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What foreigners dont get about Thai girls.


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Look I have actually lived here since 1990, not part time, full time.

All this crap about I speak fluent Thai. is BS, I have met many many expats since 1990, very few spoke any Thai at all, but on ThaiVisa, they're all fluent.........................funny that, on an anonymous forum they are fluent, in reality......................................

What I want is a Royal Rumble, Tag teams and individuals, and before you keyboard warriors slag me off, PM me, I can get the venue, can you appear ?

No Zimmer frames or wheelchairs allowed !

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Not exactly sure how to quote different sections of a post, and don't have time to figure it out.

Yes, likely a relationship of any kind with a non-sex worker will be more expensive, though I enjoy the non sex parts as well, so it isn't all a waste of money. It's recreation for me.

Yes, I became quickly aware that anything I do will be transmited via some grapevine to 20% of other Thais even a 100 KM away.

Keep in mind that when I went to a bar and eventually took a bar girl, this was the very first time I had been in Thailand, the first time in any sort of bar in Thailand, and when I checked out the curtain hotel, I had never been in a ST hotel of any sort anywhere. It did cater to Thais only has they had no English speaking staff.

So it's hard to know the more obscure customs. As in being claimed, or explaining the score, or whatever. No doubt speaking Thai would help, though I can see advantages to not speaking Thai. As in, no speakee English when someone doesn't want to acknowledge understanding.

As to farangs speaking Thai, I did run into a long term expat riding a real motorcycle / chopper who spoke a kind of sing song English / Thai mix, he was arguing with a office worker who he must have either wanted to date or dated before. She had been interested in me, didn't seem to like the expat, but it was all a little confusing for me. She had asked her English speaking manager to get my phone number and give me her number.

Along with a few other things , It all seems overly complicated for 5 days in that area, and made me think things can go south pretty quickly with this many moving parts.

Which is why I said, relationships are easy, getting out of them could be difficult.

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Yes but now you've been given some solid tips.

Very few TGs will actually follow through on their threats of physical violence or stitching you up as a drug dealer and whatnot, mostly just bluffing.

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Yes but now you've been given some solid tips.

Very few TGs will actually follow through on their threats of physical violence or stitching you up as a drug dealer and whatnot, mostly just bluffing.

threats of physical violence?

setting us up?


doesnt anyone check the mental health of their lovers, first?

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Exploitation (in various ways) is rife in Thailand (which is probably a whole other topic).

It is a perpetual (negative) cycle.

Then that (negative) perpetual cycle becomes normalised because most people hang out in the same circles.

Behaviours which are seen as offensive or distasteful etc in most countries, and which people would never dare to utter or practice openly, are soon seen as perfectly normal within certain enviroments.

The problem is these individuals then think its normal or acceptable everywhere in Thailand.

IE: Sitting in a coffee shop i overhear to decreped looking old men (looked like parts of their body might just flake off at any given moment) talking about rates of paying their hookers and discussing what they do (sexually). In a nice coffee shop. Get a grip gents..get a grip..

Hilarious to listen to two portly old men bitching the other night outside a well-known nightclub on Sukhumvit after a freelancer one of them had propositioned asked him for 3,000 THB.

I couldn't believe the disgusting things they were saying about her. All I could think was, "go and have a look in the MIRROR, man".

These boys were 25-30kgs overweight, double and triple chins, sweat patches and, although they weren't dirty, their clothes looked like they had been stitched by a chimp. A blind one at that.

Don't these guys realize that these girls have to be compensated for having fat, disgusting men all over their bodies?

So sad my people have to resort to these actions.

They must hate them selfs in the morning when looking in mirror after sex with these men. But put a fake smile on while they send money back home... Smh

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

It's a prostitute. Do you belive they love to have sex with a 25 year old farang? They do it for money. And would prefer to look at tv instead. Even if the man is 25

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threats of physical violence?

setting us up?


doesnt anyone check the mental health of their lovers, first?

Like everyone keeps telling you, you only scratched the surface here, and got off easy (so far).

Sure some are genuinely mentally ill, but tactics like this are executed by the perfectly sane as well, it's just ruthless pursuit of her objectives, as I said mostly bluff anyway.

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Judging by this thread, I don't think any of you have actually stayed in Thailand for any length of time.

You're babbling on like the idiots who have been here for a 2 week holiday and profess to know all.

Yeah yea. I'm sure I'm wrong and you are really all really experienced guys, but, it don't seem that way to me.

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threats of physical violence?

setting us up?


doesnt anyone check the mental health of their lovers, first?

Like everyone keeps telling you, you only scratched the surface here, and got off easy (so far).

Sure some are genuinely mentally ill, but tactics like this are executed by the perfectly sane as well, it's just ruthless pursuit of her objectives, as I said mostly bluff anyway.

I am back in florida a full week now, and it is the best weather I can remember.

Great for bicycling for cardio and sun, and for clearing the head, and introspection

I didnt encounter any of these crazy scenes while with the girl.

We maintained, while at her home, a typical suburban life, very similar to my life with my wife previously, in Floirida and LA.

Shopping together in the supermarket, discussing what would be for dinner, going to movies, watching movies at home, etc.

I fixed up her house the way I liked it, adding things I needed, and she appreciated, and also needed,


I dont know that I havent seen the best of it,

and I don't want to grab on to a greasy pole,

I also don't want to start over, as passion has a way of growing,

her line of work, kept her from fully letting go, always slightly guarded, but that could have also been the age difference,

whether or not she was making an :"investment" in me of her time, the first two months, I dont know, but she wasnt working, she wasnt asking me for money, and I wasnt giving her any money, just buying a blouse or a pair of jeans, shoes, etc., while we were shopping for me, who came with 3 days of clothes, for a 6 month trip,

when I asked her how much money she had in the bank, and could she afford to stay with me without working, it was then I learned she was behind on her mortgage, thats when I moved in with her, and took care of the bills going forward. It was still less than I was paying for a condo and walking to eat, alone, in the heat

Other than ince in Chaing Mai when a group of Anglo drunken fools stomped on another anglo fool, I didnt evem see any Thai's raise their voices or have an argument.

I also did not frequent bars in Bangkok much, other than the Dubliner, for the lamb shank and Titanium for the music.

Titanium was where I saw the more expensive, but still ugly and not petite darker female thai's who were willing to sit on laps and have their asses fondled publicly by anglos, but, we left because it was too loud, and I didnt like being in places where I felt if I went to the toilet, some farange would be hitting on my girl. That happened once or twice in Chaing Mai where every anglo considers every thai female to be a working girl,

but the thai's treated us very very well together, and made me feel very, very comfortable, in every situation

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does that mean, abortion, versus no parental father, or marriage and two more kids in an attempt to have a real family?

no one will fault you,

you have years to go mand many miles before you sleep now.

you will need your youth, I already know I am passed that,

you are only in the middle, and with the thai culture against you, but not them

nobody was planned.....choice made with 1st born in favour of life....the next 2 were unplanned 2....forgotten....if u get it.

you mean, not planned by you?

I can see thier desire for kids,

the girl I was with stopped taking birth control within a month of getting together.

I said nothing, but counted the days between periods, quietly

And you didn't use condoms or?

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Yes but now you've been given some solid tips.

Very few TGs will actually follow through on their threats of physical violence or stitching you up as a drug dealer and whatnot, mostly just bluffing.

Didn't have anyone threaten physical violence, some nasty text msgs. The one bar girl I was with did show me a gun shot wound she had, but she said she shot herself to make a point to her father. That was as far as my limited understanding of what she was saying, she never threatened me.

But since you have a lot of experience with this area of Thailand, something very odd did happen during that first week on my own. it's a long story about how it got to where something odd happened, but here is the odd thing.

I was in this hotel room late at night with two TGs and their mamasan. Then the leader took my picture, which prompted me to take their picture as well, which they really didn't like.

Taking my pic didn't seem like a good thing, but I was puzzled in general what they were up to? What do you think?

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but here is the odd thing.

I was in this hotel room late at night with two TGs and their mamasan. Then the leader took my picture, which prompted me to take their picture as well, which they really didn't like.

Taking my pic didn't seem like a good thing, but I was puzzled in general what they were up to? What do you think?

Any chance underage, blackmail scam?

Maybe she didn't trust you and wanted to be able to track you down if you stole or damaged the goods.

Or they're building a scrapbook, aide-memoire for your future trips.

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Asian women more on control type, you movement 'What time you will back tonight?' ' Who you go out with?' ' Buy something back? ' etc westerner are more on easy going for the sake of the children you have over come these difficulties.

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That the accumulation of assets and money is the most important thing in the world.

..Oops farangs are the same! Including me.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

After 50,

it isnt about that at all

Because they cannot work in a bar?

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Asian women more on control type, you movement 'What time you will back tonight?' ' Who you go out with?' ' Buy something back? ' etc westerner are more on easy going for the sake of the children you have over come these difficulties.

Im not suprised though. Think about it. In the "west" men are less likely to be able to pop into some dodgy massage joint or a "girly bar" (aka brothel), due to ..i dunno, opportunity? Cost? Availability? Pick one. Probably all. This in turn breeds a bit more security for women in general.

If you guys were living in a country where the roles were reversed, maybe you would be asking those kinds of questions too.

In Thailand i think partners probably need a bit more reasurrance than in other countries.

Of course, once trust is established, i think those kinds of questions should die down..however, i imagine doubt and concern will often rear its ugly head none-the-less.

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Or you just accept that your fellow popping out to the bj bar at lunchtime to get his knob polished doesn't in any way imply he loves you any less nor does it threaten your relationship if it's a good one.

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Or you just accept that your fellow popping out to the bj bar at lunchtime to get his knob polished doesn't in any way imply he loves you any less nor does it threaten your relationship if it's a good one.

Whats the point though? Unless your sex life at home is zero, or rubbish.

If you have a decent sex life, whats the point in having one rubbed out..?

Or are you saying you are horny 24/7 and no woman can keep up or something.

Or just plain lazy and its easier to sit back?

Tbh, i think guys who have one rubbed out at the local massage parlor (if they have partners) are short changing their partners. Because chances are, they arent going to be great in bed if they are lazy assed sods who just lie there for a rub and tug..and chances are they will end up with little desire to make any effort when their partners would like a bit of action at home together.

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Or you just accept that your fellow popping out to the bj bar at lunchtime to get his knob polished doesn't in any way imply he loves you any less nor does it threaten your relationship if it's a good one.

Ok..lets play devils advocate anyway.

Do you think then that most guys wouldnt mind if their female parters went out to have a male masseuse give them a happy ending?

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Speaking for myself only, of course no problem, fair's fair, all my partners have been free to play for ten years now.

Even steady full-on relationships are fine, as long as everyone knows what's going on, no scamming or lying, give reasonable notice if it looks like that one's going to be become the main one for her and so on.

Guys that lie and cheat and expect their women to be faithful IMO are lowest of the low.

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..but i am sure you will agree that most men who think its fair game for them to lie and cheat, would go ape shit if their partner was doing the same.
Hypocritical...and pretty typical in Thailand.

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Whats the point though? Unless your sex life at home is zero, or rubbish.

If you have a decent sex life, whats the point in having one rubbed out..?

Or are you saying you are horny 24/7 and no woman can keep up or something.

Or just plain lazy and its easier to sit back?

Tbh, i think guys who have one rubbed out at the local massage parlor (if they have partners) are short changing their partners. Because chances are, they arent going to be great in bed if they are lazy assed sods who just lie there for a rub and tug..and chances are they will end up with little desire to make any effort when their partners would like a bit of action at home together.

I do think that is maybe one - evolved/biological? - male/female difference.

I for one absolutely require VARIETY. No matter how hot and enthusiastic an at-home SO may be, it just gets boring after a while. Don't get me wrong, the sex-as-fun part is COMPLETELY separate from the romantic/spiritual/companionship/friendship/partner aspects of the relationship, so I'm not saying I'm bored with her. But yes, need that excitement of the hunt, acquiring new partners, the thrill inherent in someone new.

And I certainly do my best to uphold my side and make her happy, even when it's more or less a pay for play arrangement. But as I said if I don't hold up my end in that regard she's more than free to go out and seek her own extracurricular boy toys.

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..but i am sure you will agree that most men who think its fair game for them to lie and cheat, would go ape shit if their partner was doing the same.

Hypocritical...and pretty typical in Thailand.

Thailand not attracts many men with basic and acceptable EQ levels.

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..but i am sure you will agree that most men who think its fair game for them to lie and cheat, would go ape shit if their partner was doing the same.

Hypocritical...and pretty typical in Thailand.

Lots of people lie and steal and deal drugs and even engage in violence toward their fellow humans

Don't condone it and more importantly don't see it as relevant to talking about our specific beliefs and behavior nor about our morality/ethics as abstract ideals.

And all over the world. Not a farang vs Thai thing at all IMO.

Edit - but yes, in reaction to the "Thai women try to be more controlling" comment, of course it's justified here, in fact I'd say it's just that they understand the nature of men more than women do back home, who usually bury their head in the sand until it's too late - assume "my man's different", and then B&M about betrayal.

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Or you just accept that your fellow popping out to the bj bar at lunchtime to get his knob polished doesn't in any way imply he loves you any less nor does it threaten your relationship if it's a good one.

Whats the point though? Unless your sex life at home is zero, or rubbish.

If you have a decent sex life, whats the point in having one rubbed out..?

Or are you saying you are horny 24/7 and no woman can keep up or something.

Or just plain lazy and its easier to sit back?

Tbh, i think guys who have one rubbed out at the local massage parlor (if they have partners) are short changing their partners. Because chances are, they arent going to be great in bed if they are lazy assed sods who just lie there for a rub and tug..and chances are they will end up with little desire to make any effort when their partners would like a bit of action at home together.

Spot on.

In order to get what you want at home, you need to work on it, at home.

Every female knows when a man cheats; nearly, every time.

they are not stupid and have senses we will never understand

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