to play with

Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to.

I think you'll find Thai women are now only averaging 1.6 babies each, down from 6 not that long ago. That leaves plenty plenty of women over 30 without children. Don't see how you can conclude he was lied to.

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yo mate, no offense, but, before I shacked up w the soapy girl,

I was hanging with my friend from NYC and his wife;s friends were drooling for a shot,

All over 30, none with kids, all wanting what she has,


I did more than find one girl to play with

Well then you must be an EXPERT on Thai women!

Funny thing is in Thailand 10% of women have their first baby before age 18. The average age of Thai women having their first baby is 23.


So lets see.....you met a ton of over 30 Thai women who have NOT had a baby ......guess you got lied to.

I think you'll find Thai women are now only averaging 1.6 babies each, down from 6 not that long ago. That leaves plenty plenty of women over 30 without children. Don't see how you can conclude he was lied to.

And, they wouldnt lie, because, the friend's wife wouldnt permit that anyway.

There are people with morals and scruples, and high values, and although I understand there is all sorts of face saving lies, that is not specific to thailand, I watched my wife lie all the time about her art qualifications and singing capability, then dismiss as stage fright, or some other in a handbook of excuses, for being a truly poor performer and for creating art that no one ever bought from her

but, to lie about having a kid?

when it would be easily verified, lacks logic in any soceity

only TV posters would believe that A conscious man, not a brain soaked in alcohol or over come with the emotion of love, could be fooled by a girl hiding a husband and child, as a brother and nephew.

a woman cannot hide how she looks at a child, or speaks about him,

there will always be tell tale clues, always

real life is real life,

people lie all the time,

and generally, it is about the same things, but not something easily verified later,

even a drunken liar can do better than trap themselves so easily

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And, they wouldnt lie, because, the friend's wife wouldnt permit that anyway.

There are people with morals and scruples, and high values, and although I understand there is all sorts of face saving lies, that is not specific to thailand, I watched my wife lie all the time about her art qualifications and singing capability, then dismiss as stage fright, or some other in a handbook of excuses, for being a truly poor performer and for creating art that no one ever bought from her

but, to lie about having a kid?

when it would be easily verified, lacks logic in any soceity

only TV posters would believe that A conscious man, not a brain soaked in alcohol or over come with the emotion of love, could be fooled by a girl hiding a husband and child, as a brother and nephew.

a woman cannot hide how she looks at a child, or speaks about him,

there will always be tell tale clues, always

real life is real life,

people lie all the time,

and generally, it is about the same things, but not something easily verified later,

even a drunken liar can do better than trap themselves so easily

Scarpolo ....your absolutely hilarious.....and Naive

Some Thai women DO lie about having children, Some Thai women DO lie about family, Some Thai women DO lie about having only been in the business for a few days, Some Thai women lie about not having a husband. Wanna take a guess what profession they're in.

I realize in you 6 months in Thailand your encounters with Thai women are somewhat limited....and therefore your statements should be limited to talking about your "soapie" prostitute and your friends wife friends.

AS for being able to tell when a Thai women in sex trade is lying ....well that's easy ....she opens her mouth!

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That's not fair, have met/known/been related to/married sex workers that are diligently honest, much more ethically principled than the average "straight" woman.

Sure the expectations and contexts arising in some aspects of the profession lead to a tendency to deceit, very much true for other more mainstream-respected careers.

But then the good ones are paid more so for their acting ability than the physical gymnastics, the top earners I've known end up hardly considering that aspect significant at all.

But when push comes to shove lots of working girls are morally straight-edge and loyal friends.

But of course if you see them all as sub-human treat them with disrespect you'll never get the chance to see that side of them, the good ones will steer far clear of you.

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That's not fair, have met/known/been related to/married sex workers that are diligently honest, much more ethically principled than the average "straight" woman.

Sure the expectations and contexts arising in some aspects of the profession lead to a tendency to deceit, very much true for other more mainstream-respected careers.

But then the good ones are paid more so for their acting ability than the physical gymnastics, the top earners I've known end up hardly considering that aspect significant at all.

But when push comes to shove lots of working girls are morally straight-edge and loyal friends.

But of course if you see them all as sub-human treat them with disrespect you'll never get the chance to see that side of them, the good ones will steer far clear of you.

Can appreciate what your saying.....and if you note....I did NOT refer to ALL....

But someone who has only been in Thailand six months and then go on lecturing about Thai women in general....well ...I restate my opinion....Naive

Edited by bocceball1
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Well this sounded pretty categorical to me

AS for being able to tell when a Thai women in sex trade is lying ....well that's easy ....she opens her mouth!

But I accept that you perhaps don't actually think that way.

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Well this sounded pretty categorical to me

AS for being able to tell when a Thai women in sex trade is lying ....well that's easy ....she opens her mouth!

But I accept that you perhaps don't actually think that way.

It was meant as a "Joke"....guess not all humor goes over well on the internet!wub.png

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RE: I Think this was the Topic??

What foreigners dont get about Thai girls

Same as in any other country. Simple as that. For those that seem so confused here, and always going on about how "different" they are in so many ways. Heck, you must have been virgins when you got here.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Great book and yes, simple as that. At least for some of us. Yeah, I have read it, At one time many years ago I owned three copies. One I bought, two copies from ex girlfriends. Meaning they did not understand me, and I sure as heck was confused by them.

Yeah, you sure as heck can get screwed over by Thai girls, no, not different, or as the Thai T shirt states, "Same Same, But Different" as any other country.

Love my Thai Wife, confused at times, heck yeah, almost every day. Nothing to write home about though, or fill up a blog, and most cultural, meaning the problem is me understanding her, not her understanding me..................................................... But, maybe I am finally growing up as I strive every day to learn the culture, and from what I have seen in the past three years, it is very cool stuff if you spend the time striving to understand it............

As I have noted before, I have pretty much stopped trying to teach my wife "western" culture. I truly see no point. I love her Budda based peaceful Thai heart. I came here with an open mind. I have far more to learn than I have to "teach". In fact more and more I realize that in most cases all I am doing is setting myself up for causing a loss of face to someone I love and nothing to gain by it. Meaning I keep my "western" culture on a leash and try and give myself enough rope to pull in and learn the Thai Culture. To me, this is far more important and will reap me far more in the long run than trying to "westernize" my Thai wife. Why any of us would want to do that is totally beyond me......... Heck, not being westernized is one of the many things I love about her..........................................

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